Struggling kids retain more science if they rap, dance, draw it

children's paintings of insects

Incorporating the arts—rapping, dancing, drawing—into science lessons can help low-achieving students retain more knowledge, research finds.

This strategy could possibly help students of all ability levels be more creative in their learning, the study suggests. The findings appear in Trends in Neuroscience and Education and support broader arts integration in the classroom.

“Our study provides more evidence that the arts are absolutely needed in schools. I hope the findings can assuage concerns that arts-based lessons won’t be as effective in teaching essential skills,” says Mariale Hardiman, vice dean of academic affairs for the School of Education at the Johns Hopkins University and the study’s first author.

While research already shows that the arts improve students’ academic outcomes and memory, it remains unclear whether general exposure to the arts, adding arts to lesson plans, effective instruction, or a combination are responsible for these benefits, says Hardiman.

“When we talk about learning, we have to discuss memory. Children forget much of what they learn and teachers often end up reteaching a lot of content from the previous year. Here we’re asking, how exactly can we teach them correctly to begin with so they can remember more?”

In this study, the research team sought to determine whether an arts-integrated curriculum had any direct effects on learning, specifically students’ memory for science content.

Sketches or worksheets

Throughout the 2013 school year, 350 students in 16 fifth grade classrooms across six Baltimore, Maryland schools took part in the study. Students were randomly assigned into one of two classroom pairs: astronomy and life science, or environmental science and chemistry.

The experiment consisted of two sessions, each lasting three to four weeks, in which students first took either an arts-integrated class or a conventional class. In the second session, students received the opposite type of class; thus, all students experienced both types and all eleven teachers taught both types of classes.

Examples of activities in the arts-integrated classes include rapping or sketching to learn vocabulary words, and designing collages to separate living and non-living things. These activities were matched in the conventional classrooms with standard activities such as reading paragraphs of texts with vocabulary words aloud in a group and completing worksheets.

The research team analyzed students’ content retention through pre-, post-, and delayed post-tests 10 weeks after the study ended, and found that students at a basic reading level retained an average 105 percent of the content long term, as demonstrated through the results of delayed post-testing.

The researchers discovered that students remembered more in the delayed post-testing because they sang songs they had learned from their arts activities, which helped them remember content better in the long term, much like how catchy pop lyrics seem to get more and more ingrained in your brain over time.

Reading struggles

This addresses a key challenge and could be an additional tool to bridging the achievement gap for students who struggle most to read, says Hardiman, because most conventional curriculum requires students to read to learn; if students cannot read well, they cannot learn well.

The research team also found that students who took a conventional session first remembered more science in the second, arts-integrated session and students who took an arts-integrated session first performed just as well in the second session. While not statistically significant, the researchers suggest the possibility of students applying the creative problem-solving skills they learned to their conventional lessons to enhance their learning.

Looking forward, Hardiman hopes that educators and researchers will put their fully-developed intervention to use to expand on their study and improve understanding of arts integration in schools.

“Our data suggests that traditional instruction seems to perpetuate the achievement gap for students performing at the lower levels of academic achievement.

“We also found that students at advanced levels of achievement didn’t lose any learning from incorporating arts into classrooms, but potentially gained benefits such as engagement in learning and enhanced thinking dispositions. For these reasons, we would encourage educators to adopt integrating the arts into content instruction,” says Hardiman.

Source: Johns Hopkins University

The post Struggling kids retain more science if they rap, dance, draw it appeared first on Futurity.

Struggling kids retain more science if they rap, dance, draw it

How Strong is Captain Marvel Compared to Others?

One of the biggest surprises from Avengers: Infinity War is when Iron Man a.k.a. Tony Stark, survived. The guy has been the face of MCU for more than a decade and it’s high time for a new poster boy… or girl. Really, a purple alien with a pride parade gauntlet would have been Stark’s perfect exit since clearly, Iron Man isn’t powerful enough to defeat Thanos. Thankfully, Captain Marvel might be, and how strong is Captain Marvel? Let’s just say she might steal Thor’s “thunder,” as strongest Avenger.

Of course, it’s not really clear how Captain Marvel, a.k.a. Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) can defeat Thanos, especially for non-comic book readers. That is why we want to clarify and analyze the possibilities by comparing her and her powers to other MCU characters. As for you comic book purists, do note the difference between comic book Captain Marvel and Brie Larson Captain Marvel since MCU appears to be setting her up as the be-all and end-all.

