Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) 1.10.0 Is Now Available

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) 1.10.0 Is Now Available

and  | April 20, 2018 | 
Posted In: Amazon RDS, AWS, Database Monitoring, Events and Announcements, MongoDB, MySQL, Percona Monitoring and Management, Percona Server for MongoDB, Percona Server for MySQL, PMM

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a free and open-source platform for managing and monitoring MySQL® and MongoDB® performance. You can run PMM in your own environment for maximum security and reliability. It provides thorough time-based analysis for MySQL® and MongoDB® servers to ensure that your data works as efficiently as possible.

Percona Monitoring and ManagementWe focused mainly on two features in 1.10.0, but there are also several notable improvements worth highlighting:

  • Annotations – Record and display Application Events as Annotations using pmm-admin annotate
  • Grafana 5.0 – Improved visualization effects
  • Switching between Dashboards – Restored functionality to preserve host when switching dashboards
  • New Percona XtraDB Cluster Overview graphs – Added Galera Replication Latency graphs on Percona XtraDB Cluster Overview dashboard with consistent colors

The issues in the release include four new features & improvements, and eight bugs fixed.


Application events are one of the contributors to changes in database performance characteristics, and in this release PMM now supports receiving events and displaying them as Annotations using the new command pmm-admin annotate. A recent Percona survey reveals that Database and DevOps Engineers highly value visibility into the Application layer.  By displaying Application Events on top of your PMM graphs, Engineers can now correlate Application Events (common cases: Application Deploys, Outages, and Upgrades) against Database and System level metric changes.


For example, you have just completed an Application deployment to version 1.2, which is relevant to UI only, so you want to set tags for the version and interface impacted:

Using the optional --tags allows you to filter which Annotations are displayed on the dashboard via a toggle option.  Read more about Annotations utilization in the Documentation.

Grafana 5.0

We’re extremely pleased to see Grafana ship 5.0 and we were fortunate enough to be at Grafanacon, including Percona’s very own Dimitri Vanoverbeke (Dim0) who presented What we Learned Integrating Grafana and Prometheus!

Included in Grafana 5.0 are a number of dramatic improvements, which in future Percona Monitoring and Management releases we plan to extend our usage of each feature, and the one we like best is the virtually unlimited way you can size and shape graphs.  No longer are you bound by panel constraints to keep all objects at the same fixed height!  This improvement indirectly addresses the visualization error in PMM Server where some graphs would appear to be on two lines and ended up wasting screen space.

Switching between Dashboards

PMM now allows you to navigate between dashboards while maintaining the same host under observation, so that for example you can start on MySQL Overview looking at host serverA, switch to MySQL InnoDB Advanced dashboard and continue looking at serverA, thus saving you a few clicks in the interface.

New Percona XtraDB Cluster Galera Replication Latency Graphs

We have added new Percona XtraDB Cluster Replication Latency graphs on our Percona XtraDB Cluster Galera Cluster Overview dashboard so that you can compare latency across all members in a cluster in one view.

Issues in this release

New Features & Improvements

  • PMM-2330Application Annotations DOC Update
  • PMM-2332Grafana 5 DOC Update
  • PMM-2293Add Galera Replication Latency Graph to Dashboard PXC/Galera Cluster Overview RC Ready
  • PMM-2295Improve color selection on Dashboard PXC/Galera Cluster Overview RC Ready

Bugs fixed

  • PMM-2311Fix misalignment in Query Analytics Metrics table RC Ready
  • PMM-2341Typo in text on password page of OVF RC Ready
  • PMM-2359Trim leading and trailing whitespaces for all fields on AWS/OVF Installation wizard RC Ready
  • PMM-2360Include a “What’s new?” link for Update widget RC Ready
  • PMM-2346Arithmetic on InnoDB AHI Graphs are invalid DOC Update
  • PMM-2364QPS are wrong in QAN RC Ready
  • PMM-2388Query Analytics does not render fingerprint section in some cases DOC Update
  • PMM-2371Pass host when switching between Dashboards

How to get PMM

PMM is available for installation using three methods:

Help us improve our software quality by reporting any Percona Monitoring and Management bugs you encounter using our bug tracking system.

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Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) 1.10.0 Is Now Available