Maryland Deputy Shooting Groundhog Caught on Video by Motorist

We’re not sure, but we think the groundhog crossed the road for the same reason the chicken did. The problem for this one is that he seemed to do it a number of times, interfering with the flow of traffic. Unfortunately for this Maryland rodent, there was a Carroll County sheriff’s deputy there waiting for him on the other side.

The deputy got out of his vehicle to get the groundhog away from the roadway, but the deputy reported that the groundhog was not acting normally.

Maybe the deputy’s more experienced in groundhog behavioral norms that we are, because we’re not sure we could recognize abnormal activity in one of the beasts. But this little guy had been weaving in and out of traffic, so maybe he’d had one too many cocktails before trying to do the responsible thing and walk home.

Anyway, the officer had traffic halted, so the groundhog decided to traverse the roadway one more time.

“Believing the groundhog to be either sick or injured,” the deputy shot the groundhog, and “put the animal down for the public’s safety,” the sheriff’s office said.

As the indecent was captured on video, this will almost surely shut down most of the internet today. If the officer’s identity becomes known, look for threats against his life and those of his family. We haven’t seen an outraged PETA statement yet, but we’re sure they’re busily at work, tapping out a press release.

Here’s the sheriff’s office’s statement on the matter:

“The deputy was travelling on Rt 26 in the area of White Rock Road when he observed traffic backing up along the road. He found that the groundhog in question was walking into the roadway, causing vehicles to stop and creating a hazard. He got out of his vehicle to assess, and as he tried to direct the groundhog off of the roadway, he realized that it was not responding as expected for an animal that was not being cornered or trapped. Believing the groundhog to be either sick or injured, the deputy then put the animal down for the public’s safety.”

More to the point, it took two shots to bring down the groundhog. It seems obvious that the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department is using underpowered firearms, probably something in a 9mm. If they’re going to be facing groundhogs and larger game, they probably need to be carrying something that chambers a round that starts with a 4. Any suggestions?


via The Truth About Guns
Maryland Deputy Shooting Groundhog Caught on Video by Motorist

Time to Battle The Insane Anti-Gun Mob With Knowledge & Truth

by Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen

Ban Guns Black Rifle Protest Protestors
Let’s start with the term “assault rifles.” The LEFT has been messing with gun truths for decades. They twisted the truth to confuse, and frighten, the masses about “rifles.”

USA – -( President Trump fights for us every day, and we, at the grass roots level, must back him up 100%. We, as gun owners, are very angry, and we need to use our anger to get moving. We call on all of you, to start/continue to fight. We must KEEP THE US SENATE and HOUSE in the 2018 midterms.

The legalized invasion of the President’s attorney should leave no doubt, in your minds, that the LEFT will do anything it can to retain power, damn the consequences, of our nation and our families.

The LEFT is dragging us closer and closer into another civil war. And, we don’t know what’s on the other side of that civil war, and we would rather not find out. We may be armed and ready with all the iron we need, but we do not like, nor want, that violent path. Violence, though, may be the last refuge of the incompetent LEFT, and there are hopefully, still. other paths we have not yet explored.

We all need to know, with certainty, that our phylosophy is fully grounded in truth. We can face down the crazies that are marching in lock step ready to burn our Constitution, with nothing more than our resolve of the certainty of our love of the US Constitution.

But, right now, we are divided by ignorance. A report by Steven Shepard finds firm evidence that Republicans do favor stronger gun control laws. Of the responders to a Politico poll, 68% are in favor of another ban on “assault rifles.”

Here is a recent Quinnipiac Poll, Table Number 57 gives the stats on an “assault weapons ban”, by age, sex, party and education, and also gives trending data. A total of 67% support such a useless ban on assault weapons. PLEASE REALIZE, THESE NUMBERS REPESENTR US! WE ARE THOSE STATS! Why?

One gun owner, “inspired” by the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, went so far as to destroy his AR 10 and AR 15 in a very public way. Folks, this is our people, a gun owner!

Do we blame this situation on our own ignorance? We do not all know all the details, and so we let the devil do his work. To cure this, we must all learn to teach our brethren. We all have to correct these weak and insecure gun owners. We must join together to strengthen our group.

It’s time to get to work. NOW!

  • Find a friend who reads well.
  • Find a friend who speaks well.
  • Find a fried who can organize.
  • Find a friend whom can motivate.
  • Stay engaged, get things moving and welcome all comers.

If everyone around you knew the truth about so-called “assault rifles” all the polls, faked or not, would reflect a greater sanity.

