WordPress Blog Too Slow? 7 Ways You Can Speed It Up Again In Minutes


Your WordPress site is slow, and you’re losing page views and revenue because of it. But you’re also busy – I get it. Here’s seven speed tips you could have a crack at on your lunch break – they’re so simple and easy. Optimize Images This is a two-parter. The first thing is to equip yourself with the knowledge of using the best format for the job. When we talk about images used on the web, it’s generally restricted to either a JPG or PNG. PNG is a lossless format, best suited to simple images and illustrations, or screenshots. JPG…

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via MakeUseOf
WordPress Blog Too Slow? 7 Ways You Can Speed It Up Again In Minutes

Five Awesome Video Game Radio Stations For Your Listening Pleasure

Five Great Gaming-Oriented Internet Radio StationsOne of my favorite things about video games is definitely the music.There’s actually a great deal of talent, passion, and variety in gaming’s music scene. Not surprisingly, there’s a host of radio stations dedicated to the music – here’s just a few of my favorites.

via Inventor Spot – Inventions, Innovations, and Interesting Ideas for the Inventor in All of Us
Five Awesome Video Game Radio Stations For Your Listening Pleasure

LastPass Now Tells You Which Heartbleed-Affected Passwords to Change

LastPass Now Tells You Which Heartbleed-Affected Passwords to Change

This week, a giant security hole came to light that affects a large portion of the internet. As different sites recover, you’ll need to change your passwords, and now LastPass tells you when to do so.

Due to the nature of the Heartbleed bug (read more here), you’ll need to wait until affected sites update their infrastructure before you change your passwords. LastPass’ ever-useful Security Check tool now includes recommendations for Heartbleed, letting you know which sites have closed the hole, when, and if you should update yet.

To run the tool, just click on the LastPass extension and head to Tools > Security Check. After running the tool, you’ll get the results (shown above) so you know what passwords to change. Hit the link to read more.

LastPass Now Checks If Your Sites Are Affected by Heartbleed | LastPass Blog

via Lifehacker
LastPass Now Tells You Which Heartbleed-Affected Passwords to Change