Like with nuclear war, a water balloon fight isn’t about pinpoint accuracy. What’s most important is raining down as much soakage on your opponent as quickly as possible. Which means that the Bunch O Balloons, which promises to let you make 100 throw-ready water balloons every minute, could be the most important addition to your summertime arsenal.

The Bunch O Balloons looks like a green 37-armed octopus with tiny empty balloons hanging off of every tentacle. The whole thing attaches to the end of a garden house and when the water’s turned on the balloons all automatically fill at the same time. When full they’re all easily dislodged with a simple shake, while small black elastics automatically seal them shut.
Bunch O Balloons’ creator, Josh Malone, is attempting to raise $10,000 on Kickstarter to put his invention into production. With a pledge of just $15 you can get a single pack which includes three hose attachments and a total of 100 water balloons—just add water.
It’s certainly more expensive than buying a bag of normal balloons, until you factor in the hours spent manually filling and tying 100 of them. Suddenly, $15 sounds like a reasonable investment if it keeps your kids occupied for an entire summer afternoon. [Kickstarter – Bunch O Balloons]
via Gizmodo
This Simple Contraption Lets You Make 100 Water Balloons Every Minute