More Guns, Less Crime!


Correlation does not equal causation. But the fact remains: Americans have purchased millions of guns in the run-up to and during the Obama administration. It’s safe to say there are more guns in circulation in these United States now than ever before. And the homicide rate for 2014 was at a 51-year low. According to . . .


Over a recent 20 year period, the number of new guns in the US that were either manufactured in the US or imported into the US increased 141 percent from 6.6 million new guns in 1994 to 16 million in 2013. That means a gross total of 132 million new guns were added into the US population over that time period.

While the Pulse nightclub massacre was a deeply horrific incident, it will have little to no effect on America’s overall homicide rate for 2016. Just as the addition to Americans’ gun supply has had little to no negative impact on the U.S. homicide rate.

Now you could say (and our gun-grabbing friends no doubt will) that the U.S. homicide rate would be even lower if fewer guns had entered the body politic, but that’s just silly. Meanwhile, bookmark this bad boy and send the link to a firearms fence straddler you know. Do it for the children!

via The Truth About Guns
More Guns, Less Crime!