Seven Tips to Learn Laravel More Effectively

When it comes to creating online apps, Laravel is a go-to PHP framework. It has many vital features that allow developers to construct websites quickly and easily. It’s also highly fluid, user-friendly, and simple to pick up and grasp and put into practice. 

Many resources are available to assist you in learning Laravel as the community grows. What’s more, how do you decide which is the best? Is there a method of learning that is more suited to your needs?

Here are seven tips to learn Lavarel more efficiently. 

Start with Official Documents

Laravel’s official documentation is a common initial step for novices. No offence to Laravel’s docs, but don’t get me wrong! Documentation writers often assume their audience is familiar with PHP and its associated technologies before they begin writing it.

Installation, for example, does not simply consist of “download and install.” Composer, the terminal, the command line, and setting up a Web server are all necessary skills.

Learn About Different Systems

Secondly, familiarize yourself with the Modal, View, & Controller (MVC) architecture before using Laravel. If you don’t know MVC, you won’t grasp Laravel and its terminology.

Work on Composer

Composer is a PHP dependency management; learn how to utilize it. There is no need to keep track of every one of the libraries and dependencies necessary for the project. To get started with Laravel, you’ll first need to have Composer installed and then install some of its dependencies on your own.

Use Different Sources

One of the most common questions is, “How do I get started?” People’s preferences differ from one another. Reading books or watching instructional videos are two standard learning methods, and each has its pros and cons. Both options are good.

However, it would help if you were on the lookout for anything with good structure and stability. The results you’re looking for won’t come from YouTube or some other random source. Writing consistency is essential. If you don’t, you risk becoming lost and not following through with the rest of the classes.

Also Read: Top 10 reasons to choose Laravel

Try Routing

The core of every Laravel-based online application is routing. When users learn that Laravel does not automate HTTP queries, they panic. Routing in and out of HTTP requests is taken care of by Laravel’s routes file. Laravel’s routing mechanism may be understood if you are acquainted with HTTP techniques.

Focus on Creating

It is crucial to concentrate on creating rather than watching and reading videos if you want to be known in coding. Start coding as soon as possible. After you complete your session, I recommend practising the codes. Moreover, I suggest you take a test at the end of each chapter to improve your morale and help you identify areas of weakness.

Seek a Role Model

When you’re beginning to program, the most challenging part is figuring out how to fix things when they don’t function. Asking for assistance is the best course of action in this situation. Finding a deity who can aid you is essential!

To locate a mentor, where should you look? In both your natural and online social circles. They’ll be more than delighted to assist you if they’re not too busy and your query isn’t ridiculous. See if you can track down the person you’re looking for and then send them a note.

Laravel News Links

MySQL: Selecting random rows

Given a table named tbl with one million entries, we want to select a random row from this table, fast.
Our table definition looks like this:

create table tbl (

Dense id space

We can generate some test data using a recursive CTE:

mysql> set cte_max_recursion_depth = 100000;
mysql> insert into tbl  -> with recursive c(n, u) as (
 -> select 1, uuid()  -> union all
 -> select n+1, uuid() from c where n < 100000
 -> ) select * from c ;

The Recursive CTE will generate 100k pairs of (number, uuid()).
The initial row is defined in the upper row of the UNION, each subsequent row builds recursively on top of that, by simply counting up.

Since we generate all the values in one transaction, the uuid() is actually static.
That is, because inside a transaction time stops, and the uuid is internally time-based.

Since the id-space is free of gaps, we have rng many numbers between min(id) as min and max(id) as max.
Using the index on id, we can simply generate a random number between these boundaries and select the row.

mysql> select min(id), max(id) into @min, @max from tbl;
mysql> select @max-@min+1 into @rng;

mysql> select * from tbl where id = floor(rand() * @rng) + @min;
| id | d |
| 79720 | 13b94bdf-bc1c-11ed-9c65-08606ee5ff82 |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)

mysql> select * from tbl where id = floor(rand() * @rng) + @min;
| id | d |
| 28379 | 13b64d6a-bc1c-11ed-9c65-08606ee5ff82 |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)

