Researchers Successfully Fight Colon Cancer Using Immunotherapy

Slashdot reader schwit1 quotes the New York Times:
The remarkable recovery of a woman with advanced colon cancer, after treatment with cells from her own immune system, may lead to new options for thousands of other patients with colon or pancreatic cancer, researchers are reporting. (Shorter non-paywalled version of the article here). Her treatment was the first to successfully target a common cancer mutation that scientists have tried to attack for decades… so resistant to every attempt at treatment that scientists have described it as "undruggable"… The researchers analyze tumors for mutations — genetic flaws that set the cancer cells apart from normal ones. They also study tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, looking for immune cells that can recognize mutations and therefore attack cancerous cells but leave healthy ones alone. The patient, a 50-year-old database programmer in Michigan, is now cancer-free, according to the article. "Researchers twice denied her request to enter the clinical trial, saying her tumors were not large enough, she said. But she refused to give up and was finally let in."
The treatment ultimately eliminated six of her seven tumors, and because it targeted a cell mutation that’s common in colon cancer patients, "Researchers say they now have a blueprint that may enable them to develop cell treatments for other patients as well."

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via Slashdot
Researchers Successfully Fight Colon Cancer Using Immunotherapy

How To Ensure Your Startup’s Survival

How To Ensure Your Startup’s Survival

You are just getting started with the plans to build your business into the next big thing. The enthusiasm with which every startup commences is palpable. Every founder has a solution they plan to offer the world to fix a want or a need somewhere. With that said, it is important to note the statistics on startups can be bleak. Statistics report as many as 90 percent of them failing in their first year of operation. With numbers like that, it is critical you have a great business plan, marketing strategy and adequate cash so that your business will be one that thrives and soars!

No one but you will be responsible for the success of your business. It important you know that going in. You will have to work longer and harder than you ever have before to make a go of it. But when you do, imagine how wonderful your success will feel.

One of the biggest hurdles to starting a new business can be start up capital. Not only will you need start up cash, but you will also need adequate working capital along the way. There might be some decisions that call for instant cash (like large orders) or emergency cash if a piece of equipment breaks down. Let’s hope you get an urgent need to fill an order that could potentially land your business a solid, long-term contract. If you don’t have the money at hand, the potential to miss out is high. One suggestion might be to take out a quick cash loan to help you fulfill the order.

How You Can Stay Ahead of Competition

Brand loyalty is a major determinant for how your company will survive. Around 83 percent of customers say that their trust for a brand is what keeps them loyal. So how can you establish trust and loyalty with your customers?

Quick Responses To Consumers

Present day consumers don’t have the patience to wait for you. They only give you minutes before they dismiss you for lack of response – on social media for example. They are only too happy to move on to your competition who is only too willing to shower them with attention. Just a few bad mentions on social media can place you on a downward trend that is difficult to rectify. So be sure your site is running well, you are answering customers quickly, responding on social media and overall running your business well.

Stock Up

Few things irk customers as much as not having a product when they want it. If you are going to grow your brand, you need to be stocked up at all times. No one will give your site a third chance if they visit twice and find that your best sellers are out of stock. Your suppliers should be reliable and able to fill your orders. Remember, if cash is your problem, quick cash loans do not require any form of security and they make decent amounts of money available to you at short notice. So when your credit cards or business lines won’t cut it, check out quick cash loans. There is never an excuse for running out of inventory.

Timely Delivery

Customers will shop online and expect delivery within the timeline agreed upon. Best practice dictates that you deliver the goods within that time or communicate if there are glitches likely to hinder you from fulfilling your end of the bargain. When you go quiet and fail to get the goods in the agreed time, you could lose a valuable client and you don’t want that.

Bottom Line

When your brand earns customer loyalty, your customers will be faithful to you for a long time. Your reputation at the beginning can determine your future. To build a strong brand, begin with a smart plan, good business procedures and access to capital…any way you can get it.

via Business Opportunities Weblog
How To Ensure Your Startup’s Survival

Watching a Helicopter Whip Carry Christmas Trees Gets Me in the Holiday Spirit

Some people get excited for the holidays when decorations are getting put up, lights are getting smattered over houses, and cheery music is all over the radio. I get excited for the holidays by watching bad ass helicopters fly in crazy gnarly patterns to transport Christmas trees. It’s like those arcade claw machines but with a freaking chopper.

We’ve seen wild footage of the awesome marriage that is helicopters and Christmas trees before (in the fog, inside the cockpit) but this video from Shawn Adams is great because it’s all so clear and you can see how quickly the people on the ground move and how whip fast the helicopter maneuvers around to get the trees off the ground. A quick clip and boom, hundreds of pounds of trees are up in the air.

[Shawn Adams via Digg]

via Gizmodo
Watching a Helicopter Whip Carry Christmas Trees Gets Me in the Holiday Spirit

This Chart Shows How Computer Literate Most People Are

If you’ve ever gotten the impression that most people aren’t as skilled with computers as you are, you finally have some data to back it up. The above chart shows the distribution of tech skills, and there’s a pretty narrow pool at the top almost everywhere.

This chart comes from a study by the international Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development group. The OECD conducted a study of 215,942 people across 33 countries from 2011-2015. The study tested the skills of people aged 16-65 to measure their literacy in job-related tech skills. Tests ranged from simple tasks like deleting an email (considered “below level 1”), up to figuring out things like “what percentage of the emails sent by John Smith last month were about sustainability?” (considered level 3). Participants were then graded based on the tasks they were able to complete.

The results aren’t terribly surprising if you’ve ever worked a help desk. Around 5% of the U.S. population ranks at level 3, the strongest level of computer literacy. Another 26% ranks at level 2, where users can do things like “find a sustainability-related document that was sent to you by John Smith in October last year.” Those who ranked in level 2 likely aren’t developers or engineers, but they get by.

