Back in Black: Japanese Style

Back in Black: Japanese Style


NHK Blends presents a wonderfully mellowed-out version of AC/DC’s 1980 rock classic Back in Black, performed on traditional Japanese instruments, including the shime-daiko, shakuhachi, and koto with a few owl calls thrown in for good measure.

via The Awesomer
Back in Black: Japanese Style

Women’s Final Four will be among most prestigious sporting events hosted by Columbus

When the NCAA Women’s Final Four rolls into town at the end of March, it will be one of the largest sporting events in the city’s history by several metrics.
In terms of prestige, it’s right up there with the NHL All-Star game held at Nationwide Arena in 2015. And in a way, it’s bigger. After all, the basketball tournament features a championship game, not just an exhibition.
But it’s also a big deal because it represents the top-tier of sporting events that Columbus can lure. We don’t have a professional…

via Columbus Business News – Local Columbus News | Business First of Columbus
Women’s Final Four will be among most prestigious sporting events hosted by Columbus

Plex’s plan to serve all media will soon include podcasts

After adding new features like live TV and DVR (with automated commercial removal), news and Android Auto support over the last year, Plex didn’t seem to bring anything new during tonight’s CES event. However, soon the streaming platform will add another new element as it tries to cover all media consumed across devices: podcasts. We spoke to co-founder Scott Olechowski, who explained that when it launches, users won’t need a server, and as you’d expect with Plex, it will sync access across devices like desktop and mobile. "Where it makes sense" you can expect downloads for offline listening as well.

What could come next, however, is the integration of podcasts with other media accessible on Plex, like TV shows and movies. For example, if you get deep into a new show, it could suggest the official podcast, a fan cast or even a related online video series. By working with content creators to add their shows directly to Plex, it could make its platform even more interesting. TechCrunch mentions that it’s in the "early stages" of talks about licensing its software to companies that sell combo TV tuner/antennas, which could also extend its reach.

Click here to catch up on the latest news from CES 2018.

Click here to catch up on the latest news from CES 2018.

via Engadget
Plex’s plan to serve all media will soon include podcasts

Travel Wisely With These Tips from Nineteenth Century Japan

Photo by Balazs Szanto.

There’s been a lot of controversy surrounding Youtuber Logan Paul and his childish antics while visiting the beautiful country of Japan. Well, if you were unaware, there’s a way you should and shouldn’t act when you’re visiting unfamiliar places. The Japanese have known these rules for hundreds of years.

Back in 1810, Yasumi Roan penned the ultimate guide book for Japanese travelers: Ryoko Yojinshu. It was filled with tips, tricks, and advice that had been gathered over the years from other travelers and various writings from the past. It was such a big hit, the book is still being published today, including an English version called Afoot In Japan, translated by William Scott Wilson. Roan knew the rules of the road, as well as how one should act when being a guest in places away from home.

“You should not idly reach out your hands for fruits like Japanese pears, persimmons, citrons and mandarin oranges being grown at houses or gardens by the side of the road, now matter how ripe and plentiful they are. And of course, you should not mistakenly step on grains inside a village or garden that are being laid out to dry. If people complain about your actions in an area not your own, you will not come out on the best side of the argument, be you right or wrong.”

It may seem obvious that you shouldn’t take or destroy other people’s food, but the lesson here isn’t really about fruit and grain. Note the last line. You have to be extra careful to avoid offending others when you travel. Whether you think you’re right or wrong, you will not look good if the locals dislike your actions. So maybe don’t run around and stick dead fish and octopus parts in people’s faces for kicks and views.

“When you encounter young ladies, female grass cutters, or women in a group that is crossing your path in the mountains or on a path across the fields, it is best to offer a simple greeting but not to follow up with any more useless talk. Also, you should not thoughtlessly laugh at the countrified expressions of someone you may meet [on the road]. Be aware that trouble may begin from trivialities.”

Again, the real lesson here isn’t about how you should treat women (very different times and culture), it’s about knowing where the line is. Be careful of what you say and what you laugh at, especially if it’s because something is different. Don’t overstay your welcome, ask rude questions, utter judgmental statements, or point and laugh at people who are different (or doing something differently) than you.