Gaps, and we don’t care

If our table has gaps, and we do not care, we can simply move to an inequality and work with that:

mysql> select floor(rand() * @rng) + @min into @val;

mysql> > select @val, tbl.* from tbl where id >= @val limit 1;
| @val | id | d |
| 46346 | 46346 | 13b74a19-bc1c-11ed-9c65-08606ee5ff82 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from tbl where id % 2 = 0;
Query OK, 50000 rows affected (0.71 sec)

mysql> select @val, tbl.* from tbl where id
>= @val limit 1;
| @val | id | d |
| 46346 | 46347 | 13b74a1c-bc1c-11ed-9c65-08606ee5ff82 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Generating truly random rows

Using Python, we can generate truly random rows.

def generate(count = 1000000):
 """ Generate some test data """
 sqlcmd = "insert into tbl (id, d) values ( %(id)s, %(d)s )"

 # ID values with a step of 100, in random order
  # this ues a lot of memory to materialize the list
 id_list = [ i for i in range(0, count * 100, 100 )]
 # but if we want to shuffle, we have hardly any other option 

 counter = 0
 data = []

 # Write them out, in batches of 1000.
 for i in id_list:
 item = {"id": i, "d": uuid.uuid4()}
 counter += 1

 if (counter % 1000) == 0:
 c = db.cursor()
 c.executemany(sqlcmd, data)
 except MySQLdb.Error as e:
 print(f"MySQL Error: {e}", file=sys.stderr)

 data = []


and that yields

mysql> select * from tbl limit 10;
| id | d |
| 720800 | d6aba075-d30c-4159-a3f9-67e23ac5674e |
| 2548500 | 18fccfa2-4fc6-4642-861b-4c98314cd6f1 |
| 86144900 | e5a58428-c5e1-4a32-a009-88b5877348bf |
| 88949600 | fabbce25-221e-41d3-97e4-8cfa6bdc4816 |
| 18642300 | 6df95b85-0d49-487c-98b0-548980479e16 |
| 59352400 | 4dfa8a3c-95e7-41b6-83f4-1f1c9f647ecd |
| 11149400 | 60d19e1f-1bca-41d2-93a6-1f9af585bbd4 |
| 37822800 | eebeafd8-b08a-483d-88a5-f779de5d6888 |
| 88126400 | 04c4d0ed-ba7c-456f-ac8c-a72448f38621 |
| 65363500 | 876794c9-b3b5-4cda-9acd-dacb4f5a9419 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

If we had defined the table with a primary key, InnoDB would have kept the data in primary key order – sorted by id.
Since we did not, the output is kept in generative order.

Window functions do not help us here

We can generate row numbers, using window functions:

mysql> select tbl.*, row_number() over () as r from tbl limit 10;
| id | d | r |
| 720800 | d6aba075-d30c-4159-a3f9-67e23ac5674e | 1 |
| 2548500 | 18fccfa2-4fc6-4642-861b-4c98314cd6f1 | 2 |
| 86144900 | e5a58428-c5e1-4a32-a009-88b5877348bf | 3 |
| 88949600 | fabbce25-221e-41d3-97e4-8cfa6bdc4816 | 4 |
| 18642300 | 6df95b85-0d49-487c-98b0-548980479e16 | 5 |
| 59352400 | 4dfa8a3c-95e7-41b6-83f4-1f1c9f647ecd | 6 |
| 11149400 | 60d19e1f-1bca-41d2-93a6-1f9af585bbd4 | 7 |
| 37822800 | eebeafd8-b08a-483d-88a5-f779de5d6888 | 8 |
| 88126400 | 04c4d0ed-ba7c-456f-ac8c-a72448f38621 | 9 |
| 65363500 | 876794c9-b3b5-4cda-9acd-dacb4f5a9419 | 10 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

But since they are generated on the fly, they are not an efficient way to select a random row:
We cannot use Window functions in any interesting context, and using them in a subquery basically forces the database to materialize all the rows before the one we are interested in.
So this is slow:

mysql> select tbl.*, row_number() over () as r from tbl where r = 192383;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'r' in 'where clause'

mysql> select tbl.*, row_number() over () as r from tbl where row_number() over () = 192383;
ERROR 3593 (HY000): You cannot use the window function 'row_number' in this context.

