Download every ‘Tribes’ game for free

Fancy yourself a fan of playing awesome PC shooters online? Boy howdy, do I have a story for you: Developer Hi-rez Studios has released every game in its Tribes series for free on its website as part of the franchise’s 21st birthday celebration. That means everything from Starseige: Tribes to the free-to-play Tribes: Ascend is available right now, gratis. And you don’t even have to buy it a drink — the party’s on Hi-rez’s dime! As if you had any big plans for this weekend anyway.

Via: Dave Oshry (Twitter)

Source: Tribes Universe

via Engadget
Download every ‘Tribes’ game for free

Watch the First Footage of the Planet’s Most Elusive Whale

Watch the First Footage of the Planet’s Most Elusive Whale

An international team of marine biologists has made the first-ever field observations of rare Omura’s whales—one of the least known species of whales in the world — while working off the coast of Madagascar.

Omura’s whales are so rare that scientists are not sure exactly how many exist.

“Over the years, there have been a small handful of possible sightings of Omura’s whales, but nothing that was confirmed,” noted lead author Salvatore Cerchio in a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution release. “They appear to occur in remote regions and are difficult to find at sea because they are small—they range in length from approximately 33 to 38 feet—and do not put up a prominent blow.”

Watch the First Footage of the Planet’s Most Elusive Whale

Cerchio, who works out of the New England Aquarium (NEAQ), says that all previous knowledge came from eight specimens of Omura’s whales taken in Japanese scientific whaling off the Solomon and Keeling Islands, along with a couple of strandings in Japan.

After a possible sighting near Madagascar in 2011, the team decided to relocate their efforts to the region. It proved to be an excellent move, resulting in the two year study, the details of which now appear at Royal Society Open Science.

Watch the First Footage of the Planet’s Most Elusive Whale

Five different individuals

“This is the first definitive evidence and detailed descriptions of Omura’s whales in the wild and part of what makes this work particularly exciting,” he says.

The researchers observed 44 groups and were able to collect skin biopsies from 18 adult whales. These samples were sent to Northern Michigan University for DNA analysis, the results of which confirmed the species as being distinct. Up until recently, some scientists thought that Omura’s whales were actually Bryde’s whale.

Watch the First Footage of the Planet’s Most Elusive Whale

Cerchio’s team documented various physical and behavioral characteristics of the whale.

They’re mostly dark gray, but have a prominent white patch on their right lower jaw. They lunge feed, which means they subsist on a steady diet of zooplankton. The presence of so many mothers with young calves suggests that the study site was at or near a breeding habitat where females give birth. The team was also able to make recordings of Omura’s whale song, which appears to be a male-limit trait (which isn’t unusual among whales, including sperm whales).

Read the entire study at Royal Society Open Science: “Omura’s whales (Balaenoptera omurai) off northwest Madagascar: ecology, behaviour and conservation needs”.

[ Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ]

Email the author at and follow him at @dvorsky. All images by Salvatore Cerchio.

