Watch Me Defend Hunting On Dr. Drew

Watch Me Defend Hunting On Dr. Drew

It’s counterintuitive, but sport hunting as it’s practiced in the US is the most significant conservator of animals in the country. And some of that applies even if you’re murdering lions in Africa. Yesterday, I made that point on Dr. Drew, amid much shouting.

Yesterday around lunchtime, my buddy Scott called up and asked if I was free to go on TV. He and I hunt together and he’s gone on Dr. Drew a couple times in the past to discuss this sport. He was shooting something else last night, so suggested me to the show’s producers. I said “yes,” went and got a quick haircut, showered, then walked down the street to the CNN tower not really knowing what to expect.

Shook Dr. Drew’s hand, got mic’d up, had my face airbrushed to mask my hideous features, then walked out on stage, was introduced as a big game hunter and got booed. A skinny blonde chick shouted at me that she was a vegan, a woman from the audience shouted at me that she was South African and didn’t know anything about hunting, but wanted to shout anyways, then another guy shouted that hunting is too easy because we use tools.

The fun part came in the green room after the show when I got to invite Dr. Drew to come hunting and he declined, explaining he was simply too good a person. Then I got to tell some Young Republican that he was a sinner for wearing polyester pants and called Kim Davis “a bigot.”

I guess the TL;DR on the whole issue is that it’s a fact that hunting funds conservation more significantly than goodwill does. That’s a shame, but it’s also a real thing and it’s why populations of lions, white rhinos, whitetail deer and other species still exist in this human age; hunting attaches an economic value to the success of their populations. Is that cold? Yeah. Does shouting on national TV do anything for animals? Not any more than being a vegan helps lions. Would I hunt a lion? Probably not, but Corey Knowlton didn’t think he’d ever hunt a black rhino either.

My point about African villagers not being huge fans of living next to big animals? Read this piece in the NY Times.

You can either be emotional about hunting and ignore the facts or you can treat it rationally and acknowledge its factual role in the real world. Personally, I don’t really care for trophy hunting, but wanted to at least be a voice of reason in this time of manufactured (and ultimately pointless) outrage. You may scream and shout, but hunting will keep on keeping animal populations viable while you do.

IndefinitelyWild is a new publication about adventure travel in the outdoors, the vehicles and gear that get us there and the people we meet along the way. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

via Gizmodo
Watch Me Defend Hunting On Dr. Drew

Disney Found a Way To Make LED Lights Talk To Each Other

Disney Found a Way To Make LED Lights Talk To Each Other

Wifi networks aren’t ubiquitous yet, and other wireless communication protocols like Bluetooth can suck battery life. So researchers at Disney have come up with an alternative way for devices to talk to each other using LEDs blinking faster than the human eye can see.

The applications seem a little toy-focused at this point (this is Disney, after all) but the technology is impressive nonetheless. Unlike incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, the brightness of LEDs can be controlled with extreme accuracy. In other words, they can be turned on and off at very high rates, faster than the human eye can detect. The other key feature? LEDs can detect light like a photodiode as effectively as they can produce it.

Disney Found a Way To Make LED Lights Talk To Each Other

In the same way two ships passing in the night can communicate using morse code, or the way digital signals race down fiber optic cables as pulses of light, two devices can secretly communicate using the visible light generated by an LED. And that’s why Disney Research calls it Visible Light Communication.

Disney Found a Way To Make LED Lights Talk To Each Other

Simple examples of the technology include a toy car coming to life when placed under a lamp, or light-up LEDs on a dress illuminating as they’re tapped with a wand featuring a flashing LED on the end. But through the use of a cheap and simple adapter connected to a headphone jack, a smartphone or tablet could receive signals from overhead LED lights, even those operating in wavelengths completely invisible to the human eye.

So invisible LED emitters could be set up around a grocery store, and automatically beam notifications about a sale or a coupon to your smartphone while you’re walking around. And given how incredibly cheap and commonplace LED technology has become, the Visible Light Communication technology could be easier to implement than NFC or other wireless protocols gaining popularity.

