Learn How to Conduct Your Own Patent Search with This Infographic

If you think you have an idea for an invention that’s never been done before, you might want to double check with a patent search before you work too hard on it. No need to hire a patent attorney yet, though, because you can check on your own.

There’s no point in working yourself to the bone with your new invention if it’s already been made. The United States Patent and Trademark Office offers information on how to look up patents, but online marketplace Idea Buyer put together an all-in-one guide to make it easier on you. The graphic below explains every step you need to take when conducting a patent search, from determining the right patent type of your idea, all the way to deciding if an already existing idea is too similar to yours. Once you know the patent coast is clear, you can get that invention off the ground.

How to Conduct a Patent Search | Entrepreneur via Idea Buyer

Learn How to Conduct Your Own Patent Search with This Infographic

via Lifehacker
Learn How to Conduct Your Own Patent Search with This Infographic

Netflix Algorithm Tells You When Your Best Employee Is About To Leave You

An anonymous reader writes "Former Netflix data scientist Mohammad Sabah has used the basis of the video-streaming company’s movie-recommendation engine to create a new system to predict when valuable employees are likely to leave your company for pastures new. The new application ‘Workday Talent Insights’ uses the basis of the engine to correlate diverse factors such as interval between promotions and current length of tenure with equivalent job opportunities at employment websites, in order to gauge ‘corporate restlessness’, and provide options for employers who identify potential leavers."

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via Slashdot
Netflix Algorithm Tells You When Your Best Employee Is About To Leave You

Ask Slashdot: How To Introduce a 7-Year-Old To Programming?

THE_WELL_HUNG_OYSTER writes I’m a professional programmer and have been programming since I was a small boy. I want to introduce this to my 7-year-son but know nothing about teaching this to children. Since he enjoys Roblox and Minecraft very much, and knows how to use computers already, I suspect teaching him to write his own small games would be a good starting point. I’m aware of lists like this one, but it’s quite overwhelming. There are so many choices that I am overwhelmed where to start. Anyone in the Slashdot in the community have recent hands-on experience with such tools/systems that he/she would recommend?

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via Slashdot
Ask Slashdot: How To Introduce a 7-Year-Old To Programming?

How To Tie The Only Five Knots You’ll Ever Need

How To Tie The Only Five Knots You'll Ever Need

There’s a million different knots for doing a million different things. But, these five are easy-to-learn, easy-to-tie and accomplish 99 percent of the jobs you’ll ever need a rope to do. Anyone can make these, here’s how.

Knot tying has always been one of my poorest skills. I think I actually earned the Velcro merit badge back in Boy Scouts instead. So, when it comes to using them, I need simple, easy, reliable ones that are still capable of performing real work, across a diverse array of tasks. These are the five knots I’ve learned and rely on. They get me through pretty much anything.

Good Knot-Tying Practices

The more knots you tie in a rope, line or string, the more you reduce its strength. And, the right not won’t slide or come undone when you want it to, but may still be easy to reposition, adjust or untie as a result. That’s why learning to use the right knot for the job is so important.

You wouldn’t think that something as simple as tying a knot could be dangerous, but depending on what you end up using it for, a broken line or a slipped knot could hurt or kill someone. Or, your cargo could simply fly off the roof of your car. To avoid that happening, you need to practice; only ever use a knot you’re sure of.

To get the most from your knot tying, you’ll also want to work with clean, dry cordage of an appropriate strength, size and elasticity for the job. If you’re not sure how much a rope can hold, don’t trust your life to it.

When you’re making a knot, it’s important to keep the line from twisting, binding and to try and keep tension even throughout its construction. That’s going to be easiest on a flat surface, as you see here, keeping the knot spread out and flat allows you to observe its form and adjust the lengths of its individual parts as you tinker with it.

Don’t assume you can just watch one of these gifs then rely on that knowledge next time you’re in the outdoors and standing in the home depot parking lot with a pile of lumber. Practice them at home, practice them in the field on non-critical jobs and, only when you’re confident in them, start relying on them instead of that handy Velcro kit.

How To Tie The Only Five Knots You'll Ever Need

Bowline Hitch

Need to rescue someone? Throw them a bow line, which won’t ever slip or tighten. That avoids injury and gives them a secure loop to grab, step in or put their arms through. Bow lines also make great handles, again because the loop will never, ever slip. It’s also incredibly quick and simple to tie, even with cold, wet, shaking hands.

Create a loop by passing the working end of the line over the top of its body. The rabbit comes out of the hole, runs around the back of the tree, then jumps back down. Pull it tight at your desired size for the loop and you’re done. Easy.

How To Tie The Only Five Knots You'll Ever Need

Two Half Hitches

Want to tie a rope to something? This is how you do that. Use the two half hitches to tie off a tarp or hammock with a strong, quick, secure connection.

Pass the line behind the tree/pole/limb, loop it up, over the body, then through. Loop it up, over and through again and pull it tight. That’s not going anywhere.

