The Best External Optical Drives for DVDs and Blu-rays
Modern laptops rarely include optical drives for CDs, DVDs, or Blu-rays, and music and video streaming services make it so you never need to play a disc if you don’t want to. But if you have decades’ worth of CDs, DVDs, or Blu-rays to watch, or home movies to archive, the Asus ZenDrive U9M is the best USB DVD burner, and LG’s BP60NB10 is the best Blu-ray burner. Both drives are quick to rip data from discs to your computer or to burn new discs with your own data, and both work with PCs and Macs and are reasonably priced.
via Wirecutter: Reviews for the Real World
Laravel Validation 101, Controllers, Form Requests, and Rules
Laravel Validation 101, Controllers, Form Requests, and Rules
A core part of any project is understanding how to validate the incoming request from your users and in this tutorial let’s look at how we can setup validation with our controllers, form requests, and rules.
The ValidatesRequests trait gives you access to the validate method in your controller methods.
For example, say the user is creating an Article:
They may be entering a name, and some content for this article, along with a date to publish. Your controller validation may look like one of these, which are all valid:
public function store(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, [ 'name' => 'required|string', 'body' => 'required|string', 'publish_at' => 'required|date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s' ]); // The request validated and this code will get run ... } public function store(Request $request) { // Note: the array syntax is also available $request->validate([ 'name' => ['required', 'string'], 'body' => ['required', 'string'], 'publish_at' => ['required', 'date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s'], ]); // The request validated and this code will get run ... } public function store() { request()->validate([ // Validation Rules... ]); // The request validated and this code will get run ... } public function store() { $this->validate(request(), [ // Validation Rules... ]); // The request validated and this code will get run ... }
It should also be noted, that the response to the validate method will be the data that was validated:
public function store(Request $request) { $validatedData = $request->validate([ 'name' => ['required', 'string'], 'body' => ['required', 'string'], 'publish_at' => ['required', 'date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s'], ]); // I know that the only keys in validated data are the ones that were successfully validated, i.e.: name, body, published_at $this->articleService->store($validatedData); }
Alternatively, you can do this too:
public function store(Request $request) { $request->validate([ 'name' => ['required', 'string'], 'body' => ['required', 'string'], 'publish_at' => ['required', 'date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s'], ]); // I know that the only keys in validated data are the ones that were successfully validated, i.e.: name, body, published_at $this->articleService->store($request->only('name', 'body', 'published_at')); }
A list of the available validation rules can be found here.
Working with Form Requests
If you would like to extract your validation logic away from your controllers, or you would like to do authorization and validation at the same time, Laravel makes the Form Request class available to you.
You can make a form request class using one of the many built-in Laravel generators:
php artisan make:request StoreArticleRequest
This will make you the following class in app/Http/Requests by default:
class StoreArticleRequest extends FormRequest { public function authorize() { return true; } public function rules() { return [ // ]; } }
Form request classes comes with 2 methods, authorize and rules.
Authorize lets you prevent the controller code from running if this method returns false. Laravel will throw a 401 unauthorized exception.
An example usage might be:
public function authorize() { return $this->user()->can('create articles'); }
The rules method will return our array of rules that was in our controller validate method;
Note: You can type-hint any dependencies needed into the rules method.
So, how do we use this class? We type-hint it right into our controller method:
public function store(StoreArticleRequest $request) { // Validation and Rules passed }
If the validation fails, the user will be redirected back with the errors flashed to the session. If it is an AJAX call, it will be a 422 Unprocessable Entity response.
You may get the validated data just like before:
public function store(StoreArticleRequest $request) { $validatedData = $request->validated(); // Insert into database ... }
Working with Custom Rule Classes
If there is a validation rule that does not exist as part of the available built-in validation rules, you can create a custom one:
Again, using one of Laravel’s make commands:
php artisan make:rule IsValidStateInUSA
This will make you the following class in app/Rules by default:
class IsValidStateInUSA implements Rule { public function passes($attribute, $value) { // } public function message() { return 'The validation error message.'; } }
Your passes method holds the logic for allowing this validation method through. The message method is the message that gets returned if it fails.
Using the example of Is a valid State in the USA, we would need the item passed in to be one of 50 different state codes. It could look like this:
class IsValidStateInUSA implements Rule { public function passes($attribute, $value) { return in_array(strtoupper($value), [ 'AL', 'AK', 'AZ', ... ]); } public function message() { return 'This is not a valid state code in the USA.'; } }
Then, to use this in your controller or form request, you just add it to the list of validation rules for that key:
public function store(Request $request) { $request->validate([ 'state' => ['required', new IsValidStateInUSA], ]); ... }
Handling Validation Errors
When validation fails, Laravel will automatically redirect back, with an $errors variables flashed in the session.
You can easily create a file called messages.blade.php and include in your master layout file like this:
Which will display all errors flashed to the session, or if you prefer to handle them one by one on a per blade file basis, you can use the blade @error helper:
The $message variable will be provided to you inside the @error tag.