[Disney Research]

via Gizmodo
Disney Found a Way To Make LED Lights Talk To Each Other

This Fetal Monitoring System Is The Best Thing Apple Has Ever Done for Women

This Fetal Monitoring System Is The Best Thing Apple Has Ever Done for Women

Of the many new experiences you might have during a high-risk pregnancy, one of the least fun is a fetal monitoring test called a Non-Stress Test, or NST. It really should be called a High-Stress Test because of the anguish it puts parents through. Apple just made it a little bit better.

An NST is the best way for doctors to examine the health of a fetus in the final trimester. Here’s how it works: You’re essentially chained to a zillion monitors for an hour or so while doctors determine if your baby’s heartbeat and movement are normal. This usually has to be done in the hospital and it sometimes has to be done several times in the last few weeks of pregnancy. Due to my high blood pressure, I was admitted into Labor and Delivery six times to do NSTs before my daughter was actually born. (On the bright side, all the nurses knew me when I finally came back to give birth.)

But one of the biggest problems with this whole process is that even with all those sensors, doctors still have a hard time differentiating the mom’s heartbeat from the baby’s, which means they’re moving the sensors around, listening, moving them around, listening. Again, this is all incredibly scary, when you’re already worried about the health of your baby.

This Fetal Monitoring System Is The Best Thing Apple Has Ever Done for Women

Airstrip, an integrated fetal monitoring app announced by Apple at today’s event, can comfortably gather all the information for an NST, even at home, and transmit all its data wirelessly to your Apple Watch. More importantly, it can send all this information to your doctor. But this is not just a UX innovation: Apple’s also partnered with an important medical device to work with it. The streamlined Sense4Baby monitor, which Airstrip acquired in April, looks like a comfy battery-powered band to replace a complicated array of wands, sensors, and stickers. And thanks to the excellent heartbeat tracker in the Apple Watch, supposedly it can work with the monitor to tell mom’s and baby’s heartbeat apart.

The Airstrip system also solves the problem of needing to check the baby’s health during labor—high-risk pregnancies especially need to be constantly monitored. Airstrip can apparently do all of this, including tracking the time and strength of contractions. Anyone who’s tried to squeeze a baby out of their vagina knows that the last thing you want is to be tethered to a fetal monitoring machine. You want to MOVE. And if you could track all of this data—the length and strength of contractions, with updates on the baby’s health—easily on your tiny Apple Watch, you could confidently wander around laboring at home, only coming to the hospital or birthing center when it was time to deliver.

Let’s hope this is financially feasible for hospitals, doctors, and midwives to use—and it’s not just women who can afford an Apple Watch. While I don’t think there’s too much value in sitting around at home checking your unborn baby’s heartbeat unless your doctor needs that information (in fact, many doctors will recommend you not become obsessed with tracking your baby’s heartbeat at home), I can see this being immensely helpful in developing countries with unreliable or nonexistent power. It will almost certainly help deliver healthier babies. And of course, hopefully you don’t need an Apple Watch to view the data—let’s hope it will track just as easily on a phone or tablet.

As an owner of a uterus who has lamented the lack of women presenters onstage at Apple events, and was pretty peeved that Apple’s HealthKit originally didn’t include female-friendly features like a period tracker (they’ve since added it), this is actually one of the best things a tech company has ever done for women’s health. I’m almost looking forward to the Non-Stress Test in my next pregnancy.

Follow the author at @awalkerinLA

via Gizmodo
This Fetal Monitoring System Is The Best Thing Apple Has Ever Done for Women

A Guide To Building SVG Maps From Natural Earth Data


Interactive maps are a fantastic way to present geographic data to your visitors. Libraries like Google Maps and Open Street Maps are a popular choice to do this and they excel at visualizing street-level data. However, for small-scale maps, SVG maps are often a better option. They are lightweight, fully customizable and are not encumbered by any licensing restrictions.

A Guide To Making SVG Maps From Natural Earth Data

It’s possible to find a number of SVG maps released under permissible licenses in the Wikimedia Commons. Unfortunately, it’s likely that you will eventually find these options lacking. The map you need may not exist, may be out of date (as borders change), or may not be well-formatted for web use. This article will explain how to create your own SVG maps using Natural Earth data and open source tools. You will then be able to create SVG maps of any area of the world, using any projection, at any resolution. As an illustration, we will create an SVG world map.

