This Is What a Real Bomb Looks Like

szczys writes: You see them all the time in movies and TV shows, but is that what an actual bomb looks like? Probably not… here’s what a real bomb looks like. This story stems from a millionaire gone bust from gambling addiction who decided to extort riches back from the casino. He built a bomb and got it into the building, then ransomed the organization for $3 million. The FBI documented the mechanisms in great detail — including the 8 independent trigger systems that made it impossible for them to disarm the thing. The design was so nefarious it’s still used today as a training tool.

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via Slashdot
This Is What a Real Bomb Looks Like

Another Crackdown: OSU Threatens to Arrest Conservative Students

OSU, Police Threaten to Arrest Turning Point USA Students Over “Save the Crop-Top” Petition. Kirk: “Is Free Speech Dead on Campus?” Two Ohio State University (OSU) students and two Turning Point USA staff members say were threatened to be arrested by a Franklin County deputy and a self-identified “campus attorney” this week while they were […]
via Turning Point USA
Another Crackdown: OSU Threatens to Arrest Conservative Students

This Engineer on YouTube Will Teach You To Make Longboards and Ziplines

Maker Faire NYC hits the Big Apple this week, so to get you in the mood for homemade robots, inventions and all things DIY, here’s a YouTube channel that teaches you to make almost anything.

It’s called I Like to Make Stuff, run by Bob Clagett, a former Dell engineer based in Savannah, Georgia. He’s picked up nearly half a million subscribers on his YouTube channel. Here’s a sampling of the spread of projects awaiting your craftiness:

To start, make a ring light for outfitting your GoPro:

At not even seven minutes, this is probably the most bite-sized tutorial you’ll ever watch to make your very own longboard:

How to make a video game arcade with Raspberry Pi, zero programming required:

Bob customizes a Nerf Strongarm Blaster “with paint weathering and a simple LED strip.” “Today we’re going to make a Nerf gun look way cooler,” he says.

A swiveling iPad stand for all your Square credit card-reading needs:

Make a copy of your favorite toy by learning how to mold and cast your Reagan-era Ninja Turtles, or anything else.

Finally, can’t leave out the backyard zipline.

via Gizmodo
This Engineer on YouTube Will Teach You To Make Longboards and Ziplines

Way Of The Viral Dragon

Enter the 4yo Mini-me Dragon

How do you get to 30 million views on your viral kidsploitation video? Practice, practice, practice.

Just because your kid has dutifully copied the Bruce Lee nunchuck moves you have been fixated on your own entire sentient life doesn’t mean your video of him performing will immediately go viral.

Now you must master the viral videomaking skills of the modern parent by getting the costume, the angle, and the background just right. Tranform your entertainment center into a minimalist Bruce Lee shrine with photos and slipcovers made from Visqueen and packing tape.

Disable YouTube embedding so you can get your pre-rolls, and for Pete’s sake, get it onto Facebook which, in addition to jacking all YT’s viral videos, also screwed up the click and sharing experience.

Bruce Ryu’s YouTube channel [youtube via my dad]

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via Daddy Types
Way Of The Viral Dragon

Coloring for Adults: The Best Websites for Free Printables


We live in a wonderfully colorful world. Let’s celebrate that… by grabbing some pencils and pens, and scribbling between the lines. For many years, coloring books have been viewed as merely things for kids. But no longer. People have finally embraced their inner child and accepted that coloring is awesome. It’s just art without the hours working out proportions. From now on, please excuse some colorful language. (Sorry.) Get Inspired by Others: Basford’s Coloring Gallery Arguably, the craze began in 2011 when Laurence King Publishing, British specialists in creative art books, approached Johanna Basford to create a children’s coloring book….

Read the full article: Coloring for Adults: The Best Websites for Free Printables

via MakeUseOf
Coloring for Adults: The Best Websites for Free Printables

This Checklist Explains How to Properly Store Your Gas Mower for Winter

This Checklist Explains How to Properly Store Your Gas Mower for Winter

When the weather starts cooling down, the equipment you use for yard work changes from mowers to rakes. This checklist will show you how to store your gas mower for fall and winter safely, so it’ll be in good shape when you need it next spring.