Customizing Error Messages
When working with the validate method, you can override the messages with the third parameter:
public function store(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, [ 'name' => 'required|string', 'body' => 'required|string', 'publish_at' => 'required|date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s' ], [ 'name.required' => 'A article name is required', 'body.required' => 'A article body is required', 'publish_at.date_format' => 'The publish at date is not in the correct format.' ]); // The request validated and this code will get run ... }
When working with a form request class, a messages function can also be implemented to customize the error message for each specific rule:
public function messages() { return [ 'name.required' => 'A article name is required', 'body.required' => 'A article body is required', 'publish_at.date_format' => 'The publish at date is not in the correct format.' ]; }
For the most up to date documentation and a much more in-depth look at validation, visit the Laravel Documentation.
Eloquent is the default ORM that ships with Laravel. It implements the Active-Record pattern and provides an easy way to interact with your database. Every single model represents a table in your database with which you can work. In this post, we’ll show you more or less hidden secrets, methods, and properties you might not know to improve your code.
Snake Attributes
Snake Attributes are an interesting one. Let’s take a look at what the code says:
/** * Indicates whether attributes are snake cased on arrays. * * @var bool */ public static $snakeAttributes = true;
Very often, people make a mistake to use this property to change the way how to access properties. Many people believe that if they change this property, they can easily access the attributes using camel-case annotation. That’s not the case. We strongly advise against using it. It is merely there to define whether attributes are camel or snake-cased when the model is output as an array.
If you want to work camel-case based, we recommend you take a look at the package Eloquence by Kirk Bushell.
If you use Laravel’s Eloquent ORM, you’re in luck. It provides an easy way to paginate results out of the box. You might be familiar with something like this:
$comments = Comment::paginate(20);
With this method, you can paginate the comment model with 20 items per page. Changing that value gives you the possibility to define how many items are displayed per page. If you do not specify anything, the default gets applied, which is 15.
Assume that you want to display comments in several places on your website. Always 30 comments per page. Then it would be bothersome if you have to pass the parameter 30 at every place. Therefore you can set a new default value directly on the model.
protected $perPage = 30;
Appending custom values to models
Eloquent has a great feature called “Accessors”. The feature allows you to add custom fields to models that don’t exist on the model or in the table. It doesn’t matter if you use existing values or define completely new ones. You can return anything. Here is an example of how Accessors work. Given there is a model called User where we put the code below.
function getFullNameAttribute() { return sprintf('%s %s', $this->first_name, $this->last_name); }
Now you have access to a full_name attribute on the post model, like this:
The problem is now if you return objects, like a collection, this attribute doesn’t get appended to the user model. Add the protected $appends attribute to your model. It accepts an array with one or multiple fields that should automatically be appended from now. This is how it looks like:
protected $appends = ['full_name'];
Mutators for non-existing columns
Mutators are the opposite of Accessors. You can use them for really cool stuff. For example, to convert different inputs. Let’s show you something. Imagine you want to save a kind of time period. Usually, you always save the smallest possible unit. In our case seconds. For UX reasons, the user doesn’t want to enter seconds, but for example, minutes in one place, or hours in another place. It can all be solved very quickly.
class Video extends Model { public function setDurationInMinutes($value) { $this->attributes['duration_in_seconds'] = $value * 60; } public function setDurationInHours($value) { $this->attributes['duration_in_seconds'] = $value * 60 * 60; } }
What does it mean? It means that you can use the non-existent column duration_in_minutes on the model, but in the background, the column duration_in_seconds is updated. The same applies to the non-existent column duration_in_hours. This results in the following logic, for example:
class AnyController { public function store() { $video->update([ 'title' => request('title'), 'duration_in_minutes' => request('duration_in_minutes'), ]); } }
This saves you the calculation in the controller, and you can simply use a non-existent column and use a mutator to map it correctly to the correct column while performing some calculations.
Eager loading with $with
Let’s talk a little about relations. By default, Laravel uses lazy loading. What does that mean in terms of relations? The good thing is that lazy loading saves memory because not all data has to be kept, and we load the data when we need it. Consider this code sample:
In the example above, we get all comments. Then we loop through the comments and display the username for each comment. The code works, but we run into a problem. Lazy loading now makes sure that the query to get the user is only executed when we want to output the username.
Welcome to your first N+1 problem. Why N+1? N is always the number of comments, and 1 is the query to get the comments at all. For example, if we have 500 comments, then the query to get all comments is fired once and then one query to get the corresponding user – per comment. So 500 + 1 queries. This means that as the number of comments increases, the number of queries increases as well.
To prevent it there is something called eager loading.
That ends in two queries. The first query fetches all comments, and the second query immediately fetches all associated users. In the background, the following happens (simplified):
SELECT id, user_id, body FROM comments; SELECT name FROM users WHERE user_id IN (1,2,3,4,5...);
Whether 10, 500 or 10000 comments are fetched at the end is not essential. Two queries remain.