The post A Guide To Building SVG Maps From Natural Earth Data appeared first on Smashing Magazine.

via Smashing Magazine
A Guide To Building SVG Maps From Natural Earth Data

How to Finally Start Working Out (Even If You Hate It)

How to Finally Start Working Out (Even If You Hate It)

Hating exercise isn’t the same as being lazy. Exercise motivation is a complicated subject, but if getting off the couch is the hardest part for you, we’ve got you covered. Here’s how to finally start working out, no matter how much you might hate it.

There is actually evidence to suggest that your innate enjoyment from exercise may be determined by your genes. Relatively recent research from The Journal of Physiology selectively bred mice based on their predisposition to exercise. After a few generations of breeding (or shall we say inbreeding like Lannisters), brain activity showed that one group of mice found exercise to be rewarding—and thus voluntarily exercised more—while the other group did not.

But of course, people aren’t mice—Peter Pettigrew aside. There plenty of reasons exercise may bore you. Still, it’s hard to discount the fact that genetics play a role. For the unlucky individuals in this pool, this can quickly spiral out of control if you put on weight as a result; you hate exercise, and gaining weight compounds the difficulty of getting started.…

More importantly: hating exercise isn’t a moral failure, as many would have you believe. Hell, the treadmill was originally created as a torture device, and you’re no more to blame for hating it than you are for…well…any other torture device.

But as I’ve said before, culpability and responsibility are not the same thing. You can’t help your innate feelings or preferences, but you’re damn well responsible for doing something about it. I’ve found that if there is a laziness of sorts preventing people from exercising, it’s not a physical one, but a mental one—it’s the laziness of considering alternative explanations rather than reducing the problem to sheer “laziness,” showing yourself some compassion, then committing to an actionable plan.

So get yourself in the correct mental headspace, and move forward with the following plan.…

Pick the Correct Exercise Discipline for Your Goals

I’ve found this is where people make the biggest mistake. The default activity for anything health related is to start running or commit to an event such as a marathon. “I need to lose weight…I should start running!” “I need to improve my flexibility and back issues…I should join a marathon!” “Man, this rash still isn’t going away…I bet there’s a treadmill sale somewhere!”

There are natural reasons that running is the default exercise of choice. Not only is it super accessible, but society has a bit of a “just do it” mentality, which further implies that you should “just suck it up” and get started. But this is the wrong mindset. It implies that there are few nuances to adhering to your regimen, and failing means that you “just couldn’t do it.” Translation: you obviously “weren’t tough enough” to do something so simple.

In reality, because most people start exercising for purposes of weight loss, running might actually be the worst route to go. It can be a painful endeavor for those considerably overweight and—along with other forms of exercise that focus on the caloric burnyields a low return on your investment.…

This is not to say that running is bad. Do start running if you truly love it (or can honestly see yourself loving it), if weight loss isn’t your main focus, or if you explicitly want to improve your endurance. However, if weight loss is your priority or you just can’t stand running, consider other forms of exercise. Those who are overweight and sedentary will benefit from starting off by walking instead. Even better, consider investing some time into strength training in the gym (if finances permit) or using your own body weight.

Find the Most Important Measurement for Creating That Habit

The best apps are famous for getting users to stick and create habit around using them every day. One of the ways that they do this is through a concept known as activation—the magical “aha” understanding that causes someone to start using a product repeatedly. For example, Facebook’s “activation” is getting seven friends in the first ten days, whereas Dropbox’s activation is uploading your first file.

Thinking of exercise as “sticky” will do wonders for adherence, and luckily we can apply these same concepts to fitness.

When you pick your exercise of choice—be it yoga, running, strength training, boxing, or something else—find the one improvement that will excite you the most. If you take up strength training, this might mean being able to do more pushups in one total set or increasing your favorite exercise, like a dumbbell shoulder press. If you want to get better at running, this might mean a better one-mile time or a better time on your sprint. If it’s difficult for you to come up with a metric, consider using “perceived exertion” on a scale of one to ten. For example, if you start walking more, consider using the total amount of time that you’re walking at a brisk pace until you feel a 7/10 in terms of fatigue.