“When anyone goes to an area unfamiliar to him, [he will find that] various ways of speaking and customs will be different. As the words are different from the place where he lives, he will be accustomed to hearing them, and unaccustomed to seeing what is around him. Though he will think these things to be strange, it is certain that the people of [this unfamiliar area] will think the same of him. It is a mistake to be unaware of this and to laugh at the customs and language of another place. To laugh at and distain another’s words or phrasing can be the source of an altercation.”

You might think some unfamiliar food or custom is weird, or think the people of the country you’re visiting are weird, but they most certainly think the same of you. Laughing or looking down upon customs and people in a foreign land is a quick way to cause trouble for yourself. And when you do cause such trouble, you make everyone else like you look bad. Remember, when you travel, you’re an unofficial emissary of your homeland.

“Things that you should not stop to look at while on the road: fights, arguments, gambling, games of go or shogi, village dances, village sumo matches, a person accidentally killed, or the place where someone was killed. By and large, you should not stop and gaze at places where many people have gathered together.”

I can’t believe people need to be told this (looking at you Logan), but gawking at (or recording) accidents, fights, arguments, or dead bodies is rude and disrespectful wherever you are, but especially when you’re a guest. Whatever is going on that’s drawing a crowd doesn’t concern you. Not only were you not involved in the incident, you’re not even a citizen who has the right to be concerned. Inform authorities if need be, but otherwise move along. Now, Roan also lists games, dances, and sumo matches here as things you shouldn’t stare at, but since these types of things are largely considered tourist attractions anymore, you can go ahead and look at those. Just use your head. If you feel awkward or unsure watching something unfold, don’t linger, and for pity’s sake don’t film it.

via Lifehacker
Travel Wisely With These Tips from Nineteenth Century Japan

Personalize Your Mac’s Right-Click Menu

Photo by Lucasfilm and Pile Books Upon Books

MacOS: Once Apple finally embraced the right-click, Mac apps loaded up the right-click menu with extra functions. MacOS even includes several by default. But most American users don’t need to “Convert Text to Simplified Chinese.” Here’s how to get rid of that, and any other right-click menu option, so you can easily find the ones you do want.

Open System Preferences, and click the Keyboard icon. On the top menu, select Shortcuts. On the left menu, select Services. Now go down the right menu and deselect whatever you don’t need. (Not every menu item is available here, but many are.)

While you’re in your Mac’s Keyboard settings, you can disable unused keyboard shortcuts by selecting all the other options in the left menu and digging through their menus.

via Lifehacker
Personalize Your Mac’s Right-Click Menu

Pro-Gun Women Threatened With Rape and Attacks on Children

by Stephen Gutowski

In interviews with the Washington Free Beacon, four prominent pro-gun women detailed the deluge of vitriol and attempted intimidation they face. Each shared their own experience with death and rape threats as well as threats and hatred directed at their children. Each explained how they’d been forced to involve law enforcement during credible threats to their safety.

All the women who spoke to the Free Beacon have had to alter their daily lives in order to minimize the risk that someone angered by their advocacy might find their homes or where their children go to school. They guard their social media accounts, remain keenly aware of their surroundings, and train their children on what to do in the case of a home intruder. Some of the women have even made efforts to disassociate their names from their property records due to harassment.

And, of course, they train with and carry guns.

Warning: the language used by these women’s attackers is graphic. Click here to read the entire article.

via Buckeye Firearms Association
Pro-Gun Women Threatened With Rape and Attacks on Children

Collective Action Kills Innovation

Oregon has just passed a law that gives gas stations in rural counties the option of allowing self-pumping (in some rural counties this is allowed only between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.!) As you have probably heard, this incomplete lifting of an absurd restriction has some Oregonians upset and afraid.

“I don’t even know HOW to pump gas and I am 62, native Oregonian . . . I say NO THANKS! I don’t like to smell like gasoline!” one woman wrote.

“No! Disabled, seniors, people with young children in the car need help. Not to mention getting out of your car with transients around and not feeling safe. This is a very bad idea. Grrr,” another woman wrote.

