The Justice League Join Forces for Their First Team Photo and Movie Footage

DC’s cinematic heroes assembled for the first time at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, with our first truly good look at the Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg. They’re not bad at all! We also got to watch a very, very early teaser trailer for Justice League, and here’s what we saw:

It starts with a bearded Bruce Wayne in some kind of fishing village. He asks the town about the man who brings fish to the starving town. He’s told the man comes on the king tide, and he was there last night. At that moment, Aquaman turns around.

Next we’re in a forest, it looks ancient and someone is digging up a mother box. Bruce Wayne again: “I believe an enemy is coming, I’m looking for warriors.” And we see two huge waves crashing down on Aquaman.

“I’m building an alliance to defend us,” Wayne continues. Then we’re in the Batcave, where Wonder Woman is sitting at a terminal. “Will he fight with us?” she asks.

“More or less,” Wayne says.

“Well, more more or more less?”

“Probably more less.”

“He said no?”

“He said no.”

We then cut to the Flash sequence that we saw filmed on set, which you can read about in full here. However, now the effects were finished and when Flash goes to grab the Batarang, lightning flashes all around him.

Cut to: a cave. It’s the whole team minus Superman. Cyborg says to Batman, “I heard about you. I didn’t think you were real.”

Batman responds, “I’m real when it’s useful.” Then the title card.

In the last bit, Aquaman slams Bruce Wayne against a wall and Bruce says, “So I hear you can talk to fish.”

via Gizmodo
The Justice League Join Forces for Their First Team Photo and Movie Footage