Percona Monitoring and Management

Percona is excited to announce the launch of Percona Monitoring and Management Beta!
Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a fully open source solution for both managing MySQL platform performance and tuning query performance. It allows DBAs and application developers to optimize the performance of the Database Layer. PMM is an on-premises solution that keeps all of your performance and query data inside the confines of your environment, with no requirement for any data to cross the internet.
Assembled from a supported package of “best of breed” open source tools such as Prometheus, Grafana and Percona’s Query Analytics, PMM delivers results right out of the box.
With PMM, anyone with database maintenance responsibilities can get more visibility for actionable enhancements, realize faster issue resolution times, increase performance through focused optimization, and better manage resources. More information allows you to concentrate efforts on the areas that yield the highest value, rather than hunting and pecking for speed.
PMM monitors and provides performance data for Oracle’s MySQL Community and Enterprise Editions as well as Percona Server for MySQL and MariaDB.
Download Percona Monitoring and Management now.
via Planet MySQL
Percona Monitoring and Management