The Latest Shazam TV Spot is Chock Full of New Footage

Shazam is definitely, really, absolutely an adult. Legally. Yes.
Image: Warner Bros.

This kid is about to become a super man.

In the latest TV spot for Shazam, young Billy Batson is doing the things any kid would do if he was granted super powers that transformed him into a magically gifted adult man. He’s flying! He’s transforming! He’s trying to buy a super lair! And he’s buying beer. Or trying to, anyways. I doubt Shazam’s costume comes with an ID.

It looks like an incredibly fun time, an offbeat sort of childish humor in tension both with grimdark superheroism and the snarkfest of the MCU. I’m sold. This is charming. Kid heroes are the best.

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via Gizmodo
The Latest Shazam TV Spot is Chock Full of New Footage