The Best Days to Shop at Major Retailers

The Best Days to Shop at Major Retailers

Rather Be Shopping, the site that brought us a handy retailer price codes cheatsheet and also informed us of retailers’ price matching policies, is back with more money saving tips. They’ve rounded up the days of the week stores like CVS and the Gap tend to put their goods on sale.

Go shopping on those days and you’ll have first dibs on the clearance items. We’ve covered Target’s markdown schedule before, but Rather Be Shopping’s Kyle James tells us when to shop at CVS, the Gap, Joann Fabrics, Kohl’s, Macy’s, Old Navy, Ross, and TJ Maxx.

Armed with this knowledge and the best days of the week to buy specific products, you could potentially save a whole lot more when you shop.

It looks like most of the stores mark down their stuff early in the week, but head to the link below for the fine details.

What Day to Shop? 11 Insider Tips on Store Markdowns | Rather Be Shopping

via Lifehacker
The Best Days to Shop at Major Retailers

Alice v. CLS Bank: Claims Invalid Under Section 101

By Jason Rantanen Alice Corporation Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank International (2014) Download opinion here: Alice v CLS This morning the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Alice, unanimously finding all claims invalid under Section 101.  Justice Thomas wrote the opinion for the Court.  It begins: The question presented is whether these claims are patent […]
via Patently-O » Patent
Alice v. CLS Bank: Claims Invalid Under Section 101

The designer of the F-16 explains why the F-35 is such a crappy plane

The designer of the F-16 explains why the F-35 is such a crappy plane

According to the Pierre Sprey, co-designer of the F-16, the F35 is a turkey. Inherently, a terrible airplane. An airplane built for a dumb idea. A kludge that will fail time and time again. Just impossibly hopeless. And judging from the bajillion times the F-35 fleet has been grounded, well, he’s probably not wrong. It’s a trillion dollar failure. Watch Sprey eviscerate the F-35 in the video below.

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via Gizmodo
The designer of the F-16 explains why the F-35 is such a crappy plane