Bake Muffins with Beautifully Domed Tops by Adding a Little More Flour

Bake Muffins with Beautifully Domed Tops by Adding a Little More Flour

Homemade muffins and cupcakes are usually a far cry from professionally baked ones, coming out flatter and more compact. If you really care about that domed, picture-perfect top, though, Food52 offers a few tricks.

Consulting expert baker Zoe Nathan, the Food52 folks tested a few different approaches, from adding more flour (increasing from 1 1/4 cups to 1 2/3 cups), starting at a higher temperature, using the oven’s convention setting, and leaving the original chocolate chunk muffins recipe as is.

The extra flour muffin was the only one that came out rounded. However, it also ended up tasting more flour-y and dryer, more like a purchased muffin than homemade. Despite the sinking of the muffin in the original recipe, however, staff preferred that version.

A floury muffin taste might not be worth the mounded look, but if you want to try it, Food52 suggests going with lighter and airier recipes (without heavy add-ins) and making the batter as light as possible by using a folding motion.

Check out their post for even more tips and details.

How to Make Domed Muffins | Food52

via Lifehacker
Bake Muffins with Beautifully Domed Tops by Adding a Little More Flour

My Most Useful MySQL Performance Tools

Here is a list of my most useful tools that I use when doing performance audits.Please note, I am writing this mainly for myself, because I sometimes end up trying to find them in my other blog post about mastering indexing and this may save me time as well as a few changes that have happened over the years.Regular Slow Log Reportpt-query-digest slow_query.log  >slow.txtAll Queries (that use indexes) for a certain tablept-query-digest slow_query.log  –filter ‘($event->{fingerprint} =~ m/^(!?select|update|delete)/) &&  ($event->{arg} =~ m/mytable /) ‘ –limit=100% >mytable.txtLongest Running Select Queries – most painful queries with response time % right next to slow_query.log  –filter ‘($event->{fingerprint} =~ m/^(!?select)/)’  –order-by=Query_time:max > select.txtFilter the slow log for all Select queries for a certain tablept-query-digest slow_query.log  –filter ‘($event->{fingerprint} =~ m/^(!?select)/) &&  ($event->{arg} =~ m/mytable /) ‘ –no-report –output=slowlog >mytable.logFind unused indexes from pre-filtered table’s logs  pt-index-usage mytable.log –host –tables mytable >mytable_indexes.txt Find Top 15 Largest tables on a server (use with caution) – (from—————————–delimiter $$create procedure dba.largest()beginSELECT CONCAT(TABLE_SCHEMA, ‘.’, TABLE_NAME) AS TABLE_NAME,CONCAT(ROUND(TABLE_ROWS / 1000000, 2), ‘M’) ROWS,CONCAT(ROUND(DATA_LENGTH / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ), 2), ‘G’) DATA,CONCAT(ROUND(INDEX_LENGTH / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ), 2), ‘G’) IDX,CONCAT(ROUND(( DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH ) / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ), 2), ‘G’) TOTAL_SIZE,ROUND(INDEX_LENGTH / DATA_LENGTH, 2) IDXFRACFROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLESORDER BY DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH DESCLIMIT 15;end $$delimiter ;———————————ToDo:Run filtered log against database with the percona toolkit log player to test index improvements.
via Planet MySQL
My Most Useful MySQL Performance Tools

2014: The Year in Photos, September-December

A protester holds her hands up in front of a police car in Ferguson, Missouri, on November 25, 2014 during demonstrations a day after violent protests and looting following the grand jury decision in the fatal shooting of a 18-year-old black teenager Michael Brown. Protest marches sprang up in cities across the US on November 25, amid a tense security operation in Ferguson, the Missouri town at the center of the country’s latest racially-charged stand-off.

via In Focus
2014: The Year in Photos, September-December

New Hot Tub Time Machine Trailer? New Hot Tub Time Machine Trailer!

Having conquered the demons of their past in 1986; our plucky heroes from Hot Tub Time Machine are living the good life in a modern world of their own making. But sometimes leaving well enough alone just isn’t good enough so it’s back into the hot tub for Nick, Lou, and Jacob for another riotous romp through space-time. This time, however, they’re going back…to the future!

via Gizmodo
New Hot Tub Time Machine Trailer? New Hot Tub Time Machine Trailer!

Hear the terrifying sound of the A-10 tank killer’s gun in an attack run

Hear the terrifying sound of the A-10 tank killer's gun in an attack run

This video contains one of the most terrifying human-produced sounds you can hear in the planet: The screaming noise from hell of an A-10 Warthog’s GAU-8 Avenger gatling gun. Some of the very few who were on its reticle and survived say its banshee scream was the worst thing they have ever heard.

It is a demonic sound indeed.

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via Gizmodo
Hear the terrifying sound of the A-10 tank killer’s gun in an attack run

Replace a Lost Apple ID Recovery Key Before You’re Locked Out

Replace a Lost Apple ID Recovery Key Before You're Locked Out

Apple’s two-factor authentication is great, but like other services, it relies on a Recovery Key when you get locked out. Without that key, you can’t access your account if it’s hacked. The Next Web learned this the hard way.

The Next Web’s Owen Williams was locked out of his Apple ID and didn’t have his Recovery Key. If you’re using two-factor authentication, this is almost as bad as losing your phone. The Recovery Key is your safeguard to prove that you’re you—if someone attempts and fails to get into your Apple account, the only way back in is with the Recovery Key. Without your Recovery Key, you’re locked out of your Apple ID for good and all your purchases are gone. Apple makes this abundantly clear when you sign up for two-factor authentication, but if you somehow missed this memo, you can get a new Recovery Key pretty easily:

  1. Go to the Apple ID page and log in.
  2. Click "Password and Security"
  3. Click "Replace Lost Key" and click Next
  4. Make sure you actually print or save your key somewhere safe this time

You can only generate a new Recovery Key if you have access to your account, so do it now while you still can. Head over to The Next Web for William’s whole story.

The dark side of Apple’s two-factor authentication | The Next Web

via Lifehacker
Replace a Lost Apple ID Recovery Key Before You’re Locked Out