Photographs Of Superheros In Everyday Situations

If you are like me you know what superheroes are doing for the brief 120 minutes that they are on the silver screen, but surely they have a life after the movie, and they face the same situations as we all do, don’t they? Photographer Edy Hardjo decided to find out. In his photos our favorite […]

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via -Hacking Photography, One Picture At A Time
Photographs Of Superheros In Everyday Situations

Access the Secret Diagnostic Page Built Into Your Cable Modem

Access the Secret Diagnostic Page Built Into Your Cable Modem

When you’re trying to troubleshoot your cable modem, your cable company will probably blame your computer. Many modems have a built into diagnostic page that lets you view what’s wrong with it.

DSL Reports created a master list of these pages. Usually, the address is <span><a href="; data-attr="; data-uid="inset3408" data-processed="true" id="inset3408" data-provider="default" class="">></span>. On that page, most companies include:

  • Signal levels
  • Uptime — how long your connection has been up
  • Errors like DHCP fails or corrected/uncorrected blocks
  • Reboot the modem remotely.

If you can read the page to the cable company’s support, that gives them key information to help solve your problem. It’s handy if you have an intermittent connection problem.

Viewing the Modem’s Signal Levels, Firmware Version & Log Entries | DSL Reports

via Lifehacker
Access the Secret Diagnostic Page Built Into Your Cable Modem

How one of the most complicated watches in the world is made

How one of the most complicated watches in the world is made

I don’t wear a watch and I hate time and yet I’m still so very impressed with the movement of this watch by FP Journe. It’s stunning and it is the most complicated watch that FP Journe makes because it’s a grande sonniere watch. Which means, it’s a complication that is able to audibly chime out the time.

Hodinkee took a deep dive into the making of the FP Journe Sonnerie Souveraine and it’s a stunner. Here is Hodinkee explaining what exactly the complication of a Grande Sonniere is:

Quickly – for anyone that doesn’t know what a sonnerie is, it is a watch with an active striking mechanism that chimes the quarters and hours without activation from the user. A grande sonnerie strikes the hoursand the quarters each quarter. So, at 3:15, with a grande sonnerie, you would hear three chimes (dongs) for the hours, and then one strike (ding dong) for the first quarter. At 3:30, you would again hear three chimes for the hours, and then two strikes for two quarters.

I really think I could watch masters of their craft work forever.

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

via Gizmodo
How one of the most complicated watches in the world is made

Recipe for Success: Ten WordPress Plugins to Rock Your Blog


Blogging with WordPress can be good fun with the right plugins. Plugins make work more comfortable, add new features, and can keep visitors on your blog. With the right plugin, blogging tasks can be performed in a smarter, easier, faster, and more productive way. Whatever you have in mind for your blog, there is probably a plugin for that. The only problem is that you will have to find the right one first, and with currently 35,038 listed plugins, this is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack. To save you some time in the search, we provide you with ten extraordinary plugins for various tasks that will make your life a lot easier.
via noupe
Recipe for Success: Ten WordPress Plugins to Rock Your Blog

Apple Offers Extended Coverage For 2011-2013 MacBook Pros With Video Issues

macbook-pro110221210702 Apple is offering a new repair program that extends coverage for certain MacBook Pro models made between 2011 and 2013 that are exhibiting problems related to video. The program offers either free repairs on affected models, or reimbursement for repairs already paid for by users. To check if your MacBook Pro is among those covered by the extension, head to Apple’s support tool and enter… Read More

via TechCrunch
Apple Offers Extended Coverage For 2011-2013 MacBook Pros With Video Issues

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World’s Most Bizarre Shopping Site

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

Feeling bored? You need a store that sells ridiculous, confusing products that probably shouldn’t even exist. Let me introduce you to one of my favorite online retailers: Dealextreme.
It’s one of the internet’s largest purveyors of cheap tablets, obscure cables and amazing off-brand oddities.

Need a knock-off GoPro? They’ve got it. Some sexy lingerie that probably won’t fit you? Yup. I usually use them to pick up cheap adapters or components, but every time I shop with them, I come across something weird, ridiculous and fun. Here are some of my favorites.

Way Too Many "Shock-Your-Friend" Toys

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

…including one that looks like a gun, shocks you and lights on fire. That sounds completely safe.

Horrible Rubber Animal Masks

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

Because horse head masks are too mainstream.

Fully Assembled Useless Machine

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

See that switch? Flip it, and a mechanical arm will come out and flip the switch the other direction. It’s a machine that turns itself off when you turn it on. That’s it. This thing is a best seller. Why are you buying this?

The Air Power Soccer Disc

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

Like hovercrafts? Soccer? Air hockey? Boy howdy, then do I have the floating, ball-themed floating disc for you. Enjoy.

Digital Buddha Jukebox

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

I don’t know what a Digital Buddha Jukebox is, exactly, but I absolutely need one.