via Gizmodo
Watch the First Footage of the Planet’s Most Elusive Whale

Open-sourcing Pinterest MySQL management tools

In the past, we’ve shared why you should love MySQL and how it helped Pinterest scale via sharding. At Oracle Open World today, we announced that we’re open-sourcing the vast majority of our automation that maintains our MySQL infrastructure. In this post, we’ll detail our MySQL environment, the tools used to manage it and how you can implement them to automate your MySQL infrastructure.
Basics of MySQL at Pinterest
We’ve historically used MySQL to store some of our most important data, including Pins, boards, image metadata and Pinners’ credentials.
Recently, we’ve added the following use cases:
PinLater: Thanks in part to kernel optimizations, MySQL has replaced Redis and is becoming the only supported backend for our asynchronous job execution engine.
Zen: MySQL has joined HBase as a supported backend for our graph storage engine.
For all of the MySQL use cases at Pinterest, the environment is identical from an administrative perspective:
A single master with one or two slaves: Historically MySQL was used with multiple writable instances in a replica set. This topology is error prone and has been simplified to a single master with one or more slaves.
Zookeeper provides service discovery: The contract between the administrative tools and the MySQL applications is ZooKeeper. With few exceptions, ZooKeeper provides clients with database hostnames, usernames and passwords.
The lifecycle of a MySQL instance in the cloud
MySQL servers at Pinterest are launched, live and die with only the rarest of configuration changes. Upgrading kernels, MySQL versions and any other changes that would require a restart of the database are never done in-place. Instead, these actions are always performed through server replacements and failovers/slave promotions as needed. This choice has greatly simplified our automation by removing the need to manage intermediate state. We call this mindset “Operational Buddhism,” meaning we don’t get attached to our servers, because they might be gone tomorrow.
One of our most important scripts is In the simplest case, the only required argument to is the hostname of a failed slave. The existing instance is examined, all required parameters for a new server are computed and then the new server is launched. For other changes, such as MySQL upgrades, hardware upgrades/downgrades and datacenter migrations, there are optional arguments.
After the new server has booted and received its initial base configuration from our provisioning system, a cron job will notice that the data directory is empty and run Based on information from our service directory (ZooKeeper), this script will attempt to find a database backup, restore it, set up replication and add the new MySQL instance to the directory. Like, accepts many optional arguments for non-standard uses.
If a MySQL master server requires replacement, the script must be run to promote the primary slave to master. This script deals with either living or dead initial masters, and then modifies MySQL replication topology and updates the service directory.
After a server has been removed from ZooKeeper, it’s subject to a retirement queue system. This system has several steps that lead to eventual termination of a server:
Servers that do not exist in ZooKeeper are considered to be not in use, and will have several status counters reset.
After a day, the servers will be inspected to see if any activity has caused the status counters to increment. If the counters have incremented, the retirement process is aborted. If the counters have not incremented, the MySQL instance is sent a shutdown command.
After another day, the server is subject to termination if its database has not been restarted.
Other utilities
We’ve built a variety of other utilities that we’re also open-sourcing: This script provides administrators a quick view of what’s in production (we define “in production” as “in ZooKeeper”) in a format that’s easy to use for shell scripting. This is our primary backup system for MySQL. These backups are used by mysql_restore_xtrabackup for building new MySQL instances. We backup MySQL replication logs in order to perform point-in-time recoveries in the case where all servers in a replica set are lost. This script manages our database users. It’s one of our oldest bits of automation and one of our most limited. It fulfills our needs for the time being but sooner or later will need to be significantly expanded. This script builds MySQL configuration files based on global defaults and then overrides for workload type, hardware and MySQL version. Several example configuration files are included. and Every day, we run a pt-checksum against a subset of the shards in order to determine if master and slave are out of sync and, if so, by how much. (Most of the time, our replication drift is zero or very near zero.)  The script runs the checksums and stores the results. The script will retrieve all recent checksum results and display the data in a user-friendly manner.
And a bunch more!
Not a panacea
These tools are tightly integrated into our service discovery mechanism and would likely require moderate modification of the code that reads and writes from service discovery. Unlike other technologies we’ve open-sourced, there are some legacy limitations to these utilities, such as the lack of support for more than two slaves. It’s our hope that these tools are useful to others that wish to create automation for their MySQL infrastructure.
Human efficiency
As a result of the effectiveness of our tooling, we’re able to maintain the MySQL environment with hundreds of terabyte data with less than two dedicated engineers.
The Code
Our public code repository is now live and can be found with our other open-sourced projects on GitHub at
Acknowledgements: Ernie Souhrada also contributed to the MySQL management tools.
Tags: infra, opensource
via Planet MySQL
Open-sourcing Pinterest MySQL management tools

How to Watch Tonight’s CNBC Republican Debate (Sadly, You’ll Need a Cable Login)

How to Watch Tonight's CNBC Republican Debate (Sadly, You'll Need a Cable Login)

Tonight is the third Republican debate for the 2016 presidential primary, and it’s hosted by CNBC. You can watch it on TV or stream it online, but you’ll need cable credentials to do so.

