“Folding Beijing”

It is an extraordinary short story, one of the best things I’ve read all year, and it’s proof positive of how rapidly China is becoming a society supercharged with creativity.  I am pleased to see it received a Hugo Award for best novelette.

The author is Hao Jingfang and it’s on-line here.  Did you know she is a macroeconomics researcher at a quango in Beijing?  One key part of the plot and premise revolves around macroeconomic theory, here is an excerpt:

“Hard to say.” Lao Ge sipped the baijiu and let out a burp. “I suspect not. You have to understand why they went with manual processing in the first place. Back then, the situation here was similar to Europe at the end of the twentieth century. The economy was growing, but so was unemployment. Printing money didn’t solve the problem. The economy refused to obey the Phillips curve.”

He saw that Lao Dao looked completely lost, and laughed. “Never mind. You wouldn’t understand these things anyway.”

I cannot excerpt more without giving away spoilers.  Definitely recommended, and for the pointer I thank Eva.

The post “Folding Beijing” appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.

via Marginal Revolution
“Folding Beijing”

Avoid Junk Guns with a Passion

Those new to the prepper and survivalist movement interested in obtaining firearms for self-defense or bug out protection are often drawn to the wrong guns. By that I mean the quality not always the type, brand or caliber. There are still a number of really poor made firearms in today’s marketplace and should be avoided at all costs, no pun intended. It is often the cost factor that leads many down the wrong pathway.

I was reminded of this first hand while working a recent gun show with my dealer friend. Gun shows are the opportunity to buy, sell and trade, often on both sides of the tables. Many guns come down the aisles by people wanting to sell or trade up. Quite often these guns are of low quality and of very little value though the original buyer may have paid too much for it to start with. Others carrying a family heirloom often are mistaken that their wares are worth hundreds or thousands of dollars. They usually are not.

A seller approached our table with a small chrome plated handgun, which is usually a red flag to start with. I looked at the gun and declined it. I knew the brand name as cheaply made, unreliable to function and inaccurate if it fired at all. The dealer looked it over and researched its used value on line with his laptop. He said the gun was worth about $65 at best, but that he was not interested in any gun of that low quality. The man was incensed, of course. He had paid $225 for a piece of junk. His bad. Which, of course, is probably why he wanted to sell or trade it to start with.

So, how does first time or a regular gun buyer tell the junk from quality? Most often it starts with the name brand but assuredly the price. In this day and age, if you buy any kind of a gun for say under $300 you are not getting much. The exception might be somebody you know at work or otherwise in a pinch to raise some money. Still know the brand and know the gun. Then inspect the condition and standard evidence of use or abuse.

If you stick with a well-known handgun brand such as Smith & Wesson, Colt, Ruger, Browning, SIG, Beretta, Kimber and such you will buy quality. Same for long guns from names like Remington, Ruger, Winchester, Marlin, and many others. There are over 1000 brand names of ARs now, so pick established known makers. Beware of ARs that may be homemade by parts assembly in garage workshops. Seek out a good gun value reference book to learn more or perform an Internet search.

Next comes the inspection of the specific gun if it is used. Another good reason to buy NIB, or new-in-the-box guns. Then you just have to research the model, features, caliber, and functioning characteristics such as striker fired, hammer fired, single stack or double, etc. to match your needs, wants, desires, and expectations. You can better learn this at a shooting range or shooting course, which is highly preferred and recommended anyway.

Used guns can be a good value at a good purchase price, or you can get screwed. Obviously if you were shopping for a used car, you likely would not pick one with a missing bumper, or the back fender crushed in, seats ripped, or three different types of wheels or hubcaps. Today you would want a Carfax report to review its history. Get my point?

Look at used guns in this same light, because there is no “Gunfax” and dealers after all are trying to sell what they have regardless. Buyer beware is the watchword.

If the firearm is overtly worn, scratched up, stock cracked, sights missing or bent, bluing or other finish highly worn or just looks “rough” then it was probably abused and not well maintained. Are the weapon’s screws intact with screw heads not turned out? Does it look like a shade tree mechanic had been tinkering on it? If so, avoid the potential trouble and move on.

