Volunteer Bob Paulin Turns Kids on to Tech with Devoxx4Kids (Video)

You can call Bob Paulin ‘Coach’ and he’ll probably respond, because he’s been coaching youth football since 2005. Now he’s also coaching what you might call ‘youth science and technology’ as the Chicagoland organizer of Devoxx4Kids.org. A motto on the group’s website says, ‘Game programming, robotics, engineering for kids in a fun way!’ And that’s what the group is all about, as Bob says in this video (and in the accompanying transcript for those who prefer reading over watching).

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Volunteer Bob Paulin Turns Kids on to Tech with Devoxx4Kids (Video)

FBI Spent Years ‘Researching’ The Lyrics To ‘Louie, Louie’ Before Realizing The Copyright Office Must Have Them

Last week, as you may or may not have heard, a guy named Jack Ely passed away at the age of 71. The name may not be that familiar, but the voice almost certainly. Jack Ely was — fairly briefly — the lead singer of the Kingsmen, and happened to do a cover song in a single take under poor conditions, that created one of the most memorable songs in rock and roll history, also known as Louie Louie:

You know the song. You also know the lyrics are completely indecipherable. However, with Ely’s death, there’s been renewed attention to the fact that the FBI spent nearly two years investigating the damn song. It is just as ridiculous as it sounds, but the FBI has released the file on its investigation and it’s a rather hilarious read. It turns out it wasn’t just the FBI, but involved the FCC and the Post Office:
Apparently, the government was being inundated with claims from people (some of which you can see in the file) insisting that they had heard the indecipherable lyrics were actually "obscene." If you want to see the supposedly "obscene" interpretation of the lyrics, there’s one set on page 14 [pdf] of the document, though I warn you, even the falsely heard "obscene" lyrics are not particularly obscene by today’s standards (and I’m at a loss as to how they’re that obscene by the standards of 1963, frankly). On page 22, there’s another, mostly different set of falsely heard "obscene" lyrics that at least includes the word "fuck." On page 35, yet another version with both "fuck" and "bitch."

There are lots of documents about the FBI playing the record, repeatedly, at different speeds, and all coming to the conclusion that you and I and everyone else already knows: the lyrics are basically indecipherable.

And again:
There are a few more times this determination was made, in part because after the FBI had already gone through the whole investigation, J. Edgar Hoover reopened it after a concerned parent wrote him a letter — complaining that whether or not the real lyrics are obscene, it doesn’t matter because teens can hear the obscene lyrics and "every teenager in the country ‘heard’ the obscene not the copywritten lyric." There are also letters to Attorney General Robert Kennedy that include lines like "these morons have gone too far," and "This land of ours is headed for an extreme state of moral degradation what with this record, the biggest hit movies and the sex and violence exploited on T.V. How can we stamp out this menace? ? ? ?" Really.
But, in the end, as everyone knows, the song is simply indecipherable, rather than obscene.

And that’s because the band was in a tiny studio with just three mics, played a single take of the song and Ely had to scream at a microphone on the ceiling trying to have his voice heard above the instruments (a task he basically failed at doing). But, the idea that there was a mystery to the lyrics is kind of ridiculous for a few reasons, the first one being that the song is a cover song, and the FBI could have easily listened to a few of the earlier versions of the song, such as the original by Richard Berry, or another popular one by Rockin Robin Roberts and The Fabulous Wailers (the one that inspired the Kingsmen to do the cover). You can hear both those and another one right here. Their lyrics are a lot more intelligible in all of those versions, and you can pretty quickly tell that the lyrics to the Kingsmen version is supposed to be the Rockin Robin Roberts version.

Also, as Marc Randazza notes, it took nearly two years for someone in the FBI to think, hey, isn’t the song registered at the Copyright Office down the street? Maybe we should send someone over there to find out what it says? This was after the FBI had reached out to the record label (who gave them the accurate lyrics) along with the original author of the song, Richard Berry, who told them the lyrics. Oddly, apparently, the FBI never bothered to ask Ely himself what he sang, though I’m sure he would have said the same damn lyrics, which are below:

Still, what a bizarre story of moral panics, FBI and governmental overreach, the First Amendment… and a bit of copyright thrown in just for fun.

