Watch This Amazing Fan-Made Star Wars TIE Fighter Short Film

Screen Shot 2015-03-24 at 2.08.58 PM If you’re excited about the forthcoming cinematic universe Disney appears to be planning around Star Wars, then this amazing seven-and-a-half-minute short created by a fan over four years should do a lot to help tide you over. The animated film was created by Paul Michael Johnson, and animated in the style of epic 80s anime series’ like Mobile Suit Gundam, Patlabor and many… Read More

via TechCrunch
Watch This Amazing Fan-Made Star Wars TIE Fighter Short Film

Upcoming webinar – SQL & NoSQL – the best of both worlds

On Thursday I’ll be hosting a webinar explaining how you can get the best from the NoSQL world while still getting all of the benefits of a proven RDBMS. As always the webinar is free but please register here.
Even if you can’t join the live webinar, it’s worth registering as you’ll be emailed a link to the replay as soon as it’s available.
There’s a lot of excitement about NoSQL data stores, with the promise of simple access patterns, flexible schemas, scalability, and high availability. The downside comes in the form of losing ACID transactions, consistency, flexible queries, and data integrity checks. What if you could have the best of both worlds? Join this webinar to learn how MySQL Cluster provides simultaneous SQL and native NoSQL access to your data—whether it’s in a simple key-value API (memcached) or REST, JavaScript, Java, or C++. You will hear how the MySQL Cluster architecture delivers in-memory real-time performance; 99.999 percent availability; online maintenance; and linear, horizontal scalability through transparent autosharding.
Thu, Mar 26: 09:00 Pacific time (America)
Thu, Mar 26: 10:00 Mountain time (America)
Thu, Mar 26: 11:00 Central time (America)
Thu, Mar 26: 12:00 Eastern time (America)
Thu, Mar 26: 13:00 São Paulo time
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Thu, Mar 26: 21:30 India, Sri Lanka
Fri, Mar 27: 00:00 Singapore/Malaysia/Philippines time
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Fri, Mar 27: 03:00 NSW, ACT, Victoria, Tasmania (Australia)
via Planet MySQL
Upcoming webinar – SQL & NoSQL – the best of both worlds

Profiling Stored Procedures in MySQL 5.7

With the changes to performance_schema in MySQL 5.7 Development Milestone Release it is now possible to analyze and profile the execution of stored programs. This is highly useful if you develop more complex stored procedures and try to find the bottlenecks. The "old" performance_schema up to MySQL 5.6 only reported a CALL statement with a runtime, but no information on statements that were executed WITHIN the stored procedure. Now let’s try this in the latest MySQL 5.7.6 DMR release. After creating some test table and a test stored procedure we need to activate the events_statements_history_long consumer, which is OFF by default:mysql> UPDATE setup_consumers SET ENABLED="YES"            WHERE NAME = "events_statements_history_long"; Then let’s call the stored procedure that we want to inspect:mysql> CALL test.massinsert(400,405); To avoid that we overwrite data from the events_statements_history_long table with the following queries, let’s deactivate that consumer ASAP. If you have some concurrent load running on your system, it may be wise to leverage the filter options in performance_schema like setup_actors and/or setup_objects.mysql> UPDATE setup_consumers SET ENABLED="NO"           WHERE NAME = "events_statements_history_long"; Next step is to find our CALL statement in the events_statements_history_long table:mysql> SELECT event_id,sql_text,               CONCAT(TIMER_WAIT/1000000000,"ms") AS time                  FROM events_statements_history_long        WHERE event_name="statement/sql/call_procedure"; +———-+——————————-+———–+ | event_id | sql_text                      | time      | +———-+——————————-+———–+ | 144      | call massinsert(100,105)      | 0.2090ms  | | 150      | call massinsert(100,105)      | 79.9659ms | | 421      | CALL test.massinsert(400,405) | 74.2078ms | +———-+——————————-+———–+ 3 rows in set (0,03 sec) You see: I tried this stored procedure three times. The one I want to inspect in detail is event_id 421. Let’s look at all nested statement events that came from 421: mysql> SELECT EVENT_NAME, SQL_TEXT, CONCAT(TIMER_WAIT/1000000000,"ms") AS time FROM events_statements_history_long WHERE nesting_event_id=421 ORDER BY event_id; +————————–+———————————–+———–+ | EVENT_NAME | SQL_TEXT | time | +————————–+———————————–+———–+ | statement/sp/stmt | SET @i = first | 0.0253ms | | statement/sp/stmt | SET @i = @i + 1 | 0.0155ms | | statement/sp/stmt | INSERT INTO a VALUES (@i,MD5(@i)) | 45.6425ms | | statement/sp/jump_if_not | NULL | 0.0311ms | | statement/sp/stmt | SET @i = @i + 1 | 0.0297ms | | statement/sp/stmt | INSERT INTO a VALUES (@i,MD5(@i)) | 4.9695ms | | statement/sp/jump_if_not | NULL | 0.0726ms | | statement/sp/stmt | SET @i = @i + 1 | 0.0365ms | | statement/sp/stmt | INSERT INTO a VALUES (@i,MD5(@i)) | 6.8518ms | | statement/sp/jump_if_not | NULL | 0.0343ms | | statement/sp/stmt | SET @i = @i + 1 | 0.0316ms | | statement/sp/stmt | INSERT INTO a VALUES (@i,MD5(@i)) | 9.9633ms | | statement/sp/jump_if_not | NULL | 0.0309ms | | statement/sp/stmt | SET @i = @i + 1 | 0.0274ms | | statement/sp/stmt | INSERT INTO a VALUES (@i,MD5(@i)) | 5.6235ms | | statement/sp/jump_if_not | NULL | 0.0308ms | +————————–+———————————–+———–+ 16 rows in set (0,06 sec)  Now we have the statements that were executed in the stored procedure "massinsert(400,405)" with their individual execution times and in order of execution. We have all other information available as well, not only execution time. We can access number of rows affected, sql error text, used algorithms, … All information that performance_schema offers for statement events. This is a great way to analyze your stored procedures. find the most costly statements and improve performance of your stored programs. That is really a great enhancement to performance_schema.
via Planet MySQL
Profiling Stored Procedures in MySQL 5.7