Is the gun clean? Why dealers put a dirty used gun on their shelves or tables is beyond me. If a revolver, check the cylinder for burned powder and a lead build up. Same for the barrel using a bore light, which is simply a special flashlight or clear tube to focus a beam down the barrel. Inspect the barrel for signs of wear. Lands and grooves should be well defined and sharp, no chinks or chucks, scratches or dark spots. Inspect the muzzle crown for damage.

If a semi-auto pistol, check the chamber and barrel for dirt, grime and lead. Make sure the magazine is original and locks up. Double check the safety mechanisms on all guns. Truth is if a gun looks worn or overly used, then it probably is, but it could still be mechanically sound and safe. Just be careful.

On rifles and shotguns, check the bolt heads, chambers, and loading mechanisms as well as the safety. Cycle the bolt and then bounce the gun on the floor with the safety “ON” especially with shotguns. If the firing pin releases at this test, pass on it. Inspect scope mount holes on rifles to see if the original factory screws are in place. Has there been a scope mounted but is now missing? Inspect the barrel as suggested above. Look for heavy copper or leading fowling in the barrel which means the owner never cleaned it. Again such a gun could be recovered, but be mindful.

The main point here is if you are just starting out in the buying of a gun(s), then use caution with used guns and for new ones, just buy a well-known and recognized brand and model. What you don’t need is a gun that does not function well or breaks down with little use.

The post Avoid Junk Guns with a Passion appeared first on AllOutdoor.com.

via All Outdoor
Avoid Junk Guns with a Passion

Most Popular Clever Uses and MacGyver Tips of 2016

We’re always finding ingenious workarounds to life’s problems, big or small. This year we treated pool noodles as all-purpose cushions, removed and saved wine corks, got the most out of a burner phone, and used a simple test to see if the power went out.

Hatch Eggs In Pokémon Go With a Turntable

Certain aspects of Pokémon Go, like hatching eggs, require a great deal of walking, running, or biking. If moving is more difficult for you, however, a basic turntable can help even the playing field.

Leave a Coin on a Cup of Ice Before Leaving Home to See If the Power Went out While You Were Away

Whether you’re evacuating because of a hurricane or you’re just leaving for vacation, you’ll want to know if the power went out while you were away for any substantial amount of time. Fill a cup with water, put it in the freezer until it’s solid, then pop a coin on top. Leave it in there, and when you get back, check.

How to Turn Your Bike Into a Pokémon Go Machine

Pokémon Go is great for adventures on your feet, but just like the original Game Boy games, having a bike makes everything better. You travel faster, you can carry more stuff, and it’s a shitload of fun. Here’s how I built the ultimate PokéBike, and how you can build your own.

Spiral-Cut Pool Noodles Make Great All-Purpose Cushions

Have some extra pool noodles around? This video is chock-full of great pool noodle tricks, including a way to spiral-cut them into padding you can wrap around almost anything.

Five Useful Things You Can Do With a Burner Phone Number

When you think of “burner” phone numbers, espionage and spies probably come to mind. But there are plenty of reasons regular folks would want a burner number, and a few apps, let you create as many as you need. Here are a few ways you can use a burner number professionally, to protect your privacy, and even kill text message spam.

Organize Cables with a Zip Tie Weave

Weave zip ties around a group of cables to keep them organized and neat.

The Surprising Things You Can Safely Wash In Your Dishwasher

Just because that fancy washing box in your kitchen is called a dishwasher doesn’t mean that’s the only thing it can wash. You can also clean things like gardening tools and plastic toys with it.

Clean Rusty Grill Grates With Some Oil, Salt, and a Potato

If you don’t grill very often that probably means you don’t clean your grill regularly either. If your grill grates are covered in burnt food and rust, you can get it ready for a cookout with a few household staples.

Trick a Guard Box-Protected Thermostat Into Warming Up the Office

Is your office thermostat locked behind a plastic guard box? This clever trick can help you raise the temp of your freezing office building a little without having to touch the thermostat at all.

Can You Open a Bottle of Wine Without a Corkscrew?