The concept of activation explains why many group classes, despite their cult-like hype, aren’t effective when it comes to adherence. It’s harder to find your personal definition of “activation” doing something like SoulCycle, or a similar cookie cutter class. Furthermore, you are forced to move at the pace of others in the group, rather than your personal one.

Whatever your choice for “activation,” realize that the improvement might be miniscule at first—an extra rep on your set of push-ups or a few seconds on your mile. But make no mistake, activation is important because it makes exercise “sticky.” It’s not enough to just feel good that you did something. That’s fine at first, but it will only last for so long, especially in those who inherently dislike exercise. Don’t trick yourself into thinking that you’ll eventually love it one day. Hell, even I still don’t.…

Activate and Improve

Once you’ve figured out your metric for activation, measure your baseline. Using the examples above, that means seeing how many pushups you can do in one set or how long it takes you to run a mile. Make sure that you use a reasonable amount of effort.

Next, embark on a well-vetted beginner’s program, rather than going off on your own. For strength training, I suggest Starting Strength, Lifehacker’s body weight program, or the Minimum Viable Fitness program that I wrote. For running, I’ve heard many great things about Couch to 5k. Reddit’s /r/fitness subsection has a good selection of beginners programs. Make sure that the program that you select incorporates your metric and exercise for “activation.” Better yet, pick an activation metric that’s already in the program of your choice if you can.

After a week, measure against the baseline that you set, using the exact same conditions. In all likelihood, you’ll see an improvement—if not, treat fitness like an objective problem and figure out what went wrong. This as a concrete win…you improved. This didn’t take weeks or months, but close to a single week. Make sure to celebrate and appreciate that as a newbie, you’ll continue to make week-to-week improvements. Eventually, you’ll realize that success isn’t about following shallow mantras like “just do it”, but rather, moving beyond that mentality.

Title image remixed from Frans Dono (Shutterstock).

via Lifehacker
How to Finally Start Working Out (Even If You Hate It)

How to Avoid Turning Into a Jerk When You’re Surrounded by Jerks

How to Avoid Turning Into a Jerk When You’re Surrounded by Jerks

Working in retail, I still remember one of my worst customers. He handed me a quarter and what looked like a single one dollar bill. I said, “Sorry, the total is two twenty-five.” He pulled apart two crisp bills, which I didn’t notice were stuck together, and slowly counted, “One…two. Do you speak English? Do you know math?” I was fuming, but I said nothing. I was, however, short with everyone else that day, until a friend asked, “what’s your problem?” The problem was: I let that jerk turn me into an jerk, too.

This is something that happens to me all the time, and I think it happens to a lot of us. You’re a nice enough person, but you’re put in an environment where everyone is rude, and next thing you know, you’re rude, too. Maybe someone just gets under your skin and you don’t even realize it’s happening. Or maybe all of your friends are kind of jerks, and you gradually start becoming more like them.

Whatever the scenario, this happens because rudeness is contagious. In a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, researchers had subjects reply to a neutral email. Some of the subjects watched a video of a rude interaction before replying, and their replies were a lot more hostile. That experiment and two others were enough for researchers to conclude:

Specifically, we show that rudeness activates a semantic network of related concepts in individuals’ minds, and that this activation influences individual’s hostile behaviors. In sum, in these 3 studies we show that just like the common cold, common negative behaviors can spread easily and have significant consequences for people in organizations

Whether it’s rude coworkers, nasty Internet trolls, or just impolite strangers you encounter out running errands, here’s how to avoid catching someone else’s jerky behavior.

It’s Probably Not About You

When a stranger sarcastically asks if you know how to count, it’s hard not to take it personally. However, this had nothing to do with me. Sure, I made a mistake, if you can even call it that, but it certainly didn’t warrant such a bizarre reaction.

