Look, a Superfast iPhone-Powered M&M Sorting Machine

We have seen plenty of machines sort M&Ms or Skittle by color, but this new design posted over at Review My Life takes a clever new approach to sort the candies even quicker.

M&M sorters come in lots of designed but as RML points out they all basically work the same way. The candies travel down a shoot, their color is determined by a sensor, and then an Arduino-powered servo motor to drop the candy in the right bin. Servo motors and the Arduino color sensor are both quite slow, so the inventor tries to improve these bottlenecks.

The components are replaced with an iPhone camera, to read the color of the candy, and an array of electromagnet-powered gates, which do the actual physical sorting.

But I don’t stop the M&M for colour recognition. Instead I use an iPhone to capture the colour of the M&M as it is in freefall. As it is still falling the iPhone talks to a Bluetooth module attached to an Arduino and that fires off the correct electro magnet controlled gate. This sends the M&M into the correct pot. Even my rough prototype is reasonably fast because the colour recognition and path that the M&M takes down the chute is decided and determined whilst the M&M is moving under gravity.

In fairness, the prototype doesn’t appear to sort that much faster than the machines we’ve seen before, but you have to admire the creativity of the design. With a little refinement, this machine could by the blazing glory of candy sorters. [Review My Life]

via Gizmodo
Look, a Superfast iPhone-Powered M&M Sorting Machine

The secret engine technology that made the SR-71 the fastest plane ever

The secret engine technology that made the SR-71 the fastest plane ever

On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers flew the first airplane ever at 6.8 mph (10.9 km/h). Only 61 years and five days later, the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird took off. It’s still the world’s fastest airplane with a speed of 2,193 mph (3,530 km/h.) This fascinating video reveals how its top secret engine technology works.

The secret engine technology that made the SR-71 the fastest plane ever

A ground test of the Pratt & Whitney J58 engine’s afterburner at full power.

It’s truly amazing that only 61 years and five days separate this

The secret engine technology that made the SR-71 the fastest plane ever

from this:

The secret engine technology that made the SR-71 the fastest plane ever

And it’s even more unbelievable that we haven’t been able to top that 51 years later (it will be exactly 51 years tomorrow—the first flight occurred on December 22, 1963.) Absolutely incredible.

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

via Gizmodo
The secret engine technology that made the SR-71 the fastest plane ever

Give Your Mac a Voice-Activated Self Destruct Sequence

Give Your Mac a Voice-Activated Self Destruct Sequence

With Yosemite, you can create your own voice commands on your Mac using Automator. Blogger Jacob Salmela points out that if you like to live on the edge, you can make a voice activated self-destruct sequence.

All you need to do is set up an Automator action that runs a command like rm -rf / that deletes everything on your hard drive. Obviously, most of us don’t have any use for this, but if you’re worried and want an easy way to clear everything off your hard drive with a voice command, this is the way to do it.

Give Your Mac a Voice-Activated Self Destruct Command (Like Start Trek) | Jacob Salmela