First, let’s take a look at how strong is Captain Marvel. Her Captain Marvel powers are…

Superhuman Strength


Photo by Twitter/@hussain_alishan

She punches hard and can carry you, your house, your planet, and the emotional baggage you’re carrying.

Superhuman Endurance and Stamina


Photo by Sherdog Forums/Marvel

She punches hard and can carry you, your house, your planet, and the emotional baggage you’re carrying… and she won’t get tired.



Photo by Marvel Database – Fandom

She punches hard and can carry you, your house, your planet, and the emotional baggage you’re carrying and she won’t get tired… while flying several times faster than the speed of sound.

Superhuman Speed and Reflexes


Photo by Comic Vine/Marvel

By the time you’re done reading this, she already will have done all of those above except for the planet part. She can also evade a bullet at point blank range.

Superhuman Durability and Regeneration


Photo by ScoopWhoop

Not much can hurt her, not even the review bombing from all the bitter Marvel fans in Rotten Tomatoes. Yes, she’s completely bullet/bomb/nuclear missile proof too while being able to regenerate like Wolverine.

Immunity to Toxin/Poison


Photo by Marvel/Frank Cho

All thanks to her human/Kree hybrid physiology, she just shrugs off poisons and toxins.

Energy Absorption/Manipulation


Photo by Marvel Animated Universe Wiki – Fandom

She can absorb energy and weaponize it. She even once tapped into a white hole and absorbed and controlled heat, gravity, and electromagnetism. On a regular basis, she can use energy to shoot beams using her hands or further enhance her strength.

“Seventh Sense”


Photo by Pinterest/Bill Decker

Again, thanks to her conversion to the Kree alien race, she has acquired what is called cosmic awareness. Captain Marvel can sense what is going to happen in the future to a certain extent. That means she can predict certain dangers and outcomes before they even start to happen.

Doesn’t need air


Photo by Hollywood Reporter/Marvel

She’s her own spaceship and can survive in the vacuum and coldness of space. We probably know at this point who’s going to rescue a space-stranded Tony Stark.

Military Training


Photo by Marvel/Joe Quinones

Before she donned her Captain Marvel costume, Carol Danvers was an air force pilot on Earth. Though, she also did receive Kree combat training after she became Captain Marvel.

So, how strong is Captain Marvel? She’s pretty much MCU’s own version of Superman in terms of capabilities but a female blonde and with more tricks up her sleeve. How does she stack up against MCU’s established heavy hitters, though? Let’s explore that, Captain Marvel is…

Stronger Than:

Any genetically pure human in MCU with no machine or magic aid… obviously.


Photo by The Workprint/Avengers

Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Shuri, Okoye. Anyone with guns, spears, or other basic human weapons need to step back and let Captain Marvel do her work.

Iron Man

Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, a big man with a suit of armor… and in dire need of a space rescue and recharge for his suit.

Doctor Strange

With Strange wielding the Time Stone, it will probably be more of a tie against Captain Marvel. However, we all know where the Time Stone went.


He won’t feel so good either in a match against Captain Marvel.

War Machine

Discount Iron Man, sorry Colonel Rhodes, even with both legs you still won’t beat Captain Marvel.

Captain America

Steve Rogers is gonna need more than a shield and his serum to have a fighting chance against her.

Winter Soldier

She’ll just zap his machine arm off and call it a day.


He’s permanently dead anyway. No more pranks.

Black Panther

Cute kitty cat, luckily for him, Carol Danvers does not need a pet.


Too unstable for a prolonged fight. Also, too polite.

Scarlet Witch

The only reason she can destroy an Infinity Stone is that her powers are connected to it. In any case, MCU’s Captain Marvel would just absorb anything she throws and become more powerful.

The Guardians of the Galaxy

No Groot nor funky ’80s music can save them against her, but together, well they might stand a chance.


These guys haven’t even fought anyone who is an actual threat to the MCU.

Now, the fun part, despite Kevin Feige’s claims of Captain Marvel being the most overpowered character in MCU, she could arguably be…

Equal To (OR maybe weaker than):



Photo by Twitter/@Bosslogic

Yes, Captain Marvel would probably be the key to defeating the mad titan, but it would be boring if she were to do it all alone in an anticlimactic manner now, would it? She’ll likely enlist the help of whatever is left of the Avengers. There’s also the fact that Thanos still has all the Infinity Stones. Since he won, he is now the de facto supreme supervillain of the MCU and will be our baseline for comparison.


Technically, Thor with his shiny new Stormbreaker defeated Thanos, Infinity Gauntlet and all. Unfortunately, Thor’s intellect is not exactly a great weapon against the mad titan, after all, the God of Thunder is not known to be wise or clever. Captain Marvel will predictably be smarter than Thor, but in terms of strength, durability, and fighting skill, that remains to be seen in Avengers: Endgame.


