A**hole Cat

(NSFW: Language) Some men just want to watch the world burn. And some cats just can’t watch others at peace. YouTuber druxx0r’s pet is one such Joker.  Witness as it seethes with hate and envy towards its fellow feline.
via The Awesomer
A**hole Cat

Carry a Pair of Tennis Balls in Your Gym Bag to Relieve Soreness

Carry a Pair of Tennis Balls in Your Gym Bag to Relieve Soreness

Tennis balls are great for massaging, but you can also use them to replace a foam roller for deep soreness.

We’ve covered how you can use a tennis ball during an airline flight to relieve sore muscles. That’s just the beginning. Over at Prevention, they’ve got a list of all the different ways you can roll out your problems with one or two tennis balls. For example, if you have tight shoulders, like I do, they recommend:

Shoulder Shine-Up

Why It Helps: This move addresses some of the rotator cuff muscles that often tighten from overuse, poor posture, and repetitive motion.

How to do it:

Place a ball behind your shoulder blade while lying on the floor. Experiment with moving your shoulder in every possible direction for 3 minutes on each side. Your arm will look like seaweed floating in the water.

The balls won’t replace a professional massage and won’t work for serious pain. If you’re tight during the day, though, these quick stretches may just do the trick.

10 Pain-Fighting Moves You Can Do With A Tennis Ball | Prevention

Photo by Alosh Bennett.

via Lifehacker
Carry a Pair of Tennis Balls in Your Gym Bag to Relieve Soreness

Video: The skilled precision and interesting history of making a violin

Video: The skilled precision and interesting history of making a violin

The violin is a cute little instrument but also, as I learned from watching this video of violin maker (or luthier) John Young, a really interesting instrument to make. It’s artfully designed and carefully shaved down and is still made in a similar way from when it first appeared centuries ago.

Young makes each violin personal and he hopes that his violins can last for hundreds of years (and get better sounding!) like Stradivariuses

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

via Gizmodo
Video: The skilled precision and interesting history of making a violin

Skechers’ Game Kicks Sneakers Are a Wearable Version of Simon

Skechers' Game Kicks Sneakers Are a Wearable Version of Simon

A distracted kid is more often than not a well-behaved kid. So for those times when a child’s phone or tablet has run out of power, Skechers is introducing a new line of shoes called Game Kicks that feature a built-in musical memory matching game that is played like Simon, except that these remain strapped to a kid’s feet.

Skechers' Game Kicks Sneakers Are a Wearable Version of Simon

Available in a girl’s style that features light-up flower buttons and a boy’s version with light-up blocks, the game has kids recreating a blinking beeping pattern that gets longer and longer as they progress. Once they get eight in a row correct, they can claim victory. It’s simple, but it really doesn’t take much to keep kids entertained.

Available for $65 starting in February of next year, the Game Kicks sneakers also come with an all-important mute button so kids can keep playing when the sounds would otherwise give them away, or when there’s the risk of driving their parents mad. [Skechers]

Skechers' Game Kicks Sneakers Are a Wearable Version of Simon

Toyland: We love toys. Join us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.

via Gizmodo
Skechers’ Game Kicks Sneakers Are a Wearable Version of Simon

Look, a Superfast iPhone-Powered M&M Sorting Machine

We have seen plenty of machines sort M&Ms or Skittle by color, but this new design posted over at Review My Life takes a clever new approach to sort the candies even quicker.

M&M sorters come in lots of designed but as RML points out they all basically work the same way. The candies travel down a shoot, their color is determined by a sensor, and then an Arduino-powered servo motor to drop the candy in the right bin. Servo motors and the Arduino color sensor are both quite slow, so the inventor tries to improve these bottlenecks.

The components are replaced with an iPhone camera, to read the color of the candy, and an array of electromagnet-powered gates, which do the actual physical sorting.

But I don’t stop the M&M for colour recognition. Instead I use an iPhone to capture the colour of the M&M as it is in freefall. As it is still falling the iPhone talks to a Bluetooth module attached to an Arduino and that fires off the correct electro magnet controlled gate. This sends the M&M into the correct pot. Even my rough prototype is reasonably fast because the colour recognition and path that the M&M takes down the chute is decided and determined whilst the M&M is moving under gravity.

In fairness, the prototype doesn’t appear to sort that much faster than the machines we’ve seen before, but you have to admire the creativity of the design. With a little refinement, this machine could by the blazing glory of candy sorters. [Review My Life]

via Gizmodo
Look, a Superfast iPhone-Powered M&M Sorting Machine

The secret engine technology that made the SR-71 the fastest plane ever

The secret engine technology that made the SR-71 the fastest plane ever

On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers flew the first airplane ever at 6.8 mph (10.9 km/h). Only 61 years and five days later, the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird took off. It’s still the world’s fastest airplane with a speed of 2,193 mph (3,530 km/h.) This fascinating video reveals how its top secret engine technology works.

The secret engine technology that made the SR-71 the fastest plane ever

A ground test of the Pratt & Whitney J58 engine’s afterburner at full power.

It’s truly amazing that only 61 years and five days separate this

The secret engine technology that made the SR-71 the fastest plane ever

from this:

The secret engine technology that made the SR-71 the fastest plane ever

And it’s even more unbelievable that we haven’t been able to top that 51 years later (it will be exactly 51 years tomorrow—the first flight occurred on December 22, 1963.) Absolutely incredible.

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

via Gizmodo
The secret engine technology that made the SR-71 the fastest plane ever