The first part of the debate, starting at 6 PM ET/3 PM PT, will feature a smaller lineup with candidates lower in the polls, including Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki, and Lindsey Graham. The top 10 candidates (Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and the rest) will come on stage at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT.

You can watch the live stream on here or on CNBC’s Android, iOS, and Apple TV apps. You will need to provide cable credentials for all streaming options. Thankfully, cable credentials aren’t that hard to come by (if you have generous friends or family), but if you really can’t get them, I’d bet money that it’ll show up somewhere on YouTube, just like the first one did.

CNBC Announces Coverage Plans for “The Republican Presidential Debate: Your Money, Your Vote” on Wednesday, October 28 | CNBC News Releases

via Lifehacker
How to Watch Tonight’s CNBC Republican Debate (Sadly, You’ll Need a Cable Login)

South African Battle: Rhino vs. Cape Buffalo (Video)

Awesome. A rhinoceros and a cape buffalo, two extremely dangerous and powerful African animals, have a showdown in the video below. The video begins with the animals head-to-head, and the buffalo backs away from the rhino. The action finally starts around 1:10, and we soon see that the rhino is the more aggressive of the[…..]

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South African Battle: Rhino vs. Cape Buffalo (Video)

Study: Cutting Sugar From Diet Shows Immediate Health Benefits

turp182 writes: As reported in TIME and other news sources, a recent study found that reducing sugar intake in obese children caused several biological health markers to improve over a short period of time (9 days). Summarizing the results: "Overall, their fasting blood sugar levels dropped by 53%, along with the amount of insulin their bodies produced since insulin is normally needed to break down carbohydrates and sugars. Their triglyceride and LDL levels also declined and, most importantly, they showed less fat in their liver." The full study is available online.

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

via Slashdot
Study: Cutting Sugar From Diet Shows Immediate Health Benefits

Chase’s Dumb New Mobile Payments System is Destined to Fail 

Chase's Dumb New Mobile Payments System is Destined to Fail 

Mobile payments are all the rage right now! There’s the contactless magic of Apple and Android Pay, Samsung’s awesomely cool magnetic thing, and Chase’s system that lets you use a Chase card in a Chase-approved store, by simple scanning a QR code. Wait, what?

Chase Pay is another digital wallet that Chase is hoping you will use to pay for things. In (participating) stores, you’ll be able to open up the Chase app, chose a Chase banking card, which then generates a QR code, which the poor cashier will then spend three minutes trying to scan. This is apparently better than, say, Samsung Pay, which lets you pay with most credit cards at basically every shop in the United States.…

But wait: Chase is eager to point out that there are MORE stores you can use Chase Pay in: it’s partnered with MCX, a Walmart-led consortium of merchants and banks, which is developing its own (equally dumb) payment app, CurrentC. If CurrentC ever launches, you’ll be able to open up the CurrentC app (not the Chase Pay app, mind you), choose Chase, and then do the awkward fumbling with QR codes.

In case you’re wondering why Chase is bothering to do this at all, the answer is simple: mobile payments are sexy and new, and banks are realizing that if they get in there early, they might be able to wrest some power away from Visa and Mastercard in the world of paying for stuff. Unfortunately, that power struggle will almost certainly make everything less convenient and more difficult for consumers.

When can you start using this technology, I hear no-one asking? That’s the best part: Chase isn’t launching until the ‘middle of 2016’, which gives someone at Chase eight months to kill this gigantic waste of time and money.


via Gizmodo
Chase’s Dumb New Mobile Payments System is Destined to Fail 

HTC Slashes The Price Of Its Action Camera

HTC Re 2 HTC cut the price of the Re camera to just $50 from $200, making it one of the least expensive action cameras on the market. It’s a capable little camera with decent image quality. Yet it’s hard to recommend even at this low price since its ecosystem of mounts and accessories pales in comparison that of GoPro or Sony. This price cuts comes as HTC is weathering a financial storm.… Read More

via TechCrunch
HTC Slashes The Price Of Its Action Camera