You have now seen how you can use eager loading. But only how to use it manually. You can also automate the whole thing so that certain relations are always loaded automatically by eager loading. For this there is a property on the model.
protected $with = [];
So we can simply set the property protected $with = ['user']; on our Comment model, and from now, the user is automatically loaded at any time.
There are many more possibilities with eager loading. Loading of specific columns only, nested eager loading, multiple eager loadings, and much more. Head over to the Laravel documentation or deep dive into the core.
Model keys
From time to time, there is the need to fetch all IDs of a specific query. It does not matter whether this is a complex query or not. Most people would probably do the following:
This works great. But now you get a collection back. To get an array, you would have to pass it to the toArray() method again.
In most cases, however, this can be shortened. Like this:
This method returns an array. In our case, the IDs. It is important to understand that this method does not always necessarily return IDs. It returns, as the name says, all primary keys as an array. The primary keys can be defined in the model. The default is id.
on a Switch. Nintendo has yet to confirm a slew of rumors that emerged on Monday morning.
Nintendo / Sam Machkovech
According to a flurry of Monday morning reports, Super Mario is coming back in 2020 in a huge way. And it’s mostly about reliving the Nintendo mascot’s 3D era on Nintendo Switch.
The first rumor domino to fall came from VGC, which pushed forward with a report suggesting “most of Super Mario’s 35-year back catalog” would arrive on Nintendo Switch by the end of 2020, according to “multiple sources.” Nintendo had originally planned to make a physical event out of the announcement during this summer’s E3, VGC reported, but E3 2020 was canceled earlier this month in the wake of organizational woes and coronavirus concerns.
VGC was able to report on one specific game coming to Nintendo Switch, but it wasn’t a remaster. Instead, VGC suggested that the Paper Mario action-RPG series would receive a new entry in 2020.
Soon after, Eurogamer and Gematsu pushed their own reports and named games, also citing “multiple sources.” Eurogamer came forward suggesting Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 3D World would receive proper re-releases, while Gematsu added Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine to the list of expected re-releases. Most classic 3D Mario games have never received a retail or Virtual Console re-release treatment, with Super Mario 64 and its DS remake as exceptions, while the majority of Mario’s 2D exploits are currently available on Switch’s NES and SNES archives, available to paying Nintendo Switch Online subscribers.
Due to the limited nature of these rumors, we’re left wondering exactly what shape these classic Mario games will arrive in. Eurogamer alleges that Super Mario 3D World will launch with “an array of new levels,” but these could either be brand-new or adapted from the similar, 3DS-only entry Super Mario 3D Land (or both). Meanwhile, both Gematsu and Eurogamer mention “high-definition remasters” for older games in the list, but it’s unclear whether these will simply up-res existing assets or include any wholly new content (textures, character models, visual effects).
; that system’s hardware is nearly identical to Nintendo Switch. That classic game’s newer version mostly looks identical to its Wii predecessor, save a resolution bump, but it also benefits from a complete
revision—meaning, no more Wii-mote waggle. We hope Nintendo considers the same control tweak for a Switch port.
All of this news makes a certain corporate-synergy sense in 2020, as VGC points to Nintendo’s interest in promoting its relationship with Universal Studios. A series of Super Mario World attractions are set to open at various Universal Studios theme parks (exactly when is unclear, however), while the Super Mario feature-length, CGI film has remained under a veil of secrecy since its 2017 reveal. (Its last release estimate was “2022.”) A huge summer 2020 announcement slew of Switch games would be a great moment for Nintendo and Universal to show more of those properties off. (By then, we hope Lego’s Super Mario series will have launched, as well.)
When asked to comment on Monday’s reports, a Nintendo representative replied via email: “We have nothing to announce on that topic.”
5 Short Training Videos Every New Gun Owner Should Watch
First the good news during a tough time. As a result of the declaration of a national emergency, America now has thousands, maybe tens of thousands of new gun owners. Not just owners of new guns…people who are new to gun ownership.
Whether that translates into more support for gun rights down the road is a matter of debate (see this post if you want to discuss the point). We certainly hope so.
The bad news, though, is that very few of those new gun owners can get out to shoot their new guns at a range, let alone take a basic safety or marksmanship 101 type of class. Like most of us, they’re stuck at home for the foreseeable future.
That doesn’t mean, however, that they can’t do some things to prepare themselves for success before they ever fire a live round.
YouTube has thousands of training videos — some good, some not so much — that new gun owners can watch. There are also plenty of at-home drills (dry fire practice) to start learning the basics of safe gun handling, the proper grip and good trigger finger position.
Here are five short videos to get you started, beginning with the late, great R. Lee Ermey and Team GLOCK going over the Four Rules of Firearm Safety.
Once you have that down, you need to know how to properly grip your new handgun.
Getting the right grip on your gun is good, but trigger finger placement is important, too.
“Dry fire” practice is something every gun owner can do at home at any time. It costs nothing and is a great way to improve your shooting from the comfort of your own home.
Finally, here’s a dry fire drill you can do to improve your grip and trigger pull. If you can’t put an empty cartridge or a penny on your gun’s front site, try putting one on top of the slide.
