Intel pledges money to train potential Navajo code writers

Earlier this year, Intel promised to make an effort to hire more women and minorities, and by the looks of things, the company’s making good on its word. Its latest move? Pledging $250,000 per year for three years to three Navajo Nation high schools in Arizona, in hopes of inspiring kids to become coders. Intel engineer Jolene Bengay (above) announced the company’s project during an event honoring the Navajo code talkers of World War II. "We know that if we’re really going to fill in the (talent) pipeline," said Intel’s Diversity initiative deputy director Barbara McAllister, "we need to aggressively address the gaps in that talent."​

The money will help support the Science Foundation Arizona’s "Code Talkers to Code Writers Initiative" and will be used to train teachers how to code, so they can teach their students in turn. Intel’s Native American employees will also be dropping by to help out, though probably not that often, as there are only 266 in the company.

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Source: USA Today

Tags: coding, diversity, intel, navajo

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Intel pledges money to train potential Navajo code writers