Here’s your first look at Netflix’s ‘Voltron’ series

As Netflix expands its suite of original programming it’s going to the nostalgia well once again. The good news here is that instead of another sitcom spinoff like Fuller House, we’re getting Voltron: Legendary Defender. Today at Wondercon 2016 its partner Dreamworks Animation showed off a teaser trailer and some artwork that confirm everything at least looks right to children of the 80s.

The first 13 episodes are slated to arrive June 10th, with what executive producer Joaquim Dos Santos told USA Today will be a mix of "epic adventure" and "the campy nature of five lions that become a giant robot." Its cast includes Tyler Labine, Josh Keaton, Jeremy Shada, Bex Taylor-Klaus, Kimberly Brooks, Rhys Darby and The Walking Dead star Steven Yeun — but we’re pretty sure you stopped reading at "giant robot."

Source: Dreamworks TV (YouTube)

via Engadget
Here’s your first look at Netflix’s ‘Voltron’ series

Google Just Made $150 of Great Photography Software Totally Free

Google Just Made $150 of Great Photography Software Totally Free

Nik is the German company behind popular mobile app Snapseed, and a bunch of fantastic plugins for Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. The company was bought in 2012 by Google, and all of its plugins have just been made free.

There’s seven plugins up for grabs, including fantastic HDR and color filters that I’ve been using for years. The full set was originally priced at $500; Google dropped that price to $150, before making it free today. Anyone who bought the plugins earlier in 2016 can also go get a refund, which is a classy move.

Making the plugins free does imply that Google isn’t planning on developing Nik’s desktop photography any further, but hey: if you have to grieve, a bunch of free software does help ease the pain.


via Gizmodo
Google Just Made $150 of Great Photography Software Totally Free

Getting Started in CMP Competition Shooting – Part 1

Josh Wayner
The Civilian Marksmanship Program has long been a governing body in the arena of shooting competitions around the country. For some, the National Matches at Camp Perry seem like a mythical fantasy land where famous marksmen made history, surely not … Read More

The post Getting Started in CMP Competition Shooting – Part 1 appeared first on The Truth About Guns.

via The Truth About Guns
Getting Started in CMP Competition Shooting – Part 1

Prison Telco Claims Prisoners Will Riot If Company Can’t Keep Overcharging Inmate Families

For many, many years interstate inmate calling service (ICS) companies have charged inmates and their families upwards of $14 per minute for phone calls. Because these folks are in prison, and as we all know everybody in prison is guilty, drumming up sympathy to convert into political momentum had proven difficult. But after decades of activism the FCC intervened last year, voting to cap the amount companies can charge the incarcerated. According to the FCC’s updated rules, ICS companies can no longer charge more than twenty-two cents per minute — depending on the size of the prison. Caps were also placed on the fees companies could charge those trying to pay these already bloated bills.

The companies profiting off of ripping off the incarcerated have unsurprisingly been fighting the FCC’s proposal tooth and nail in the courts. Global Tel*Link (GTL) and Securus Technologies managed to win a partial stay earlier this month (pdf) that put the FCC’s per minute price caps on hold until a lawsuit against the FCC is decided. FCC lawyers have argued (pdf) the stay still lets them apply older (2013) interim price caps on interstate calls to intrastate calls until the case is settled.

In response, Securus Technologies CEO Richard Smith filed an emergency motion in federal appeals court last week (pdf) in which he tried to basically claim that if the FCC moves to prevent inmates from getting ripped off, prisoners will riot:

"This chaos and confusion about what is the correct intrastate calling rate—and the only answer is that there is no federally mandated intrastate calling rate after the Court’s March 7 Order which stayed all new rates—will carry over into correctional facilities themselves. Inmates will be angry if they believe that Securus is charging the wrong rates. There could be damage to Securus phones and equipment, as well as a threat to overall security and corrections personnel including inmates within the facilities. Having been in this industry for eight years, I have experience with jail unrest and I know that issues with the phones can trigger it."

In other words, if inmates that have been ripped off for decades suddenly believe they’ll be facing lower rates — and Securus keeps charging the higher rates — they’ll riot. While it’s incredibly sweet of the company to be so concerned with prisoner safety, it’s odd that Securus wasn’t all that concerned with inmates rioting earlier, given these companies have been charging Mercedes prices for what’s arguably a Yugo-grade product for the better part of a generation.

Keep in mind that voice services these days cost very little to actually provide. Also keep in mind that Securus and other such companies are part of a dangerously cozy and captive market, where prisons get paid upwards of $460 million annually in "concession fees" (read: kickbacks) to score exclusive, lucrative prison contracts. As a result, the service pricing and quality are just about what you’d expect. And as a hack of Securus late last year revealed, these contracts appear to involve helping government record potentially privileged attorney client conversations (Securus just settled a 2014 Texas case claiming precisely this).

So again, ripping off consumers for years? Ok. Working in concert with government to record privileged communications? Fine. Croynistic, monopoly control over a (literally) captive audience resulting in abysmal service? Sure! Trying to prevent inmate families from having to take out a second mortgage to speak to their loved ones? Inevitable riots, safety first!

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Prison Telco Claims Prisoners Will Riot If Company Can’t Keep Overcharging Inmate Families

Learn How to Build Weight Bearing Structures With the Square Lashing Knot

If you’ve ever wanted to build a structure or shelter with nothing but some branches and some rope, this video will show you how.

In this lesson from the ITS Tactical YouTube channel, you’ll learn the basics of constructing a weight bearing structure using the super strong square lashing knot. Start by tying a clove hitch to the top spar (your branch or wooden pole). Then lay your top spar on top of your bottom spar so they’re perpendicular. After weaving your rope around both poles in three passes or so (you can see how in the video), you’ll do a frapping turn around the rope that’s in between and connecting the two spars. This tightens the rope and keeps the two spars from slipping. Once you’ve done a few frapping turns, you finish the knot off with another clove hitch on the same spar you started on (though a constrictor knot may be just as effective here). They use paracord in this demonstration, but it’s just for show. Make sure you use real fiber rope or sisal rope when you want to actually construct something out in the field.…

Knot of the Week Video: Build a Weight Bearing Structure with the Square Lashing | ITS Tactical

via Lifehacker
Learn How to Build Weight Bearing Structures With the Square Lashing Knot

Making a Bow and Arrow Without Any Tools Is Damned Impressive

Making a Bow and Arrow Without Any Tools Is Damned Impressive

There’s no such thing as useless knowledge—only knowledge that relies on very specific situations. Which is why, in the event of a horrible Mad Max future, you might want to learn how to make a bow and arrow using no modern tools whatsoever.

Sure, making weaponry with access to a bandsaw, a lather, or hell, even some chisels would be orders of magnitude easier. And there’s no reason to assume in a semi-apocalyptic event that any of those things would disappear (maybe electricity, but hey—chisels). The point is, Primitive Technology is really good at what he does and it’s impressive to see someone make stuff the way your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents might have.

As a bonus he shows how to put fletching on arrows, and make a small quiver to hold them. Hopefully, the deer and birds of our shithole future won’t be too irradiated to eat.

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via Gizmodo
Making a Bow and Arrow Without Any Tools Is Damned Impressive