isAuth package checks if you are logged in and provides login modal before post requests if you session is dead.


This package provides control to check if user session dead before submit forms. If the session is dead, a modal will reveal and ask password to re-login.


Require this package with composer.

composer require spiderwebtr/isauth

Laravel 5.5+

If you don’t use auto-discovery, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


Include JQuery and Sweet Alert

You can download the js files or just use cdn.

<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>

Create assets

Run the command to copy js file.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force

Last Step

Add this code to the footer in your blade. user object provides information in login modal.

<script>  let user={  name:"",  email:"",  photo:"" //edit this up to your system or just remove this line.  }; </script> <style>  .swal-icon--custom>img{  max-height: 250px;  border-radius: 50%;  } </style> <script src="/assets/SpiderWebtr/isAuth/isAuth.js"></script>



In isAuth.js file there is texts object which provides texts to package. You can modify them to translate.

isAuth Function

isAuth function takes a callback parameter so you can call isAuth in your code.

isAuth(function(){ //do something  });

Login modal will reveal if the session is dead. When you re-login, your code will work with callback.

via Laravel News Links
isAuth package checks if you are logged in and provides login modal before post requests if you session is dead.