The Evolution of Star Trek

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It’s hard to believe that Star Trek has been around for 50 years now. To celebrate this auspicious occasion, the editors at Burger Fiction put together this tribute reel, which compiles footage from the earliest days of The Original Series, through the latest films from J.J. Abrams and Justin Lin.

Along the way, we’re reminded of great moments like The Wrath of Khan, The Next Generation, and Voyager. Also, not so great ones like The Motion Picture. Eesh, that was bad. Especially the costumes. And V-Ger.

I’m just so glad they included Kirk’s hilarious “Double dumbass on you!” line from The Voyage Home. If you’re a Star Trek fan, you owe it to yourself to take 16 minutes out of your day to watch this.

via MightyMega
The Evolution of Star Trek