Our Favorite Images From NASA’s Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Earlier this week, NASA uploaded an incredible treasure trove of images to a new gallery on Flickr: unprocessed photographs from all of the manned Apollo missions. They represent an incredible look into what the astronauts saw on their missions to the moon.

NASA’s astronauts are known for taking some of the world’s best pictures, but this gallery is a chance to see the raw results: untouched and unprocessed pictures of space. They’re high-resolution images that are perfect for reprocessing.

You can check out the entire gallery here, but we’ve pulled out some of our favorites from the over 8,400 images:

Apollo 7

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

S-IVB stage during rendezvous maneuvers.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Rendezvous with the S-IVB stage.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Looking down into the clouds.

Apollo 8

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery


Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Lunar Surface.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Looking back on the way home.

Apollo 9

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Lunar Lander rendezvous and extraction.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Russell Schweickart’s EVA.

Apollo 10

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

The lunar surface.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Command Module Charlie Brown.

Apollo 11

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Buzz Aldrin on the ride out.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Neil Armstrong, shortly after landing.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Buzz Aldrin carrying sensors.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

LEM returning home.

Apollo 12

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Astronaut on the lunar surface.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Lunar surface

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery


Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Astronaut Alan Bean.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Earth on the ride out.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Lunar Module landing

Apollo 13

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Damaged parts.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Lunar Lander, unused.

Apollo 14

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Lunar EVA

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Commander Alan Shepherd Jr.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Lunar experiments

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery


Apollo 15

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery


Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Lunar mountains

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Astronaut and Lunar Rover

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Astronaut, LEM and Lunar Rover

Apollo 16

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Astronaut Thomas Mattingly

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Commander John Young

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery


Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery


Apollo 17

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Commander Gene Cernan

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Commander Eugene Cernan during Lunar EVA

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Pilot Ron Evans retrieving film canisters.

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Command Module

Our Favorite Images From NASA's Incredible New Apollo Gallery

Cernan, post EVA.


Photo Credits: NASA

via Gizmodo
Our Favorite Images From NASA’s Incredible New Apollo Gallery