Our Founding Fathers Used Encryption… And So Should You

While the FBI has apparently given up on trying to get a law passed to backdoor encryption, the ridiculous debate over "going dark" continues. Thankfully, at least some more knowledgeable folks in the government have been speaking up more loudly over the past few months. Just last week, the government’s Chief Information Officer, Tony Scott, came out against backdooring encryption:

On this debate, CIO Scott is clear: “I think in the long run we are probably not well served by backdoors to encryption and in general we end up benefiting as a society by having very strong non-hackable encryption,” he said. “And I say that knowing that it will present some challenges for law enforcement and investigative agencies.”

And, now Seth Schoen and Jamie Williams, over at EFF, have put together a nice bit of history, showing how the US’s founding fathers frequently used encryption themselves. Obviously it was a much earlier version of it, but it seems rather clear that the founding fathers would likely be big supporters of encryption if they were alive today.

  • James Madison, the author of the Bill of Rights and the country’s fourth president, was a big user of enciphered communications—and numerous examples from his correspondence demonstrate that. The text of one letter from Madison to Joseph Jones, a member of the Continental Congress from Virginia, dated May 2, 1782, was almost completely encrypted via cipher. And on May 27, 1789, Madison sent a partially encrypted letter to Thomas Jefferson describing his plan to introduce a Bill of Rights.
  • Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and the country’s third president, is known to be one of the most prolific users of secret communications methods. He even invented his own cipher system—the “wheel cypher” as named by Jefferson or the “Jefferson disk” as it is now commonly referred. He also presented a special cipher to Meriwether Lewis for use in the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
  • Benjamin Franklin invented ciphers used by the Continental Congress and in 1748, years before the American Revolution, published a book on encryption written by George Fisher, The American Instructor.
  • George Washington, the first president of the United States, frequently dealt with encryption and espionage issues as the commander of the Continental Army. He is known to have given his intelligence officers detailed instructions on methods for maintaining the secrecy of messages and for using decryption to uncover British spies.
  • John Adams, the second U.S. president, used a cipher provided by James Lovell—a member of the Continental Congress Committee on Foreign Affairs and an early advocate of cipher systems—for correspondence with his wife, Abigail Adams, while traveling.
  • John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, used ciphers for all diplomatic correspondence made while outside the United States. And John Jay’s brother, Sir James Jay, invited a special invisible ink, also known as sympathetic ink, and sent a supply from London to both his brother and then-General Washington.

If it was good enough for them… it’s pretty ridiculous that we’re still having this debate now. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I’ve heard from a few different folks who have insisted that there are bills sitting in drawers ready to go to "ban encryption" (not just backdoor it), and that’s so ridiculous in a world where encryption is used all the time and is a key driver of how we all live. But it’s even more ridiculous when you understand how often it’s been used throughout history.

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Our Founding Fathers Used Encryption… And So Should You

Download Videos from YouTube, Save Photos from Instagram, and More with Workflow on iOS

Download Videos from YouTube, Save Photos from Instagram, and More with Workflow on iOS

Workflow is one of those amazing apps that really shouldn’t exist on iOS. With it, you can do all sorts of automation things. Over on One Tap Less, they point to a few workflows that allow you to do things you’re definitely not supposed to do on iOS: download content from various apps.


Workflow essentially makes it possible to grab a URL, then download the content of that URL to your photo album. In most cases, this means selecting the “share URL” option in an app, then triggering the Workflow. Here are some examples:

Trigger Workflows with Clipboard Text as Input | One Tap Less

via Lifehacker
Download Videos from YouTube, Save Photos from Instagram, and More with Workflow on iOS

The First Trailer For Preacher is Here And It’s Intense

The First Trailer For Preacher is Here And It's Intense

For years, fans probably never believed we’d get to see a live-action adaptation of the incredible comic series Preacher. But now, finally, you can watch the first trailer from the show, which will premiere in 2016.

Produced by Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg and Sam Catlin based on the comic by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, Preacher stars Dominic Cooper as Jesse Custer, a preacher who is on the hunt to find God. Literally.

What do you think of the trailer?

See a better version at AMC.com.

Contact the author at germain@io9.com.

via Gizmodo
The First Trailer For Preacher is Here And It’s Intense

Watch The Inspiring Movie ‘CODEGIRL’ For Free On YouTube Until November 5th

Screen Shot 2015-11-01 at 1.36.06 PM Alphabet, which backs diversity in all facets of technology, is helping to shed light on a specific project…a film called “CODEGIRL“. It comes via filmmaker Lesley Chilcott, who you might be familiar with from her work on “An Inconvenient Truth” and “Waiting for Superman.” Countdown 2 @codegirlmovie! 12noon PT launch today on @YouTube.… Read More

via TechCrunch
Watch The Inspiring Movie ‘CODEGIRL’ For Free On YouTube Until November 5th

Start Your Halloween Right by Watching Elephants Pulverize Giant Pumpkins

Everybody has their own Halloween tradition, whether it’s taking chocolate from strangers or doing shots of vile, candy-corn flavored vodka. But the elephant family at the Oregon Zoo’s annual “Squishing of the Squash” its hands-down my favorite.

There’s something innately satisfying about four ton animals destroying half ton vegetables. And I think it’s fair to say the elephants enjoyed themselves, too.

via Gizmodo
Start Your Halloween Right by Watching Elephants Pulverize Giant Pumpkins

Every Linux Geek Needs To Know Sed and Awk. Here’s Why…


Two of the most criminally under-appreciated Linux utilities are Sed and Awk. Although admittedly they can seem a bit arcane, if you ever have to make repetitive changes to large pieces of code or text, or if you ever have to analyze some text, Sed and Awk are invaluable. So, what are they? How are they used? And how, when combined together, do they make it easier to process text? What Is Sed? Sed was developed in 1971 at Bell Labs, by legendary computing pioneer Lee E. McMahon. The name stands for stream editor, and that’s kinda what it does….

Read the full article: Every Linux Geek Needs To Know Sed and Awk. Here’s Why…

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Every Linux Geek Needs To Know Sed and Awk. Here’s Why…

Download every ‘Tribes’ game for free

Fancy yourself a fan of playing awesome PC shooters online? Boy howdy, do I have a story for you: Developer Hi-rez Studios has released every game in its Tribes series for free on its website as part of the franchise’s 21st birthday celebration. That means everything from Starseige: Tribes to the free-to-play Tribes: Ascend is available right now, gratis. And you don’t even have to buy it a drink — the party’s on Hi-rez’s dime! As if you had any big plans for this weekend anyway.

Via: Dave Oshry (Twitter)

Source: Tribes Universe

via Engadget
Download every ‘Tribes’ game for free