Introducing BoardList: A Curated Platform With 600-Plus Female Independent Board Members Ready to Serve

Boardlist_4_manage my candidates There are many in Silicon Valley who’d like to find better ways to integrate female operators and investors into tech scene but who think it will simply take time – time for more women to enter into engineering programs, time for more women to join tech startups, and time for more women to form their own venture firms, as some have begun to do. Sukhinder Singh Cassidy is not one… Read More

via TechCrunch
Introducing BoardList: A Curated Platform With 600-Plus Female Independent Board Members Ready to Serve

Useful queries on MySQL information_schema

MySQL information_schema comes with useful information about the database instance, status, … etc. which is needed for daily DBA work.
There are some simple queries on the information_schema that I use on my daily basis in which I’m writing this post for my reference and maybe a good reference for someone else too …
Finding tables without Primary or Unique Keys:
PKs are so important, especially, for InnoDB tables as MySQL uses PKs as a clustered index and having no PKs might lead to severe performance problems.
Also having no PKs is one of the main causes of slave lagging problems mainly when using RBR (Row-Based Replication), e.g. if a delete statement on the master will delete 1 million rows on a table without PK, a full table scan will take place. This “might” not be a problem on the master but on the slave 1 million full table scan will take place – because changes to the individual rows are being written to the binary logs in ROW format not the actual statement itself – which of course will cause the slave to be lagged. For more information about the Replication formats, check the manual documentation.
In Galera Cluster setups, tables without PKs might cause replication lag on the slave nodes and some other troubles as well:
“When tables lack a primary key, rows can appear in different order on different nodes in your cluster. As such, queries like SELECT…LIMIT… can return different results. Additionally, on such tables the DELETE statement is unsupported.“.
More information about Galera Cluster limitations, can be checked out here.
So, it is important to find out if there are any tables without PKs or not to fix the problem ASAP:
FROM information_schema.TABLES t
INNER JOIN information_schema.COLUMNS c
AND t.TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN (‘performance_schema’,’information_schema’,’mysql’)
HAVING sum(if(column_key in (‘PRI’,’UNI’), 1,0))=0;
Finding Foreign key constraints:
If you are using the Percona tool pt-online-schema-change to apply schema changes, having FKs in your tables will make the tool’s operation more complicate and additional options should be used:
“Foreign keys complicate the tool’s operation and introduce additional risk. The technique of atomically renaming the original and new tables does not work when foreign keys refer to the table. The tool must update foreign keys to refer to the new table after the schema change is complete. The tool supports two methods for accomplishing this. You can read more about this in the documentation for –alter-foreign-keys-method.
Foreign keys also cause some side effects. The final table will have the same foreign keys and indexes as the original table (unless you specify differently in your ALTER statement), but the names of the objects may be changed slightly to avoid object name collisions in MySQL and InnoDB.“.
Check out my blog for more information on how to use pt-online-schema-change!
Also, foreign keys are supported only in InnoDB so if it is required to convert your tables to MyISAM, you should check first those constraints and remove them before converting to MyISAM, otherwise, the ALTER statement will fail:
SELECT referenced_table_name parent, table_name child, constraint_name
FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE
WHERE referenced_table_name IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY referenced_table_name;
Finding Fragmentation:
By the time, tables become fragmented due to many writes (inserts, updates and deletes) so, reorganizing the table and the index will improve the performance and also reclaiming the disk space for use by the operating system might be required (Assuming that innodb_file_per_table option was enabled before creating the InnoDB tables). This can be achieved by executing “OPTIMIZE TABLE” statement but it is expensive. However, we can check the tables’ fragmentation first and then execute “OPTIMIZE TABLE” only on those tables having high fragmentation (the following query will return only the tables in db_name schema having data free more than 100MB):
SELECT TABLE_NAME, (DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH) / 1024 / 1024 AS sizeMb,DATA_FREE / 1024 / 1024 AS data_free_MB
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE engine LIKE ‘InnoDB’
and TABLE_SCHEMA = ‘db_name’
AND DATA_FREE > 100 * 1024 * 1024;
Checking if there are any MyISAM tables or not:
MyISAM is a non transactional SE and having a consistent backup where there are MyISAM tables requires locking all tables. So, before considering the backup plan for a system, it is recommended to know if there are any MyISAM tables or not:
FROM `information_schema`.`TABLES`
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN (‘information_schema’,’performance_schema’,’mysql’)
If you have your own useful queries on the information_schema, please feel free to write it down in a comment 🙂
via Planet MySQL
Useful queries on MySQL information_schema