How To Tie The Only Five Knots You'll Ever Need

Tautline Hitch

Want to tie a rope off to something, but be able to vary its length? Think tent guy line or similar. This is the easiest way to do that and the knot will hold its place on the line, so long as tension remains on it.

Bring the working end of the line over its body. Pass it behind, on the loop side. Cross that over the loop then come down over the body. Wrap it over the body and pull it through. Tighten it up and it’ll hold whatever tension you set.

As a variation, you can tie-on a separate line using the same knot, thereby adding one or more lengths of rope to another in a way that they’ll hold their place under tension, but allow you to slide that position up and down the main line.

How To Tie The Only Five Knots You'll Ever Need

Figure Eight

A traditional square or overhand knot binds so tightly under tension that you often have to resort to cutting the rope rather than untying the knot. The figure eight allows you to easily tie a rope onto a carabiner or similar securely, but easily untie it even after applying huge tension. This one’s used on sailboats and in climbing as a result, but you can use it anywhere you’d like to attach something to a rope.

There’s two versions. In the first (above), you’re tying the rope to something with a closed loop that the rope must pass through. It looks a little complicated as you’re passing the rope back through itself after going through the tie-off point, but the trick is just to follow the figure eight back around. Difficult to photograph, but easy to do once you figure it out once.

How To Tie The Only Five Knots You'll Ever Need

The second is easier and assumes you’re attaching to something with a clip, like a carabiner. You could tie this with your eyes closed, which is sorta the idea: it’s dead simple and impossible to forget. And, it retains 85 percent of the rope’s strength when tied.

How To Tie The Only Five Knots You'll Ever Need

Trucker’s Hitch

Ever wondered how people tie stuff tightly to the top of their cars? This one will allow you to drive home with a mattress on your roof, without it blowing off. It does that by giving you simple mechanical advantage that enables you pull the rope tight, then lets you tie it off quickly and easily while it’s still tight. Once you’ve figured this one out, a hank of paracord kept in your trunk will allow you to haul pretty much anything. It can also be used to tie something down tightly virtually anywhere. Need to compress a foam roll and attach it to your backpack? This is how. You’re welcome.

Create a figure-eight loop in the line with plenty of length left to work with. Pass the working end around a fixed tie-off point, through that loop you just made and pull it as tight as you need. Then, you’re basically just creating a two half hitch to tie it off.

What are your favorite knots?

IndefinitelyWild is a new publication about adventure travel in the outdoors, the vehicles and gear that get us there and the people we meet along the way. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

via Gizmodo
How To Tie The Only Five Knots You’ll Ever Need

Construct a Rain Garden to Divert Heavy Rainfall

Designing your garden to manage the rain’s effects on your property is straightforward with these instructions from This Old House. With the above video you can easily plan your own version of a rain garden.

If you live in a place with heavy rainfall, this is a great way to keep your yard from flooding by constructing a garden that helps divert the excess water directly into the ground. You will need to think about placement relative to the source of the rainwater—such as a spout running from your roof gutters downwards.

If you live in an area that doesn’t get heavy rainfall, consider creating a collection container so you can space out your use of the rainwater.

How to Build a Rain Garden | This Old House

via Lifehacker
Construct a Rain Garden to Divert Heavy Rainfall

The Apple Watch “will succeed, in other words, to whatever extent it allows people to be assholes”

TA has a theory:

Google Glass was extremely annoying to other people but also failed. Why? Because it was garbage. It suggested, from the outside, a rich and exclusive world without actually providing one to its wearer. It play-acted an asshole future without actually creating one.

via Super Punch
The Apple Watch “will succeed, in other words, to whatever extent it allows people to be assholes”

This time lapse of the Sun is just jaw dropping

This time lapse of the Sun is just jaw dropping

Michael König’s Sun is a spectacular time lapse compilation of our star from the Solar Dynamics Observatory from 2011 to 2015. It includes fantastic clips of solar activity, coronal rain, plasma eruptions, planet flybys, eclipses and more in jaw dropping clarity that you feel like it’s alive, in an omnipotent God-like burning orb sort of way.

Konig also lists each clip he includes in the video:

1. Long shots of solar activity | October 2013

2. Boiling solar prominence | February 2013

3. Close up active regions | October 2013

4. Launching filament | November 2011

5. Twisting prominence | September 2012

6. Close up solar activity | October 2014

7. Solar prominence | July 2013

8. Lunar transit | January 2014

9. Solar prominence dance | December 2012

10. Solar activity | October 2013

11. Plasma eruption | September 2012

12. Coronal rain | July 2012

13. Close up active regions | October 2013

14. Trebuchet eruption | February 2011

15. Solar prominence | October 2013

16. Venus transit | June 2012

17. Extreme solar eruption | June 2011

18. Filament eruption & ‘canyon of fire’ | September 2013

19. Erupting solar filament | March 2015

20. Comet ‘lovejoy’ passes sun | December 2011

21. Earth eclipse and dark prominence | September 2012

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via Gizmodo
This time lapse of the Sun is just jaw dropping