Okay, hear me out, Thanos might have defeated the Hulk quickly, but that is with the help of the Power Stone. Any Hulk fan will know that his strength is infinite and proportional to his anger in a drawn-out fight which never happened against Thanos. Sadly, the Hulk is frustratingly underrepresented in MCU’s Avengers so we will probably never get to see him in full strength unless the plot requires it.


Thor’s big sister in the MCU, she can slap him around with his own Mjolnir like the little brother he is. Suffice to say, she is probably even more powerful than Thanos and would have given him a problem if not for…


Destroyer of Asgard. Neither Thor, nor Hela, nor Hulk can defeat him. He’s probably stronger than Thanos too and for that matter, probably stronger than Captain Marvel. Thankfully, he is quite content at destroying only Asgard.


Our first glimpse of a “celestial” in the MCU, which in the Marvel comics, are one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Regardless, MCU’s interpretation of a celestial is quite murky and even flexible as the plot wills it. Ego, however, has proven to be a formidable “god” being who is as big as a moon and can create matter on the fly.


Technically, Dr. Strange did not defeat this being, even with a Time Stone. He just annoyed him to submission. Supposedly, he is stronger than Thanos (even with the gauntlet) or Captain Marvel for that matter. Perhaps the only reason preventing him from consuming the universe is the thought of getting trolled by Dr. Strange again.

While it does not hurt to speculate and assume, the best and sure way to find out how strong is captain marvel, especially when compared to others, is to see Avengers: Endgame or her own solo introductory film Captain Marvel. Thankfully, we don’t have to wait too long.

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via Forever Geek
How Strong is Captain Marvel Compared to Others?

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Costly Typographical Errors


Who gives a freak about an Oxford comma? Maybe you will, once you learn about these tiny but costly mistakes. Half as Interesting shares four cases wherein a misplaced comma or a missing character had million-dollar consequences or more.

via The Awesomer
Costly Typographical Errors

Update Your Cache TTL

A small, but important breaking change in Laravel 5.8 is the switch from minutes to seconds for all cache TTLs. In your codebase, track down any reference to cache()->put(), cache()->remember(), or any other variants, and do the necessary math to convert the expiration date from minutes to seconds (multiply by 60).
via Laracasts
Update Your Cache TTL

How to Sharpen Your Interview Skills With These Soft Skills Questions


Your superb qualifications alone won’t get you the new job. The interviewer will want to know about another set of skills not on the resume. These invisible skills are more difficult to determine but they can be the ultimate barometer for testing your suitability for a job. Especially, a job which is about collaboration and teamwork.

You know them as soft skills. They are determined based on a series of behavioral interview questions. It is important to know how to answer these questions in the right manner to impress the interviewer. Here are several soft skill questions that you need to be prepared for:

1. Leadership


Question: Can you tell me about a time when you successfully led a team through a difficult project?

What the interviewer wants to know: Companies want to hire candidates with proven ability to take charge of a situation and provide guidance to colleagues during difficult times. Your client wants to know if you can be a true leader or stay a passive follower.

Tips on how to answer:

  • Mention a time you independently came up with a solution to a work problem.
  • If a problem was caused by your own actions or lack of knowledge, admit to your mistake, and mention the steps you took to avoid similar problems in the future.
  • In brief, mention the specific steps you took to resolve the issue, like organizing a meeting to discuss strategies, seeking help from an expert, etc.
  • Explain how your actions resulted in the problem being solved and improved productivity.

2. Time Management

Question: How do you cope with extra work on a project?

What the interviewer wants to know: Are you the type to get overwhelmed by extra work? Also, can you juggle multiple assignments at the same time? And finally, do you have a gameplan to manage excess work?

Tips on how to answer:

  • Briefly describe how you organize a typical workday to get the most work done.
  • Mention any software you use to manage projects. For instance, you can talk about your personal preference for using OneNote as a productivity system.
  • Give an example of how you met project goals by breaking down a massive project into manageable chunks.
  • Say you are open to advise from superiors on how to manage critical tasks.

3. Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflict Resolution

Question: Tell us about a time when you had to work with someone you were not compatible with.

What the interviewer wants to know: How well do you play with others? And are you capable of working productively with someone you don’t get along with?

This question is about your emotional intelligence, and if you can be productive in a potentially difficult work environment.

