Stabilized Footage of the JFK Assassination Is Unsettlingly Real

When it’s bouncing around and playing back at a jittery 18 frames per second, the infamous Zapruder footage of John F. Kennedy’s assassination feels almost unreal. But when it’s stabilized with additional interpolated frames bringing it to a steady 30 frames per second (like we’re used to seeing on TV) it suddenly becomes much more real.

via Gizmodo
Stabilized Footage of the JFK Assassination Is Unsettlingly Real

Watch People Get Flung at a Mountain by a Giant Human Slingshot

What a great summer tradition this is. Every so often, these wonderful folks plop down a gigantic human slingshot and fire people at stuff. Sometimes it’s down a slip and slide and into a lake, sometimes it’s that, just double. This time it’s at a mountain, while eating pizza. It still looks like a lot of fun. [YouTube]

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via Gizmodo Watch People Get Flung at a Mountain by a Giant Human Slingshot