Liven Up Social Isolation With a G.I. Joe Marathon, Courtesy of Hasbro
G.I Joeis both one of the cheesiest and one of the most fondly remembered of the ‘80s wave of toyetic action cartoons. Does it hold up to your nostalgia? Well, now, during this period of widespread social distancing amidst the novel coronavirus pandemic, is certainly the time to find out.
And knowing is half the battle, so here’s some good info for you: Hasbro has uploaded fifteen full episodes of the classic show to YouTube. You can find them here. That’s almost seven hours of G.I. Joejoy, from the saga of The M.A.S.S. Device to the Pyramid of Darkness arc, because, apparently, this show had arcs? Lasting like five episodes each? I’m going to be real with you, I’m a ‘90s kid, I’m not nearly as much of a Joe expert as some of our other staffers.
But I know that this is the perfect time to watch a lot of television, especially television that imagines a government-like organization that’s both heroic and competent. The world is a scary, complicated place, but in the bastion of cartoons there are simple problems and simple solutions, solutions that often involved buying action figures. And since, for most of us, the most helpful thing we can do right now is just stay home, it seems entirely appropriate to indulge that sort of escapism.
How to revive an iPod with a hard drive using flash storage
Even now, years after the hard drive-based iPod was discontinued, apps have attempted to recreate its interface, movies have featured it as major character props — and there are a small number of people continuing to use them. Here are the details for how you can revive yours, too.
Duke University uses vaporized hydrogen peroxide to clean N95 face masks for reuse
With shortages of N95 face masks persisting nationwide, healthcare facilities are scrambling to find ways to clean and treat the masks for reuse to protect doctors and nurses most at risk of exposure to COVID-19.
Duke University thinks it has found a solution using vaporized hydrogen peroxide to decontaminate the masks.
The process uses specialized equipment to vaporize hydrogen peroxide, which can then infuse all the layers of the mask to kill germs (including viruses) without degrading mask material.
“This is a decontamination technology and method we’ve used for years in our biocontainment laboratory,” said Scott Alderman, associate director of the Duke Regional Biocontainment Laboratory, in a statement.
The University said it has proven effective and will begin using the technology at all three of its hospitals, according to Matthew Stiegel, the director of the Occupational and Environmental Safety Office at Duke.
Ideally, the hospitals would be able to use fresh masks and not need to try to decontaminate their masks, but these are not ideal times.
Duke’s decision to use hydrogen peroxide to decontaminate N95 masks is based on published studies conducted in 2016, but the practice wasn’t widespread, because the industry wasn’t facing shortages. Those earlier studies also didn’t include fit-testing — or the resizing of masks for individual wearers — after cleaning. Duke has now done that efficacy testing in the real world, the university said.
“The ability to reuse the crucial N95 masks will boost the hospitals’ ability to protect frontline health care workers during this time of critical shortages of N95 masks,” said Cameron Wolfe, M.D., associate professor of medicine and infectious disease specialist.
Monte Brown, M.D., vice president at Duke University Health System, said the Duke team is working to spread the word about the technique, making the protocols widely available. He said several health systems and many pharmaceutical companies already have the needed equipment, which is currently used in different ways, and could ramp up operations to come to the aid of their local hospitals.
“We could stand up in front of our staff and state with confidence that we are using a proven decontamination method,” Brown said. “It has been a proven method for years. While this alone will not solve the problem, if we and others can reuse masks even once or twice, that would be a huge benefit given the current shortages.”
While supplies last, you can snag them and mute the entire world around you for $238, which is $60 less than usual, and the cheapest we’ve ever seen on Amazon.
And, sure, that’s is still a big investment, but if you spend a lot of time in noisy planes and trains, or if you work in an open, or even need to focus while working from home you won’t find a better set of headphones.
Aukey 7-in-1 USB C Hub | $26 | Amazon | Clip the on-page coupon and use the promo code PCWW5MPOGraphic: Tercius Bufete
Use your laptop like an absolute pro with this incredibly affordable Aukey 7-in-1 USB C Hub. If you find that your fancy new MacBook Pro’s ports aren’t quite versatile enough, this would go a long way in fixing that.
For $26, you can connect a ton of stuff your laptop. Thanks to this hub, you’ll add two standard USB ports, a micro-SD and SD card reader, and HDMI port. Better still, it offers USB-C 100W PD pass-through.
Just make sure clip the on-page coupon and use the promo code PCWW5MPO at checkout to see the $26 price.
Cats and dogs are great, but they can’t quite do what robot vacuums like this $110 Goovi can (after clipping an Amazon coupon). It will undoubtedly be your best friend once you realize how much time and effort it’s saving you on cleanup day. You can give it a cute pet name, and it even goes to do its business (charge, not poop) without you having to train it.
It seems like you can’t sneeze or cough these days without drawing a death stare. An air purifier may not protect you from something like, say, an airborne virus, but it can at least suck up all the tiny dust particles and pollen that keep you allergies in check. This Hamilton Beach TrueAir Purifier with HEPA filter is usually $60, but you can take 15% off with coupon code TRUEAIR15.