Tips on how to answer:

  • Mention that you get along with most of your colleagues, except those rare cases when differences of opinion may arise.
  • Don’t spend too much time talking about the actual conflict and the reasons behind it. Instead, focus on talking about the steps you took to resolve the situation.
  • Talk about how you avoid confrontation with a set of ground rules. For instance, you like to solve issues head-on instead of beating around the bush.
  • Emphasize your ability to remain polite and professional when faced with hostility.

4. Problem Solving

Question: Can you tell us about a time when you overcame a significant challenge?

What the interviewer wants to know: How good you are at solving problems at the workplace, and whether you can be relied upon to come up with creative solutions independently.

Tips on how to answer:

  • Don’t just talk about overcoming a job-related challenge, but also mention any instances when you independently came up with ways to be more productive at work.
  • Give a full description of the specific details you encountered that led to the problem you faced.
  • Mention how you interpreted a problem before you found its solution. For instance, you came across an inter-departmental conflict due to lack of communication.
  • Talk about the steps you took to bring about a successful resolution to the problem. For instance, you solved it with a simple project management template in Excel.

5. Communication

Question: How would you explain a complex topic to someone unfamiliar with the subject?

What the interviewer wants to know: How good are you at communicating with your colleagues? Furthermore, can you collaborate with team members who have different skillsets?

Tips on how to answer:

  • Mention that you actively seek to build a rapport with your colleagues by organizing off-site activities, asking more experienced colleagues for help with difficult projects, taking an active interest in their work, etc.
  • If asked to explain a subject, break the topic down into three parts: The problem, the solution, and the solution steps involved.
  • Use general examples and analogies to explain the details of the topic to help people who are unfamiliar with the subject.
  • Talk about how you like to take the help of YouTube videos, explanatory charts, and other media to explain topics more clearly.

Related: You should always strive to improve your communication skills as it is a transferable skill across all kinds of jobs.

6. Adaptability


Question: Talk about a time when things did not go according to plan at work.

What the interviewer wants to know: Can you keep a calm head during an emergency?

Tips on how to answer:

  • Mention any changes to the workplace that you have experienced in the past, and how you embraced those changes instead of avoiding them.
  • Talk about your fondness for trying new software and strategies to improve efficiency.
  • Discuss the initiation process at your former workplace, and how quickly you were able to adapt to the rules and working style of the company.
  • Tell the interviewer that you rely on proven routines and can tweak them if necessary when things go wrong.
  • Explain a typical crisis and how your out of the box solution helped untangle it.

7. Work Culture Suitability

Question: What are the things that are most important to you in a job?

What the interviewer wants to know: How closely your personal goals and ambitions align with that of the company, and whether you will want to keep working here for the long haul.

Tips on how to answer:

  • Mention your enthusiasm for the company’s achievements, and your admiration for the general workplace environment.
  • Express your desire to commit to the company for the long term, and how you plan to progress with the company’s guidance.
  • Talk about your personal passions that align with the company’s areas of interests.

8. Collaboration


Question: How well will you fare in group projects?

What the interviewer wants to know: This is a different line of questioning than asking about your communication skills. The company wants to know if you are a team player or a lone wolf (Hint: it’s never a good idea to be considered a lone wolf at the workplace).

Tips on how to answer:

  • Go back to your communication skills. Stress the importance you place on regular communication with your colleagues.
  • Talk about the positives of teamwork; like the camaraderie, the united sense of purpose, or having someone reliable to depend upon.
  • Don’t shy away from mentioning negative experiences with former teammates, but emphasize the lessons learned.

Be Genuine to Handle Tricky Interview Questions

Soft skills interview questions can be double-edged. You have to balance your successes with your failures so that you sound more human. Experience interviewers can detect empty bombast or exaggerated achievements. In the digital social age, it is difficult to cloak your true track record.

Be genuine. Think of an interview as a friendly conversation between two professionals and not as a verbal duel. Preparation goes a long way to help you gain that confidence. Why not start your preparation by learning how not to answer common job interview questions?

Read the full article: How to Sharpen Your Interview Skills With These Soft Skills Questions

How to Sharpen Your Interview Skills With These Soft Skills Questions

Make Your Company More Efficient by Implementing Kanban

Businesses should always be looking for ways to implement new processes that create a standard operating procedure. Alternatively, they should be trying to optimize the procedures they have to make them more efficient. Unfortunately, change management can be a beast. Moreover, many organizations don’t know how to start making a procedural shift. Kanban provides answers to this dilemma.

Kanban is a process that development teams can use to continuously put out new data at an efficient-yet-sustainable rate. This gives their companies the best possible returns. Here’s how to implement Kanban in your company.


