Dude Sets Off Pikachu Firework Inside House, Cries for His Mama When He Realizes It Was a Stupid Idea


The 4th of July is a time for setting off fireworks from July 1 until July 9 or so. Outside. In an unenclosed space. Because fireworks are what we call "flammable." When you light something with a flame, that flame burns a string, and the string sets off an explosive, all three of those things are caused by fire. That’s why you light fireworks OUTSIDE! Do you feel me?

One Twitch streamer was unaware of how fire, incidentally devices, and hot things worked. So he lit a Pikachu explosive on his bed. The Pikachu was embarrassing enough, but the ensuing reaction gives us an epic fail not seen since some dude’s cat attacked him over voting rights. Shout out to Not the Bee.

His mother was NOT amused. And if the dude shut off his live stream as his mother asked, it would have saved him the embarrassment of being screamed at by her.

Or the embarrassment of the fire department needing to show up.

The real shame is that had he set off Pikachu outside, it would have looked sick. It’s not like they don’t make vlogging tripods that allow you to stream outside. It’s every third Instagram advertisement. Maybe invest in some mobile equipment instead of setting your bedroom on fire.

That’s at least if the dude is still allowed to live stream after this unfortunate occurrence. If it was my mother, I’d have the internet taken away until I thought about what I did.

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Laravel DB Sync


Laravel DB Sync

DB Dync


Sync remote database to a local database

A word of warning you should only sync a remote database into a local database if you have permission to do so within your organisation’s policies. I’m syncing during early phases of development where the data is largely test data and not actual customer data.

Connection can be made over SSH or using a remote MySQL connection.


Install the package.

composer require dcblogdev/laravel-db-sync


You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dcblogdev\DbSync\DbSyncServiceProvider" --tag="config"


Set the remote database credentials in your .env file

When using SSH Add:




For only MySQL remote connections:



Set a comma seperate list of tables NOT to export in REMOTE_DATABASE_IGNORE_TABLES


To export a remote database to OVERRIDE your local database by running:

php artisan db:production-sync

Laravel News Links

Happy Independence Day 2022


Yep, no doubt about it, this year I keep thinking about the words of Benjamin Franklin “A Republic if you can keep it” in response to being asked what kind of government had been established for the new formed United States.

So, since I have veggie hot dogs to grill I’ve just got a few thoughts for today. Some snarky, some serious, some funny. Sort of like a family potluck.

First, encouraging words from President Puddin’ Head



Typical Biden

Let’s try that again

The founding of our nation wasn’t a joke though, men and women of valor fought very hard to give us the freedom that people are squandering and taking for granted.

The Signers of the Declaration of Independence

And because of their vision, hard work and sacrifice we, have a chance to strive to be uncommon.

The American’s Creed

But the signers knew what they were doing, they knew the formula that would be needed in the future to preserve the freedom that tyrants always seek to snatch away.

Mere peasants?
Independence Day-brought to you by firearms

And I will leave you with this video of the history of the Star Spangled Banner. I didn’t get a Puffs warning, but I’m saying it might be good to have one close by.

Happy Birthday beloved America

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