Oh, and as a general postscript, for all the hand wringing about possible obscenities in the song… there actually is one. Just not in the lyrics. At 54 seconds into the song, the drummer Lynn Easton actually fumbled his drumsticks banging them together and yells out "fuck." The FBI never caught on to that, but you can actually hear it if you listen…

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FBI Spent Years ‘Researching’ The Lyrics To ‘Louie, Louie’ Before Realizing The Copyright Office Must Have Them

Sorry, But It’s Islam’s Fault If People Are Islamophobic

I know some of us want to just sort of treat this like any other news story, but it’s actually a huge deal that two ISIS-connected Muslims tried to shoot up a free speech event in Texas this past weekend. Yes, they didn’t succeed because Continue reading →

The post Sorry, But It’s Islam’s Fault If People Are Islamophobic appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

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Sorry, But It’s Islam’s Fault If People Are Islamophobic

How to make a pen-sized airgun

pen“The pen is mightier than the sword” said every gun (and sword) hating journalist ever. But if you are in need of an ultra concealable weapon to punch holes in tin cans and don’t want to file the paperwork and pay the taxes for .22LR firing pen, you should consider hw97karbine’s very cleverly designed air powered pen gun. […]

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The post How to make a pen-sized airgun appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

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How to make a pen-sized airgun

Need Help with Excel Formulas? 7 Resources to Consult


Asking “How do I use Excel?” is like asking “How do I use Word?” You’re just expected to know. And while those who can effortlessly learn programming probably don’t struggle with Excel sheets and formulas, it isn’t so easy for the rest of us. But here’s some good news: Excel doesn’t have to be a nightmare. A few Internet instructors understand that Excel is a sore spot for many, and these people have created free resources that start with the basics of Excel and eventually move onto the harder stuff, all in a clear and concise manner. So, do you need help…

Read the full article: Need Help with Excel Formulas? 7 Resources to Consult

via MakeUseOf
Need Help with Excel Formulas? 7 Resources to Consult

Here’s how Chipotle makes its delicious guacamole

Here's how Chipotle makes its delicious guacamole

It costs extra. We all know that. But when you get the guacamole from Chipotle and add it to your burrito or bowl or taco or bag of chips or more guacamole, the creamy buttery kicking deliciousness is divine. How does Chipotle make its guacamole? With this totally simple and normal recipe.

Chipotle follows this official recipe in its restaurants:

  • 2 ripe Hass avocados (In the restaurant, we use 48 per batch, multiple times per day)
  • 2 tsp lime juice
  • 2 tbsp cilantro (chopped)
  • 1/4 cup red onion (finely chopped)
  • 1/2 jalapeño, including seeds (finely chopped)
  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt

That’s pretty basic (and like many other guac recipes on the Internet)! All you do is throw the pitted and peeled avocados in a bowl, squirt the lime juice, sprinkle the salt and then smash it up until you get the texture you want. Then, add the rest of the ingredients and mix it all up to taste. If you like Chipotle’s guac, now you know how to make it at home.

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Here’s how Chipotle makes its delicious guacamole

