Carrie Fisher Has The Best Response To The Slave Leia Merchandise Controversy

Carrie Fisher Has The Best Response To The Slave Leia Merchandise Controversy

Recently, the Star Wars fanbase took time off from freaking out about The Force Awakens to freak out over a rumored ban on merchandise depicting Princess Leia’s “Slave” outfit from Return of the Jedi. Many words about the matter have been said since—a lot of them pretty good!—but leave it to Leia herself to put it best.…

During the big marketing push for The Force Awakens, the debate over whether or not it’s right to sell toys of the scantily clad Leia has been put forth to the actor—and naturally, someone as wonderfully outspoken as Carrie Fisher does not hold back.

Here’s a tame, but still pretty damn fantastic, response she gave to the Wall Street Journal:

There’s been some debate recently about whether there should be no more merchandise with you in the “Return of the Jedi” bikini.

I think that’s stupid.

To stop making the merchandise?

The father who flipped out about it, “What am I going to tell my kid about why she’s in that outfit?” Tell them that a giant slug captured me and forced me to wear that stupid outfit, and then I killed him because I didn’t like it. And then I took it off. Backstage.

Yeah, empowered Hutt-slaying Leia! But Fisher had a far testier response when it came to a similar question over at the L.A. Times:

How about telling his daughter that the character is wearing that outfit not because she’s chosen to wear it. She’s been forced to wear it. She’s a prisoner of a giant testicle who has a lot of saliva going on and she does not want to wear that thing and it’s ultimately that chain, which you’re now indicating is some sort of accessory to S&M, that is used to kill the giant saliva testicle…. That’s asinine.

Thanks, Carrie Fisher. From now on I can no longer think of Jabba the Hutt’s name as anything other than “Giant Saliva Testicle”. Seems like after 30+ years of dealing with stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-lookin’ Nerf herders, Carrie Fisher still doesn’t tolerate your nonsense, either way!

Maybe we could just like, I dunno, treat her like Han and Luke and have BAZILLIONS of different Leia toys, instead of just slave Leia ones? No? Too sensible? Just give me my Hoth Leia action figure, goddamit.

via Gizmodo
Carrie Fisher Has The Best Response To The Slave Leia Merchandise Controversy

Gorgeous video shows just how incredible the Apollo missions were

Gorgeous video shows just how incredible the Apollo missions were

The Project Apollo Archive on Flickr is truly one of the great treasures available on the Internet. You can easily get lost in the stunning imagery and wonder about what exists beyond our world. It’s also an incredible resource for artists to turn those static pictures into gorgeous videos with 3D effects. My jaw is in total awe of this video, Apollo, which shows the magnificence of space travel. We have to go back.

Chris Coupland, the photographer who put this incredible video together, writes:

Between the years of 1969 and 1972 the human race accomplished arguably the single greatest technological achievement of all time, when humans first set foot on another celestial body.

This short film is a tribute to the NASA Apollo Program space missions which successfully landed 12 men on the Moon. It was created entirely from still images from the Project Apollo Archive, which has bought together scans of all the original unprocessed images taken by the crews of the Apollo 10 to 17 space missions.

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Gorgeous video shows just how incredible the Apollo missions were

How the gun turrets work on a B-29 bomber

How the gun turrets work on a B-29 bomber

The Boeing B-29 Superfortress heavy bombers were one of the biggest and deadliest aircraft used during World War II. They were the bombers used to drop the atomic bomb and were also used during the Korean war. Here’s a video from Bryce Richert showing how the gun turret system worked on the B-29. Like the guy in the video said, it’s basically Robocop. Which is very impressive considering the B-29’s first flight was in 1942.

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, andYouTube.

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How the gun turrets work on a B-29 bomber

The Second Amendment Has Never Been More Important Than Now

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Reader Denny Y. writes:

Prior to the recent attacks in Paris, most of the public discussion surrounding guns has had to do with lone, deranged shooters. The post-event analyses have focused on how the killers obtained their guns and what … Read More

The post The Second Amendment Has Never Been More Important Than Now appeared first on The Truth About Guns.

via The Truth About Guns
The Second Amendment Has Never Been More Important Than Now

I was setting up a new email account for a client. We got to the point where they needed to input a…

I was setting up a new email account for a client. We got to the point where they needed to input a password, so I passed the keyboard to the client so they could do it themselves. Instead, they handed me a piece of paper with what was actually quite a decent, complex password. I keyed it in, made sure that the account worked in their email client and handed back the piece of paper. 
After I did some more work, the client asked me a question.

