Ohio State Terrorist Attack Is Why We Need Campus Carry NOW


An Islamic terrorist attack at Ohio State this morning injured 10 before an armed officer confronted and shot the Somali refugee terrorist dead.

An Ohio State University student plowed into a campus crowd with a car, then jumped out and started stabbing people with a butcher knife before being shot dead by police Monday morning, officials said.

Ten people were taken to hospitals after the ambush, and one was in critical condition. The incident was initially reported as an “active shooter” situation, but the suspect did not shoot anyone.

A police officer was on the scene within a minute and killed the assailant. “He engaged the suspect and eliminated the threat,” OSU Police Chief Craig Stone said.

The suspect’s name was not released, but law enforcement officials told NBC News he was an 18-year-old Ohio State student, a Somali refugee who was a legal permanent resident of the United States.

The motive was unknown, but officials said the attack was clearly deliberate and may have been planned in advance.

“This was done on purpose,” Stone said.


Authorities have not named the suspect, but as they’re already alluding, a probable motive seems clear. Islamic terrorist groups, most notably ISIS, have called upon Muslims in the West to carry out terrorist attacks against soft targets using knives and vehicles. School and college campuses are among the easiest targets available, as they contain high concentrations of people made unarmed and defenseless because of short-sighted state laws that have made most campuses “gun free zones.”

99-percent of mass shootings since 1950 have occurred in these “gun free zones.” Far from being a safe space, they are easily-exploitable killing fields.

As horrific as today’s attack was, it could have been much worse if the terrorist had rudimentary targeting skills and technique with a knife or access to other weapons that he clearly lacked. Even though he was largely incompetent he still managed to injured ten people, one of them critically, before a police officer was able to confront and kill him with his department-issued handgun.


Put bluntly, we are very lucky that dozens of Ohio State University students aren’t dead right now.

Do you think I’m exaggerating?

A “lone wolf” terrorist in France managed to kill 86 and wounded 434 in a Bastille Day truck attack by merely driving a truck through the packed crowd. Ohio State had a football game just two days ago that drew a record 110,045 fans.

Had the terrorist rented or stolen a truck and carried out his attack outside the exits Saturday as the dejected crowd left the stadium, we could be looking at many hundreds of casualties instead of less than a dozen.

Of course, we also know that the next attack may not come from someone ineptly using “just” a butcher knife and a vehicle.

Navy SEAL veteran Dom Raso is among many counterterrorism experts you who have warned us that a major Islamic terrorist attack on students is going to happen. It’s just a matter of when. I highly recommend you watch this sobering video five-minute all the way through.

The softest, easiest targets in the United States are unarmed schools.

We will suffer a coordinated attack by multiple attackers. We will see them use firearms.

We will see our children murdered by the hundreds if we pull our heads out of the sand and listen to the experts, and listen now.

Purdue University’s Homeland Security Institute has done the research, and came up with the best defensive solution to active shooter attacks.

They advocate a combination of armed campus security  (armed school resource officers or armed university police) along with concealed carriers in the classroom.

Dr. Eric Dietz, director of Purdue University’s Homeland Security Institute, says that their research indicates that a combination of armed officers on campus with concealed carriers in the classroom will reduce casualties in an “active shooter”  attack on campus by two-thirds.


Implementing armed resource officers in all of our schools is expensive. Campus carry at schools and universities costs nothing but a small amount of political capital in defeating irrational anti-safety radicals in the gun control movement. These zealots are more afraid of law abiding citizens being self-reliant than they are of our students being mowed down by terrorists and the criminally insane.

We must implement campus carry across the country, and we need to do so now.

We got very lucky today at Ohio State today. It was a wake-up call.

Call your legislators now and DEMAND campus carry give our faculty, staff, and students a fighting chance.

The post Ohio State Terrorist Attack Is Why We Need Campus Carry NOW appeared first on Bearing Arms.

via Bearing Arms
Ohio State Terrorist Attack Is Why We Need Campus Carry NOW

How to stop the wave of Apple Calendar invite spam

Over the past few weeks—and particularly over the retail adventure widely referred to as "Black Friday"—many Apple device owners experienced a new form of unsolicited and unwanted messages: a swarm of calendar alerts for online "deals" from spammers. The messages took advantage of the default settings in Apple’s iCloud calendar service, allowing senders to automatically push calendar alerts to Apple iOS and macOS users and bypass e-mail entirely.