Understanding Kanban

Kanban is a project management process targeted at developers. However, the philosophy can be applied to any business that requires project management protocols. The key philosophies can be summed up as visualization, limitation, and enhancement.

First, you must visualize the current workflow. Look to see how the various steps and components relate contextually to one another. What makes sense? What doesn’t?

Next, put limitations in place surrounding the work in progress (also known as “WIP”). Your aim should be to find a balanced workload that produces continuous work without becoming overbearing.

Finally, incorporate enhancements by implementing strict policies and procedures. Additionally, optimize to create a streamlined workflow, making changes as needed. Also, use kanban metrics and analytics to assess the effectiveness of the process. This will help you to make strategic decisions and alterations.

Take Baby Steps

The best way to fail at implementing Kanban is to try to make all of the related changes at once. This massive shift in procedures can be extremely stressful for all involved. Moreover, it will result in poor quality work and turnover, stalling production.

Instead, your goal when implementing Kanban should be to shift your business to work with the new protocol. This means that Kanban must meet the business where it currently is. This will make for an smoother transition.

To take baby steps in implementing Kanban, consider what aspects of the philosophies and transition you’d like to start. At the same time, educate your people about the upcoming change.

Take a positive angle and tell people how it will help them. This will make the transition easier for them to accept and even welcome. For example, you could select a few small projects to start implementing Kanban. Thereafter, slowly transition projects as they arise, leaving legacy projects as they are.

Complicate the Visual Process

The idea of complicating anything sounds counterintuitive. However, in a Kanban transition, it makes sense. Being able to visualize and assess a workflow is essential for helping a team learn the new way things are being done. As a result, it’s important not to overly compress and streamline the project management or Kanban board.

For example, a project management board on Trello might have three columns: to-do, in progress, and complete. This is a clean way to keep track of things. However, it doesn’t show all of the work that went on behind the scenes to move an item from one column to the next.

With the Kanban process, you need to see all of those steps broken out and visualized. When you do, every team member knows what their peers are working on. This improves efficiency. Also, it helps bolster team collaboration.

Stress the Importance of WIP Limits

WIP limitations are put in place for a reason. The philosophy behind this is that your team should only take on as much as they can do well. In other words, they should stop before they reach the threshold of diminishing returns.

A comparable analogy would be competitive weightlifting. It doesn’t matter how much weight you can put on your back if your form is unacceptable and you can’t complete the lift. Teach your team to respect the WIP limits from day one. In this way, you’ll set them up for long-term success.

Be Optimizing

Kanban isn’t a one-and-done implementation process. You should always be using the tools available to you to read the metrics and analytics. As you do, you will be able to make strategic adjustments to your workflow.

Therefore, treat every adjustment like a science experiment. What do you think will happen if you adjust this part of the process? Are there variables that could affect your success? What effect did the shift have?

Stress the importance of limitations and relying on your data. Then you’ll be able to change the face of your business through the implementation of Kanban.

The post Make Your Company More Efficient by Implementing Kanban appeared first on Business Opportunities.

via Business Opportunities Weblog
Make Your Company More Efficient by Implementing Kanban

Kudos to Chris Pratt, For Coming Out


Chris Pratt
Kudos to Chris Pratt, For Coming Out – Image:

USA – -( How often have we seen Hollywood celebrities praised as courageous for “coming out” and admitting they’re gay? Isn’t it far more courageous for people to profess their Christian faith?

Hollywood is not a tolerant city. Dominated by activist leftists, it is a culture hostile to dissenting views. We see it in its work product. Most movies and television shows are laced with political messages and politically correct symbolism. The heroes almost always are liberal and promote “progressive” values and causes, and conservatives are depicted as morally degenerate hayseeds or villains.

Christians are especially singled out as backward, close-minded crackpots. Sure, there are notable exceptions, such as the TV series “Blue Bloods,” which involves a traditional Catholic family of cops that meets weekly for dinner with prayer and conversation that promotes biblical virtues.

It’s doubtful that there’s much of a stigma attached to people who come out as being gay in the Hollywood culture, given the extent to which it showcases and celebrates the gay lifestyle. It seems you can’t watch any TV show these days without an actual or suggested gay sex scene — as if the show’s writers and producers are on a mission to portray homosexuality as more prominent than heterosexuality.

This is certainly their prerogative, of course, as it is mine to notice they are proselytizing and sermonizing the way they do on so many other social and political issues, from the glories of abortion rights to the evils of all things Trump to the intolerance and hatefulness of Christianity.