If you, and your friends, think you know everything you need to know, then you must ask why does your county or state still have any gun laws that are based on bias and racism? If you didn’t know, that is the origin of weapons laws. Why does your locality have such laws, especially if you all know the truth? Find your comfortable place, and spread the truth that frees us from the LEFT.

Gun laws that affect the law abiding do not work. In fact, gun laws may even be counterproductive, like the Gun Free School Zones Act. So, we really have to admit some ignorance on the subject.

Dirty Tricks Of The Left

Let’s start with the term “assault rifles.” That term didn’t just start when Trump was nominated. The LEFT has been messing with gun truths for decades. They twisted the truth to confuse, and frighten, the masses about “rifles.” And even some gun owners bought the lies. To the LEFT, almost anything beyond a single-shot, bolt action rifle, is an “assault rifle.”

Joe Tartaro, a long time Second Amendment proponent, and author, explained what happened in his article, ‘The Great Assault Weapon Hoax.’ He wrote;

“The push to ban scary looking guns is a conjuring trick devised by devout anti-gunners in and out of government who will settle for banning some guns on their way to banning them all.”

Tartaro discusses tactics of deceit such as suppressing evidence and the attempt to show on TV that ammo from the targeted weapons was more powerful by shooting an exploding melon.

What Assault Rifle Means
What Assault Rifle Means?

Here’s what happened. Josh Sugarman, of the Violence Policy Center, deliberately created a fabricated fraud, as great as the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax , which our President is now battling. Sugarman, and his ilk, thinks that it’s OK to lie to people to make them act against their own best interests.

According to David Kopel, Sugarman suggested, and normalized, in to the public discussion, words and phrases such as, but not limited to: , assault weapons, armor_piercing bullets, machine guns, plastic guns, etc. He made them as daily usage. The rifles became menacing looking, and Sugarman coupled that with the public’s confusion over fully automatic guns versus ordinary semi-automatic rifles, cause they looked similar. All this increased the chance of public support for restrictions on these rifles. And the lying LEFT media pushes these norm’d words and phrases.

David Kopel explains that this misinformation still remains as part of American culture. But we gun owners should all know that there is a difference between full auto and semi auto firearms. Aaron Blake explains the bait-and- switch language deception.

So, our nation happily accepted a ten year “assault weapons ban” in 1994. The ban was not renewed because even anti gun researchers could not find any statistical benefit. The government report is here, and some additional information is here.

Now, despite any proof of benefit, the liars of the LEFT are attempting to spring right into another “assault weapons ban,” including adding some handguns.

While this may not become law soon, there will be media hype designed to confuse and mislead the public, and it will boost their fear of guns. They think they can get a better start on banning semi-autos this time around because of the school massacres.

We are not attempting to deal fully with the topic of “assault weapons” lies, but to give you a place to jump start a local discussion group for all who are interested. You can start with the articles linked to in this piece, and we suggest that you make a library of gun truths for future reference.

There is no safety in disarmament. Gun laws only affect the law abiding. The black market trumps all restrictive laws and only outlaws keep their guns.
The law abiding gun owners should not accept the stupidity of the masses and the contempt of the power mongers. Let’s get teaching, and educating our family and friends.

Next time, we hope to discuss the lies surrounding the NICS checks system.

About the Authors:

Alan J Chwick has been involved with firearms much of his life and is the Retired Managing Coach of the Freeport NY Junior (Marksmanship) Club, Division of the Freeport NY Revolver & Rifle Association, Freeport, NY. He has escaped from New York State to South Carolina and is an SC FFL. – | TWITTER: @iNCNF

Joanne D Eisen, DDS (Ret.) practiced dentistry on Long Island, NY. She has collaborated and written on firearm politics for the past 30+ years. She has also escaped from New York State to Virginia. –

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Time to Battle The Insane Anti-Gun Mob With Knowledge & Truth

Webinar Wednesday, May 9, 2018: MySQL Troubleshooting and Performance Optimization with Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM)

Webinar Wednesday, May 9, 2018: MySQL Troubleshooting and Performance Optimization with Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM)

 | May 7, 2018 | 
Posted In: Insight for DBAs, Percona Monitoring and Management, Technical Webinars

MySQL TroubleshootingPlease join Percona’s CEO, Peter Zaitsev as he presents MySQL Troubleshooting and Performance Optimization with PMM on Wednesday, May 9, 2018, at 11:00 AM PDT (UTC-7) / 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4).

Optimizing MySQL performance and troubleshooting MySQL problems are two of the most critical and challenging tasks for MySQL DBAs. The databases powering your applications must handle heavy traffic loads while remaining responsive and stable so that you can deliver an excellent user experience. Further, DBAs’ bosses expect solutions that are cost-efficient.