Getting rid of these calendar "invites" is a problem in itself, as declining them sends a message back to the spammer—confirming that someone actually is monitoring the iCloud account they targeted and encouraging them to send more messages. Getting rid of the unwanted alerts requires a multi-step workaround. But blocking them entirely only requires a single change to iCloud settings.

To get rid of the invites without sending a response to the spammer, you’ll need to do the following:

  • Create a new iCloud calendar. Go to the Calendar app, tap "Calendars," then "Edit," then "Add Calendar…" in your iCloud calendars list.

  • I used "Delete Me" as the calendar name.

  • Change the category of spam calendar invites to the new calendar. Open the event, tap the ">" on the Calendar bar for the event…

  • …and select the spam calendar.

  • Once the calendar for the event is changed…

  • Go back to the Calendars list, tap "Edit" again, and then tap on the ">" next to the spam calendar you created. Scroll to the bottom of the Edit Calendar screen, and tap "Delete Calendar."



The spam invites will now be gone without sending a response back to the spammer.

Blocking future calendar spam is less involved but requires a visit to your iCloud account via a Web browser. Log in to iCloud and go to the Calendar Web app, click on the Settings gear icon in the bottom left corner of the Calendar view, and click Preferences.

The pop-up menu on the iCloud Calendar Web view, Pick "Preferences."

The pop-up menu on the iCloud Calendar Web view, Pick "Preferences."

Click the "Advanced" button in the Preferences pop-up window. At the bottom of the window, change the Invitations setting for "Receive event invitations as:" from "In-app notifications" to "Email to [your iCloud account address]."

This will turn off the automatic integration of iCloud Calendar with your Calendar app and allow your spam filters to block unwanted invitations.

via Ars Technica
How to stop the wave of Apple Calendar invite spam

Stop Investing in Firearms and Start Investing in Firearm Training


I love Raw Dog Tactical’s holsters. After seeing their ads on Facebook, I reached out and they sent me a few to test; one in black for a Ruger LCP9, one in hot pink for my Smith & Wesson M&P 9MM Shield and one in Tiffany blue for the Walther CCP. Great clip, comfortable backing, trigger protection, adjustable retention and cant, lifetime warranty, made in the USA and available in 12 really great colors. What’s not to like?

Over the weekend, I also happened to catch a call-to-action video they posted on their website as well as their Facebook page with a message to gun owners: stop investing in firearms and start investing in firearm training.

The video, from YouTuber Jarhead6, was posted with the following message:

Sometimes, we can become addicted to firearms and forget one of the most important aspects of owning a gun. That is knowing how to use it in a safe manner. Therefore, formal training and practice is extremely critical to our survival. We need to ensure we prioritize our money in order to meet this critical requirement.

Please join me in the comment section below. Thanks for watching and God Bless!

So what do you think: Do you agree with the message? Why or why not?

The post Stop Investing in Firearms and Start Investing in Firearm Training appeared first on Bearing Arms.

via Bearing Arms
Stop Investing in Firearms and Start Investing in Firearm Training

This Is Why You Don’t Shoot Them In The Leg

All too often we hear the question “Why not just shoot them in the leg?” This graphic video of a fatal officer-involved shooting of a bank robber is the answer.

An Iranian bank robber armed with a knife is boxed in by a crowd that won’t let him leave, but leery of getting stabbed with his hunting knife, they won’t tackle him, either. A plainclothes police officer shows up armed with a pistol and tries to take the man into custody, but the robber runs around a car. He finally turns towards the officer with a dirt median strip behind him. The officer sees an opportunity to fire a debilitating shot that will impact with relatively safety in the soil of the median instead of of ricocheting off the pavement into the crowd.

He takes the shot at 1:40 into the video.

The round penetrates the man’s leg, striking the femoral artery and either tears or severs it completely. The man takes several steps, then collapses to the ground from blood loss within 15 seconds, woozy but still upright and conscious. A 2:19, approximately 40 seconds after being shot in the leg, the man has lost so much blood that he falls over unconscious.


No one in the crowd—including the Iranian police officer—has any idea what to do. One man finally steps forward and pulls off his belt to make an improvised tourniquet, but it is far too little, far too late.

The bank robber is dead just as fast from a shot to the leg as he would have been from a shot to the heart, and for the same reason; when a major artery or the heart itself is shot, blood doesn’t get pumped to the brain. When the brain can’t get oxygenated blood because either the pump (the heart) or the delivery system (major arteries) are destroyed, a person will quickly die.

So, shoot him in the arm/shoulder instead?