Chris Pratt

This is why it is refreshing when an actor in this environment, such as Chris Pratt, publicly identifies himself as a Christian — the modern equivalent of branding oneself with Hester Prynne’s scarlet letter. It is almost guaranteed to bring one into disrepute and ridicule, not to mention that it opens the door to being blacklisted by today’s leftist McCarthyites.

Last year, Pratt committed secular heresy with his remarks when receiving the Generation Award at the MTV Movie & TV Awards. “God is real. God loves you. God wants the best for you. Believe that. I do.” Once he opened up about his faith, the left began to sling its arrows. On Christmas Day, TV Guide published an article on the popular actor, titled “How to Love Chris Pratt Without Hating Yourself.”

After listing some of Pratt’s many professional accomplishments and acknowledging his meteoric ascent, the author lamented, “And yet: despite all this, Pratt remains the most complicated and divisive of the (many famous young actors named Chris). When you take a deeper look at Pratt the man and not necessarily Pratt the actor, some of the shine wears off. Although he can be as funny offscreen as he is on … it’s impossible to ignore some problematic aspects of his life offscreen.” Though the writer didn’t directly attack Pratt’s Christianity, she ticked off a series of silly non-sins for which he should be shamed, such as his hunting habits, an allegedly insensitive Instagram post about raising lambs to eat them, giving away the family’s cat before having children, and another Instagram post that supposedly offended the hearing-impaired community because he told his followers to “turn up the volume” and not just “read the subtitles.”

Many readers viewed this as an obvious anti-Christian hit piece, and it probably was. But one thing it was for sure –

– a display of liberal intolerance and sanctimonious political correctness. Apart from the sniping criticisms of Pratt, the suggestion that you can’t love Pratt without hating yourself is far more revealing about the writer and the leftist mindset than it is about Pratt.

Actress Ellen Page, an outspoken Christian critic, laid into Pratt on Twitter for saying that he’d taken part in a fast with his church and discussing his spiritual side during his appearance on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.” Page tweeted, “Oh. K. Um. But his church is infamously anti lgbtq so maybe address that too?”

Pratt quickly responded on Instagram, “It has recently been suggested that i belong to a church which ‘hates a certain group of people’ and is ‘infamously anti-LGBTQ’. Nothing could be further from the truth.” He said his church opens its “doors to absolutely everyone.”

Twitter trolls also attacked Pratt for praying (and asking his followers to pray) for comedian Kevin Smith after he had a massive heart attack. One attacker tweeted, “Doctors and nurses save lives not prayer.” Another said, “Great now I won’t enjoy your films as much knowing you’re a Jesus nut.” These are the “loving” types who savage Christianity for not being loving.

The Washington Post’s Drew Goins vilified Pratt in an op-ed for attending his church. Goins didn’t seriously dispute Pratt’s assertion that his church welcomes all people but faulted him and the church because they don’t affirmatively reject traditional Christian orthodoxy by declaring that homosexual behavior is not sinful.

Under cover of false tolerance, leftist activists will eventually ensure that certain biblical passages are deemed hate speech and that affirming one’s belief in the inspiration of Scripture is an admission of hatefulness.

Attacks on Christianity and Christians have grown exponentially since I wrote my book “Persecution,” which documented this phenomenon 15 years ago. It is laughable to deny that it is going on, and it is sad that more people don’t stand up against it.

Kudos to actors such as Chris Pratt, who are courageous enough and true enough to their faith to refuse to deny Christ, choosing instead to openly profess their belief in him despite the professional risk to their careers.

David Limbaugh
David Limbaugh

About David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh is a writer, author and attorney. His latest book is “The True Jesus: Uncovering the Divinity of Christ in the Gospels.” Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at

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Kudos to Chris Pratt, For Coming Out

Can we ever evaluate technical debt?

Every couple of months, I talk to an entrepreneur who is interested in building a marketplace for buying and selling app businesses (i.e. the actual IP and ownership of an app or other piece of software). These markets always seem to suffer from a lack of liquidity, and one reason why is that it’s really hard to know how much technical debt is latent in a codebase.

First, the developer behind the codebase may not even be aware of the technical debt they have piled on. Second, until a software engineer really understands a codebase, they are almost certainly not in a position to answer a question on technical debt authoritatively. That makes it hard to get third-party opinions on anything but the most simple codebases.

This opaqueness isn’t unique to software though. We lack tools for understanding the maintenance quality of assets — physical or digital — across our economy. Even when we do perform maintenance or hire someone to do it for us, it can be hard to verify that the work was performed well. How long does it take for an auto mechanic to truly evaluate the maintenance of a used car?