In this webinar, Peter discusses how you can optimize and troubleshoot MySQL performance and demonstrate how Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) enables you to solve these challenges using free and open source software. We will look at specific, common MySQL problems and review the essential components in PMM that allow you to diagnose and resolve them.

Register for the webinar now.

Peter ZaitsevPeter Zaitsev, CEO

Peter Zaitsev co-founded Percona and assumed the role of CEO in 2006. As one of the foremost experts on MySQL strategy and optimization, Peter leveraged both his technical vision and entrepreneurial skills to grow Percona from a two-person shop to one of the most respected open source companies in the business. With over 140 professionals in 30 plus countries, Peter’s venture now serves over 3000 customers – including the “who’s who” of internet giants, large enterprises and many exciting startups. The Inc. 5000 recognized Percona in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Peter was an early employee at MySQL AB, eventually leading the company’s High-Performance Group. A serial entrepreneur, Peter co-founded his first startup while attending Moscow State University where he majored in Computer Science. Peter is a co-author of High-Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, and Replication, one of the most popular books on MySQL performance. Peter frequently speaks as an expert lecturer at MySQL and related conferences, and regularly posts on the Percona Database Performance Blog. He was also tapped as a contributor to Fortune and DZone, and his recent ebook Practical MySQL Performance Optimization is one of’s most popular downloads.

Peter Zaitsev

Peter managed the High Performance Group within MySQL until 2006, when he founded Percona. Peter has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and is an expert in database kernels, computer hardware, and application scaling.

via MySQL Performance Blog
Webinar Wednesday, May 9, 2018: MySQL Troubleshooting and Performance Optimization with Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM)

Tell Us Your Disney World Travel Tips

“Everything the light touches is our kingdom.”

This week on Hack Your City, we’re covering a single theme park. Four theme parks in one, for you Trinitarians. We’re talking about Walt Disney World, the Floridian compound encompassing Epcot, Hollywood Studios, Magic Kingdom, and Disney’s Animal Kingdom, and further assorted attractions.

Each Monday on Hack Your City, we ask readers for your best tips on a city: driving tips, restaurant recs, things to do, and any other advice for visitors and locals. Then on Thursday, we present the best comments. We’re working our way around the U.S. and around the globe.


We’ve covered the Disney parks a little, but now we need your hacks for maximizing happiness in the Happiest Place on Earth, so you don’t end up like that couple who accidentally booked shitty motel tickets in The Florida Project. What’s your favorite trick for getting the most out of Disney World?

How do you save money at the park? What are the cheapest ways to fulfill your child’s dreams? What parts of the park experience can you get nearby? Or what do you get if you splurge?

How do you deal with the crowds, beyond just buying your way to the front of the line? What’s the best part of the off-season? What are the underrated parts of the park?


How do you have the most fun as an adult? (Are those secret dance clubs really so secret?) How do you have that adult fun even when you’ve brought your kids?

What secrets can you find if you ask the right person, or walk down the right path? What freebies and upgrades can you earn? What special deals or access can you get for being a teacher, a veteran, or something else?

Some secrets, like the hidden Mickeys, are so famous that they have their own website. What are the best guides and resources to those famous secrets?


Tell us your best tips in the comments (please stop emailing them to us), and we’ll post highlights in a new post on Thursday.

via Lifehacker
Tell Us Your Disney World Travel Tips

’Luke Cage’ season two introduces a powerful new enemy

David Lee/Netflix

Today, Netflix released a trailer for the second season of Marvel’s Luke Cage, the story of a bulletproof man (Mike Colter) who is fighting to save Harlem from forces that want to do the local population harm. The second season premieres on Netflix on June 22nd.

In the trailer, viewers can see that Luke Cage is no longer operating in the shadows; he’s become a hero to the people of Harlem. He attracts the notice of a new villain, who seems to be just as indestructible as Luke. According to the press release, Luke will need to “confront the fine line that separates a hero from a villain.” It seems as though this season will force Luke to test the boundaries of his own principles in order to defeat this new enemy.

The trailer also gives the viewer glimpses of Claire Temple (Rosario Dawson), who seems to be a sort of conscience for Luke in this season. Misty Knight (Simone Missick) is sporting the prosthetic arm that she is famous for in the comics, while Mariah (Alfre Woodard) is clearly up to no good once again. The premiere episode of the second season is directed by Lucy Liu.

via Engadget
’Luke Cage’ season two introduces a powerful new enemy

10 things I’ve learned in 10 years of entrepreneurship with 10-yr-old twins

Peter Chee hiking with his 10-year-old twin sons on a past trip to Zion National Park, Utah. He marked 10 years of entrepreneurship on May 1. (Photo Courtesy Peter Chee)

[Editor’s Note: Peter Chee is founder and CEO of Seattle-based Thinkspace.]