“I’ve lived in this state all my life and I REFUSE to pump my own gas . . . This [is] a service only qualified people should perform. I will literally park at the pump and wait until someone pumps my gas.”

Most of the rest of the America–where people pump their own gas everyday without a second thought–is having a good laugh at Oregon’s expense. But I am not here to laugh because in every state but one where you can pump your own gas you can’t open a barbershop without a license. A license to cut hair! Ridiculous. I hope people in Alabama are laughing at the rest of America. Or how about a license to be a manicurist? Go ahead Connecticut, laugh at the other states while you get your nails done. Buy contact lens without a prescription? You have the right to smirk British Columbia!

All of the Oregonian complaints about non-professionals pumping gas–“only qualified people should perform this service”, “it’s dangerous” and “what about the jobs”–are familiar from every other state, only applied to different services.

Indeed, I suspect that the only reason we have self-pumping gas stations is that gas stations started offering this option before anyone thought that there should be a law one way or the other. Once we got familiar with self-pumping it didn’t seem like a problem, but if we had had to take a vote it would have been easy to scare people into voting no. After all, the case for trained gas pumpers is far stronger than for licensed barbers.

It’s easier to scare than to inform and we fear losses more than we desire gains so collective decision-making defaults toward stasis.

We have innovations like Uber and Airbnb and many others only because entrepreneurs didn’t have to ask for permission. Had we put these ideas to the vote they would have been defeated. Allow almost anyone with a car to drive customers around town? Stranger danger! Let any house be turned into a hotel? Not in my neighborhood! Once the innovations were brought into existence, the masses saw the benefits but they would not have seen those benefits if the idea had been put to a vote. Demonstration is more powerful than imagination.

More and more, however, the sphere of individual action shrinks and that of collective action grows. Thus, I do not laugh at the Oregonians and their fear of gas pumping freedom. We are all Oregonians in one form or another.

The post Collective Action Kills Innovation appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.

via Marginal Revolution
Collective Action Kills Innovation

Gun Magnets , Quick Access to Your Concealed Weapon : Gear Review

Tred reviews some popular gun magnets products and finds some great tools for staging your home defense and everyday carry weapons.

Gun Magnets Firearms
Gun Magnets Firearms

USA – -( A bright spot in firearms storage tools that has gone mostly unreported on are Gun Magnets.

Available for many years now, this solution to a common firearms access problem has helped a lot of gun owners and has become a real must-have accessory for your car, safe, bed storage locker, bathroom… the list goes on an on.

These magnetic gun mounts have a lot of great applications.  You can use them to organize your gun safe by adding storage options or mounts on every available open wall space. I have one on the wall next to my bathroom toilet where I hang my firearm for safe keeping while I am… “reading”.  The obvious uses are under office desks and in cars, but magnetic gun holsters/holders work just as well on metal bed frames, sides of refrigerators and on work-out equipment.

I have seen a lot of comments from folks who say the magnets are too weak or they will make my gun barrel, rail or slide a magnetic dust collector. Well, both those arguments don’t hold water. For one the neodymium magnets in all these products are pretty durable and will hold most all handguns and even some rifles and shotguns. They are cheap so I recommend you buy two for long guns. Most if not all come with the standard warning that if you have a pacemaker to keep your distance, the same goes for that metal plate in your head. If you fall into one of these categories, you may have to look for another gun holding solution. The magnets are strong, and the real danger is scratching your gun’s finish. Now on my everyday carry gun, that was not so big a worry as that weapon is worn smooth already. But if you have a nice sidearm you may check and see if a softshell gun holster will stick to the magnet as I found that worked for me on my office filing cabinet, but with two magnets side-by-side.

As far as magnetically contaminating your handgun, the claim individual component magnet polarities on these are charged in the factory, so you do not have cross contamination of nonmagnetic metals. For what that is worth I would still not slide my everyday carry weapon back and forth on the magnetic surface, it is better to pull it straight off to avoid charging your gun’s metal parts.

The variety of gun magnet product choices continues to grow, and some are slightly better utility design than another, but since they are so inexpensive, you may do what I did and buy more than one of each and more than one variety as they defiantly have their niches and you will find multiple uses.