Wow, Game Of Thrones Season 5 Is Even Darker Than We Expected

Wow, Game Of Thrones Season 5 Is Even Darker Than We Expected

We kind of assumed this year on Game of Thrones was going to be as bitter and dark as graveyard-shift coffee. After all, it’s based on the two ugliest books, A Feast for Crows and A Dance With Dragons. But we saw the season premiere last night, and it’s even nastier. Here are our spoiler-free impressions.

So last night, they held the U.S. premiere of Game of Thrones season five here in San Francisco, and they showed the opening episode "The Wars to Come." We can’t reveal much about what happens in the episode — but suffice to say that it’s very much an hour of setting up new conflicts and new challenges.

Wow, Game Of Thrones Season 5 Is Even Darker Than We Expected

There are about a dozen different storylines playing out in "The Wars to Come," and the thing they have in common is that pretty much everybody is in the depths of despair and misery. It’s very much the vibe you remember from A Feast For Crows, only possibly even worse.

At the same time, for the first time ever, nothing that happens in this episode felt like it came from the books. Not one scene felt like an adaptation of a book scene, although there were a few notes here and there that felt similar. Even the characters who’ve mostly followed their book trajectories, up to now, are doing something pretty new.

Wow, Game Of Thrones Season 5 Is Even Darker Than We Expected

And significantly, some of the biggest conflicts being set up in this season opener are entirely different than the relationships those characters have in the books — and seem likely to play out in a whole new way.

But what really makes this season opener of Game of Thrones feel so dark, and so intense, is the way this show really captures the natural reactions of some of the characters to the horrors they’ve been through. There’s a really strong attention to detail in the way that all of these characters feel weighted down by the past, and changed by their disappointments and losses. The episode was full of little moments where I found myself thinking, "Oh, of course that’s how that person would feel at this point." Especially the characters who don’t get POV chapters in the books — but even some of the books’ POV characters have a more fleshed-out response, thanks to strong performances from the cast.