I’ve been reflecting on my journey over the last 10 years of being an entrepreneur with my boys, Max, Sam and Josh, of which Sam and Josh are 10 years old. I’ve been having them reflect back on their 10-year life journey too. Through this journey, I’ve experienced some amazing highs and crazy lows. I’ve made some good choices and had some fantastic experiences that I lean on which remind myself that I can accomplish things I never thought I could. I also see a string of mistakes that I’ve made which still sting with pain like a cut on my foot while getting hit by a wave of salt water at the beach. It’s uncomfortable, but, in a healthy way. 

Put your name on your list

Back in the first year of running the company, I hired Sonya Stoklosa, an executive coach who was a former Olympic Trials athlete. I resonate with someone who has an athlete mindset and applies that to business. One of the most critical questions she asked me was to make a list of the 10 most important people who I care about. After looking at that list, she said to me, why isn’t my name on it? My response was I have to take care of other people; I don’t have time for myself. Her response was if you don’t take care of yourself, how could you take care of others? It was this one question that spawned off a lot of shifts and changes in my life and business. 

Don’t be afraid to fail

I intentionally make sure my kids see me falling down. They have even said to me, “get back up and try again.” Life of being an entrepreneur isn’t a highlight reel of success. I’ve learned that while it’s important to have a lot of grit and push really hard, it’s much more about resilience from failure. It’s about getting up quickly after falling. The most important part of failure is to keep running at it, not away from it. Eventually, if you spend enough time running towards something, it will get a lot less scary and difficult.

Define and defend

Keep intact the things you cherish the most. For me, my non-negotiables are:

  1. I’m showing up for my three boys Max, Sam, and Josh no matter what. When I asked them, “does Dad show up?” their response isn’t going to allow me to win Dad of the Year Awards, but “yes most of the time” is a pretty solid response.
  2. My health. Wake up at 5 a.m. no matter what bad choices I’ve made the night before and start my day with exercise.
  3. Push as hard as I possibly can and recharge with the same level of intensity. The hardest part is once you define it, you have to also defend it ferociously. Do this and it will help make decisions simpler. 

Measure your feelings

While measuring feelings sounds subjective or maybe even impossible it can be done. Start by doing this on the first day of each month and come up with one-word summaries for these things and ask yourself how you were feeling over the last 30 days:

  1. Mentally
  2. Emotionally
  3. Relationally
  4. Physically
  5. Spiritually

Then for each of these things assign a number between minus five (-5) worst it has ever been and plus five (+5) best that it has ever been and where zero is your personal normal. Once you begin to track these things you’ll see trends and from there you can make conscious choices to give energy towards the category that you want to see change. It wasn’t until I had amassed a year of data that I threw this information into a spreadsheet and saw these trends. I also started to reflect back at those past months and ask myself what did I do to make some months so much better than others? 

Why can’t everything be fun?

In this framework, everything has to be fun. There are three categories: Type 1 Fun, which is quick. Type 2 Fun, which is moderate. Type 3 Fun, which is big impact. Here are some examples of my Type 1 Fun: checking email, talking with a new customer, having a glass of wine with a friend and having a good conversation. Type 2 Fun: talking with a mentor that is 10x where you’re at, strategic planning, coming up with a go-to-market strategy, going for a 5-mile run, learning to swim. Type 3 Fun: launching a new location, forming a new partnership with a big company, running a marathon, swimming across Lake Washington, hiking Mailbox Peak.

So for me, it’s simple, I need to spend more time doing Type 2 and 3 Fun. Just remember to define your own list, some of the things on my list could be total torture to another person. Once you start to schedule in these kinds of things into your day and week, protect your schedule and see the impact on how you feel.

Your personal core values

My personal core values became clear to me over this last 10 years. They are:

  1. Adventure
  2. Challenge
  3. Relationships.

In the darkest times of running your company when everything comes into question as to whether or not you’re doing the right thing, take a look at what you’re working on and ask yourself where you’re spending your time. If you’re spending all of your time on things you don’t enjoy, you don’t have to quit your company, you can hire someone who really enjoys doing those things and focus your time on the things that are in alignment with your personal core values. Be the best version of yourself and let that drive the business. Don’t let the circumstances of the business drive you. 

