Looks like $40 each for the Wampa and Tauntaun sets, available in February. I like this ridiculous horned guy, too:
via Super Punch
The new Empire Strikes Back figures look pretty great
Just another WordPress site
Looks like $40 each for the Wampa and Tauntaun sets, available in February. I like this ridiculous horned guy, too:
via Super Punch
The new Empire Strikes Back figures look pretty great
(Season 4 Spoilers) With all of the blood and death, it’s good to know that the cast of Game of Thrones has a sense of humor, as is evidenced by this blooper reel from last season. Serious or funny, Peter Dinklage is our hero.
via The Awesomer
Game of Thrones Blooper Reel
Sometimes you just need a good laugh after you watch Game of Thrones. You need to see Lannisters act goofy and White Walkers fall off their horses and see beautiful actors screw up their lines. Here’s the blooper reel for season 4 of Game of Thrones, where you get to see all of that.
I would watch Game of Thrones the comedy show. You would too. Here’s the blooper reel:
And here’s a funny ‘alternate’ ending for one of the most tense scenes of the season:
via Gizmodo
Game of Thrones blooper reel is more fun to watch than the actual show
Well, he did it! That crazy genius of Colin Furze did it. The biggest fart machine ever created was a resounding success: He fired the giant butt at France from Dover, England, and it was reportedly heard across the English Channel by at least two people in Pas-de-Calais—four miles away.
Knighthood for this guy, s’il vous plaît.
via Gizmodo
English giant fart machine is so loud they heard it in France
A while ago, I began a huge project to rip my DVDs and Blu-Rays, and make a media center on my computer. The digital copies would also serve as a backup, in case the original disk was damaged, stolen, or lost. The MakeUseOf lawyers, who had a collective seizure reading this article, have asked me to insert the following to cover my ass. In my view, if you legally bought the disk, it’s yours to do with, as you please. If you want, you can make as many digital copies as you want. I have been asked to refer to Exhibit…
Read the full article: Rip Your DVDs & Blu-Rays With Absolute Ease With MakeMKV [Cross-Platform]
via MakeUseOf
Rip Your DVDs & Blu-Rays With Absolute Ease With MakeMKV [Cross-Platform]
Anovos has been outfitting geeks with replica costumes from popular sci-fi franchises for years, but at Comic-Con this year the company has what is easily the ultimate power in the cosplaying universe. Based on the design created for The Empire Strikes Back, this Darth Vader getup is the most accurate, and surprisingly comfortable, costume you’ll find anywhere.
Nearly every detail has been perfectly recreated by referencing the original props in the Lucasfilm archive, and countless photos taken on set while Empire was filming, right down to the mask’s slightly imperfect asymmetrical design. It’s of course also got working lights on the chest plate, detailed fiberglass armor, and even your choice of authentic leather accents and under suit.
But what’s even more impressive is that Anovos knows how uncomfortable a costume like this can be, especially when worn while wandering around a convention, and has gone to great lengths to make this Vader suit extremely comfortable. The helmet and face mask use a clever magnetic system to easily align and stay perfectly in place, and they’ve even got a built-in ventilation system to ensure fresh cool air is flowing around your head inside—because nothing is sadder than a Sith that passes out at the first sign of a convention center that isn’t air conditioned.
Pricing it still to be revealed on this masterpiece, although you can safely assume it’s going to be astronomical given the incredibly attention to detail it represents. But if it guarantees you cosplay superiority, how can it not be completely worth it? [Anovos via Star Wars]
This past July I was fortunate enough to tour the Sig Sauer Headquarters and manufacturing facilities in New Hampshire. Now most of you will immediately think of Exeter and you would be partially correct. Sig moved into the new facility, shown above, one year and four months ago. The Exeter facility is still in use […]
The post Sig Sauer Headquarters And Factory Tour appeared first on The Firearm Blog.
One of our most useful features is Top Queries, which allows users to examine various metrics for families of similar queries. Once a query family is selected, we can drill down into its query samples. Individual samples are shown on a scatterplot. Selecting individual samples will display its captured SQL, latency, errors, and more.
We collect query samples by decoding the MySQL protocol over TCP and extracting the query text. Not only that, we also capture errors, warnings, and more by inspecting traffic over the wire.
Until now, query samples excluded prepared statements. This is because prepared statements are not sent over the wire as strings of SQL text. Statement preparation and execution is quite different from regular query execution, but in the end we generate a good approximation of what the statement SQL would look like and display it on the samples page.
Regenerating the statement text happens in three steps. First, we grab the statement text from a COM_STMT_PREPARE command sent from a client to the MySQL server. The server then sends the client a COM_STMT_PREPARE response with a statement ID. When a statement is to be executed, the client sends a COM_STMT_EXECUTE command to the server with the statement ID and its associated parameters. The parameters sent by the client are sent in the binary protocol format. When our agent sees a COM_STMT_EXECUTE, it decodes the parameters and does a string replace in the original statement text to approximate the SQL query text.
Regenerating SQL from prepared statement executions is not perfect, but should be very good. We understand the argument types, escape strings and text when necessary, and represent parameters in hex when we have to. You’ll notice that the metric parameter is a quoted string, not a literal number. That’s because we actually send that parameter in ASCII format, as text. The protocol doesn’t lie!
Of course, we’re showing a sample of SQL that never executed as displayed, which is kind of disingenuous, isn’t it? But if you think about it for a moment, this is exactly what you get from sources like the slow query log, which also shows SQL that’s reconstructed from the prepared statement with parameters substituted in. The main difference is that the slow query log doesn’t tell you it’s showing you SQL that never actually executed, whereas here the Action column is execute which tells you it’s a prepared statement, not a simple query.
Astute readers will have noticed the EXPLAIN tab to the right of the SQL sample. That’s an upcoming feature. Stay tuned for more on that!
If you are interested in seeing how this can benefit your company, please click below for a demo or here for a free trial.
via Planet MySQL
Prepared Statement Samples