Like most other purifiers, it claims to capture 99% of anything as small as three microns, but unlike a lot of others, it has a permanent filter that doesn’t need replacing. If you’re tired of your daily dose of Benadryl, then this could save you a ton of headache and money in the long run.
Get ready for your social distancing-appropriate hike with a discounted Stanley White Adventure Shot Glass And Flask Set. This particular set includes: an 8 oz. flask, four 2 oz. shot glasses, and a stainless steel carrying case. Typically selling for about $34, this is the lowest price we’ve ever seen on this particular set.
Each part is made with BPA-free 18/8 stainless steel, so they’re built to last. Order yours now, while supplies last.
Real talk, now is the time to spring clean your wardrobe. Think about it, everyone is stuck inside with no one to impress. Naturally, the deals are gonna be real cheap. And with our exclusive promo code KINJA15, this includes Cashmere Boutique where you can get the already discounted men’s cashmere polo sweater for an additional 15% off.
Normally sold for $259, this plus the 67% markdown already in place, brings your total cost down to $110. But that’s not all. Until midnight tonight, you can save 40-50% on all cashmere products, no checkout code required. Shop men’s cardigans, ladies’ cashmere coats, scarves, throws and blankets, and even pure cashmere dog clothes in case your pupper gets nippy.
Tech Shirt Sale | $35-$39 | JACHS NY | Use the promo code TECH at checkout.
Dress to impress everyone (from six feet away) with this awesome Tech Shirt Sale from JACHS NY. Use the promo code TECH at checkout to drop the price on a number off spring-ready button-ups starting at a low $35.
JACHS says their 4-way ultra-stretch fabric is “designed to keep you comfortable and move with you. Moisture wicking properties will keep you cool and dry all season long.”
While no one out there will be judging how you look (considering… everything,) it never hurts to be ready with a fresh new look for when you are allowed to hang with all of your cool friends again.
Anthropologie, as you may know, is one of our faves, and right now they’re kicking off the weekend early with an additional 50% off already marked-down sale items. Shop clothing, home and furniture, plus-size items, petite, shoes and accessories, and *lets out breath* beauty and wellness.
That’s a whole lot of sales from a store that normally caters first and foremost to affluent taste. Feeling militant right now? You can get this badass camo sweatshirt, for instance, for just $20 at checkout. In the mood to relax in a comfy bed with a good book and mood lighting? Consider pairing this $8 candle with a Helen Dealtry velvet garden quilt and a set of color-tipped pillows.
No matter your style or preference, you’re bound to find something for you in Anthropologie’s weekend-long extra 50% off discounted items sale. Get off to an early start and peruse all the offerings before they’re gone.
You may not be able to travel right now, but you sure can walk. Don the Rhodes Footwear “Huxley” Chelsea Boots—$176 at 22% off. Strut down your neighborhood sidewalk, six feet away from the nearest person, and watch them seethe with envy as you undergo your transformation into the Coolest Kid in town.
Described by Huckberry themselves as “the perfect blend of style and function,” the Huxley boots are designed for the everyday wearer looking to sport the weekend look. When every day is the weekend, this premium calf lather shoe is comfortable and long-lasting, kinda like what you’d want to wear out to the park for 30 minutes to an hour of allotted exercise per day.
REI membership is required to take advantage of this deal. Not a member? A lifetime membership is available for just $20. That’s a great deal, when you consider how often REI sales occur and all the perks it has.
This sale lasts until the first week of April, so you have time to shop around. But remember, the best stuff always disappears early. So get yours before some ruggedly handsome rando takes your stuff.
Ladies, Spring is here and Summer is right behind it, so now is the perfect time to find your new look. PUR is taking up to 35% off all purchases depending on how much money you spend. Every order gets 20% off with code SAVEMORE20. From there, the savings jump the more you spend:
25% Off $50 or more (SAVEMORE25)
30% Off $75 or more (SAVEMORE30)
35% Off $100 or more (SAVEMORE35)
Your money might go furthest with the 4-in-1 collection, which features products that promise multiple side benefits beyond setting your perfect tone.
Need help sleeping? No judgement here. Luckily for you, Amazon dropped the price on a 90-count bottle of Natrol Melatonin Time Release Tablets down to a low $2 to help you catch more Z’s.
Natrol says that Melatonin “helps you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed.” So, all good things.
In fact, it’s amazing that anyone could possibly sleep soundly in these circumstances. This is the lowest price we’ve ever seen on this particular bottle, so you won’t lose sleep because of it.
There’s a shaky history behind antivirus software, mostly due to high cost, obtrusive ads, spyware, and a knack to gorge on system resources. Lots of programs have improved in all of those areas over time, such as Webroot, which makes an antivirus app designed specifically for gamers that’s $10 off at Amazon today. You’ll get a full year of coverage for one computer for that price.
Webroot combines its deep threat definitions and scanning with a lightweight UI, faster scans, and a system optimizer that helps keep your operating system running its best.