Gun Magnets Mossberg Shockwave
Different Gun Magnets with the Mossberg Shockwave test subject.

In the magnetic products we featured below, we tested the holding strength on two firearms: a Mossberg Shockwave Other Weapon and a Ruger Super Redhawk 44 magnum (each is heavier than most everyday carry weapons).

Here is rundown of the gun magnets products I liked with the manufacture’s descriptions and some comments in no particular order:

  • Keeper Magnetic Gun Mount
  • GO-Magnet Gun Magnet Low Profile
  • Concealed Carrier Gun Magnet w/ Adhesive Backing 2 Pack
  • Tac-Mag Gun Magnet
  • TACTICON HALO Gun Magnet
  Keeper Magnetic Gun Mount GO-Magnet Gun Magnet Low Profile Concealed Carrier Gun Magnet w/ Adhesive Backing 2 Pack Tac-Mag Gun Magnet TACTICON HALO Gun Magnet
Price + Shipping $$$ $$ $$$ $ $$
Gun Magnets Per Order 1 1 2 1 2
Holds Shotgun or Longgun No No Yes Yes Yes
Lifetime Warranty N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes
Screw Holes Per Magnetic Holder 4 2 2 0 1
Adhesive Backing No No Yes No Yes
Screw or Mounting Plate Included. N/A Mounting Plate. No Screws Screws N/A Screws
Dimensions 3.75"L x 1.4"W x 0.30"H 4.25"L x 1"W x .5"H 1.5"L x 1"H x 3/4"W 2.39"L x 1.04"W x .79"T 1.25" Diameter and .25" height

Keeper Magnetic Gun Mount :

Gun Magnet Keeper
Keeper Gun Magnet

My comments: The Keeper brand magnet is a nice 1pc unit with a rubberized cover that is low profile at 0.30″ high. Out of all the magnetic gun holders, we tested this unit had the least holding strength and just barely held the Ruger Super Blackhawk and could NOT hold onto the Mossberg, but it worked as designed with a variety of average handguns. Ironically the package warning says: “Not for use with loaded firearms or for quick draw purposes.” huh? what? I guess it is just for storing your guns long term?

From the Keeper Magnetic Gun Mount  product description:

“The Keeper Magnetic Gun Mount is a high grade N35 Neodymium magnets rated at 35 lbs. It has a single piece metal design, build for strength and durability. The thick high quality rubber cover protects your firearms from any scratching. Our unique four magnet setup provides a strong grip while also keeping your firearm straight. Each Keeper Magnetic Gun Mount comes in protective packaging and includes four self-tapping screws and installation guide.

Go for flexibility with the Keeper Magnetic gun mount: No longer do you need a specific magnetic holder for each gun, if it has metal you can mount it. Mount almost any gun type and model in various ways for quick access or storage. Store your firearms in your office, car, truck, entryway, safe, bedroom, desk, table, wall, garage…

Keeper Gun Magnet Exploded
Keeper Gun Magnet Exploded view with the rubberized top off. You can see the neodymium magnets configuration, glued to the backing plate. Besides the Taction Halo the other firearms magnet products did not come apart or appeared to be one 1 piece construction.

The Keeper Magnetic Gun Mount has a sleek beautiful design that measures 3.75″L x 1.4″W x 0.30″H. Our design allows for a low-key concealed gun mount that has marked countersunk screw holes that makes your screws sit lower than the rubber cover. Flat square metal back makes it ideal for installation with double sided tape. High-Tech Halback Array setup clears the back of magnetic force, stopping interference with electronics.”

GO-Magnet Gun Magnet Low Profile :

Go Magnet Magnetic Gun Holder
Go Magnet Magnetic Gun Holder

From the Go Magnet Magnetic Gun Holder product description:

“The GO-Magnet Gun Magnet Low Profile model incredibly strong gun magnet is less than 0.5″ thick and can hold just about any pistol on the market* in just about any location.”