via Lifehacker
Give Your Mac a Voice-Activated Self Destruct Sequence

Store UUID in an optimized way

A few years ago Peter Zaitsev, in a post titled “To UUID or not to UUID,” wrote: “There is timestamp based part in UUID which has similar properties to auto_increment and which could be used to have values generated at same point in time physically local in BTREE index.”For this post I’ve rearranged the timestamp part of UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) and did some benchmarks.Many people store UUID as char (36) and use as row identity value (PRIMARY KEY) because it is unique across every table, every database and every server and allow easy merging of records from different databases. But here comes the problem, using it as PRIMARY KEY causes the problems described below.Problems with UUIDUUID has 36 characters which makes it bulky.InnoDB stores data in the PRIMARY KEY order and all the secondary keys also contain PRIMARY KEY. So having UUID as PRIMARY KEY makes the index bigger which can not be fit into the memoryInserts are random and the data is scattered.Despite the problems with UUID, people still prefer it because it is UNIQUE across every table, can be generated anywhere. In this blog, I will explain how to store UUID in an efficient way by re-arranging timestamp part of UUID.Structure of UUIDMySQL uses UUID version 1 which is a 128-bit number represented by a utf8 string of five hexadecimal numbersThe first three numbers are generated from a timestamp.The fourth number preserves temporal uniqueness in case the timestamp value loses monotonicity (for example, due to daylight saving time).The fifth number is an IEEE 802 node number that provides spatial uniqueness. A random number is substituted if the latter is not available (for example, because the host computer has no Ethernet card, or we do not know how to find the hardware address of an interface on your operating system). In this case, spatial uniqueness cannot be guaranteed. Nevertheless, a collision should have very low probability.The timestamp is mapped as follows: When the timestamp has the (60 bit) hexadecimal value: 1d8eebc58e0a7d7. The following parts of the UUID are set:: 58e0a7d7-eebc-11d8-9669-0800200c9a66. The 1 before the most significant digits (in 11d8) of the timestamp indicates the UUID version, for time-based UUIDs this is 1.Fourth and Fifth parts would be mostly constant if it is generated from a single server. First three numbers are based on timestamp, so they will be monotonically increasing. Lets rearrange the total sequence making the UUID closer to sequential. This makes the inserts and recent data look up faster. Dashes (‘-‘) make no sense, so lets remove them. 58e0a7d7-eebc-11d8-9669-0800200c9a66 => 11d8eebc58e0a7d796690800200c9a66BenchmarkingI created created three tablesevents_uuid – UUID binary(16) PRIMARY KEYevents_int – Additional BIGINT auto increment column and made it as primary key and index on UUID columnevents_uuid_ordered – Rearranged UUID binary(16) as PRIMARY KEYI created three stored procedures which insert 25K random rows at a time into the respective tables. There are three more stored procedures which call the random insert-stored procedures in a loop and also calculate the time taken to insert 25K rows and data and index size after each loop. Totally I have inserted 25M records.Data Size Horizontal Axis – Number of inserts x 25,000 Vertical Axis – Data Size in MB The data size for UUID table is more than other two tables.Index Size Horizontal axis – Number of inserts x 25,000 Vertical axis – Index Size in MB Total Size Horizontal Axis – Number of inserts x 25,000 Vertical Axis – Total Size in MB Time taken Horizontal axis – Number of inserts x 25,000 Vertical axis – Time Taken in seconds For the table with UUID as PRIMARY KEY, you can notice that as the table grows big, the time taken to insert rows is increasing almost linearly. Whereas for other tables, the time taken is almost constant.The size of UUID table is almost 50% bigger than Ordered UUID table and 30% bigger than table with BIGINT as PRIMARY KEY. Comparing the Ordered UUID table BIGINT table, the time taken to insert rows and the size are almost same. But they may vary slightly based on the index structure.root@localhost:~# ls -lhtr /media/data/test/ | grep ibd
-rw-rw—- 1 mysql mysql  13G Jul 24 15:53 events_uuid_ordered.ibd
-rw-rw—- 1 mysql mysql  20G Jul 25 02:27 events_uuid.ibd
-rw-rw—- 1 mysql mysql  15G Jul 25 07:59 events_int.ibdTable Structure#1 events_int
CREATE TABLE `events_int` ( 
`count` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 
`id` binary(16) NOT NULL, 
`unit_id` binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, 
`event` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, 
`ref_url` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, 
`campaign_id` binary(16) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT ”, 
`unique_id` binary(16) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, 
`user_agent` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, 
`city` varchar(80) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, 
`country` varchar(80) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, 
`demand_partner_id` binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, 
`publisher_id` binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, 
`site_id` binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, 
`page_id` binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, 
`action_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, 
`impression` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL, 
`click` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL, 
`sold_impression` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL, 
`price` decimal(15,7) DEFAULT ‘0.0000000’, 
`actioned_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00′, 
`unique_ads` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, 
`notification_url` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, 
PRIMARY KEY (`count`), 
KEY `id` (`id`), 
KEY `index_events_on_actioned_at` (`actioned_at`), 
KEY `index_events_unit_demand_partner` (`unit_id`,`demand_partner_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
#2 events_uuid
CREATE TABLE `events_uuid` ( 
`id` binary(16) NOT NULL, 
`unit_id` binary(16) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`id`), 
KEY `index_events_on_actioned_at` (`actioned_at`), 
KEY `index_events_unit_demand_partner` (`unit_id`,`demand_partner_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
#3 events_uuid_ordered
CREATE TABLE `events_uuid_ordered` (  
`id` binary(16) NOT NULL,  
`unit_id` binary(16) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`id`),  
KEY `index_events_on_actioned_at` (`actioned_at`),  
KEY `index_events_unit_demand_partner` (`unit_id`,`demand_partner_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;Conclusions Create function to rearrange UUID fields and use itDELIMITER //
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `ordered_uuid`(uuid BINARY(36))
RETURN UNHEX(CONCAT(SUBSTR(uuid, 15, 4),SUBSTR(uuid, 10, 4),SUBSTR(uuid, 1, 8),SUBSTR(uuid, 20, 4),SUBSTR(uuid, 25)));
DELIMITER ;InsertsINSERT INTO events_uuid_ordered VALUES (ordered_uuid(uuid()),’1′,’M’,….);SelectsSELECT HEX(uuid),is_active,… FROM events_uuid_ordered ;Define UUID as binary(16) as binary does not have any character set Referenceshttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/miscellaneous-functions.html#function_uuidhttp://www.famkruithof.net/guid-uuid-timebased.htmlhttp://www.percona.com/blog/2007/03/13/to-uuid-or-not-to-uuid/http://blog.codinghorror.com/primary-keys-ids-versus-guids/ The post Store UUID in an optimized way appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.
via Planet MySQL
Store UUID in an optimized way

Video: How airplanes are made

Video: How airplanes are made

Building a commercial airplane is a monumental task. It takes around 4,000 really smart engineers over 7 years of planning to make one of those flying tubes with countless experts testing and re-testing each individual part (and there are 2.65 million parts in an Airbus A350). This video shows you how they make one.

There’s even a test that involves shooting ducks into the engine! Minute Physics toured Airbus’ facilities to bring you this fascinating video below:

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

via Gizmodo
Video: How airplanes are made

Watching this machine punching through metal = Total satisfaction

Watching this machine punching through metal = Total satisfaction

Behold the TRUMPF TruPunch 2020! I don’t know if the TRUMPF TruPunch 2020 is the best. I don’t know how much the TRUMPF TruPunch 2020 costs. Hell, I don’t know anything about the TRUMPF TruPunch 2020. Except watching it in action is a surprising source of inner satisfaction. Also, trumpf should be a verb.

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

via Gizmodo
Watching this machine punching through metal = Total satisfaction