What’s The Political Situation Like in The Force Awakens?

What's The Political Situation Like in The Force Awakens?

Star Wars Celebration has revealed the names of two of the major factions in The Force Awakens: the Resistance, who seem to represent the next generation of the Rebel Alliance from the original trilogy, and the First Order, who appear to be the (non-Timothy Zahn) heir to the Empire. But are these the only political entities in the new Star Wars movies? And what’s their relationship to each other?

Complicating matters somewhat is this tidbit from the promotional materials for the upcoming Battlefront game:

Fans who pre-order Star Wars Battlefront will be among the first players to experience the Battle of Jakku, the pivotal moment when the New Republic confronted key Imperial holdouts on a remote desert planet on the Outer Rim. Taking place in the aftermath of the Rebel victory in the Battle of Endor, players will experience the events that created the massive, battle-scarred landscape of Jakku shown in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Unless someone at EA made an error, it does appear that there will be a canonical “New Republic” in the new Star Wars films, or that it did exist at some point in thirty-year period between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. But does it still exist in the present? Could the Republic have been corrupted like its predecessor and reverted to tyranny, or merged with the remnants of the Empire in the interests of stability? A “Resistance” makes more sense in that context. Also, note that “First Order” does not imply the presence of an Imperial authority; it may be a technocratic, fascistic bureaucracy along the lines of what we saw in A New Hope minus the mystical trappings of the Emperor and the Sith. Given the clean, streamlined look of the armor and spacecraft seen in the trailers, it’s clearly not a decadent organization, but a lean, disciplined military-industrial dictatorship.

But given the rumors of a “Cold War” storyline, it’s entirely possible that the New Republic still exists, and is a formidable power in its own right. So maybe the Republic and the First Order are two distinct entities, and the Resistance is a rebel faction within the Order’s boundaries with ties to the Republic, much as the French Resistance was completely anti-Axis without being fully part of the Allies. Or, as another parallel, any local insurgency backed by a foreign government. This would certainly play into a Cold War plot, with an emboldened Republic working to undermine a nascent and dangerous rival.

And where do the Sith and the Jedi fall into all this? Based on the trailers, it doesn’t appear that Luke has recreated the Jedi Order — we haven’t seen any knights in action, just characters who may have Force potential. The same is true of the Sith — Kylo Ren does have all the trappings of a dark lord, including a scary mask and a crude-looking red lightsaber, but he appears to be just a pretender to the faith, a sort of cosplayer.

So what do you guys think? We’ve got another eight months to go, and who knows how long before another trailer drops…

via Gizmodo
What’s The Political Situation Like in The Force Awakens?

TFBTV: 5 Best Surplus Rifles Under $500

Today we discuss 5 (or 6) great military surplus rifles that can be had for under $500. Sometimes you need to take a break from modernity to get a whole new great shooting experience! French subtitles thanks to Tempest, Russian subtitles thanks to Val. The full english transcript is below … – Hey guys, I’m Alex […]

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TFBTV: 5 Best Surplus Rifles Under $500

What You Can Do About Mosquitos

What You Can Do About Mosquitos

From ancient home remedies to modern gadgets and even new clothes technology, there’s no need to suffer mosquito bites this spring. Follow this basic advice and never get bit again.

Do Home Remedies Work?

It depends on who you ask. Some people are less prone to mosquito bites than others, likely resulting in anecdotal support of home remedies.

According to Smithsonian Magazine, factors like blood type, alcohol consumption and even the color of your clothing can contribute to how much of your blood gets sucked. Those with Type A are the least likely to be eaten alive, while Type O bloods are the most attractive to mosquitoes. Other natural factors include the volume of carbon dioxide you exhale, your body temperature, the level of bacteria on your skin and the amount of ethanol or uric acid you secrete in sweat. Drinking alcohol can also correlate with an increase in mosquito bites, as can wearing unnatural colors like black or bright red.

That’s a ton of variables between people; too many to control for in order to evaluate the moderate effectiveness of eating garlic, taking vitamin B-1 or other such supposedly effective natural cure-alls.

“Protection against arthropod bites is best achieved by avoiding infested habitats, wearing protective clothing, and applying insect repellent,” concluded a 2002 study by the New England Journal of Medicine.

“No ingested compound, including garlic and thiamine (vitamin B1), has been found to be capable of repelling biting arthropods,” it continues. “Skin-So-Soft Bath Oil, which consumers commonly claim has a repellent effect on insects, provided only a mean of 9.6 minutes of protection against aedes bites in our study.”