“Coated in soft a soft rubber-like substance, it will not scratch your weapon, and will hold firmly without slipping. Each GO-Magnet comes with a separate metal mounting plate a screws, in order to mount to wood or plastic surfaces. If mounting to steel, no screws are required. GO-Magnets is a Veteran Owned Company, and all GO-Magnets are made in Austin, TX. *Does not work on Hi-Point Pistols “

Concealed Carrier Gun Magnet with Adhesive Backing, 2 Pack :

Concealed Carrier Gun Magnet w/ Adhesive Backing 2 Pack
Concealed Carrier Gun Magnet w/ Adhesive Backing 2 Pack

My comments: The

From the Concealed Carrier Gun Magnet product description:

“The Concealed Carrier Gun Magnet with adhesive backing is the Anywhere Magnet set that will fit anywhere you can imagine needing to have access to a firearm.

Most of the “other guys” selling gun magnets don’t provide you with the hardware to install it. WE DO! There is a limited number of places you can store a gun and chances are it’s never where it truly should be if you were to need to use it.

The Concealed Carrier Anywhere Magnet will hold up to 25 lbs. so this will hold any firearm you attach to it, big or small. The product is small and discreet. Specs: Dimensions (L x W x H): 1.5″ x 1″ x 3/4″

The Concealed Carrier Gun Magnet with the included adhesive backing is incredibly light weight at only a few ounces. You can purchase multiple magnets to hold extra magazines or use two magnets to hold one long gun (i.e. rifle, shotgun, etc.) This can be easily mounted in a vehicle. Preferred locations are inside the glovebox and under the steering wheel. The magnet comes standard with an adhesive backing to make mounting easy. Simply stick the magnet to the location to mount of your choice, put the screws in, and you’re done!”

Tac-Mag Gun Magnet

Tac-Mag Gun Magnet
Tac-Mag Gun Magnet

My comments: The TAC Mag Firearms magnet is a compact 1pc design with two pillars with neodymium magnets. The Tac-Mag held all our test weapons quite well. The plastic covering is stiffer than the keeper brands and is similar to the Concealed Carrier Gun Magnet in both design and scale. No adhesive backing comes with this magnet so you have to screw it in place. No screws provided either.

From the Tac-Mag Gun Magnet product description:

“The Tac-Mag Gun Magnet is the The absolute strongest and most durable firearms magnet on the market. Multiple magnets for better contact and capable of supporting up to 25 lbs. The Tac-Mag Gun Magnet is strong enough that guns can be mounted perpendicular or parallel and priced so that you can afford multiple units. It is ideal for under a desk/coffee table and bed side mounting for when time is of the essence. Great for the home, office, car, garage, inside safe etc.”

“The Tac-Mag Gun Magnet is made with neodymium magnets. Also known as rare earth magnets. They are the strongest type of permanent magnet commercially available and incredibly resistant to demagnetization. Each magnetic gun mount easily holds fully loaded Glocks, XDMs, .45s and almost anything else you can throw at it including shotguns and rifle. Measures 2.39″L x 1.04″W x .79″T 4″

Things you should know about our design 1. We incorporate multiple magnets into each of our units. This was done to remedy the problem of having slide releases, safeties or general indentations or extrusions of your firearm from cutting down severely on surface contact. It also served to keep the firearm square to the unit. With only one magnet the gun could spin as if it were a wheel.

We used a special polymer that prevents marring on your expensive firearm while being durable enough to offer a 100% guarantee. We spread the magnets in a lineal fashion to change the fulcrum point. With one gun magnet the barrel could be pressed to the mounting surface easily creating an unsafe condition by limiting contact.

By spreading out the magnets the leverage effect of the barrel is dramatically reduced by creating a contact point far away from the fulcrum. This also prevents spinning that can occur with a single magnet. Lastly we fixed the price. At our price you can actually afford to have these mounted in every place that you believe it should be. They also make great gifts for your gun buddies.”



My comments: The Tacticon Halo is the strongest of all the gun magnets we tested, in fact, they were a pain in the @$$ as they stuck to the included screws as well as each other, even pulling in the other gun magnets when I was trying to get the glamor shots. But that same magnetic attraction lets this pair hold all our test weapons and most any firearm or rifle for that matter. With an advertised 30lbs for each magnetic disc, just one was pretty much as strong as the other comparison magnets. Each Tacticon magnet has a removable rubberized cover. The Tacticon comes with screws and a 3m adhesive backing.