mysql> select tbl.*, row_number() over () as r from tbl having r = 192383;
ERROR 3594 (HY000): You cannot use the alias 'r' of an expression containing a window function in this context.

mysql> select * from ( select tbl.*, row_number() over () as r from tbl ) as t where r = 192383;
| id | d | r |
| 85856500 | 17e04a8a-95e5-4f5f-8aa2-597c2d37dd43 | 192383 |
1 row in set (4.58 sec)

Selecting randomly from tables with gaps

Without continuous ids, and without a row count we cannot easily select the “n-th record” from a table.
So the best we can do is to select all id-values, and shuffle them, then choose the first row from the shuffle:

mysql> select id from tbl order by rand() limit 1;
| id |
| 64527400 |
1 row in set (0.86 sec)

We can turn this into a full row with a join with almost no cost:

mysql> select * from tbl as t1  -> join (
 -> select id from tbl order by rand() limit 1
 -> ) as t2 on =;
| id | d | id |
| 24765800 | dcabd753-a357-4f38-a255-e81b0675654f | 24765800 |
1 row in set (0.82 sec)

Consuming rows

In the previous examples, we have been re-ordering the table randomly for each access (or group of accesses).
The shuffle has not been made persistent.

Often, the problem is not to select a random row, but to consume rows in random order.
We can store a random number with each row, and then use this as an (indexed) ordering key.
Using the knowledge from
the queueing article
we can select the item with the highest ordering value, lock it for consumption, retrieve it and delete it.

The idea is to add a column ordering to our table, indexed for fast access.
The ordering value is assigned randomly.
Here, we are creating the values after the fact in batch for one million entries, but in a system you would probably do that for each item as you write the item.

mysql> alter table tbl add column ordering double, add index(ordering);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (20.18 sec)
Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

mysql> update tbl set ordering = rand();
Query OK, 1000000 rows affected (1 min 8.27 sec)
Rows matched: 1000000 Changed: 1000000 Warnings: 0

To consume a random row, we start a transaction, select the row we want, using FOR UPDATE and SKIP LOCKED, and then delete it.


-- Two rows with the same ordering value may exist.
-- We can distinguish them by id, and can process one or both of them.
-- If another process has a lock on the topmost row, we will get zero results
-- due to the use of SKIP LOCKED.
mysql> select * from tbl where ordering = (select max(ordering) from tbl) for update skip locked;
| id | d | ordering |
| 31106100 | dc12e901-64a0-45a1-8f2e-dee93e3c8ab9 | 0.9999995017424221 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from tbl where id = 31106100;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> commit;
<actual processing outside of the transaction>

Here, the inner query determines the maximum “ordering” value, which is fast due to the index.
We make use of that value to fetch “a row”.
Nothing prevents multiple rows from matching, so we may get one or more rows.
We take the first (or all values), process it, and delete the processed rows, then commit.

Because we use FOR UPDATE, each row we select will also be exclusively locked, so other consumers cannot touch them.
Because of the SKIP LOCKED, other consumers will not be hanging on locked rows.
Instead, they will simply not see locked rows, so our query may actually even return zero rows in a concurrent context.

Alternatively, you do not strictly process items in order, and want to process them “roughly” in order, but be able to leverage multiple consumers.
A query such as the one below selects one or more items to process (locking them), so that they can be picked up for processing and deleted.

mysql> start transaction read write;

-- This is the first UNLOCKED row available for processing.
-- Another process may have a lock on another row with an even larger ordering value,
-- but thanks to SKIP LOCKED, we will not see that. mysql> select * from tbl order by ordering desc limit 1 for update skip locked;
| id | d | ordering |
| 68998800 | bcf7cca2-076d-444b-922b-ae064a1c49a8 | 0.9999983534216865 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from tbl where id = 68998800;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> commit;

<actual processing outside of the transaction>

For scalability, it is important to keep the interval between START TRANSACTION and COMMIT as short as possible.
Therefore, it is advisable to keep the actual item processing outside the transaction.

