Laravel Impersonate UI – UI for impersonating Users

composer require hapidjus/laravel-impersonate-ui
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Hapidjus\ImpersonateUI\ImpersonateUiServiceProvider"
return [   /**  * Position of icon.  *   * Supported: "bottom-right", "bottom-left", "top-left", "top-right"  *   */  'icon_position' => 'bottom-right',   /**  * Show Impersonate button.   *   * Trying to save some clicks?  * Then this is the option for you! Select a user and BOOM -   * form submited - user impersonated. No need to click any  * pesky buttons.  *   */  'show_button' => true,   /**  * Globaly include laravel-impersonate-ui.   *   * Or use this view: @include('impersonate-ui::impersonate-ui')  *   */  'global_include' => true,   /**  * The URI/Route to redirect after taking an impersonation.  *  * Use 'back' to redirect to the previous page  *  */  'take_redirect_to' => 'back',   /**  * The URI/Route to redirect after leaving an impersonation.  *  * Use 'back' to redirect to the previous page  *  */  'leave_redirect_to' => 'back',  ];

Have fun impersonating.

via Laravel News Links
Laravel Impersonate UI – UI for impersonating Users