“We have revolutionized the way you can mount and store your firearms for easy and discreet access.You don’t ever need to buy another gun rack again. The TACTICON HALO Gun Magnet will fit anywhere you can imagine needing to have access to a firearm.

The Tacticon Armament HALO Magnets will hold up to 30 lbs. so this will hold any firearm, including most long-guns guns you attach to it, big or small. The product is small and discreet to put anywhere you can imagine. Dimensions: 1.25″ Diameter and .25″ height

The product is incredibly light weight at only a few ounces and about the size of a quarter! You will receive 2 gun magnets per order to hold extra magazines or use your two magnets to hold one long gun (i.e. rifle, shotgun, etc.) This can be easily mounted in a vehicle. Preferred locations for mounting a gun in your vehicle are inside the glove box and under the steering wheel.

The gun magnets come standard with an adhesive backing to make mounting easy. Simply stick the gun magnets to the location to mount of your choice, put the single screw in, and you’re done!”

This post Gun Magnets , Quick Access to Your Concealed Weapon : Gear Review appeared first on .

Gun Magnets , Quick Access to Your Concealed Weapon : Gear Review

These exercises took 3 years off of aging faces

A 30-minute daily or alternate-day facial exercise program sustained over 20 weeks improved the facial appearance of middle-aged women, resulting in a younger appearance with fuller upper and lower cheeks, report researchers.

“Now there is some evidence that facial exercises may improve facial appearance and reduce some visible signs of aging,” says lead author Murad Alam, vice chair and professor of dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and a Northwestern Medicine dermatologist. “The exercises enlarge and strengthen the facial muscles, so the face becomes firmer and more toned and shaped like a younger face.

“Assuming the findings are confirmed in a larger study, individuals now have a low-cost, non-toxic way for looking younger or to augment other cosmetic or anti-aging treatments they may be seeking,” Alam says.

Published in JAMA Dermatology, it’s the first scientific study to test the premise of facial exercise improving appearance.

As the face ages, skin loses elasticity and fat pads between the muscle and skin become thinner. The fat pads, which fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, give the face much of its shape. As skin becomes saggy, the thinning fat pads atrophy and slide, causing the face to “fall down.”

“But if muscle underneath becomes bigger, the skin has more stuffing underneath it and the firmer muscle appears to make the shape of the face more full,” says senior study author Emily Poon, an assistant research professor in dermatology at Feinberg. “Muscle growth is increasing the facial volume and counteracting the effects of age-related fat thinning and skin loosening.”

Smiley exercises

Study participants, women 40 to 65 years old, underwent two sets of face-to-face 90-minute training sessions from a facial exercise instructor. At home, they continued to do these exercises for a total of 20 weeks. For the first eight weeks, they did the exercises daily for 30 minutes. From nine to 20 weeks, they did the same exercises every other day for 30 minutes a session.

“Facial exercises that may be beneficial include those that entail puckering and squeezing the cheeks.”

Study coauthor Gary Sikorski of Happy Face Yoga developed and provided the exercises.

“Facial exercises that may be beneficial include those that entail puckering and squeezing the cheeks,” Alam says. “There are many muscles that collectively allow movement of the cheeks, and our study showed that building these up makes the upper and lower cheeks look fuller.”

Participants learned and performed 32 distinct facial exercises, each one for about a minute. One is The Cheek Lifter: Open mouth and form O, position upper lip over teeth, smile to lift cheek muscles up, put fingers lightly on top part of cheek, release check muscles to lower them, and lift back up. Repeat by lowering and lifting the cheeks.

Another exercise is the Happy Cheeks Sculpting: Smile without showing teeth, purse lips together, smile forcing cheek muscles up, place fingers on corners of the mouth and slide them up to the top of the cheeks, hold for 20 seconds.

Of the 27 participants initially recruited, 16 did all the exercises for the entire duration of the study. Limitations of the study were the small sample size and that the participants were all middle-aged women. It remains to be seen if the results are generalizable to other populations, the authors say.