How to setup MySQL incremental backup

Incremental backups in MySQL were always a tricky exercise. Logical backup tools like mysqldump or mydumper don’t support incremental backups, although it’s possible to emulate them with binary logs. And with snapshot-based backup tools it’s close to impossible to take incremental copies.
Percona’s XtraBackup does support incremental backups, but you have to understand well how it works under the hood and be familiar with command line options. That’s not so easy and it’s getting worse when it comes to restoring the database from an incremental copy. Some shops even ditch incremental backups due to complexity in scripting backup and restore procedures.
With TwinDB incremental backups are easy. In this post I will show how to configure MySQL incremental backups for a replication cluster with three nodes – a master and two slaves.
Configure MySQL Incremental Backups in TwinDB – online backup service for MySQL
TwinDB is online backup service for MySQL. It’s available on http://ift.tt/1Ib5VZm. Once you get there you’ll see a read-only demo. It shows how we backup our TwinDB servers.
Create Account in TwinDB
A new user has to create an account so they can backup their own servers.
For now we are in the by-invitations beta, drop me a mail to aleks@twindb.com for an invitation code.
Once you’re registered it’ll bring you to your environment where you can manage MySQL servers and storage, change schedule and retention policy.
Install Packages Repository
The next step is to install TwinDB agent on MySQL servers. It’s a python script that receives and executes commands from TwinDB. We distribute the TwinDB agent via packages repository. There are repositories for RedHat based systems as well as for Debian based systems.
For the demonstration we will register a cluster with one master and two slaves.
Let’s install TwinDB RPM repository.
# yum install http://ift.tt/1Ec6AEc
After the repository is configured we can install the agent:
# yum install twindb
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Setting up Install Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirror.cs.vt.edu
* epel: mirror.dmacc.net
* extras: mirror.cs.vt.edu
* updates: mirrors.loosefoot.com
Resolving Dependencies
–> Running transaction check
—> Package twindb.noarch 0:0.1.35-1 will be installed
–> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository Size
twindb noarch 0.1.35-1 twindb 26 k
Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package(s)
Total download size: 26 k
Installed size: 85 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
twindb-0.1.35-1.noarch.rpm | 26 kB 00:00
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
Installing : twindb-0.1.35-1.noarch 1/1
Stopping ntpd service
Shutting down ntpd: [ OK ]
Starting ntpd service
Starting ntpd: [ OK ]
Starting twindb client
Starting TwinDB agent … OK
Verifying : twindb-0.1.35-1.noarch 1/1
twindb.noarch 0:0.1.35-1
The agent should be installed on all three servers. TwinDB discovers replication topology and makes sure the backup is taken from a slave.
Register TwinDB Agents
Now we need to register the MySQL servers in TwinDB.
To do so we need to run this command on all three servers.
# twindb –register ea29cf2eda74bb308a6cb80a910ab19a
2015-05-03 04:12:24,588: twindb: INFO: action_handler_register():1050: Registering TwinDB agent with code ea29cf2eda74bb308a6cb80a910ab19a
2015-05-03 04:12:26,804: twindb: INFO: action_handler_register():1075: Reading SSH public key from /root/.ssh/twindb.key.pub.
2015-05-03 04:12:28,356: twindb: INFO: action_handler_register():1129: Received successful response to register an agent
2015-05-03 04:12:29,777: twindb: INFO: get_config():609: Got config:
"config_id": "8",
"mysql_password": "********",
"mysql_user": "twindb_agent",
"retention_policy_id": "9",
"schedule_id": "9",
"user_id": "9",
"volume_id": "8"
2015-05-03 04:12:30,549: twindb: INFO: create_agent_user():1159: Created MySQL user twindb_agent@localhost for TwinDB agent
2015-05-03 04:12:31,084: twindb: INFO: create_agent_user():1160: Congratulations! The server is successfully registered in TwinDB.
2015-05-03 04:12:31,662: twindb: INFO: create_agent_user():1161: TwinDB will backup the server accordingly to the default config.
2015-05-03 04:12:32,187: twindb: INFO: create_agent_user():1162: You can change the schedule and retention policy on http://ift.tt/1Ib5VZm
When a MySQL server registers in TwinDB few things happen:
The agent generates a GPG keys pair to encrypt backups and for secure communication with TwinDB dispatcher
The agent generates a SSH keys for secure file transfers
TwinDB creates a schedule, retention policy for the server and allocates storage in TwinDB for backup copies.
The agent creates a MySQL user on the local MySQL instance.
At the registration step the agent has to connect to MySQL with root permissions. It’s preferable to set a user and password in ~/.my.cnf file. It is also possible to specify the user and password with -u and -p options.
After five minutes TwinDB will discover the replication topology, and will find a feasible MySQL server to take backup and will schedule a backup job.
In “Server farm” -> “All servers” we see all registered MySQL servers.
After TwinDB discovers replication cluster nodes it starts scheduling backup jobs. By default a full copy is taken every week and incremental copy is taken every hour. You can change the schedule if you click on  “Schedule” -> “Default“.
On the dashboard there is a list of jobs. I was writing this post several days, so TwinDB managed to schedule a dozen of jobs.
For each newly registered server TwinDB schedules a full job, that’s why there are jobs for db01 and db02. But then it picked db03 and all further backups are taken from it.
To see what backup copies are taken from the replication cluster let’s open db03 server details, tab “Backup copies“. Here you can see full copies from db01, db02, and db03 and further incremental copies from db03.
Restore MySQL Incremental Backup
So far, taking an incremental backup was easy, but what about restoring a server from it?
Let’s go to the server list, right-click on a server where we want to restore a backup copy and choose “Restore server“:
Then choose an incremental copy to restore:
Then enter directory name where the restored database will be:
Then press “Restore” and it should show a confirmation window:
The restore job is scheduled and it’ll start after five minutes:
When the restore job is done the database files will be restored in directory /var/lib/mysql.restored on server db03:
[root@db03 mysql.restored]# cd /var/lib/mysql.restored/
[root@db03 mysql.restored]# ll
total 79908
-rw-r—–. 1 root root      295 May  5 03:36 backup-my.cnf
-rw-r—–. 1 root root 79691776 May  5 03:36 ibdata1
drwx——. 2 root root     4096 May  5 03:36 mysql
drwx——. 2 root root     4096 May  5 03:36 performance_schema
drwx——. 2 root root     4096 May  5 03:36 sakila
drwx——. 2 root root     4096 May  5 03:36 twindb
-rw-r—–. 1 root root       25 May  5 03:36 xtrabackup_binlog_info
-rw-r—–. 1 root root       91 May  5 03:36 xtrabackup_checkpoints
-rw-r—–. 1 root root      765 May  5 03:36 xtrabackup_info
-rw-r—–. 1 root root  2097152 May  5 03:36 xtrabackup_logfile
-rw-r—–. 1 root root       80 May  5 03:36 xtrabackup_slave_info
[root@db03 mysql.restored]#
And that’s it. /var/lib/mysql.restored/ is ready to be used as MySQL datadir.
by The post How to setup MySQL incremental backup appeared first on Backup and Data Recovery for MySQL.
via Planet MySQL
How to setup MySQL incremental backup