See What Happens When You Sharpen a Knife Under a Microscope

S20151129_0041Everyone knows that a dull blade is no good. But do you know what a knife actually looks like up close as it’s being sharpened?

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via Make: DIY Projects, How-Tos, Electronics, Crafts and Ideas for Makers
See What Happens When You Sharpen a Knife Under a Microscope

Travel Back In Time To The Ancient Internet With

Travel Back In Time To The Ancient Internet With

Remember the Internet of yore? renders websites in creaky browsers and load times, and will induce nostalgia, flashbacks and cold sweats.

Developers Ilya Kraymer and Dragan Espenschied and media arts foundation have created, which allows you to experience the Internet as it once was. Choose from a selection of “legacy browsers” you’ve tried to block from your memory and a date, and will render the site of your choice in its closest Internet Archive version—complete with old-fashioned graphics and attendant loading time.

Travel Back In Time To The Ancient Internet With

Trying to visit 2006 Gizmodo in Netscape 3.04 brought up endless JavaScript errors until the browser just gave up; I fared better with IE 4.01, but I’m looking at an 8-minute total load time. Meanwhile, I’m sitting here twitching and losing all of my warm thoughts about the old days, even if Gizmodo’s “the Gadget Weblog” title made me grin.

What’s the point of this time-tripping experiment? Well, a post on Rhizome’s website wants you to think about how much our design and approach to the web has shifted:

Today’s web browsers want to be invisible, merging with the visual environment of the desktop in an effort to convince users to treat “the cloud” as just an extension of their hard drive. In the 1990s, browser design took nearly the opposite approach, using iconography associated with travel to convey the feeling of going on a journey. Netscape Navigator, which used a ship’s helm as its logo, made a very direct link with the nautical origins of the prefix cyber-, while Internet Explorer’s logo promised to take the user around the whole globe. This imagery reinforced the idea that the web was a very different kind of space from the “real world,” one where the usual laws and taxes shouldn’t apply.

Makes you think—and you’ll have plenty of minutes to think while your page renders. So go forth and use and, well, explore the Internet. Kids these days might not know how good they have it, but now we can show them what we experienced, in real (slow) loading time.

[; Rhizome]

via Gizmodo
Travel Back In Time To The Ancient Internet With

Infographic: How To File A Patent

In the United States, anyone who believes they have invented something truly unique is welcome to fill out a patent application to protect it, but it’s often a complicated and laborious process. Here are the steps involved in securing a patent:

  • Step 1: First, come up with something really cool, like a cheese grater that works in both directions. Oh shit, don’t steal that one! That’s mine!
  • Step 2: Research the marketplace to find out if your idea is original or if some asshole has already stolen it from you
  • Step 3: Call dibs
  • Step 4: Assess the financial potential of your invention by determining if it can be concisely summed up in a commercial jingle
  • Step 5: Before submitting your application, carefully review patent legal documents, occasionally stopping to nod your head as if you understand what they mean
  • Step 6: Patent and Trademark Office employees …

via The Onion
Infographic: How To File A Patent

Here are all the original Star Wars trilogy vehicles to scale

Here are all the original Star Wars trilogy vehicles to scale

One of our favorite artists, Scott Park, illustrated the spaceships and vehicles in the original Star Wars trilogy to scale and it’s just so good. You get to see how a Stomtrooper compares in size to a Tauntaun to an X-34 Landspeeder to a TIE Fighter to the Millennium Falcon to the Death Star and everything else in between. We put the wonderful illustrations together in a nice little lineup for you guys to see.

You can buy Park’s full poster here. You can also snag versions of the poster specifically for Episode IV, Episode V, and Episode VI.

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

via Gizmodo
Here are all the original Star Wars trilogy vehicles to scale

Learn How to Tie the Zip Tie-Like Constrictor Knot With This Video

Knots may seem like an old-fashioned skill to learn, but they can actually be really helpful in a lot of situations. This video will teach you how to tie the constrictor knot, which is essentially the primitive version of the zip tie.

This quick lesson from the ITS Tactical YouTube channel explains how to tie the hard-binding constrictor knot. You can use this knot to close and secure bags, tie something to a pole or branch, bundle objects (like sticks, poles, etc.) together, and it’s even used as a ligature in surgery. The knot has a very strong bite (it tightens down hard) and is very difficult to untie, but just like a zip tie, it’s also very secure. The harder your rope or string gets pulled, the tighter the knot gets. Plus, it’s easy to learn and you can tie it in a matter of seconds. If you want to untie your knot anytime soon, however, you’re better off using the slipped variation (also demonstrated in the video).…

Knot of the Week HD: Tying the Constrictor Knot and its Slipped Variation | ITS Tactical

via Lifehacker
Learn How to Tie the Zip Tie-Like Constrictor Knot With This Video

In the New Batman v. Superman Sneak Peek, Batman Has Superman Just Where He Wants Him

After all, Batman is never more dangerous than when he’s being underestimated. Spoilers ahead…

I’m willing to bet that the scenario in this new clip from Batman v Superman—with the bondage, the unmasking, the bunker, and all of it, is some kind of cunning Bat-trap. Right? I guess we’ll find out in a couple days. This clip just aired as part of Gotham, but we’ll get a whole new trailer on Wednesday evening.

Contact the author at and follow her on Twitter @CharlieJane

via Gizmodo
In the New Batman v. Superman Sneak Peek, Batman Has Superman Just Where He Wants Him

This video explains the easiest way to win at tic tac toe

This video explains the easiest way to win at tic tac toe

It’s rather simple if you have the first move. Put your mark in one corner and depending on your opponent’s next move, put your mark on another corner and you’ll be perfectly set up for a win.

So for example, if you put your first mark on the bottom left hand corner and they put their mark in the bottom right hand corner, you should respond with a mark on the top left hand corner which sets up an easy win because they’ll have to block your win, which leaves you room to put a mark on the top right hand corner (or middle), giving you two ways to win. Basically, own the corners. DaveHax explains better in the video below.

SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

via Gizmodo
This video explains the easiest way to win at tic tac toe