This Awesome Video Shows Off The Scale Of The U.S. Military’s Arsenal

This Awesome Video Shows Off The Scale Of The U.S. Military's Arsenal

Want to see some of America’s weapons arsenal all lined up from smallest to largest? Watch this cool two-minute clip, which covers everything from a 1.25-inch bullet to 1000-plus foot aircraft carriers.

YouTuber MetaBallStudios put this “US Army Size Comparison” two-minute video together to give perspective on the size of America’s weapons. Sure, the video isn’t nearly all-encompassing, and not everything in the video is technically an Army weapon, but it’s still cool to get an idea for the sheer scale of what’s in America’s military toolbox:

Despite having seen several in person, the size of that C-5 Galaxy never ceases to amaze me.

h/t: Popular Mechanics

via Gizmodo
This Awesome Video Shows Off The Scale Of The U.S. Military’s Arsenal