Three years younger

Dermatologists assessed before and after photos using a standardized facial aging scale (Merz-Carruthers Facial Aging Photoscales). The dermatologist raters looked separately at 19 features of the face and rated all of those at three different time points: at the beginning, at week eight and at week 20.

These tests can’t really say how fast you’re aging

Also, they rated each participant’s age at the beginning, at eight weeks, and at week 20. Lastly they asked how happy participants were with the results.

The raters found that upper cheek and lower cheek fullness, in particular, was significantly enhanced as a result of the exercises. In addition, the raters estimated average patient age decreased over the course of the study. It started at 50.8 years, dropped to 49.6 years at eight weeks, and then to 48.1 years at 20 weeks.

“That’s almost a three-year decrease in age appearance over a 20-week period,” Alam says.

Participants also reported being highly satisfied with the results and noticed improvement on nearly all the facial areas that were rated.

Source: Northwestern University

The post These exercises took 3 years off of aging faces appeared first on Futurity.

These exercises took 3 years off of aging faces

Check That Out: Mockplus Makes Prototyping Easy

The Asian prototyping software Mockplus is gaining popularity in Europe and other western countries. It allows for an almost intuitive creation of mockups. We took a look at the tool for you.

Without Mockups, Complex Designs are Too Prone to Errors

As soon as a design is supposed to expand over more than a few pages, it makes sense to think about the structure in advance and put these thoughts into a raw prototype. Its primary task is giving you, the rest of the design team, and the potential client a clear look at the information architecture.

This is not about creating production ready assets like Sketch allows you to, but rather about producing a usable click skeleton that shows which information is accessed which way, excluding any visual considerations.

Mockplus: Demo Project in the Mac Version. (Screenshot: Noupe)

I’m convinced by this prototyping approach and consider it a necessity. I think it’s just as necessary that the solution used for the prototyping sticks to the approach, and refrains from adding any unnecessary complexity.

The Creation of Mockups Has to be Fast and Simple

For trained designers, creating a suitable prototype, depending on the project’s complexity, and given the availability of all information, shouldn’t take longer than an hour. I’m assuming that the training period for the respective tool should be included within that timespan.

Looking at it under these preconditions, many potential mockup solutions fall off the grid right away. We used to create mockups with pen and paper, and many of us still do this today, to sketch something in a meeting with the client, which makes sense. As long as the client’s decider responsible for the project is also sitting at the table.

Back at the office, I don’t want to have to morph the sketch into a complex software product. Instead, I’d rather have a slim solution that allows for the fast digitalization of my draft.

The Good Old Days?

A bit over ten years ago, I still used Powerpoint for my prototypes, which apparently was not a good solution. However, I was able to simply scan and integrate my drafts as separate slides, and simulate the interaction with a few hotspots. As Powerpoint was able to save auto-playing presentations, I was able to send the prototype to my clients via email, allowing him to view it without having to install Powerpoint to do so. This has always been sufficient for getting client approval.

Today, there are more elegant solutions.

Mockplus, Prototyping Giant From Asia

Today, I want to steer your attention to a product that is already super popular in Asia and is now preparing to gain a foothold in Europe and other Western markets with its impressive feature set. I’m talking about Mockplus.

Mockplus started out as a web app with a remarkably reduced, almost fragmentary scope of functions. However, the product is way past these days.

Instead of a web app, Mockplus is available as a desktop app for Windows and macOS, as well as a native mobile app for Android and iOS. The mobile versions are mainly suitable for the presentation of mobile prototypes on the mobile target device. This is better than any desktop screen smartphone simulation.

Mockplus Also Supports the Creation of Mobile Prototypes. (Screenshot: Mockplus)

A free version of Mockplus is available for download. After the installation, and an uncomplicated registration, the feature set of the free version is yours to keep. This version might be entirely sufficient for lone freelancers.

In its current version 3.x, the creators of Mockplus significantly built upon the team features. Now, it is possible to define projects as team projects right away, resulting in multiple people having simultaneous access to the prototypes. This way, it is also possible to discuss design changes and other questions directly on the given mockup, allowing for project-related communication to take place right at the project. Where it belongs…

Mockplus Accelerates Teamwork But Also Works for Soloists.

