Google Is Giving Away 1 TB of Google Drive Storage For Free!


Microsoft recently cut their OneDrive storage amounts so that Office 365 subscribers get 1 TB while free users only get 5 GB. Even their paid plan limit was brought down to 50 GB. In short, Microsoft boned users with this move. And to show who’s really the boss of user satisfaction, Google is now offering up to 1 TB of Drive storage for free users. There’s a catch, of course, but the stipulations are quite reasonable. After all, 1 TB is a lot to give away for free! Microsoft’s Onedrive is the worst online cloud storage service I have ever…

Read the full article: Google Is Giving Away 1 TB of Google Drive Storage For Free!

via MakeUseOf
Google Is Giving Away 1 TB of Google Drive Storage For Free!

Holy Crap, The First Captain America: Civil War Trailer Is Fantastic

The first trailer for Captain America: Civil War is here. It’s Iron Man vs. Captain America and holy crap this looks awesome.

Directed by the Russo Brothers, the film opens May 6. It’s some time after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron and the world thinks superheroes need some kind of supervision. Iron Man agrees, Captain America does not, and that divides the heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe right down the middle.

While this first trailer is heavy on the Captain America stuff – Falcon, Widow, Bucky – there’s a whole other side to this movie too. There’s Iron Man, War Machine, the first appearance of Black Panther (who gets a few brief shots in the trailer), as well as Ant-Man, Vision and pretty much everyone minus the Guardians, Hulk and Thor.

And we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention your friendly neighborhood webslinger too, Spider-Man, who’ll appear in this movie played by Tom Holland.

I mean, this is basically Avengers 3 years before Avengers 3 is actually getting made and this trailer only tells a sliver of the story.

Oh, here’s the poster too.

And some awesome GIFS

Holy Crap, The First Captain America: Civil War Trailer Is Fantastic

That’s Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) kicking Bucky/Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan)

Holy Crap, The First Captain America: Civil War Trailer Is Fantastic

Here’s Falcon (Anthony Mackie) with some nifty moves.

Holy Crap, The First Captain America: Civil War Trailer Is Fantastic

And here’s Bucky and Cap fighting Iron Man at the same time.

Tell us what you thought of this epic Captain America: Civil War trailer below.

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via Gizmodo
Holy Crap, The First Captain America: Civil War Trailer Is Fantastic

When A Gun Control Advocate Says ‘States with Lax Gun Laws Have More Firearms-Related Homicides,’ Show Them This Link


People who seek to degrade Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms love to play silly buggers with stats. They cherry pick data to make the argument that civilian ownership of firearms is a bad, … Read More

The post When A Gun Control Advocate Says ‘States with Lax Gun Laws Have More Firearms-Related Homicides,’ Show Them This Link appeared first on The Truth About Guns.

via The Truth About Guns
When A Gun Control Advocate Says ‘States with Lax Gun Laws Have More Firearms-Related Homicides,’ Show Them This Link

Sonnet ships 16-port TB2 docking station for Mac, Windows

Sonnet has finally started shipping the Echo 15+ Thunderbolt 2 Dock, which if first announced more than two years ago. In part, the delay was due to the announcement of Thunderbolt 2 shortly after Sonnet began accepting pre-orders, pushing the breakout box into 2014. From there, production issues have keep the unit off shelves until now, and the now-shipping dock offers four USB 3.0 ports, two Thunderbolt 2 ports, a FireWire 800 port, two 6Gb/s eSATA ports, and more….

via MacNN | The Macintosh News Network
Sonnet ships 16-port TB2 docking station for Mac, Windows

Red Sludge From Brazilian Dam Collapse Reaches the Atlantic (21 photos)

Earlier this month, on November 5, two dams retaining tons of iron-mining waste near the Brazilian town of Bento Rodrigues burst, releasing a massive flood of thick, red toxic mud that flattened buildings and trees, smothered the small town, and left at least six dead. The wave of toxic sludge—tested and found to contain high levels of mercury and arsenic, according to a BBC report—then moved downstream, into the Rio Doce (Doce River), and spent two weeks making its way several hundred miles downstream, finally reaching the Atlantic Ocean. According to Reuters: “Scientists say the sediment, which may contain chemicals used by the mine to reduce iron ore impurities, could alter the course of streams as they harden, reduce oxygen levels in the water and diminish the fertility of riverbanks and farmland where floodwater passed.”

An aerial view of the Rio Doce (Doce River), which was flooded with mud after a dam owned by Vale SA and BHP Billiton Ltd burst, at an area where the river joins the sea on the coast of Espirito Santo in Regencia Village, Brazil, on November 23, 2015.
(Ricardo Moraes / Reuters)

via The Atlantic Photo
Red Sludge From Brazilian Dam Collapse Reaches the Atlantic (21 photos)

Google’s Got a Fantastic New Star Wars Easter Egg 

Google's Got a Fantastic New Star Wars Easter Egg 

Hey, did you hear there’s a new Star Wars movie coming out? In case you’re unclear on the details, Google’s new Search Easter Egg will help remind you.

If you search for ‘a long time ago in a galaxy far far away’, Google will display the up-to-date, clickable search results in opening crawl style. And yes, there is music.…

via Gizmodo
Google’s Got a Fantastic New Star Wars Easter Egg 

What happens when an airplane hits a bird

What happens when an airplane hits a bird

Poor birdie. If you ever wondered what would happen if an airplane and a bird hit each other head on, here it is. It doesn’t end up exactly how you think it would. Well, it kind of does as in the bird loses but it is a little surprising in how high and straight the bird bounces in the air after hitting the nose of the jet. Poor birdie.

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

via Gizmodo
What happens when an airplane hits a bird

Learn How to Lead Different Types of Individuals With the “DiSC” System 

A strong leader knows that different team members often require different communication tactics, and the “DiSC” behavior assessment system might help you speak everyone’s language and get through to them.

The DiSC behavior assessment is based on the theories of psychologist William Moulton Marston, and it centers on four major behavioral traits that everyone has on some level in the workplace: dominance, influence, compliance, and steadiness. The graphic below from Eastern Nazarene College’s business management masters program explains how to determine what behavioral traits your team members have, how they prefer to work and communicate, and most importantly, how to provide feedback to each type of person. For example, if you’re dealing with someone that has a lot of dominance (they’re competitive, decisive, and independent), direct compliments are a great way to praise them and criticism needs to be very specific. Check it out below to learn more.…

Using DiSC Assessments to Become a Better Leader | Eastern Nazarene College

Learn How to Lead Different Types of Individuals With the "DiSC" System 

via Lifehacker
Learn How to Lead Different Types of Individuals With the “DiSC” System