However, for the 69% of the population below level 2, complex skills are still hard to come by. 26% of people weren’t even able to use computers. The full report at the source link below shows how these numbers break down over age ranges. Regardless, the numbers give some perspective on how skilled the overall population is.

If you’re the type who’s highly skilled with technology (and if you read this site, there’s a higher-than-usual chance you are), then it’s safe to assume not everyone shares your skills. Some people may not even have to. The average office worker may not need to mess around with command lines or complex spreadsheet functions as long as they can find their email. Rather than expecting everyone to know what you know intuitively, it might be better to be patient as you design things for them to use or walk them through learning a new skill.

OECD Skills Studies via Nielsen Norman Group

via Lifehacker
This Chart Shows How Computer Literate Most People Are

Review: Comparing Google Wifi to other mesh networking heavyweights

Jim Salter

Here at Ars, we’ve been rocking some high-tech Wi-Fi setups for a while—in particular, Senior Technology Editor Lee Hutchinson and I are fond of Ubiquiti’s UAP line of wireless access points. A lot of people either can’t or don’t want to run cables through their house at all, though, and that’s the niche Wi-Fi mesh kits seek to service.

I’ll save you some time up front: I’ve played with just about everything out there, and nothing comes close to the performance of multiple access points with full wired backhaul like the UAPs. To be fair, nothing Wi-Fi at all comes close to the performance of wired Ethernet itself, so don’t get too excited about the “3.2 gigabits per second!” that AC-3200 Wi-Fi router promises you. You’ll never actually see such speed. But if you don’t want wires and you don’t want the possibly intimidating controller systems like Ubiquiti’s UniFi interface, mesh might be for you. Luckily, today happens to be a bit of a boom for mesh offerings.

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via Ars Technica
Review: Comparing Google Wifi to other mesh networking heavyweights

Using the MariaDB Audit Plugin with MySQL

The MariaDB audit plugin is an audit plugin that is bundled with MariaDB server. However, even though it is bundled with MariaDB, the plugin is actually compatible with MySQL as well. In this blog post, I will describe how to install the plugin with MySQL. Install the plugin Unfortunately, neither MariaDB Corporation nor MariaDB Foundation currently distribute a standalone binary … Read More
via Planet MySQL
Using the MariaDB Audit Plugin with MySQL

Inspired Collection of Bright and Colorful Illustrations

Today we are showcasing 20 incredible illustrations crafted by professional artists and designers from around the world. Hopefully, these excellent pieces of artwork will inspire your own creative work. Some of these illustrations are cute, others are ultra modern, but always an „explosion of colors“.

Autumn Leaves

Slawek is a Concept Artist for animation and games. He exhibits 65 artworks of his great portfolio for your inspiration!

© Slawek Fedorczuk

Fish & Chips

Krzysztof is a freelance digital painter and his biggest passion is creating environments and landscapes.

© Krzysztof Roslan


Sam is a UK based Illustrator. He worked with Adobe, Playstation, GQ, Easyjet, Samsung and many more.

© Sam Chivers

And So The Adventure Begins

The design and animation BluBlu Studios is located in Warsaw and Tokyo. They make character-driven animated series, explainer videos, commercials, and illustrations.

© BluBlu Studios

Pixel Snake

Pierre Kleinhouse is an award-winning illustrator & visual designer. He likes to draw animals, plants, and characters, mixing his digital work with textures and old school techniques like silk screen printing.

© Pierre Kleinhouse

Sugoi Books

Yime is a Spanish illustrator based in London. He likes to draw tattoos, illustrations and also mural paintings.

© Yime

The Brewmaster

Chris is an animator and illustrator from Sydney. He designs mobile games, created quirky characters, animated educational, websites and more.

© Crispe

Bike Parking Area

Miquel Rodriguez is an illustrator from Barcelona. He loves to draw people smoking, but hates tobacco.

© Miquel Rodriguez

Emotional Layer

Ray Oranges is an illustrator based in Florence. He worked for Coca-Cola, Airbnb, Wired, Creative Review and Vodafone.

© Ray Oranges


Superludico is a young, modern, colorful and playful design studio. I love this mix of illustrative elements and real models.

© Superludico


Zuco created concept arts, editorial Works, vector graphics, and even toys. Look at all these colors!

© Zuco


Nicolas is an illustrator and director at CRCR in Paris. Take a look at his great color combinations. What a red-green experience!

© Nicolas Dehghani

Sneaky Allergen

Although the illustrations may look simple, they are well thought through, and no detail is left to coincidence.

© Loulou & Tummie

Maps of Asia

Originally from mainland China, Jing is an illustrator living in East London. She has been working for clients including the European Parliament, IBM, Canon, Samsung and many others.

© Jing Zhang

David and Goliath Tee

Jones and Co. is a family-run studio based in Cape Town, South Africa. Character design, editorial and all forms of vector illustration!

© Jones & Co

Three-Layers Pictures

Ngoc Thuy Do is a Senior Web/UI/UX and Graphic Designer from Vietnam. Sweet and lovely Character designs and many more techniques.

© Ngoc Thuy Do


Charlie Bowden, Helen Boyle, and Amy Kitcherside are Pickled Ink and together have many years experience in the children’s publishing industry.

© Pickled ink


The Umer Artists Agency represents talented authors and artists like Marko Renko. An outstanding creative person.

© Marko Renko

Fire Fantasy

Oscar is a Senior Creative in Bogotá, Colombia. This illustrator knows to use the effects of colors.

© Oscar Ulloa Creativo


David is an Illustrator from Barcelona, Spain. Take a look at this Uncharted Fanart or his Monkey Island Characters.

© David Puerta

via Noupe
Inspired Collection of Bright and Colorful Illustrations