If you’re a student who needs internet access to keep up with studies, Comcast wants to woo you with a $150 Visa gift card. All you’ll need to do is prove you’re a student, and you’ll get the free money as long as you’re on the Performance Starter+ Internet, Choice TV Select Double Play, or Choice TV Select Double Play+ packages. Note that this offer only extends to students who have been forced to live off-campus. Those still firmly entrenched in dorm life need not apply. The deal is on through June 1, 2020.
Whether you’re into food, travel, fashion, tech features, or anything in between, Amazon has a year-long digital magazine subscription to sell you for as little as $5. Your options include Bon Apetit, Allrecipes, WIRED (congrats Alan!), Popular Mechanics and a whole lot more.
It’s pretty likely you have some spare time on your hands, so why not load your Kindle with a few magazines, and learn some new recipes?
Buying a new laptop—in this economy!?!?! I don’t think so. Back Market’s got what you want, certified refurbed, environmentally friendly, and still downright sexy. And right now, they’re offering $10 off your first purchase with the promo code SPRING2020 to celebrate their new dedicated Remote Work shop.
Looking for trustworthy editorial recommendations of the best laptops? You could check with Gizmodo (open link in new tab and come back pls!). Or, Back Market themselves have curated a list of older laptops that are still just as good for working at home. Their number one pick is the MacBook Air ($329), followed closely by the Microsoft Surface (Pro 4; $379).
Razer makes some of the best gaming keyboards on the market, including this BlackWidow TE Chroma v2 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, which is down to just $70. You can choose from three distinct Razer proprietary switch types: green (tactile and clicky,) orange (tactile and silent,) and yellow (linear and silent.)
I love that Razer includes a magnetic wrist rest to keep you comfy even during the competitive grind. Oh and, of course, this tenkeyless keyboard glows in all of Razer’s Chroma RGB lighting. It’s fun!
It’s back! Right now, Amazon and Target are selling Pokemon Sword for just $49. I’ve spent 75 130 hours on Pokemon Sword, and I can tell you that it’s the Pokemon game I’ve been waiting years for. And this a dollar off the best deal we’ve seen on this incredibly good Nintendo Switch game.
As it often does for hot new games, Amazon is taking $10 off pre-orders for Cyberpunk 2077, the ambitious open-world game by CD Projekt Red, makers of the critically acclaimed The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Your total is $50 with the deal, and that goes whether you buy on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or PC.
Unlike Geralt of the ancient (and totally fictitious) land of Rivia, Cyberpunk takes us into a not-so-distant future where guys good and bad are yoked up with cybernetic enhancements. Life is generally fine until it’s discovered there’s a prototypical component that grants immortality to whoever has it installed, and, of course, all hell breaks loose to secure it.
Cyberpunk 2077 was originally set to be out this Spring, but it has since been delayed to September 17, 2020. Pre-order now, and Amazon will offer you the lowest price if it drops again before release date.
Need more space? You’ll save a lot more money buying mechanical hard drives, but if you’re ready to commit to solid-state on a bigger level, today is the perfect time to upgrade. Newegg has the 1TB HP EX950 M.2 solid-state drive for $130. Not feeling HP? Western Digital’s track record in reliability is unmatched, and its 1TB WD Black M.2 SSD is also discounted with promo code EMCDEFM34, though you’ll be paying handsomely for that brand safety at a final price tag of $180.
These M.2 solid-state drives interface with PCIe 3.0 x4 via an NVMe interface. For those who don’t speak Klingon, that just means they’ll load your files, games, and operating system faster than just about anything else out there right now. You’ll need to make sure your motherboard is compatible, though. Just look for an M.2 slot, and chances are you’ll be good to go.
With so much more in-home traffic to contend with, you’re probably tired of sweeping all the excess dirt and dust that’s accumulating. Let Anker help with its eufy Boost IQ 11S robot vacuum, which has roughly twice the power of its predecessor and sits on Amazon with a $70 discount down to $180 right now. It can go for over an hour and a half before needing to recharge, and you don’t even need to touch it for that—the little fella finds its own way to the charging base, thank you very much.
Walmart is clearing out all of their Ferrero Rocher gift boxes and, of course, you should consider picking a couple up. You’ve got two options: a standard one with the Ferrero Rocher Hazelnut that you’re super familiar with for $13 and the one with dark chocolate and coconut added in for $16. Personally, I think the standard 42-count is the better option. I mean, why mess with perfection?
The downside? Walmart is basically forcing you to buy two (tragic, no?) to get free shipping. Regardless, it’s a great option.
And, for what it’s worth, I think I’ll be ordering a few myself to send to a few friends during this crappy time.
Summer barbecue season is inching closer and closer, so it might be time to invest in a truly great meat thermometer, and you can score a rare 20% discount on one of the the best one today.
Our readers love the Thermapen because it displays the temperature in 2 – 3 seconds, has a 3,000 hour battery, is waterproof, and is accurate to within 0.7°F.
Here are just a few readers gushing over it:
Thermapen Classic (or really any of the Thermapens). Bar none the best thermometer for cooking I have ever bought — accept no substitutes.