What do you do when you have a lovely bottle of wine but your corkscrew has gone missing? When teetotaling is not an option, there are countless unconventional ways that people claim you can open a bottle of wine. We put them to the test.

How to Hack the IKEA Food Market

I have long loved IKEA, not just for the LACK units of my college days or the little table I’m sitting at right this moment, but I love them for their food. No trip to the Swedish superstore is complete without a helping of meatballs, but their market is equally worth checking out.

Make a Secret Bookshelf Stash for Hiding Valuables With Some Old Binders

Hiding your valuables is a great way to protect them. Even if someone breaks into your home, they may not get away with the goods. This clever hiding spot makes use of some old three-ring binders you probably have lying around somewhere.

Remove a Cork Stuck Inside a Wine Bottle With a Ribbon

You go to pop open a fresh bottle of wine—maybe you don’t have a proper wine-opening tool—and the cork, or part of it, plummets into the bottle. You’re left with two choices: finish the bottle, or use this handy trick.

Use an Upright Glass In the Dishwasher as a Dirty Dish Indicator

If the people in your household do a good job of scraping or rinsing off their plates before sticking them in the dishwasher, it can be hard to tell when the dishes inside are clean or dirty. A small, upright glass makes for a great indicator.

The Best Way to Split Open a Coconut Without Any Tools

Fresh coconut is delicious, but they’re tough to break into, especially when you don’t have any tools with you. This trick might save your life if you get stranded on a desert island. Or at least save the day at a picnic or barbecue.

Why A Plastic Bag Is a Photographer’s Best Friend

Whether you’re a pro or an amateur, pack a plastic bag in your bag with your camera the next time you go out to take pictures. This video features five great reasons why you should, including the old rain protection trick and a beautiful soft, weathered effect for your photos.

If you want some more clever tricks, be sure to check out our best clever uses and MacGyver tips from 2015, 2014, and 2013.

via Lifehacker
Most Popular Clever Uses and MacGyver Tips of 2016

New whitepaper – the DevOps Guide to database backups for MySQL and MariaDB

This week we’re happy to announce that our new DevOps Guide to Database Backups for MySQL & MariaDB is now available for download (free)!

This guide discusses in detail the two most popular backup utilities available for MySQL and MariaDB, namely mysqldump and Percona XtraBackup.

Topics such as how database features like binary logging and replication can be leveraged in backup strategies are covered. And it provides best practices that can be applied to high availability topologies in order to make database backups reliable, secure and consistent.

Ensuring that backups are performed, so that a database can be restored if disaster strikes, is a key operational aspect of database management. The DBA or System Administrator is usually the responsible party to ensure that the data is protected, consistent and reliable. Ever more crucially, backups are an important part of any disaster recovery strategy for businesses.

So if you’re looking for insight into how to perform database backups efficiently or the impact of Storage Engine on MySQL or MariaDB backup procedures, need some tips & tricks on MySQL / MariaDB backup management … our new DevOps Guide has you covered.

via Planet MySQL
New whitepaper – the DevOps Guide to database backups for MySQL and MariaDB

Marvel just released 5 hours of superhero holiday fireplace videos

If there’s one thing I consistently love and can be trusted to both enjoy free or even pay money for, it’s fireplace videos. Sometimes called yule log videos, too, these are those things you see on Netflix, in the Apple TV App Store and on YouTube that just show a fireplace for a long period of time, often looping a clip and sometimes including music or sound effects. They’re arguably the best televisual content currently available, and Marvel wants in on that red-hot market.

The Disney-owned superhero brand behind favorites including The Avengers, Iron Man and Mrs. Marvel released five separate fireplace videos in 4K resolution on its YouTube channel, each around an hour in lengthy. The Coca-Cola-sponsored clips also include an “up close” variant in 1080p HD, since the 4K originals are way zoomed out to give you a sense of the surrounding environment, each of which ‘belongs’ to a specific Marvel superhero or super team.

There are videos for Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man, Thor, Ms. Marvel and Captain America, and each contains some set dressing unique to the character, as well as background audio that will make you feel like you’re right there next to these heroes enjoying their hearth.

