Dead and Deader: The Insane History Of Deadpool

Almost everyone and their blind old grandmothers with guy names seem to be in love with Deadpool now. And who can rightfully blame them? The movie did a fantastic job of capturing the humor and madness of the comic book perfectly and brought it to new heights. But for all you fair weather friends of Deadpool, what do you REALLY know about the merc with the mouth? You see, there is a lot more to Deadpool than just what we saw on the screen. Truth is, his origin is more twisted than even a R-rated movie could capture. But you know who have it down? Looper, who made the video below.

As fantastic as the movie was, there were some aspects of the Deadpool story that clearly had to be omitted or left on the cutting room floor for various reasons. This video sort of assumes you are a fan of Deadpool through the recent movie and fills all the holes in between.

It also gives the reader some more key Deadpool 411 that may need to be carried over to his next cinematic outings (which we all know are coming, one already confirmed). It is just so sad Bea Arthur is not alive to see her soulmate shining so brightly right now. But you know she’s smiling down on him from heaven. He asked me to include this video as proof:

via Forever Geek
Dead and Deader: The Insane History Of Deadpool