Before you start the process, disconnect the spark plug so the mower can’t accidentally start. Next, take care of each of these parts of your mower:

  • Empty the gas tank. This is the most important thing since gas that is left sitting for months can cause damage to the rubber and plastic parts of your mower.
  • Clean the undercarriage. You’ll need to remove the blade to do so. Wear heavy gardening or work gloves to protect your hands. Use a wire brush and putty knife to scrape off dried grass, dirt, and other debris.
  • Change the oil, if necessary (4-cycle engine). Reattach the mower blade. You can choose to either sharpen the blade before reattaching or sharpen it in spring when you’re getting ready to use your mower again.
  • Replace your air filter and clean the cooling fins.

If you’re not sure how to safely remove any of these parts, or where they are on your mower, Google your mower’s instruction manual so you can reference it. For photo illustrations of each step, hit the link below.

How to Store Your Lawn Mower for the Cold Season | This Old House

Image from yutakaseki.

via Lifehacker
This Checklist Explains How to Properly Store Your Gas Mower for Winter

Stream CNN’s Republican Debate Online Tonight, No Cable Required

Stream CNN's Republican Debate Online Tonight, No Cable Required

CNN is hosting tonight’s Republican debate at 8pm EST/5pm PST, but if you don’t have cable, you’ll be able to watch it on their site and mobile apps.

Web users can stream the debate from CNN’s live stream, while iOS and Android users get access through the CNN mobile apps. You won’t have to login to a stream or enter in any cable provider info, just load up the site tonight at the right time and you should be able to watch. Before you do, make sure you prime your BS detection skills so you can sift through the hyperbole.…

via Lifehacker
Stream CNN’s Republican Debate Online Tonight, No Cable Required

Go Download iOS 9 Right Now

Go Download iOS 9 Right Now

It’s finally here, the full, stable version of Apple’s newest mobile operating system, and you can download it right now. Why should you even bother, you ask? Well, it may not be a huge visual overall, but it’s got enough little tweaks to make it worthwhile.

Go Download iOS 9 Right Now

The biggest one is battery. The iPhone can be lauded for a list of things, but one of them is definitely not battery life. Apple is playing a game catchup with other Android phones out there by adding a battery-saving mode when you’re in dire energy straits.

Beyond battery, multitasking looks a lot better with a new 3D app carousel, a more vertical version of Android’s own multitasking window.

Things are even fine tweaked all the way down to the keyboard. Now, the iPhone keyboard will actually look like lowercase letters when you’re not in caps, though I have no idea why that hasn’t been the case for the past 8 years. You’ll also get a made over Siri and other improvements under the hood making your iPhone less broken and more secure. It’s basically the most Android iPhone ever!

Of course, the new iPhone 6s and 6s plus will get additional features enabled by new hardware like 3D touch and 4k video recording. But not everyone can sell a kidney to buy a new iPhone every year.

There are lots more features—apparent and hidden—illustrating why iOS 9 is worth downloading (if you haven’t downloaded the beta already.) If you’re still cruising with iOS 8 or below, here’s the three-step tango you’re going to want to do to upgrade: Settings > General > Software Update. For you 16GB users out there, it might make more sense to update through iTunes with the limited mobile space on your device—or else say your goodbyes to those downloaded Spotify playlists. Luckily, things should be much easier this year because iOS 9 is only 1.3GB rather than last year’s 4.6GB monstrosity. Either way, make sure you back up your data via iCloud and iTunes, you know, just to be safe.

As long as you have an iPhone 4s and above, and iPad 2 and above, and fifth generation touch (or that fancy new one), then you’re good to go. However, you should probably be wary of those borderline devices. The OS may work in theory, but your device could see a significant slowdown (though a test by the Wall Street Journal suggests you old Apple diehards might be in luck.)

Enjoy your new iPhone digs, and let us know in the comments if you encounter any strange problems. Unfortunately, there’s precedent for that.

Update: Apple confirms that updating immediately could be a bumpy ride, so deep breaths, people.

via Gizmodo
Go Download iOS 9 Right Now