A $200 Telescope For Your iPhone

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

There are hundreds of smartphone lenses on DealExtreme, but this one is the biggest. That makes it the best, right? Right.

Electric Nose Massager

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

Have you ever thought to yourself, "boy, I could really go for a nose massage?" Never? Me neither, but someone, somewhere, did.

A Steam-Powered Engine That Never Stops Spinning

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

Okay, technically it’s a "
DIY Low Temperature Stirling Engine." The "DIY" consisting entirely of "putting this thing on top of a cup of hot water." Hours of… heat monitoring fun.

Cassette Adapter MP3 Player

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

A fully functional portable MP3 player that you can also shove into a tape deck. It’s the ultimate MP3 player for people who drive a car from the 1980s and somehow don’t have a smartphone. I’ve actually considered buying a cassette player just so I have an excuse to buy this thing.

This Cable Wrangler That Looks Like a Ctrl Button For Some Reason

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

I love keyboards, but I don’t understand this.

USB Rechargeable Cigarette Lighter w/ Money Detector Function

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

I was completely on board with this until I read the words "
money detector function." I’m pretty sure it means "counterfeit detector," but I prefer to imagine this as a magical, USB-powered device that finds money. Don’t ruin that dream for me.

Outdoor Durable Anti-explode Glasses

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

Guaranteed not to explode, apparently.

Multi-Function Bomb Shape Rechargeable Game Alarm Clock

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

A bomb-shaped alarm clock. That’s fine, but it’s the description that concerns me: "Press red button, count down 10 seconds, reciprocal one of the 4-color cables, it will stop if right, or it will explode if wrong." So… wake up or you’re dead?

Tactical Outdoor Self-Defense Pen

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

Ah the humble pen: an essential tool of the free press and, apparently, also a versatile self defense weapon. Seriously, drop the words "Tactical Pen" into YouTube and you’ll find dozens of pen-based fighting tutorials. Check it out:

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

Awesome. No normal pen will do, of course—you need a weaponized writing implement: something with "high-hardness" a "shock-proof cap" and, of course, an ink cartridge: just in case you wanted to actually use the pen to write something down.

14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World's Most Bizarre Shopping Site

This is actually starting to sound feasible to me. I think that means it’s time I get off the internet.

via Gizmodo
14 Gems From Dealextreme, the World’s Most Bizarre Shopping Site

How (and Why) to Ditch Dropbox and Sync Files with BitTorrent Sync

How (and Why) to Ditch Dropbox and Sync Files with BitTorrent Sync

Dropbox (and similar cloud services) are awesome, but they don’t give you that much control, security, or privacy over your files. If you want to take control into your own hands without losing the features of cloud syncing services, BitTorrent Sync is the service for you. Here’s how to use it.

Why Use BitTorrent Sync Over Dropbox

How (and Why) to Ditch Dropbox and Sync Files with BitTorrent Sync

We love Dropbox (and other file syncing services), but they tend to be rather expensive if you need more than a few gigs of space. There’s also an inherent security flaw in storing your files on a third-party server, and while most cloud storage services offer two-factor authentication, there’s always the possibility those servers could get hacked at some point. Conversely, private cloud services like OwnCloud are awesome, but you’ll need your own server to use them.

BitTorrent Sync solves for both of those problems. Your files are never stored on a server. They’re only on your computers, and the data is transferred between them using peer-to-peer file sharing. BitTorrent Sync is also completely free, and you can transfer files of any size you want, which makes it great for projects with large file sizes (like video). The storage capacity is only limited to your own hard drive, not how much space you’re paying for. Let’s take a quick look at the advantages and disadvantages of BitTorrent Sync compared to other file syncing services.

Advantages of BitTorrent Sync Over Dropbox

  • Free
  • Storage is only limited by how much space is on your hard drive
  • Your files are never uploaded to a third-party server
  • Fast transfer speeds that are only limited by the internet connection speed on your devices
  • Server downtime doesn’t affect you since your files are never uploaded to another server
  • Sync any folder or file you want from anywhere on your hard drive
  • You can install it on your own NAS so it works almost identically to Dropbox

Disadvantages of BitTorrent Sync Over Dropbox

  • At least one of your computers needs to be on perform syncing
  • People you share folders and files with need BitTorrent Sync installed, there’s no web app to access your files
  • You have to share folders, and can’t share individual files (a Pro tier is expected that will offer this feature though)
  • Doesn’t have collaboration and built-in file editing features like other services
  • Doesn’t work as well as a cloud backup since it only syncs between computers

For most of us, BitTorrent Sync isn’t a good replacement for Dropbox if your primary use is backups, but for sharing and syncing files it’s awesome. That said, running BitTorrent Sync on a NAS makes it work similar to Dropbox and OwnCloud but with higher speeds and no software overhead to worry about. You don’t need to set up a server, so BitTorrent Sync also tends to be incredibly secure since you’re the only who who has the keys to access your files.