As Tiny Buddha points out, another person’s rude behavior it’s rarely about you. Maybe it’s a coping mechanism. Maybe they feel inadequate or defensive. Or hell, maybe someone else was rude and it rubbed off on them. Writer Avery Rogers explains the motive behind her own rude behavior:

When I became depressed, though, my temper shortened and I felt far more irritable…. I started to become rude and unkind myself. I lashed out at people, or, more commonly, gave them passive aggressive excuses for distancing myself from them. I even became prone to insulting people as a way of protecting myself if they didn’t like me. I didn’t make a conscious decision to be mean. I didn’t wake up in the morning and think, “Today, I am going to hurt someone’s feelings.” It just happened in the moment when I was feeling especially down on myself…When someone is rude for no reason, especially a stranger, it is rarely a personal assault, even if you accidentally did something to irritate them.

Rogers explains something I’ve always known but didn’t really take to heart until I started trying to change my own behavior: you can’t do anything about someone else’s behavior, but you can choose how you react to it.

It seems hokey, but there’s a lot of power in that idea.

Choose a Different Reaction

I live in a big city, which means I can encounter a hell of a lot of rudeness just going out for groceries. You get cut off in traffic. People steal your parking spots. They run into you with their shopping carts. The list goes on. Once, a whole series of these things happened to me, and during the drive home, when another car put on their blinker to get in my lane, I actually said out loud, “I’m not giving you an inch.”

In other words, I was being a total asshole. In that moment, I realized being surrounded by jerks during a simple trip to the grocery store had turned me into a defensive, rude jerk too. I also realized I had a choice. I could choose how I reacted to the series of rude interactions I’d had that day. In doing this, it helped to understand that their actions were totally separate from who I was as an individual.

It’s tough to remember not to take things personally, but now I use my irritability as a trigger. When I notice bad behavior rubbing off on me, I try to do the opposite of what I want to do, which is to be defensive and rude. Instead, I go out of my way to be nice, even though I’m in a bad mood and I don’t feel like it. So instead of not letting someone in my lane, I’ll wave them over. Rather than assume someone is trying to cut in front of me in line, I’ll offer to let them go in front of me if they have fewer items. At first, I did this just to break the cycle of rudeness. But I’ve noticed that it actually helps turn my mood around quite a bit.

Psychologist Elana Miller would probably approve of this method. In an article on the “Art of Not Being an Asshole,” she suggests:

Expecting everyone else to conform to your rules is a losing battle.We go around getting frustrated and frustrating other people. Sounds like a lot of unnecessary frustration to me.

You could spend 100 pages writing down all the rules people should follow and it would still be missing the point, because it’s the concept that’s important, not all these individual rules. The concept is actually straight-forward:

Be aware of yourself and your behavior, and avoid asshole-like actions.Be forgiving when someone else is an asshole, because they probably didn’t mean it the way you think they did.

This means spending less time paying attention to all the annoying things everyone else does and more time paying attention to all the annoying things YOU do.

Instead of reacting to someone else’s actions, you take control over your own.

Be Assertive Without Being a Jerk

Some rude behavior is harder not to take personally, especially when it affects you in other ways. For example, let’s say a coworker throws you under the bus. You’re now on the hook for their mistake. It might not have been personal, but that comes at little comfort when your boss is upset with you and you were planning to ask for a raise soon.

Encountering rudeness can have a big impact on your performance, too.…

In an article for the New York Times, researcher Christine Porath explained:

According to a survey of more than 4,500 doctors, nurses and other hospital personnel, 71 percent tied disruptive behavior, such as abusive, condescending or insulting personal conduct, to medical errors, and 27 percent tied such behavior to patient deaths. My studies with Amir Erez, a management professor at the University of Florida, show that people working in an environment characterized by incivility miss information that is right in front of them. They are no longer able to process it as well or as efficiently as they would otherwise.

In one study, the experimenter belittled the peer group of the participants, who then performed 33 percent worse on anagram word puzzles and came up with 39 percent fewer creative ideas during a brainstorming task focused on how they might use a brick. In our second study, a stranger — a “busy professor” encountered en route to the experiment — was rude to participants by admonishing them for bothering her. Their performance was 61 percent worse on word puzzles, and they produced 58 percent fewer ideas in the brick task than those who had not been treated rudely.