I was thinking about this challenge of evaluating maintenance when I read this deep dive into the economics of old housing by Akron’s head of planning Jason Segedy:

It has been suggested to me, on more than one occasion, that indebted, college-educated Millennials could be lured back to the city by selling them these old, poorly-maintained houses for $1.00, and having them “fix up the house.”

People who say this do not have a realistic idea of what “fixing up” an old house entails—neither in terms of the scope of the rehabilitation work that would be required, nor in terms of the level of skill, time, and/or money needed to do the work.

Even in a low cost-of-living market like ours, $40,000 houses are generally not a “good deal.” They are almost always a liability. They are a ticking time bomb of deferred maintenance. They are an albatross.

In his own case:

All told, I have spent $93,400 on improvements to this house over the past 15 years. This works out to an additional $502 per month, above what I was paying in mortgage, taxes, and insurance. When you add all of that together, the total monthly cost works out to $1,439.


The total monthly cost for the brand-new house? $1,444. Which comes out to exactly $5.00 per month more than my 72-year-old house.

Maintenance is the secret challenge of any asset, physical or digital. We have been talking about the Tappan Zee bridge here a bit this week, and maintenance played an outsized role in forcing New York to spend even more money on a new bridge. From Phil Plotch’s book Politics across the Hudson:

However, he also recognized that the Authority probably put less money into the bridge after it decided to replace it. “When maintenance folks know that a capital project is under design and will soon deal with the problems they have been battling for years,” he said. “They often back down a bit and turn their attention and resources to other areas.”

That didn’t work out so well:

One of the reasons the Thruway Authority wanted to build a new bridge in the late 1990s was to avoid replacing the bridge’s deck. However, the environmental review process took so long that the authority had to spend $300 million dollars to do exactly that anyway — after five-foot-wide holes started opening up along the length of the bridge.

Back in the software world, we have gotten much better about quantifying test coverage over the years, but we still seem to lack any means by which to evaluate technical debt. And yet, technical debt from my limited experience is hugely determinative on how fast product features can be launched.

It would be hugely helpful to have some sort of reasonably accurate grading system that said “this codebase is really up-to-date and clean” versus “this codebase is radioactive and run away from it.” Right now, so much of product engineering seems to be making decisions in the dark and discovering software quagmires. There has to be a better way?

Why we can’t build anything? (Part 5?)

Image from Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transit

Written by Arman Tabatabai

We’ve been obsessed with the infrastructure crisis in the U.S. lately and the question of “Why can’t we build anything?”. In case you thought the California HSR shitshow was an isolated incident, think again.

Construction Dive provided some more details around the DOJ’s subpoena of the Honolulu High-Speed Rail Project (Honolulu Rail Transit) last week, which ordered the project leads to open up their books. Just like in California, after decades of debate, Hawaii’s project has been plagued by delays and cost overruns. Today, the project holds an estimated cost of around $9-10 billion, compared to initial estimates of $3-4 billion, and some academics and industry specialists are even saying that number is more like $13 billion-plus. The court order came just after a state-led audit found that much of the cost overruns could be tied to poor contracting, planning, and management practices — just as in California.

Given the similarities here, it’s possible we could see the federal government try and pull back the $1.6 billion it had earmarked for the project if it doesn’t like what it sees. Despite calls for infrastructure improvement, the feds seem to be taking a tougher stance on the use of fed funds for these projects.

Construction Dive also highlighted that the $650 million renovation of Denver International Airport’s Jeppesen Terminal was delayed indefinitely after operators found structural deficiencies in the concrete. Sound familiar? Maybe it’s because in just the last year we’ve seen “structural deficiencies” mar SF’s Transbay Terminal project and DC’s Metrorail extension. Denver’s reclamation project is expected to cost $1.8 billion in its entirety and is a year behind schedule after breaking ground less than nine months ago.

India’s general election might also determine Facebook’s future in the region

Westend61 via Getty Images

Written by Arman Tabatabai

India’s Parliamentary Committee on Information Technology announced it would be meeting with Facebook in early-March to discuss “safeguarding citizens’ rights on social or online news media platforms.” The government has approached social media with a cautious eye ahead of the country’s huge upcoming elections, as concern over the use and misuse of social and messaging platforms in global elections becomes a hot-button issue.