Compare that to even a moderate concentration of DEET — the Journal’s testing showed a 23.8% solution provided 5 hours of protection — and you can see why they drew that conclusion. If you want to repel mosquitoes with a spray or lotion, it’s DEET or nothing.

DEET And Side Effects

N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide was developed by the US Army in 1946 as it looked for a solution to keep bugs off its troops fighting in dense jungles. Since that time, its effect on the human body has been studied significantly. According to Dartmouth’s cancer center, “Studies over the past 40 years haven’t shown that DEET causes cancer or other illnesses.”

But, concern over potential side effects remains. And DEET does come with cautions. You’re not supposed to apply it to children under 2 months of age and DEET has been shown to pass from the skin of pregnant mothers into fetuses. Children of 12 or younger are advised to avoid concentrations above 30 percent and only apply it no more than three times a day.

DEET does reduce the effectiveness of sunscreen by one-third. Don’t use products that combine the two and do apply sunscreen 20 minutes before adding DEET to your skin.

More troubling, a 2009 study conducted in France found that DEET could be, “Toxic to the central nervous system,” in animals. Corresponding data has not been collected showing the same effect in humans.

“Fewer than 50 cases of serious toxic effects have been documented in the medical literature since 1960, and three quarters of them resolved without sequelae,” the Journal found. “Many of these cases of toxic effects involved long-term, heavy, frequent, or whole-body application of DEET.”

If you’re worried about DEET’s side effects, the best advice is to weigh the odds of such against the dangers of mosquito bites. As the BBC states, “About 200 million people use DEET-based repellents every year and over 8 billion doses have been applied over the past 50 years.” Experts suggest you only apply enough to manage mosquito bites when they’re a risk and only apply it to exposed sections of your skin. No matter how effective DEET may be, it’s not as good as covering up with a long-sleeve shirt, pants, socks and such.

What You Can Do About Mosquitos

Anti-Bug Clothing

On that turkey hunt in the Sierra foothills, I wore LL Bean’s new “No Fly Zone” camo, which is permeated with permethrin. That’s a synthetic molecule derived from the chrysanthemum flower that’s claimed to not only repel most insects, but kill them if they spend too much time in contact with it. It’s also effective against other blood suckers like ticks and chiggers.

If you’ve ever had a chigger infestation, you’ll know how welcome protection against them is. Worst pain I’ve ever experienced.

During the hunt, we spent two solid days wading through high grass, sitting in underbrush and crawling through bushes. Places you’re practically guaranteed to pick up ticks and other hangers on. After the trip, I found no ticks, chiggers or similar anywhere on my body and, despite mosquitoes being present in the air, I was largely unbothered by them.

Permethrin is now included in a wide range of clothing by LL Bean and other manufacturers. Built-in from new, it’s said to last 70 washes. That’s likely longer than the service life of the clothing. You can also apply permethrin in spray form to any item of clothing you wish. Done that way, it should last six to seven washes. At $15 for a 24oz bottle (claimed to be enough for four “complete outfits”), that’s great value for a versatile product that can also be applied to virtually any item of outdoors gear, including blankets, sleeping bags and tents.

Wearing permethrin impregnated clothing, mosquitos will still be attracted to you, but won’t land on the clothing itself or on any skin immediately in contact with it. On the hunt, the occasional mosquito would still buzz around my ear; but otherwise, I was unbitten. This stuff works.

What You Can Do About Mosquitos

Steaks on the campfire, asparagus on the stove, Thermacell (bottom right) in the middle of camp and zero mosquitoes.

Mosquito-Fighting Gadgets

Sonic mosquito repellants and bug zappers don’t work. “Small, wearable devices that emit sounds that are purported to be abhorrent to biting mosquitoes have also been proved to be ineffective,” found the Journal.

During that turkey hunt, we tested the $24 Thermacell Mosquito Repellant Appliance. Not only does it have a catchy name, but it proved completely effective.

It works by using butane to heat a replaceable pad saturated with allethrin, a chemical repellant. The tiny flame is contained within the unit, which doesn’t heat up the device’s exterior; there’s no burn or fire risk, but I wouldn’t use one inside an enclosed space like a tent for fear of carbon monoxide poisoning.

