Laravel Scavenger

Laravel Scavenger

The most integrated web scraper package for Laravel.

Scavenger provides the following features and more out-the-box.

Scavenger is highly configurable. These configurations remain for use the next time around.

Below is an example of a typical config file structure, with explaining comments.

<?php  return [  // debug mode?  'debug' => false,   // whether log file should be written  'log' => true,   // How much detail is expected in output, 1 being the lowest, 3 being highest.  'verbosity' => 1,   // Set the database config  'database' => [  // Scraps table  'scraps_table' => env('SCAVENGER_SCRAPS_TABLE', 'scavenger_scraps'),  ],   // Daemon config - used to build daemon user  'daemon' => [  // Model to use for Daemon identification and login  'model' => 'App\\User',   // Model property to check for daemon ID  'id_prop' => 'email',   // Daemon ID  'id' => '',   // Any additional information required to create a user:  // NB. this is only used when creating a daemon user, there is no "safe" way  // to change the daemon's password once he has been created.  'info' => [  'name' => 'Scavenger Daemon',  'password' => 'pass',  ],  ],   // guzzle settings  'guzzle_settings' => [  'timeout' => 60,  ],   // hashing algorithm to use  'hash_algorithm' => 'sha512',   // storage  'storage' => [  // This directory will live inside your application's log directory.  'log_dir' => env('SCAVENGER_LOG_DIR', 'scavenger'),  ],   // different model entities and mapping information  'targets' => [  // NB. the "rooms" target shown below is for example purposes only. It has all posible keys explicitly.  'rooms' => [  'example' => true,  'serp' => false,  'model' => 'App\\Room',  'source' => 'http://myroomslistingsite.1demo/section/rooms',  'search' => [  // keywords  'keywords' => ['professional'],  // form markup  'form' => [  // search form selector (important)  'selector' => '#form',  // input element name for search term/keyword  'keyword_input_name' => 'keyword',  'submit_button' => [  // text on submit button (optional)  'text' => null,  // submit element id, use if button doesn't have text (optional)  'id' => null,  ],  ],  ],  'pager' => [  // link (a tag) selector  'selector' => 'div.content #page a.pagingnav',  ],  // max. number of pages to scrape (0 is unlimited)  'pages' => 0,  // content markup: actual data to be scraped  'markup' => [  'title' => 'div.content section > table tr h3',  // inside: content to be found upon clicking title link  '__inside' => [  'title' => '#ad-title > h1 > a',  'body' => 'article .adcontent > p[align="LEFT"]:last-of-type',  // focus: focus detail on the following section  '__focus' => 'section section > .content #ad-detail > article',  ],  // wrapper/item/result: wrapping selector for each item on single page.  // If inside special key is set this key becomes invalid (i.e. inside takes preference)  '__result' => null,  ],  // split single attributes into multiple based on regex  'dissect' => [  'body' => [  'email' => '(([eE]mail)*:*\s*\w+\@(\s*\w)*\.(net|com))',  'phone' => '((([cC]all|[[tT]el|[Pp][Hh](one)*)[:\d\-,\sDL\/]*\d)|(\d{3}\-?\d{4}))',  'beds' => '([\d]+[\d\.\/\s]*[^\w]*([Bb]edroom|b\/r|[Bb]ed)s?)',  'baths' => '([\d]+[\d\.\/\s]*[^\w]*([Bb]athroom|bth|[Bb]ath)s?)',  // retain: whether details should be left in source attribute after extraction  '__retain' => true,  ],  ],  // modify attributes by calling functions  'preprocess' => [  // takes a callable  // optional third parameter of array if callable method needs an instance  // e.g. ['App\\Item', 'foo', true] or 'bar'  'title' => null,  ],  // remap entity attributes to model properties (optional)  'remap' => [  'title' => null,  'body' => null,  ],  // scraps containing any of these words will be rejected (optional)  'bad_words' => [  'office',  ],  ],   // Google SERP example:  'google' => [  'example' => true,  'serp' => true,  'model' => 'App\\GoogleResult',  'source' => '',  'search' => [  'keywords' => ['dog'],  'form' => [  'selector' => 'form[name="f"]',  'keyword_input_name' => 'q',  ],  ],  'pages' => 2,  'pager' => [  'selector' => '#foot > table > tr > td.b:last-child a',  ],  'markup' => [  '__result' => 'div.g',  'title' => 'h3 > a',  'description' => '.st',  // the 'link' and 'position' attributes make use of some of Scavengers available properties  'link' => '__link',  'position' => '__position',  ],  ],   // Bing SERP example:  'bing' => [  'example' => true,  'serp' => true,  'model' => 'App\\BingResult',  'source' => '',  'search' => [  'keywords' => ['dog'],  'form' => [  'selector' => 'form#sb_form',  'keyword_input_name' => 'q',  ],  ],  'pages' => 3,  'pager' => [  'selector' => '.sb_pagN',  ],  'markup' => [  '__result' => '.b_algo',  'title' => 'h2 a',  'description' => '.b_caption p',  'link' => '__link',  'position' => '__position',  ],  ],  ], ]; 

The following words may appear in context above.


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March 2, 2020 at 09:25AM