Somewhat expensive at ~$70-$120 range, but I’ve been using mine for years and years, and it still gives me an accurate reading in less than three seconds. Well, well worth the price. Especially excellent for the grill. – theburners
Without a doubt. No other thermometer comes close. I’ve said it before on Kinja that the Thermapen is the best piece of kitchen equipment I’ve ever bought. – the-return-of-samba00
This model is actually the newer Mk 4., which unlike the Thermapen classic includes a backlit screen, better waterproofing, better battery, and a motion sensor that automatically puts it to sleep and wakes it up.
Tear those Amazon boxes a new one with this discounted pocket knife. Despite it’s diminutive build, this steel blade packs a lot of useful features including a bottle opener, lanyard hole and a liner lock. Plus it’s only $7.
Just because you’re stuck inside doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be practicing your skincare routine. If you haven’t already tried them yet, Purlisse is offering its full-sized creams, balms, and moisturizers for 30% off, and all you’ll need to do is use code FACE30 at checkout. Buy $50 or more in product, and you’ll get free shipping, too. Some choice highlights include this Watermelon Aqua Balm, plus the Blue Lotus and Perfect Glow BB moisturizers, both of which include SPF 30 sunscreen (not that you’ll need it much right now). You can buy once or subscribe to regular shipments, and you can pay for it over four months’ time with Afterpay.
Want to relive classics like The King of Fighters, Fatal Fury, and Metal Slug 3? Then break out that Ulysses S. Grant, because the international edition of the arcade cabinet-fashioned SNK NeoGeo Mini is $50 on Amazon right now. It’s small enough that you can carry it around on walks out to the park. The instant save/load function makes it easy to pick up and put down on a whim.
With a 3.5-inch screen, 40 classics from one of the golden eras of gaming, and a built-in joystick and stereo speakers, it’s a fun little system to play at home or on the go. HDMI-out makes it possible to bring your session to the big screen, and a USB power supply means you can hook it up to your portable charger of choice for a truly wall outlet-free experience.
Wireless charging isn’t always the way to go in a pinch—you’ll still be yearning for the speed of wires in dire times—but you can’t argue with the convenience. If you haven’t already littered your car and home with them, Anker presents a perfect opportunity to try its PowerWave fast wireless charging pad for a hair less than $10. It provides up to 10W charging speeds for Samsung Galaxy smartphones and iPhones, plus anything else with standard Qi wireless charging contacts, such as Apple AirPods or the Apple Watch.
Whether you’re setting up a makeshift home theater or you’re looking for fun ways to shake up your work-from-home setup, a projector can change where and how you view everything, and we have an exclusive deal for one of Anker’s best. For a limited time (through March 31), you can take 35% off the Anker Nebula Prizm II when using promo code KINJA2240 at Amazon. Your final damages come to $170.
The Nebula Prizm II supports 1080p HD for picture sizes ranging anywhere between 40″ and 120″. There are also built-in speakers for your convenience, and your connection possibilities should be endless with HDMI and USB Lightning ports on the rear.
“They sound terrific, with a U-shaped EQ pattern that emphasizes the highs and lows for a punchy, lively soundscape,” said our own Shep McAllister of the Status BT One headphones just last year. “It’s a surprising approach [from] the company that made its name on the purposely flat-tuned CB-1s, but it works.”
At the time of that writing, the BT Ones were sold at an MSRP of $99. Now, they’re $59 with our exclusive promo code KINJA20. Plug it in at checkout for 40% off the going rate, and know that 10% of that sale is being donated to the Musicians Foundation COVID-19 fund. Maybe buy a second pair for a for a family member or roommate—even a friend if you’re willing to ship.
Whatever you do, your ears will be pleased and your conscious clear with this high-fidelity and highly philanthropic discount on one of the best-sounding, not to mention comfortable and aesthetically restrained, on-ear Bluetooth headphones you can get for under a hundred bucks.
Instant Pots were thekitchen appliance of the past few years, and now Instant Pot also makes a blender. The Instant Pot Ace 60 Cooking Blender can heat and puree at the same time, which will make cooking up soups, bisques, and rice milks really simple. Plus it can even make cold desserts, too!
… of course, it can still function like a regular blender, too. If you’re into smoothies, or something.
This is one of the best prices we’ve seen on this particular blender. So if you’re looking for a cool blender with a ton of added features, this is the one to get. And it’s $60—that’s basically an impulse buy.
Keep your leftovers and store non-perishables with this 42-piece set of Rubbermaid storage containers, which is usually $40, but Walmart is letting it all go for just $18. You’ll get multiple containers in each capacity, from half a cup right on up to seven, each with a matching blue top. These containers are more vertical than horizontal, they’re freezer and dishwasher safe, and the lids can snap onto each other and onto the base of the containers, which, quite frankly, might be a bonafide killer feature.
Today might feel hopeless. Hell, these last couple weeks have been tough for all of us. You might be in isolation, but you’re not alone. Because now you have 17% off all CBD oil tinctures from CBDistillery using the promo code KINJA17, bringing the total cost down to $50.