Some of the videos also appear to contain brief Easter Eggs, but not that are particularly revelatory about plot points or aching like that, unfortunately. There’s a dancing baby Groot in the Guardians one that is shamelessly adorable, though, if you’re looking for that sweet, sweet sap.

All of the fireplace videos are included in the YouTube playlist embedded above, so go ahead dim the lights, mull some wine and enjoy the vibes.

via TechCrunch
Marvel just released 5 hours of superhero holiday fireplace videos

Designer’s Resource: Here’s How You Can Search a Massive, International Design Patent Database for Free

Have you ever wanted to search for existing or expired design patents not only in your own country, but in the countries where you’d like to sell your designs? A website called DesignView has wrangled together the design patent databases of 45 countries, plus the ARIPO (African Regional Intellectual Property Organization), EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), and lets you search all of them at once with a single search box.

Even better, the service is completely free, and they claim the databases they have access to are updated daily.

Just out of curiosity, I typed in "waffle irons" and got 97 results from a host of countries. I then discovered that the 2003 patent on Philippe Starck’s waffle iron design has expired, meaning this is a prime time for me to swoop in and produce a too-close-for-comfort competing product.

Here’s a complete list of the countries and organizations covered:

Czech Republic
Republic of Korea
Russian Federation
United Kingdom
United States


Get started here.

via Core77
Designer’s Resource: Here’s How You Can Search a Massive, International Design Patent Database for Free

Ruger 10/22: A Rifle Everyone Should Own (PATRICK IS BACK!!!!)

Today we are going to take a close look at one of the most popular rifles in the world, the Ruger 10/22. We chose to review the standard carbine configuration because it is the most commonly seen, but there are hundreds of factory variations. The 10/22 can offer shooters a ton of fun  for just […]

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The post Ruger 10/22: A Rifle Everyone Should Own (PATRICK IS BACK!!!!) appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

via The Firearm Blog
Ruger 10/22: A Rifle Everyone Should Own (PATRICK IS BACK!!!!)

MySQL InnoDB Cluster – A Hands on Tutorial

Traditionally, setting up high availability (HA) in MySQL has been a challenging task, especially for people without advanced knowledge of MySQL. From understanding concepts and technologies, to the tooling, specific commands and files to execute and edit, there’s a lot of things you need to know even when planning a test deployment (the Quick Start Guide for Group Replication should give you an idea).…

via Planet MySQL
MySQL InnoDB Cluster – A Hands on Tutorial

Door Monkey

My wife and I have been using Door Monkeys for 2+ years to keep our (now 3 year old) child and cats in or out of various parts of our apartment. At our peak, we had 6 of them active and they travel with us when we visit the grandparents. It is a temporary, instant door “lock” that can be left in-place and is very easy for an adult to use or remove. They are great because they can positioned at any height and even a toddler can learn to use them. They hold the door open about 1” and resist moderate pulling.

They are a parenting life-saver — from what I can tell, keeping a toddler on-task is dependent on cutting their options. I get a little hit of dopamine every time I latch a door and KNOW I’m not going to be beat by a mad dash.

If your a systems-thinking nerd: this tool trivially cuts the “life with a toddler” problem space. The blurb on Amazon says: fits standard 1-3/8″ thick interior doors, requires standard rectangular door stop moulding (see photos), rounded or beveled door stop moulding requires the Optional Catch (sold separately)”

Issues: They break – a guest didn’t realize we had Door Monkey on and pulled hard enough to break it. They’ll take a 3’ drop okay, but can get messed up if dropped from higher or thrown. On a bigger drop, the internal spring has popped off. I was not able to get it back on, but used a strong, short rubber-band on the outside to take its place. Those are my favorite, because they grip the door really tight. They absolutely chip paint and leave minor dents in molding. For us it’s worth it for the certainty they give. Maintenance: Silicone spray lubricant few months prevents them from sticking.

— Tony Hansmann

Door Monkey Door Lock and Pinch Guard ($10)

International Amazon link

Available from Amazon

via Cool Tools
Door Monkey