Because we do not need to shuffle things each time when we access things, this is actually much faster than “selecting a random row”.

Planet MySQL

Plastic Cup Machine

Plastic Cup Machine


Disposable plastic cups aren’t exactly the best thing for the environment. Still, it’s interesting to see how they’re made. This factory machine takes rolls of plastic and uses a vacuum and heat to thermoform thousands of cups an hour. After it spits out cups, spinning brushes sort them into rows for stacking and packaging.

The Awesomer

Laravel DataMigrator Package

Data Migrator

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Data Migrator is a PHP/Laravel package that helps you migrate data from one model to another, even if they have
It’s especially useful when you’re migrating data between models with different database schemas.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require oguzhankrcb/datamigrator


Transforming Data

To transform data from one model to another, use the transformData method. This method takes two arrays:
$toModelPrototype and $fromModel.

$toModelPrototype should be an array that describes the structure of the new model, with the keys being the names of
new fields, and the values being the names of the fields from the old model that the new fields should be based on. For

$toModelPrototype = [
    'id'         => '[id]',
    'unique_id'  => '[]',
    'name'       => '[data->name]',
    'categories' => [
        'first_category'  => '[data->categories->category_2]',
        'second_category' => '[data->categories->category_3]',
    'alias_with_item_code' => '[data->alias][data->item->code]',
    'alias'                => '[data->alias]',
    'item_code'            => '[data->item->code]',
    'status'               => '[data->status]',

$fromModel should be an array that represents a single row of data from the old model, with the keys being the names
of the fields from the old model, and the values being the actual values.
For example:

$fromModel = [
    'id'            => 1,
    'unique_number' => 'lxAxmUlkfc',
    'data'          => [
        'name'       => 'John Doe',
        'alias'      => 'JD',
        'categories' => [
            'category_1' => 'Bronze',
            'category_2' => 'Silver',
            'category_3' => 'Gold',
        'item' => [
            'code' => 196854,
        'status' => true,

Here’s an example of how to use transformData:

use Oguzhankrcb\DataMigrator\Facades\DataMigrator;

$newData = DataMigrator::transformData($toModelPrototype, $fromModel);

The $newData array will contain the transformed data, with the keys being the names of the new fields, and the values
being the corresponding values from the old model.

Output Example:

    'id'         => 1,
    'unique_id'  => 'lxAxmUlkfc1',
    'name'       => 'John Doe',
    'categories' => [
        'first_category'  => 'Silver',
        'second_category' => 'Gold',
    'alias_with_item_code' => 'JD196854',
    'alias'                => 'JD',
    'item_code'            => '196854',
    'status'               => true,

Transferring Data

To transfer all data from one model to another, use the transferAllDataFromModelToModel method. This method takes
arguments: $transferToModel, $toModelPrototype, and $transferFromModel.

$transferToModel should be the fully qualified class name of the model you want to transfer the data to. For example:

$transferToModel = \App\Models\User::class;

$toModelPrototype should be the same array you used with transformData.

$transferFromModel should be the fully qualified class name of the model you want to transfer the data from. For

$transferFromModel = \App\Models\LegacyUser::class;

Here’s an example of how to use transferAllDataFromModelToModel:

use App\Models\Order;
use App\Models\Invoice;
use Oguzhankrcb\DataMigrator\Facades\DataMigrator;

// Define the fields to transfer from Order to Invoice
$toModelPrototype = [
    'invoice_number' => '[order_number]',
    'customer_name' => '[customer->name]',
    'customer_email' => '[customer->email]',
    'total_amount' => '[amount]',
    'total_amount_with_currency' => '[amount]€',

// Transfer the data from Order to Invoice
DataMigrator::transferAllDataFromModelToModel(Invoice::class, $toModelPrototype, Order::class);

In this example, we define the fields we want to transfer from the Order model to the Invoice model using the
$toModelPrototype array. Then we call the
transferAllDataFromModelToModel method, passing in the Invoice and Order models and the $toModelPrototype array.