One tincture gives you 33mg of CBD oil per serving and 3mL in total, just enough to catch a vibe and fall asleep free of socioeconomic distress. It’s recommended that, when taking CBD, you only consume about 30-60mg a day, so this is a good way to get your dose in.
Clear your mind and free up some of that bandwidth currently occupied by stress with some much-needed CBD oil. Maybe mix it up a bit and add it to your tea along with butter or whole milk so it properly dissolves.
While you’re sitting at home waiting for this entire COVID-19 thing to blow over, you’d be glad you invested in a pair of Spring Stretch Dock Pull On Shorts from JACHS NY. Perfect for sitting on the couch, working on the computer or staring outside the window, these shorts are a serious upgrade from those ratty old sweatpants or gym shorts you’ve been faffing around in.
These shorts come in a variety of patterns and styles and start at a low $29.
Mountain Hardwear sells clothes that outdoorsy people love, and today through April 5, you can take up to 65% off select items when using promo code SPRING65. You’ll find lots of compression hoodies, insulated jackets and pants, gloves, and even a few flannel shirts to speak to you inner Al Borland. There are styles for both men and women, and the advertised prices dip even further with the promo code, such as this $236 jacket that gets $70 cheaper following the discount, so get what you need before your next big hiking trip.
In times like these, stress can creep up on you like stink after a weekend of nonstop gaming. Take it from someone who has greys at the ripe age of 31—you should do everything you can to destress. If you’re having trouble, why not give these Bekno hemp oils a try? Right now, you can get a 3-pack of 30,000mg oils for $40 after clipping the coupon at Amazon.
Unlike many other hemp oils, these are infused with healthy vitamins and fats to promote good mental health, metabolism, and a strong immune system. They also have pain-relieving properties. Take a few drops and you might be able to get that deep night of sleep that has long conspired to elude you.
Now’s as good a time as ever to finally live out your High Fidelity dreams and buy that record player you’ve been talking your friends’ ears off about for years now. (No, I’m not projecting!) Why? Because this Victrola 3-in-1 Bluetooth suitcase turntable which is ~portable~ mind you, is 30% off with the promo code VICTROLA30, bringing the total cost down to $37.
Whether from your phone or your authentic vinyl record collection, you can bump classics to your heart’s desire until the sun comes up. Who cares, we’re all stuck at home anyway! And while you’re at it, maybe peruse some new records too. You never know when your song of the summer will touch down.
These days, few joys exist outside of TV. Myself, I can’t help myself. I’ve been binge-watching Friday Night Lights on Starz every night until my eyes hurt. Join me, friends, and sign up for Sling TV today. Pay for 2 months upfront and you’ll be treated to a complimentary Amazon Fire TV Stick.
Whether you want to watch the news and cower in fear like the rest of us, or escape into fictitious worlds in which things are bad in different ways, Sling TV’s got you covered. Stream channels like CNN, HGTV, Comedy Central, and more on virtually any smart device you’ve got lying around your house collecting dust. Or, you know, that free Fire TV Stick I told you about.
Some games just can’t be played on anything other than a GameCube controller. We’re looking at you, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. If you can’t find an adapter for your old GameCube controller to use on the Nintendo Switch and you’re not an insufferable purist, give PowerA’s wireless controller a shot, which sits at $40 on Amazon right now.
It’s all gold, and PowerA does well to preserve the classic GameCube feel by staying true to the buttons’ original colors. Plus, it lasts 30 hours on just two AA batteries, so you should never have to suffer gaming downtime with a set of rechargeables rotating in and out. The only downside is you’ll be missing out on rumble and any features that require NFC, such as amiibo.
If you’re uninterested in Doom or don’t think Animal Crossing is quite your things, well, there’s always Borderlands 3. And right now, you can own a copy on PS4 and Xbox One for just $20. That’s a pretty sweet deal.
It’s a really fun co-op game. In fact, I played it with three other friends and it was a beautifully, messy hoot and well worth $20. This is the best price we’ve seen on the standard edition.
If you’ve stocked up on a lot of Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons for some big family fun, a charging dock is almost mandatory. HyperX’s Chargeplay Quad offers you such a solution from a tried and true brand for 50% off the list price, bringing your final total down to $15. As the name implies, you can throw four Joy-Cons onto the thing. Combine that with the two that’ll charge when connected directly to your Switch, and your Mario Party sessions should never be derailed by the dreaded low battery warning.
Control is one of the best (and most talked about ) games of last year, is down to just $30 for PS4 or Xbox One at Best Buy. This is the lowest price we’ve seen on this particular game and a tremendous deal to boot.
In their review, Kotaku says:
Control is the latest game from the makers of Max Payne, Alan Wake, and Quantum Break. It’s a twisted, haunting odyssey through an old post-WWII office building under siege by parasitic beings from another dimension. Control has all the standard elements of a regular third-person shooter, but its exhaustive world building and all-consuming eeriness make it much more.