Shop-Vacs Versus Wasp Nests

The brave can kill a single wasp with a flip-flop or a rolled-up copy of Time. But only the foolish go after an entire nest this way. The central "design problem" with eradicating a wasp nest is that the executioner needs distance; thus chemical companies proudly announce their wasp sprays can reach distances of 20 feet, like bear spray.

But homeowners may not want to use chemicals, particularly if they’ve got children. And it seems silly that this weapon can be defeated by a simple breeze. Hence the following chemical-free method has become popular (at least on YouTube) among those who already own something meant to work over distances: Shop-Vacs with the standard 8′ hose. All it takes is a little ingenuity to get the nozzle up to the nest’s front door:

Safety tip: The National Park Ranger’s Association advises against using this method for bears.

via Core77
Shop-Vacs Versus Wasp Nests