This method will transfer all the data from the Order model to the Invoice model, creating a new Invoice model for
Order model in the database.

If you want to transfer only one model data to another model you can use transferDataModelToModel method
only difference from the transferAllDataFromModelToModel method is this method only transfers one model not all

Here’s an example of how to use transferDataModelToModel:

use App\Models\Order;
use App\Models\Invoice;
use Oguzhankrcb\DataMigrator\Facades\DataMigrator;

// Define the fields to transfer from Order to Invoice
$toModelPrototype = [
    'invoice_number' => '[order_number]',
    'customer_name' => '[customer->name]',
    'customer_email' => '[customer->email]',
    'total_amount' => '[amount]',
    'total_amount_with_currency' => '[amount]€',

$orderInstance = Order::find(1);

// Transfer the data from Order to Invoice
$transferedModel = DataMigrator::transferDataModelToModel(Invoice::class, $toModelPrototype, $orderInstance);



Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or issues,
please open a new issue or submit a pull request.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The DataMigrator package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.

Laravel News Links

How to Use the tee Command to Split Terminal Output on Linux

Linux lets you store the command output in files as a means of output redirection. When you save the output to a file using the > or >> operators, the output gets redirected with no information displayed on the terminal.

But what if you want to print the output on the screen and store it in a file simultaneously? Although you can’t do it with the output redirection operators, it is possible to do so using the tee command on Linux.

Basic Command Syntax

tee is a standard Linux utility used to split the output of a command between the standard output and files.

Unlike most Linux commands, tee is used with other programs using a pipe (|). The pipe operator—one of the many command-line operators on Linux—lets a program use another command’s output as its input. You might have used pipe while using grep alongside the ls command or cat.

The basic syntax of the tee command is:

 command | tee options filepath 

…where options and filepath are the command-line arguments and the path to the file you want to store the output in.

Split Terminal Output on Linux With tee

The simplest use of tee is to split the output to display it in the terminal as well as store it inside a file. For instance, to store the output of the ls command to a text file named “output.txt,” run:

 ls | tee ./output.txt 

The output will display the contents of the present working directory as usual. On checking the output.txt file, you’ll find that tee saved the output to the file as well.

When you specify a file path, tee checks if the file exists. If it doesn’t find one, it automatically creates the file for you, making it convenient for use in shell scripts. It is useful when you want to log the output of a program or script for later reference.

You’ll have to preface the tee command with sudo to read or store data to a file owned by the root user.

If the specified file has data stored inside that you don’t want to overwrite, use the -a flag to append the output to the file, instead of clearing the entire file and then saving the data:

 ls | tee -a ./output.txt 

Similarly, you can redirect the output to multiple files by specifying the paths, separated by single spaces:

 ls | tee ./output1.txt ./output2.txt 

Sometimes, unexpected errors or manual interruptions (using Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Z) in the former command can cause tee to quit. To ignore such interruptions, use the -i flag:

 ls | tee -i output.txt 

To get command-line help regarding tee or find the version details, use the –help and –version flags as follows:

 tee --help
tee --version

Redirecting the Output to Another Command

You can create an output chain by piping tee with other Linux commands. Doing so will save the output to the specified file and then pass it on to the next command for processing.

Use the following format to redirect tee’s output to another command:

 command | tee filepath | othercommand 

For example, the following command will save the ls command output to output.txt before finally redirecting it to grep for a quick search:

 ls | tee output.txt | grep "Documents" 

Overall, you can use the tee command to play around with the standard input and output on Linux.

Manipulating Output and Text With Linux Commands

The tee command adds much-needed functionality to the standard output redirection operators on Linux. You can even use it to manipulate the output of a command before passing it on to another program.

Similarly, you can modify text using the terminal with the help of some standard Linux commands. They might take some time to get used to, but in the end, text manipulation via the command line is worth learning for any system administrator.


An Ergonomic Aid for Lifting Heavy Pots and Pans

If you are young and able-bodied, you can take the form factor of the frying pan for granted. But if you’ve ever injured your wrist or simply have hit a certain age, lifting a heavy cast-iron pan loaded with food becomes a wildly unergonomic, even painful, task.