WiseBanyan Creates and Manages Investment Portfolios for You, for Free

WiseBanyan Creates and Manages Investment Portfolios for You, for Free

WiseBanyan, “the world’s first free financial advisor,” might be the easiest, least expensive way to get a diversified investment plan and have it automatically managed.

Like other “robo-advisors,” WiseBanyan uses takes information you supply about your goals and risk tolerance and develops algorithms to choose investments (EFTs) with low-fees and in a diverse pool of asset classes. It also rebalances your portfolio quarterly, reinvesting dividends and making sure your portfolio stays on track with your risk tolerance.…

Unlike other robo-advisors, there are no management, trading fees, custodial fees, or other fees charged by WiseBanyan. There’s only a $10 minimum to invest and no minimum additional investment requirements. The funds themselves do charge fees, which—as with other brokerage accounts—are accounted for in your portfolio. The average fund fee is a relatively low 0.12%.

You can create or transfer a Roth, SEP IRA, traditional IRA, or personal investment account with WiseBayan and set up auto deposit on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis to take advantage of dollar-cost averaging.

You’re probably wondering what’s the catch. WiseBanyan plans to make money from additional products and services, such as tax-loss harvesting, which the company is shortyly rolling out. They state that they will never make money off clients by selling personal info, getting commissions or kickbacks for recommending specific funds, or show ads.

WiseBanyan doesn’t offer a lot of investment guidance, analysis, or flexibility. You answer questions when you create a new account and then everything is done for you. You can change your “risk number” (how risk tolerant you are), but can’t get back to the questions to change your answers. You also get only one view of your portfolio and can’t change the EFTs picked or how much is allocated to each. However, your WiseBanyan account can be accessed through Folio Investing, a popular online brokerage, where you can see more statistics and investment information.

The service is currently on a waitlist beta, but I got my invite in a couple of weeks. If you’re looking for a completely fuss-free way to invest in the broad market—even with as little as $10 a month—WiseBanyan is worth a look.


via Lifehacker
WiseBanyan Creates and Manages Investment Portfolios for You, for Free

The Fantastic Four Comic-Con Footage Is Here and It’s on Fire

Because it’s full of the Human Torch, see? Yeah, you get it. There’s not a ton of new footage here, but it does contain the first we’ve heard of Doom and the Thing talking and oh my god are they really not modulating Jamie Bell’s voice at all? It’s so weird to see and Thing and hear a teenager.

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via Gizmodo
The Fantastic Four Comic-Con Footage Is Here and It’s on Fire

Making a katana the old traditional Japanese way is so impressive

Making a katana the old traditional Japanese way is so impressive

I think this is the most impressive video that Man At Arms has ever done, and that’s saying a lot since they’ve recreated all the coolest weapons from TV shows and movies in real life. But there’s something ridiculous impressive about making a katana (stylized like the one from Kill Bill) the traditional old school Japanese way.

There is so much work in a blade and the result is absolutely stunning. It starts with using 1100 pounds of charcoal to make their own metal from ore to using 24 karat gold as a finishing touch.

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

via Gizmodo
Making a katana the old traditional Japanese way is so impressive

Video: The beautiful craftsmanship of making a shotgun

Video: The beautiful craftsmanship of making a shotgun

Guns are dangerous but making a beautifully ornate gun is basically like unbelievably detailed artwork crossed with masterful machinery work. I love this video showing the steps it takes for a Holland & Holland shotgun to be made because it’s so cool to see all the different methods blend together.

The metal of the barrel, the wood of the handle, the art in the detail—it’s like a shotgun merges old world and new school technology in one.

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

via Gizmodo
Video: The beautiful craftsmanship of making a shotgun