Death Star Architect Speaks Out, Defends Design of Exhaust Port

When you hear the term "starchitect" you think of a Gehry, a Graves, a Foster. But portmanteau aside, none of these men have ever designed anything that actually existed among the stars, in outer space. But the gentleman in the video below has.

This is the architect that won the commission to design the Death Star, the mobile battle station famously blown up in what was, depending on your politics, either a horrific tragedy or an act of victory. While any structure’s HVAC systems are typically key points of infiltration—Jack Bauer and John McClane always seem to be crawling around in them—the design of the exhaust ports on the Death Star drew extra-intense scrutiny after the station was destroyed. Here, the man responsible finally sets the record straight:

via Core77
Death Star Architect Speaks Out, Defends Design of Exhaust Port