Working on the prototype is not so uncoordinated that every member can work on the same page of the mockup at once. Instead, pages that are being worked on are blocked for other users. Chaos is not the goal, after all.

Regardless of this functional expansion, Mockplus has not lost the focus on simplicity of usage. The software offers about 200 interactive components, that can be integrated into your prototypes via drag and drop. On top of that, there are 3,000 icons, which enable you to quickly create common user interfaces without having to draw new symbols every time.

3,000 Icons Can Easily be Integrated Into the Mockups.

What I really like is the fact that all interface elements are available in a style that looks like they were hand-drawn. This doesn’t have a real user value, but it keeps the digital prototype close to the sketched mockup. This way, everyone can tell that this is a transitional stage. Who doesn’t know the type of client that wants to discuss the very first design element, and if this and that button shouldn’t be smaller, bigger, rounder, or redder?

UI Flow: Dependencies as a Desk Overview.

Due to the many pre-defined elements and interactive components, Mockplus prototypes represent some kind of interim state, between the pure draft and the finished product. This makes it easier to imagine what the mockup is going to turn out like, without needing the individual design, in the sense of customer looks. At least for me, it is very advantageous that there are pictograms, as I am not that great at drawing tiny elements by hand. There, I said it…

Just like the competition, Mockplus is a WYSIWYG tool. Your prototypes are basically created via drag and drop, but you don’t get to edit code blocks. Developers might miss this, although I don’t think there’s a place for program-logical processes in a mockup anyway. Thus, I’ll word it positively, and say that you don’t need any code skills to use Mockplus. Overall, the learning curve is pleasantly plane. The learning process is almost entirely intuitive. I have yet to need a tutorial. Though, I have to say that there are a lot of them. If you want to dig deep into the matter, Mockplus does its best to support you in both textual, and audiovisual ways.

Differences Between the Versions Free and Pro

Naturally, in the free version, there are many features you won’t have access to. This starts with the giant icon collection of 3,000 pictograms, only available to users of the pro version. Above all else, almost all export functions are exclusive to pro users. For instance, pro users get to synch projects directly into the cloud, export them as HTML or image files, or print the Mockups in a proper format, as well as display them on mobile devices. It is also possible to distribute prototypes as .exe for Windows, and as .app for macOS. Furthermore, the entire section of Team collaboration is exclusive to the pro users.

Mockplus Simplifies Setting up Repeating Content.

While these are significant restrictions, they are not enough to call the free version a demo in disguise. All other functions are available to free users. This also includes all interactive elements, as well as the beneficial features of the tool’s newest version.

The latter turn Mockplus into a valid alternative to Adobe XD, which requires a paid subscription to the Creative Cloud. Modern apps are often characterized by the display of information in a structured list. Here, Mockplus provides a so-called Repeater that is used to design a list entry once, and copy and paste it along.

The Auto Data Fill is used to automatically implement sample data into the created lists if needed. Another indispensable feature is the view UI Flow, which shows you which page and function are entry and exit points to which other page and function on something that reminds me of a setter table. The predefined templates selectable in the application can also be very useful. The new version of Mockplus also makes it possible to import from Sketch. This lets you breathe life into your drafts in no time, while still continuing to work with your allegedly favorite software.

Auto Data Fill Fills Lists With Live Data.

There are two price models. Aside from the free version, you can only choose the pro version. Per year and team member, this costs 199 USD or a one-time payment of 399 USD per team member. In European countries, the sales tax is added on top of these prices, unless you have an EU VAT Code.

Conclusion: Contemporary in Terms of Technology and Price

So, what’s my recommendation? Mockplus is no steal, and places itself on one level with other competitors, although I should say that there are much more expensive offers out there. The price is no clear USP, however.

Anyways, I recommend you download and try the free version. Especially when it comes to prototyping, it is essential to get a hang of the tool and feel comfortable in your environment quickly. Mockplus definitely is a tool worth taking a closer look at.

via Noupe
Check That Out: Mockplus Makes Prototyping Easy