3D White House Cutaways: Did You Know the Oval Office is Not Actually Inside the Main Building?

3D White House Cutaways: Did You Know the Oval Office is Not Actually Inside the Main Building?


I feel like a dope–all these years of looking at the White House, and I never realized: The Oval Office isn’t even in the main building (a/k/a The Residence). I always assumed that the Oval Office’s shape corresponded with the curved facade of the South Portico:

But while there are indeed oval-shaped rooms behind that curved façade…

…none of those rooms are the Oval Office. That latter room is off in a separate-but-connected structure, the West Wing, which I’d probably know if I ever bothered to watch the show.

In any case, 3D renderer Jared Owen has put together this cool video with exploded views of the White House, showing you how all of the spaces of the three-building-compound are utilized:

See Also:

Photos of the White House Being Gut-Renovated in 1948

What Type of Desk Does the President of the United States Use?

A Look Inside President Trump’s "White House North"

The Story of Mar-a-Lago, the "Winter White House"


via Core77 https://ift.tt/1KCdCI5

November 25, 2019 at 11:24AM

Laravel 6 Ticket Helpdesk Support – Free Project on Github

Laravel 6 Ticket Helpdesk Support – Free Project on Github


Our new demo-project which is more serious – you can actually use it as a helpdesk system for your project, with some tweaking if you wish.


via Laravel News Links https://ift.tt/2dvygAJ

November 25, 2019 at 10:42AM

Automate App Setup with Laravel Initializer

Automate App Setup with Laravel Initializer


Automate App Setup with Laravel Initializer

Have you ever found yourself writing multiple manual steps to set up a Laravel application in a new environment? Laravel Initializer is a convenient way to automate installing and updating a Laravel application:

Laravel Initializer gives you the ability to declare multiple processes and run them with app:install and app:update artisan commands, which run predefined actions chain depending on the current environment.

The app:install and app:update commands use two distinct classes that run commands based on a given environment. First, the install command uses the App\Install class:

namespace App; use MadWeb\Initializer\Contracts\Runner; class Install { public function production(Runner $run) { return $run ->external('composer', 'install', '--no-dev', '--prefer-dist', '--optimize-autoloader') ->artisan('key:generate') ->artisan('migrate', ['--force' => true]) ->artisan('storage:link') ->external('npm', 'install', '--production') ->external('npm', 'run', 'production') ->artisan('route:cache') ->artisan('config:cache') ->artisan('event:cache'); } public function local(Runner $run) { return $run ->external('composer', 'install') ->artisan('key:generate') ->artisan('migrate') ->artisan('storage:link') ->external('npm', 'install') ->external('npm', 'run', 'development'); } } 

The app:update command looks similar, using an App\Update class:

namespace App; use MadWeb\Initializer\Contracts\Runner; class Update { public function production(Runner $run) { return $run ->external('composer', 'install', '--no-dev', '--prefer-dist', '--optimize-autoloader') ->external('npm', 'install', '--production') ->external('npm', 'run', 'production') ->artisan('route:cache') ->artisan('config:cache') ->artisan('event:cache') ->artisan('migrate', ['--force' => true]) ->artisan('cache:clear') ->artisan('queue:restart'); ->artisan('horizon:terminate'); } public function local(Runner $run) { return $run ->external('composer', 'install') ->external('npm', 'install') ->external('npm', 'run', 'development') ->artisan('migrate') ->artisan('cache:clear'); } } 

You can also inject dependencies from the service container if you need to access services while running commands.

This package contains a variety of runner actions you should check out in the readme. I found the MakeCronTask dispatch interesting:

$run->dispatch(new \MadWeb\Initializer\Jobs\MakeCronTask) 

MakeCronTask adds the following to the server’s crontab list:

* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1 

You can do other things like creating a supervisord config for a typical queue worker or horizon.

You can learn more about this package, get full installation instructions, and view the source code on GitHub at mad-web/laravel-initializer.

Filed in: News / packages

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November 21, 2019 at 09:11AM

Laravel: CSV Import Validation with Errors on Line X [VIDEO]

Laravel: CSV Import Validation with Errors on Line X [VIDEO]


Almost live-coding video where I show you how to make a validator for array imported from CSV.


via Laravel News Links https://ift.tt/2dvygAJ

November 20, 2019 at 08:58AM

Amazon delivery infrastructure strained as COVID-19 outbreak sparks surge in online shopping

Amazon delivery infrastructure strained as COVID-19 outbreak sparks surge in online shopping


Amazon’s fulfillment center in Dupont, Wash. (GeekWire Photo / Kevin Lisota)

With thousands of Americans telecommuting and self-isolating to slow the spread of COVID-19, Amazon’s Prime and Fresh delivery services are grappling with high demand and inventory issues, as warehouse workers report increased order volumes.

Amazon is out of stock on a number of household staples and popular items, according to the company’s COVID-19 response page.

“You will also notice that some of our delivery promises are longer than usual,” the site says. “We are working around the clock with our selling partners to ensure availability on all of our products, and bring on additional capacity to deliver all of your orders.”

The consumer impact: Amazon can no longer guarantee two-day delivery on all Prime orders and some of the program’s 150 million subscribers customers are already experiencing delays. The Amazon Fresh website warns grocery deliveries “may be temporarily unavailable due to increased demand.” Amazon Fresh did not have any delivery windows available in the Seattle area as of Monday morning.

The increased demand comes as Amazon navigates supply chain threats from slowed or shuttered factories in China. Amazon did not immediately respond to questions about the delays.

The worker impact: The Seattle tech giant has asked all employees who can work from home to do so, an option unavailable to warehouse workers and delivery drivers. The company is providing two weeks of paid time off to all employees diagnosed with the virus or placed under quarantine.

Amazon is spending $25 million to help its network of independent delivery drivers, Amazon Flex workers, and seasonal employees deal with disruptions caused by the outbreak. The Amazon Relief Fund will provide grants equal to about two weeks’ pay for workers who have the virus or are quarantined. Grants are also available to workers facing financial or other hardships. Several warehouse worker groups have been circulating blog posts and petitions calling for more comprehensive sick time.

Other changes: Amazon has paused all fulfillment center tours, canceled large events, and shifted to virtual job interviews.

Bottom line: High demand is already causing delays for Amazon Prime and Fresh customers, a phenomenon that could be exacerbated by slowed imports or outbreaks of the virus among warehouse workers, who are already fielding high volumes of orders. Experts predict Amazon’s delivery infrastructure “will falter,” Motherboard reports.

However, some predict that Amazon will be one of the companies least impacted by a potential recession despite the disruptions. Analysts with RBC Capital Markets wrote on March 13 that Amazon “will be only modestly impacted” during a global financial crisis, due to growing reliance on the company for consumer staples, and expectations of continued growth in its Amazon Web Services cloud division.


via GeekWire https://ift.tt/2pQ6rtD

March 16, 2020 at 01:35PM

Pyro Putty

Pyro Putty

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Between wind, cold, and damp conditions, getting fires started in the outdoors can be a challenge. This moldable putty can be stuck to logs, torches, or tinder, and will burn for up to 15 minutes with just a quarter-sized dab, giving your fire a better chance of getting going. Available in summer, winter, and eco blends.

via The Awesomer
Pyro Putty