In action, the Thermacell Appliance creates a 15×15 foot “bubble” of protection. Inside it, there’s no mosquitoes. Walk outside it and you’ll start getting buzzed immediately. It loses its effectiveness in high winds, but in those conditions mosquitoes aren’t a concern anyways. With 486 reviews on Amazon, it has 4 stars; this is a real thing that works and is affordable. Thermacell also makes larger devices for use at home or while car camping.

Common Sense

Skeeters like low lying areas with still air, near water. Especially standing water, where they lay eggs and where their larvae incubate.

While camping, simply moving to an exposed site with a constant breeze is often enough to keep them away.

When locating your tent in a mosquito-infested area, point your door into the wind. Flying insects are naturally drawn to the still air created by a tent’s wind shadow on the lee side or by rain flys and vestibules. You want to keep your door away from these areas where mosquitos congregate.

At home, put in the effort to eliminate any areas of standing water on or near your property. Remember to check your roof and gutter; mosquitos love finding hidden little puddles to lay eggs in. Be diligent and you may be able to avoid a mosquito problem. Introducing mosquito fish to any pond or decorative body of water may help keep the bugs in check; the fish eat the larvae.

If you need to spend time in or move through a mosquito-infested area, your best protection is always going to be head-to-toe, full-coverage clothing. A head net will keep them off your face, ears and neck; I always carry one just in case; they’re light, small and cheap. You need to pair them with a brimmed cap of some kind to hold the netting away from your face; they can bite through it.

What You Can Do About Mosquitos

Bug central.

The Comprehensive Approach

“The protection provided by DEET is proportional to the logarithm of the dose; higher concentrations of DEET provide longer-lasting protection, but the duration of action tends to plateau at a concentration of about 50 percent,” states the New England Journal of Medicine. If you’re looking for a topical repellant, that will be the most effective.

On that turkey hunt in a mosquito-infested valley in the eastern Sierra foothills, I applied a 50 percent DEET lotion to my baseball cap and, during the day, wore permethrin-impregnated, full-coverage clothing. At night, I slept unprotected, first in a stand of trees next to the river that enjoyed a constant breeze, then the next night on the ground, in still air next to the car. Before going to bed, I placed the Thermacell on a rock a few feet away and made sure it was fitted with a fresh pad. I was armed with a head net, just in case, but didn’t use it.

The result? After two nights and two days in mosquito central, I found two bites on my right wrist. I guess nothing’s a 100 percent guarantee, but there absolutely are effective methods and products to keep mosquitoes from sucking your blood.

Top photo: Rami, all others: Corey Hass

IndefinitelyWild is a new publication about adventure travel in the outdoors, the vehicles and gear that get us there and the people we meet along the way. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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What You Can Do About Mosquitos

A Failed Lab Experiment Accidentally Invented a Replacement For Cement

As the world’s cities expand at faster and faster speeds, so does its use of cement. One oft-quoted statistic shows that China alone used as much cement in the last three years as the US used in the last 100. Just one problem: Cement is responsible for pushing a hell of a lot of carbon dioxide into the world.

The process of making cement is resource-intensive and heat-intensive—that’s why it creates so much CO2. And that’s why researchers are interested in finding ways to trap or sequester that CO2, and why the research project of a University of Arizona student in the early 2000s is garnering so much interest. A recent PBS report introduced us to Stone—now Ph.D—whose product was made in a lab by accident, while he was experimenting with iron:

It was bubbling and spitting. And I thought, well, that — that didn’t work. The next day, when I came in and I found it and rescued it from the garbage, I realized, this just didn’t get hard. It got very hard, glassy hard.

For the past 13 years, he’s built a business around the glassy stuff he calls Ferrock. It’s made from the waste of steel mills (steel dust) and doesn’t use the same heat-intensive production process of cement. It’s also more durable and stronger than cement.

But that’s not actually biggest selling point. That would be the fact that this mixture of chemicals actually sucks up CO2 and traps it, as University of Arizona explains:

Conversely Ferrock™ only hardens when exposed to high concentrations of carbon dioxide, which is absorbed and trapped, making it a carbon negative material. This greenhouse gas diffuses into the wet mixture and reacts with the iron, creating iron carbonate and becoming part of the material’s mineral matrix.

Sounds great, right? What’s stopping the world from adopting Ferrock to replace cement? Well, making a massive paradigm shift in one of the biggest industries on Earth isn’t as easy as demonstrating a breakthrough. We’re talking about an industry that accounts for as much as $250 billion in profits a year. Check out the full PBS mini-doc above for more.

via Gizmodo
A Failed Lab Experiment Accidentally Invented a Replacement For Cement