How to Set Up BitTorrent Sync

How (and Why) to Ditch Dropbox and Sync Files with BitTorrent Sync

In order to use BitTorrent Sync, you’ll need to set up a few different things. Throughout this guide, we’ll be using the newest beta for BitTorrent Sync, 2.0, which should be officially launching soon. That said, the process is the same with older versions of the app as well.

  1. Download BitTorrent Sync for your operating system
  2. Open up the app
  3. Pick the folders you want to sync across computers. Click the "+" button and pick your folder. Those folders are now ready for sharing
  4. Click the gear icon and select "Link Device"
  5. Click "Link a Desktop Device Manually," you’ll get a 35 digit code
  6. Head to another computer and repeat steps 1 and 2.
  7. On the second computer, click the gear icon > Link Device > Link Device Manually > Enter Key and enter the 35 digit code from step 5

Now, every folder you select to share syncs across the two computers. You can repeat this process across every computer you own. You can also set up syncing on mobile. The process is pretty similar:

  1. Download the mobile app for Android, iOS, or Windows Phone
  2. On your desktop, click the gear icon > Link Device to get a QR code
  3. Back on your mobile device, click "Add Folder" and use your phone to scan the QR code on your computer

One thing to note: right now, the mobile apps aren’t set up to work with BitTorrent Sync 2.0, so for now, you’ll want to use version 1.4 if you need access on mobile.

That’s it for setting up standard sync. From here on out, your files sync between all the computers and devices you have BitTorrent Sync installed on as long as at least of those devices is online.

How to Send Folders to Other People

How (and Why) to Ditch Dropbox and Sync Files with BitTorrent Sync

Syncing between your devices is just part of using BitTorrent Sync though. The most useful feature is sharing folders with other people. There is no limit on the file size here, so you can share pretty much anything you want. Here’s how it works:

  1. Highlight the folder you want to share and click the "Share" button
  2. Select the permissions you want to give to the recipient (read only or read & write)
  3. Select the security level you want to grant ("peers I invite must be approved on this device" makes it so you have to approve them before they can use the link, "Link will expire in x days" grants access for a set amount of days, and "Link can be use x times" sets a limit on the amount of clicks a link can get)
  4. Select how you want to share the link (via email, copy it to your clipboard, or generate a QR code)

That’s it. Send that link to whoever you want, and they’ll be able to access the folder from their version of BitTorrent Sync. You can also use this method to share only select folders with your other computers, which is handy if you have a laptop without a lot of hard drive space.

Bonus Features: Set Up Version Control and Automatic Camera Roll Backup

How (and Why) to Ditch Dropbox and Sync Files with BitTorrent Sync

Aside from the normal syncing and sharing that comes with BitTorrent Sync, it also has a couple features we’re used to seeing in file syncing services: versioning and automatic camera roll backup. Both are easy to set up, but it’s also easy to miss the fact that both even exist in the first place.

Check Out Earlier Versions of Files

Like Dropbox, BitTorrent Sync keeps snapshots of every change you make to a file over the course of 30 days. This is handy when you mess something up and need to roll back to an earlier version. Here’s how to access those files:

  1. Click the three dot icon next to the Share button on the folder you want to see an older version of
  2. Select "Open Archive" to open up the folder in File Explorer or Finder
  3. The files here are hidden, so you’ll need to enable Hidden Items for your operating system (Windows/Mac)
  4. You’ll see a folder called .SyncArchive, inside you’ll see a collection of older versions of files (this can take up a lot of space if you’re working with a lot of large files)

That’s it. If you need to, BitTorrent Sync also has a guide for changing the default behavior of versioning so you can customize it to your needs.

Turn on Camera Roll Backups on Mobile

Like most file syncing services, BitTorrent Sync also has an automatic camera roll upload option for its mobile apps. Once it’s enabled, everything on your camera roll gets backed up on your computer. The process here is very simple.

  1. In the mobile app, tap "Camera Roll Backup"
  2. You get the option to copy or email the link. If you click email, email it to yourself so you can access it on your home computer
  3. Head to a computer with BitTorrent Sync installed
  4. Click the link and select a folder to sync your photos with. This adds your camera roll photos to BitTorrent Sync

Now, all you phone’s photos automatically get sent over to any computers you have BitTorrent Sync running on.

BitTorrent Sync might not be the perfect replacement to Dropbox for everyone, but it does just about anything Dropbox can do provided you don’t need the cloud storage. If you’re sick of spending a bunch of cash or you’re just looking for a little extra privacy, it works incredibly well.

Image by Tina Mailhot-Roberge

via Lifehacker
How (and Why) to Ditch Dropbox and Sync Files with BitTorrent Sync