Wow, Game Of Thrones Season 5 Is Even Darker Than We Expected

And that’s really the biggest thing I came away with after this episode. The cast, many of whom were in the audience watching it with us, are doing a phenomenal job of adding more dimensions to these characters. Especially Peter Dinklage, who’s never been more tragic and mordant, and just magnetic, than he is in this opening episode — Tyrion Lannister pretty much owns the episode, and the amount of emotion and humor that Dinklage manages to pack into his scenes is a thing of pure amazement. After the first episode, Tyrion’s storyline is the one I’m most desperate to see play out this season, too.

And from the gorgeous opening moments, the episode is jam-packed with brilliant visuals and beautifully staged scenes. There are some really ambitious scenes just in this setup-heavy episode, which are put together with a ton of care. Westeros and Essos have a sense of scale and place, more than ever.

Wow, Game Of Thrones Season 5 Is Even Darker Than We Expected

In general, the theme of this season seems to be that everybody is falling apart. Even the characters who seem to form new alliances or stick together in the books seem to be on the outs as the new season begins. And the way things are set up in this opening episode, it seems as though everybody is going to be at everybody else’s throat, pretty much.

In fact, the main thing that would make the season opener hard to talk about — even if I could talk about spoilers — is the fact that it’s so jam-packed with storylines, and so much of it consists of setup. This has been true of almost every season opener since season two, but this time in particular it feels as though there are a million pieces on the board and the show is darting from place to place, trying to keep tabs on them all. And this may really be the year that Game of Thrones becomes so big and so diffuse that it stops having any sense of cohesiveness at all — although I’m cautiously optimistic, based on what we know about the season’s arc.

Wow, Game Of Thrones Season 5 Is Even Darker Than We Expected

Plus even though this episode is mostly just pieces being moved into place, it does have one really strong arc in it, which ends with a really powerful image — one which isn’t in the books, and which represents a cliffhanger I’m dying to see play out.

Contact the author at

via Gizmodo
Wow, Game Of Thrones Season 5 Is Even Darker Than We Expected

Are You Depressed? The Symptoms of Male Melancholy

So far we’ve discussed the history of depression, and explored its possible causes. Before we conclude this series next week with a guidebook on managing your melancholy, we of course need to stop to examine what depression actually looks like. How is it different from run-of-the-mill sadness, and how does it manifest itself, especially in […]

via The Art of Manliness
Are You Depressed? The Symptoms of Male Melancholy

Math explains the best way to shuffle a deck of cards and why

Math explains the best way to shuffle a deck of cards and why

Everyone who has played poker or even Go Fish knows the basics of shuffling cards. There’s the riffle shuffle (combining two halves of a decks and making a bridge), overhand shuffling (quickly splicing cards from the deck back into the deck) and regular ol’ mixing all the cards up on a table. Which way is the best?

Math can explain! In order to achieve the closest possible shuffle to a random order there could be in a deck of cards, you have to riffle shuffle 7 times. That’s a lot, right? Not really. In order to reach that same randomness with the overhand shuffle, you would have to do it 10,000 times. And if you wanted to mix the deck up on a table, you would have to keep mixing for a full minute.

So riffle shuffling 7 times is the best and most efficient way to truly randomize a deck of cards. The overhand shuffle might be the worst way (which is probably why you never see it happen in a casino) with the mixing method being effective but annoying.

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

via Gizmodo
Math explains the best way to shuffle a deck of cards and why

Mike Basich Goes Off-Grid in Style

At his peak, professional snowboarder Mike Basich was clocking $170,000 a year,
enough to get himself into a 4,000-square-foot house he ultimately discovered
he didn’t need. Now retired from competition, Basich spent five years building
himself more unusual digs: An off-grid stone and wood cabin less than 250
square feet, located on a 40-acre plot of land he purchased in the Sierra Nevada

It took a long time to build as Basich did most of the work himself, sourcing the granite,
pine and Douglas Fir from the property itself. The "toilet" is
outdoors, absent even an outhouse; the electricity comes from solar; the water is snowmelt; the heat
comes from large south-facing windows.

Journalist Laura Ling took a closer look at Basich’s place for her web series "Going Off
Grid," and the episode went live last week:

Basich seems like an outlier to you, consider the stats Ling presents in "Going Off
Grid’s" description: "[We examine] how 180,000 Americans a year are
choosing to live entirely disconnected from our modern internet-focused world
in pursuit of a more sustainable, simple lifestyle." 

via Core77
Mike Basich Goes Off-Grid in Style