The Special Effects of Game of Thrones Are Still Unbelievably Amazing

For a TV show, Game of Thrones has clearly mastered the art of special effects. The quality of its visuals is simply spectacular. From the beautiful castles and boorish giants and nipple cutting we already know are fake to the amazing tricks of turning day into a bustling night camp and making snow impossibly glisten, the world they are able to create is simply amazing. And so damn real. This reel from SpinVFX shows some of the special effects used in Game of Thrones Season 3. [SpinVFX, Jose Antonio Espejo via The Mary Sue]

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via Gizmodo The Special Effects of Game of Thrones Are Still Unbelievably Amazing

How to Make a Rope Swing and Fly Like Tarzan: An Illustrated Guide

Summer is swiftly coming to an end. One of the ways to enjoy the last of the warm weather weekends is to take an afternoon by the lake or river and make a rope swing. Safety is paramount, and close behind is gaining maximum height and velocity. We show you how to do both. See […]


via The Art of Manliness How to Make a Rope Swing and Fly Like Tarzan: An Illustrated Guide

Getty Museum releases 4,689 artworks as digital download, more to come

The renowned Getty Museum today launched an effort to “make available all images of public domain artworks in the Gettyís collections.” The museum has released 4,689 high-resolution images of the collection free to use, modify, and publish for any purpose. In exchange for the download, the museum requests a description of how the image will be used….


via MacNN | The Macintosh News Network Getty Museum releases 4,689 artworks as digital download, more to come

Preventing Swamp Crotch: 10 Products “Scientifically” Tested

It’s a problem that has plagued men ever since Western society decided the male of our species had to wear pants instead of breezy togas or kilts. I’m talking about swamp crotch: an uncomfortably moist nether region in which irritating chafing and stickage become commonplace and a distinct vinegar odor permeates from your groin. Outbreaks […]


via The Art of Manliness Preventing Swamp Crotch: 10 Products “Scientifically” Tested

A Rare Behind the Scenes Look at How Dyson Torture Tests Its Vacuums

Did you know the polycarbonate plastic material that Dyson uses for the dirt collecting bins on its vacuums is the same material used to make police riot shields? We all know that Dyson makes some of the best vacuums on the market, but the company is now giving us an inside look at its R&D labs and exactly how it ensures its hardware sucks so incredibly well.

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via Gizmodo A Rare Behind the Scenes Look at How Dyson Torture Tests Its Vacuums

Playing StarCraft Could Boost Your Cognitive Flexibility

First time accepted submitter briglass writes “Imagine being a total non-gamer and then suddenly playing an hour of StarCraft a day for almost two months. A new study of mine demonstrates that a group of female gaming novices (seriously novice, as in 0 to 1 hour of gaming per week novice) demonstrated increased cognitive flexibility after playing StarCraft, a sort of fast-paced chess on steroids. The control group played The Sims. It’s been well known that video gaming can lead to psychological benefits, such as faster perceptual information processing after playing first-person shooter games. But this new study, published in PLOS ONE, shows that video gaming can also affect higher-level cognitive functions. The StarCraft game was customized to be adaptive and remain challenging as the newly minted gamers honed their skills, and in-game behavior was recorded to determine what aspects of StarCraft leads to the boost in flexibility.”

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via Slashdot Playing StarCraft Could Boost Your Cognitive Flexibility