For this reason a company called Kitchinventions designed the Pan Buddy, a two-piece contraption made of heat-resistant nylon.

The first part slips over the handle of the pot or pan, loosely; the second part then screws down through the first part to make contact with the handle and hold everything fast. You can then lift the pan with a more ergonomic "handshake" alignment, easing the stress on your wrist. (As a bonus, it also obviates the need for additional heat protection from a cast-iron handle.)

I’d love it if the thing was more attractive, but it seems effective and is admittedly form follows function. They run $20 a pop.


WATCH: Russell Brand Drops Massive Big Pharma Redpills on Joe Rogan And It’s Absolutely Glorious

Russell Brand appeared on Joe Rogan today and took the opportunity to absolutely shred the healthcare establishment and mainstream media over the COVID pandemic. In case you didn’t know, Brand has mostly joined the based side since the start of the COVID craze. It seems that locking people in their homes for months on end and accusing them of killing grandma often has that effect on people.

Brand epically ranted about Big Pharma’s collusion with "science": "The rhetoric has become hysterical, and the horse medicine was the same. They had the option of saying look, we don’t know- there’s no evidence as yet if Ivermectin is effective in these spaces because no one’s trialing it, there’s no money in it, because science is a subset of Big Pharma."

And it is so true. He then moved on to natural immunity: "No one’s doing experiments into natural immunity because natural immunity is not profitable.No one’s doing – those experiments are not being underwritten. There’s no clinical trials for that. Because no one wants that data for Vitamin D, or for steroids, or for all of the things that came out as ultimately effective."

Brand must be a full-blown conspiracy theorist now because he’s making perfect sense. Which I’ve been told is the exact marking of a dangerous conspiracy theorist. And also probably a white supremacist.

But he wasn’t done. Oh no. He concluded by ripping into mainstream media, saying, "How can you expect to maintain the authority? How can you expect to sit behind those logos at CNN and MSNBC and claim that kind of piety and certainty?"

Brand mentioned how outraged these networks were at the slightest mention these drugs may be effective in treating COVID. Remember back when CNN smeared Joe Rogan as taking "horse dewormer" to treat his Ivermectin? And then Rogan publicly undressed CNN’s Sanjay Gupta over the network’s lies?

Good times. Kind of.

Louder With Crowder

Pistol Marksmanship: How to Fix 4 Common Trigger Mistakes

If you’re just getting started honing your pistol marksmanship, you may have noticed that your shots are grouping to one side of the bullseye or another. A small adjustment of your finger on the trigger will likely fix this issue and make your shots more accurate. 

The illustration above and instructions below apply to right-handed shooters. If you’re a southpaw, just flip things. 

Snatching. If your shots are grouping to the right, it likely means you have too much finger on the trigger. When you squeeze the trigger, it’s causing the sights and the barrel to shift to the right. 

Pushing. If you notice your shots are grouping to the left of where you’re aiming, it’s likely because you have too little of your finger on the trigger. When you squeeze the trigger, it’s causing the sights and the barrel to shift to the left. 

Heeling. If you notice your shots are grouping high, it likely means you’re anticipating the recoil from the shot and consequently driving the heel of your palm forward. This causes the barrel to shift up. One drill you can use to fix this is to have a friend load a magazine with a random assortment of live and dummy rounds. When you fire a dummy round, you won’t get the normal recoil and will be better able to see if you’re heeling and shifting up the barrel of the gun. Focus on keeping things even throughout the trigger squeeze. 

Jerking. If your shots are grouping low, it likely means you’re jerking the trigger instead of squeezing it. Abruptly jerking the trigger will cause the barrel to tip down. 

When you place your finger on the trigger, make sure the trigger sits on the middle of the first pad of your finger. And remember to squeeze or press the trigger straight back. Don’t pull. That will just cause you to jerk the pistol and disturb your sights. 

Keep these pointers in mind during your next session at the range, and your shot grouping may end up much more on target.

The post Pistol Marksmanship: How to Fix 4 Common Trigger Mistakes appeared first on The Art of Manliness.

The Art of Manliness