The same thing might have occurred if the officer had fired a bullet into the robber’s upper arm or shoulder, striking the subclavian, axillary, or brachial arteries. The only real difference is that it might have taken a few seconds longer for the robber to lose consciousness and die if those arteries were struck.

Would it have made any difference if the man in the crowd had pulled off his belt and tried to make a tourniquet sooner? Unlikely. A belt alone is unlikely to exert enough pressure on the femoral artery to close it, and it’s unlikely that they (or you) know how to improvise a windlass out of nearby objects in time.

Improvised tourniquets fail far more often than they are successful.


There is a reason I consider a SOFTT-W tourniquet in a PHLSter Flatpack carrier as the most critical part of my everyday carrier gear, every bit as important as my handgun. Despite the conventional wisdom of internet “experts,” you’re not likely to be able to improvise a tourniquet in time to save lives in the event of a shooting, an accident at home or at a job site, or on the road after a collision. As this graphic video makes abundantly clear, you have just seconds to get a tourniquet in place and stop the bleed.

Please consider getting a quality, combat-proven tourniquet (either the SOFTT-W preferred by my Green Beret Medic and trauma management instructor Mike Voytko, or the CAT tourniquet from North American Rescue) and make it part of your every-day-carry.

Tourniquets can save lives when nothing else can.

The post This Is Why You Don’t Shoot Them In The Leg appeared first on Bearing Arms.

via Bearing Arms
This Is Why You Don’t Shoot Them In The Leg

Brain Cancer Patients Live Longer By Sending Electric Fields Through Their Heads

IEEE Spectrum reports on a "radical new weapon" against brain tumors — only available since 2015. They profile a typical patient who "wears electrodes on her head all day and night to send an electric field through her brain, trying to prevent any leftover tumor cells from multiplying [and] goes about her business with a shaved head plastered with electrodes, which are connected by wires to a bulky generator she carries in a shoulder bag."
the_newsbeagle writes:
The Optune system, which bathes the brain tumor in an AC electric field, is the first new treatment to come along that seems to extend some patients’ lives. New data on survival rates from a major clinical trial showed that 43% of patients who used Optune were still alive at the 2-year mark, compared to 30% of patients on the standard treatment regimen. At the 4-year mark, the survival rates were 17% for Optune patients and 10% for the others. Patients have to re-shave their heads every few days and re-apply all the electrodes, but that’s never been a problem, according to one patient. "If you have a condition which has no cure, it’s a great motivator."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

via Slashdot
Brain Cancer Patients Live Longer By Sending Electric Fields Through Their Heads

Don’t Leave Your Expensive Camera in the Path of a High-Powered Water Jet


If you’ve always wondered how a pre-digital SLR film camera worked, you can either spend hours painstakingly removing all its tiny screws in order to completely take it apart, or just leave it in the path of a 60,000 PSI waterjet which will reveal the camera’s guts in a manner of minutes.

We’re living in the golden age of industrial machinery being used to destroy random objects, but when are we going to finally see a bunch of factory robots just smashing up a car? Internet, don’t let us down.

[YouTube via DPReview]

via Gizmodo
Don’t Leave Your Expensive Camera in the Path of a High-Powered Water Jet

Sleep Well With Winx Sleep Therapy System

Winx is an innovative medical device for treating obstructive sleep apnea, a common sleep-related breathing disorder. The system operates by applying a gentle negative pressure through a novel mouthpiece to urge airway-obstructing tissues (soft palate and tongue) forward, thereby keeping the airway open during sleep. Winx consists of a quiet bedside console connected to a fitted mouthpiece with small flexible tubing. The console generates the negative pressure, collects excess saliva, and provides operation and usage feedback. Winx is simple to use, comfortable, quiet, compact, and travel friendly, offering many advantages over the current standard of care (CPAP) by eliminating the need for a facemask, headgear, humidifier and pressurized air. Winx solves a serious problem in a brand new way, representing a good combination of disruptive technology, appropriately simple design, and highly effective clinically proven performance.

View the full content here
via Core77
Sleep Well With Winx Sleep Therapy System

Give Thanks For Dozens of Promo Codes on Your Favorite Anker Gear

Anker makes your favorite battery packs, charging cables, Bluetooth speakers, and more, and practically everything they sell has a special Black Friday promo code available right now.

Items are organized by category below, just be sure to note the promo codes, and remember that you can only use one promo code per order on Amazon, so if you want multiple items, you’ll have to buy them separately.

Battery Packs

USB Chargers

Charging Cables



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via Gizmodo
Give Thanks For Dozens of Promo Codes on Your Favorite Anker Gear