When dealing with issues like this, you still want to be aware of how you react, but simply being nice might not work. In fact, ignoring the problem with kindness could make things worse later. At the same time, being rude could cultivate an environment of rudeness, which would be counterproductive. If you’re dealing with a social underminer or a bully at work, there are a few ways to be assertive without becoming a bully yourself:

  • Distance yourself: Keep your social media accounts private, ask your boss to move your desk, and/or avoid sharing any contact or information with them.
  • Confront them about their behavior: Be upfront about how you feel and address their behavior objectively. Most bullies will back down as soon as you call them out.
  • Tell someone who can help: If nothing else works, you may need to have a conversation with your human resources department.…

All of these options are better than trying to get back at a coworker by turning into a jerk yourself. Some argue that jerks get ahead, but as Porath explains, the studies show otherwise, leading researchers to conclude that rude people get ahead despite their rudeness, not because of it.

Try a Few Mental Exercises

If you’re having a hard time not letting someone else’s rude behavior get to you, there are some mental tricks you can try:

  • Give Them a Mental Hug: Try to feel compassion with a rude person and understand why they might be behaving like a jerk. Giving them a hug, mentally, can help you empathize with their actions.
  • Acknowledge Your Emotions: When you’re feeling angry or upset and reactive, sit with your feelings for a moment and identify them. Think objectively about what you’re feeling. For example, instead of “that mean customer made me feel belittled,” I would just say, “I feel belittled.” This helps you keep the situation under control by separating your emotions and staying in the present.
  • Find Your Inner Toddler: Try to “think big” and imagine that you’re a toddler throwing a temper tantrum over ice cream. As an adult, you realize there are more important things in the world, because you have a bigger perspective. When I dealt with my own anger issues, a friend suggested reassuring that inner toddler, too. In the case of my rude customer, I’d say something to myself like, “Why did that make you mad? Because you don’t feel smart sometimes? That’s okay, we all feel that way occasionally.” Not only does this exercise acknowledge why you’re angry in the first place, it makes you realize their rudeness really isn’t that big of a deal for you as an adult.…

It can be tough to avoid catching someone else’s rudeness. Sometimes we don’t even realize how much someone’s behavior affects us, and we don’t even realize we’ve become rude ourselves. With a little awareness of the situation and some self-reflection, it’s easy enough to avoid becoming a jerk when you’re surrounded by them. And on really tough days, a few mental tricks can pull you through.

And in some cases, a little distance can work wonders. Especially if you’re used to being around people who are rude all the time, you might get to a point where you don’t know any better. If all of your friends or coworkers are jerks, try spending time with new friends. Find a coworker who’s not caught up in the office incivility. Get out of the big city once in awhile. Being around other people or less stressful environments can help you readjust your perspective.

Illustration by Tina Mailhot-Roberge.

via Lifehacker
How to Avoid Turning Into a Jerk When You’re Surrounded by Jerks

Fix Scratches in Wood Furniture with Olive Oil and Vinegar

Fix Scratches in Wood Furniture with Olive Oil and Vinegar

Got a piece of wood furniture that’s all scratched and beat up? Fear not. Olive oil and vinegar can rescue it from that sad state.

Domestic Bliss Squared shows how rubbing on a 1/2 cup of vinegar mixed with 1/2 cup of olive oil can make a wood surface almost like new again (even when furniture polish and orange oil failed before).

I tried it on my coffee table with similar, positive results:

Fix Scratches in Wood Furniture with Olive Oil and Vinegar

Better than using a walnut, since it’s easier to apply and you likely already have olive oil and vinegar on hand.

DIY: fix furniture scratches in wood furniture | Domestic Bliss Squared

via Lifehacker
Fix Scratches in Wood Furniture with Olive Oil and Vinegar

12 Best Sites to Get Royalty-Free Stock Photos


The Internet is flooded with places to buy stock photos or download them for free, but that means that you have to sift through a lot of junk to find that one perfect image. We want to make your job a little bit easier, so we looked around to find the best places to get royalty-free stock photos. Going forward, we’ll include example photos from each source so you can get a taste of what’s available without having to sign up at a bunch of different sites that you may or may not end up using. And, of course, there are…

Read the full article: 12 Best Sites to Get Royalty-Free Stock Photos

via MakeUseOf
12 Best Sites to Get Royalty-Free Stock Photos