The topic came up in our recent conversation with The Billionaire Raj author James Crabtree. He believes the election will be a hugely important period for social platforms in India. Having experienced a number of major historical scandals, India’s citizenry has a fairly harsh — albeit somewhat selective — view on corruption, and Crabtree believes that if Facebook or others were to face blame for any alleged misconduct, the potential fallout from a political, regulatory, and public opinion standpoint could be devastating.

The prospect of such an outcome becomes even more alarming for foreign social companies as India has ticked up focus on data localization and movements towards a “national champion” policy that will increasingly favor domestic firms over external players.

I love triangulation negotiation

The trade kerfuffle between China and the U.S. is sort of just continuing at a glacial pace. Literally glaciers, because Greenland got involved over the past few months. Greenland power politics is very far afield of TC, but I wanted to point out one little nuance that offers a worthwhile lesson.

Greenland has wanted to upgrade its airports for some time (there are no roads between major cities in the sparsely-populated but huge country). But Denmark, which Greenland is a constituent country, has rebuffed those requests, that is, until the Chinese got involved. From a WSJ article:

After Kalaallit Airports short-listed a Chinese construction firm to build the new airports, Denmark conveyed its alarm to the Pentagon. After Mr. Mattis got involved, Denmark’s government asked a consortium led by Danske Bank to help assemble an alternative financing package.

Officials in Greenland were pleasantly surprised by the terms. “Even Chinese funding is not as cheap as this,” Mr. Hansen said.

Plus this quote:

“He was not into it at all—until the Chinese showed interest,” said Aleqa Hammon, Greenland’s former prime minister, speaking of [Danish Prime Minister] Rasmussen.

This is how you negotiate! Get two larger adversaries lined up on either side of the line, and just start going back and forth between them. This works with Google and Facebook, Sequoia and Benchmark, or any other competitors. At some point, the game isn’t just a deal, it’s also the face-saving that comes from not losing to the competition.

Japan joining the trend of looser fundraising rules for growing companies

Written by Arman Tabatabai

Earlier this week, we talked about how security exchanges around the world were looking to loosen fundraising rules for young companies. The softening of these rules might be indicative of a wider trend, with Japan now proposing revised rules to make it easier for startups to fundraise through traditional brokerages and trade shares of listed companies. While the motivation here may not be to attract IPO deals like it seems to be in the U.S. and China, with the creation of more funding alternatives and with companies opting to stay out of the public markets for longer, national securities industries seem to be trying to brand themselves as the best venue for young companies to grow.


  • More discussion of megaprojects, infrastructure, and “why can’t we build things”
  • We are going to be talking India here, focused around the book “Billonnaire Raj” by James Crabtree, who we just interviewed and will share more soon
  • We have a lot to catch up on in the China world when the EC launch craziness dies down. Plus, we are covering The Next Factory of the World by Irene Yuan Sun.
  • Societal resilience and geoengineering are still top-of-mind
  • Some more on metrics design and quantification


To every member of Extra Crunch: thank you. You allow us to get off the ad-laden media churn conveyor belt and spend quality time on amazing ideas, people, and companies. If I can ever be of assistance, hit reply, or send an email to

This newsletter is written with the assistance of Arman Tabatabai from New York

via TechCrunch
Can we ever evaluate technical debt?

Lessons From Six Software Rewrite Stories

A new take on the age-old question: Should you rewrite your application from scratch, or is that "the single worst strategic mistake that any software company can make"? Turns out there are more than two options for dealing with a mature codebase. Herb Caudill: Almost two decades ago, Joel Spolsky excoriated Netscape for rewriting their codebase in his landmark essay Things You Should Never Do . He concluded that a functioning application should never, ever be rewritten from the ground up. His argument turned on two points: The crufty-looking parts of the application’s codebase often embed hard-earned knowledge about corner cases and weird bugs. A rewrite is a lengthy undertaking that keeps you from improving on your existing product, during which time the competition is gaining on you. For many, Joel’s conclusion became an article of faith; I know it had a big effect on my thinking at the time. In the following years, I read a few contrarian takes arguing that, under certain circumstances, it made a lot of sense to rewrite from scratch. For example:
Sometimes the legacy codebase really is messed up beyond repair, such that even simple changes require a cascade of changes to other parts of the code. The original technology choices might be preventing you from making necessary improvements. Or, the original technology might be obsolete, making it hard (or expensive) to recruit quality developers. The correct answer, of course, is that it depends a lot on the circumstances. Yes, sometimes it makes more sense to gradually refactor your legacy code. And yes, sometimes it makes sense to throw it all out and start over. But those aren’t the only choices. Let’s take a quick look at six stories, and see what lessons we can draw.

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Lessons From Six Software Rewrite Stories