Client: How can I log in if I don’t have my computer?

Me: That’s no problem. You don’t have to access it from your email client. You can access the webmail from any computer.

The client asked me to show them how to use, so I fired up their web browser, showed them how to get to the login page and invited them to practice logging in.

Client: What’s the password?

Me: The one you gave me.

Client: I can’t remember it.

Me: Neither can I, but it’s on that piece of paper.

Client: I don’t have it anymore.

Me: You had it ten minutes ago, it must be around somewhere.
Client: I threw it on the fire.

Sure enough, there was a healthy fire burning in the hearth

via Clients From Hell
I was setting up a new email account for a client. We got to the point where they needed to input a…

When A Gun Control Advocate Says ‘States with Lax Gun Laws Have More Firearms-Related Homicides,’ Show Them This Link


People who seek to degrade Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms love to play silly buggers with stats. They cherry pick data to make the argument that civilian ownership of firearms is a bad, … Read More

The post When A Gun Control Advocate Says ‘States with Lax Gun Laws Have More Firearms-Related Homicides,’ Show Them This Link appeared first on The Truth About Guns.

via The Truth About Guns
When A Gun Control Advocate Says ‘States with Lax Gun Laws Have More Firearms-Related Homicides,’ Show Them This Link

What happens when an airplane hits a bird

What happens when an airplane hits a bird

Poor birdie. If you ever wondered what would happen if an airplane and a bird hit each other head on, here it is. It doesn’t end up exactly how you think it would. Well, it kind of does as in the bird loses but it is a little surprising in how high and straight the bird bounces in the air after hitting the nose of the jet. Poor birdie.

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

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What happens when an airplane hits a bird

Watch A Tickle Me Elmo Get Absolutely Blasted With A Jet Engine Just For Fun

Watch A Tickle Me Elmo Get Absolutely Blasted With A Jet Engine Just For Fun

If you had a jet engine strapped to a truck, the first thing you should want to do should be obvious – that’s right, you’d strap a Tickle Me Elmo to a post and shoot it with screaming hot fire.

This is well and truly what the Internet was created for, friends.

There has never been a better use for 2,500 horsepower than this. Even if he does call Elmo by the name “Elmer” a couple of times.

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via Gizmodo
Watch A Tickle Me Elmo Get Absolutely Blasted With A Jet Engine Just For Fun

Video: The difference in quality and levels of coins

Video: The difference in quality and levels of coins

The British Royal Mint makes three types of commemorative coins: bullion, brilliant uncirculated and proof. Bullion is basically made to the same standard of regular coins in circulation, brilliant uncirculated coins (a real mouthful) are finished with more attention to detail than bullion coins and proof coins are of the absolute highest quality and care.

The Royal Mint writes:

The dies used to strike Proof coins are all hand-finished. This is to ensure that all imperfections are removed before they’re used to strike a coin. Each Proof blank is placed into a coin press by hand. Proof blanks are of a higher quality than Brilliant Uncirculated and Bullion blanks. Proof coins will be struck up to six times, at a lower speed and with less pressure than other finishes. This ensures a smoother, sharper finish and preserves the finer details of the design.

After striking, each Proof coin is removed from the press by hand and checked for imperfections. The dies are cleaned with air between each coin to ensure that no marks or imperfections are caused during striking. As a result of the extra care and attention, no more than 50 Proof coins can be struck per hour. Whereas, for example, Bullion coins are produced at a rate of around 3,000 coins per hour. The Proof dies are regularly re-worked and re-polished to maintain a blemish-free finish when striking. Each Proof die may only strike a few hundred coins before it has to be re-polished.

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

via Gizmodo
Video: The difference in quality and levels of coins