Your identity is not your company

Yes, you’re spending so much time focused on your company and chances are after 10 years, people will associate you with the brand of your company. Through the successes and failures of your company, those things do not define you and if you get to the point where you successfully exit your company, you’re not exiting yourself. If you’re a parent, you’re not defined by your children either and some could say that you care about your company and your children similarly. Yes, you love them with all your heart, but, they do not define you. Do other things that provide you personal accomplishment. For me, I’m a marathoner and an Ironman in-training. These other activities give me confidence, reduce my stress, provide me focus, and allow me to invest in myself.

Pay Yourself

Yes, there are sacrifices that you have to make. Sometimes cash flow is so tight that you fear you might miss payroll. This is always the most stressful and scariest thing that can happen. If you’re bootstrapping, the first thing that happens when cash flow is really tight is you pay your employees and don’t pay yourself. If you’ve raised money and cash flow is tight or you are not hitting your goals, your board or investors may ask you to lay off employees. Either way, you’re in a situation where you’re going to have to make hard decisions. The key thing is to pay yourself. You’re putting everything at risk and setting aside 10 percent profit for that level of risk needs to be ferociously defended. Once you set that aside, you won’t have any regrets, and, the company will learn to adjust itself on the expense side. Leaders in charge of profit and cost centers will innovate in order to survive and eventually thrive.

Hire a coach

The number one reason is accountability. Hire someone who is going to be asking you hard questions, helping you set goals, and holding you accountable. They can provide you an unbiased perspective on what you’re dealing with. If you can’t afford to hire a coach, bring on advisors to your company. These advisors should be people who are 10x where you are at. Set a regular time to meet and ask them to hold you accountable to your goals. These people don’t judge you, they support you, and just want you to succeed. This is a game-changer.

Don’t worry about what other people think

After reflecting and talking with my boys, the things that they said they learned were to not worry about what others think of them and it is not going to be as bad as you think. The thing that they are most proud of is hiking up Angels Landing in Zion National Park, Utah.

via GeekWire
10 things I’ve learned in 10 years of entrepreneurship with 10-yr-old twins

President Trump & Vice President Pence Address the NRA Membership ~ VIDEO

Donald Trump speaks to NRA
Donald Trump speaks to NRA

Dallas Texas – -( President Trump and Vice President Pence each delivered rousing remarks to the National Rifle Association (NRA) Leadership Forum. See them below.

National Rifle Association Institute For Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit:

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President Trump & Vice President Pence Address the NRA Membership ~ VIDEO

Deadpool 2 Just Released a Music Video From Canadian Queen Celine Dion

Oh my stars, it’s Deadpool and Celine.
Image: Celine Dion VEVO (YouTube)

Holy shit, Deadpool. Every time I think I’m done, you pull me back in. With goddamn Celine Dion this time? The legendary artist has released her first English single in two years… and yes, it’s about Deadpool 2.

The music video for “Ashes” debuted this morning on Good Morning America, complete with a sexy dancing Deadpool and Dion’s signature “up to 11″ pipes. I’ve been spending most of the morning making GIFs of this video, because my joy has reached “I’m not working on anything else”-level proportions.

What is happening and why can’t I stop smiling
Image: Celine Dion VEVO (YouTube)

Honestly, there’s not much else to say. Just watch the damn thing. Actually, I’ve got one more detail—the song is surprisingly good! It’ll be in my head for most of the day, I guarantee it.

Deadpool 2 comes out May 18.

via Gizmodo
Deadpool 2 Just Released a Music Video From Canadian Queen Celine Dion

Quarantining Bayh-Dole

Quarantining Bayh-Dole

by Dennis Crouch

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (a branch of the Department of Commerce) has announced a new initiative to “improve federal technology transfer” along with a Request for Information (RFI) published in the Federal Register.  The government is looking to “gather information about the current state of Federal technology transfer and the public’s ability to engage with Federal laboratories and access federally funded R&D through collaborations, licensing, and other mechanisms.”

The agency is broadly seeking for comments on topics including:

  1. Best practices in federal technology transfer (what are we doing right . . . and wrong);
  2. Improving efficiency and reducing regulatory burdens in order to attract private sector investment in later-stage R&D, commercialization, and advanced manufacturing;
  3. Ideas for new partnership models with the private sector, academia, other Federal agencies.
  4. Metrics and methods for evaluating the ROI outcomes and impacts arising from Federal R&D investment; and
  5. Mechanisms for significantly increasing technology transfer outcomes from the Federal sector, universities, and research organizations.

Looming large in the background of current Federal Policy is the the Bayh-Dole Act that allows universities and companies to privately patent the results of federally funded research.  In two-years, Bayh-Dole will have its 40th Anniversary — thus the “quarantine” title.



via Patent Law Blog (Patently-O)
Quarantining Bayh-Dole