Eloquent Double Entry Accounting

Eloquent Double Entry Accounting


Eloquent IFRS

Build Status Test Coverage Maintainability PHP 7.2 License: MIT

This Package enables any Laravel application to generate International Financial Reporting Standards compatible Financial Statements by providing a fully featured and configurable Double Entry accounting subsystem.

The package supports multiple Entities (Companies), Account Categorization, Transaction assignment, Start of Year Opening Balances and accounting for VAT Transactions. Transactions are also protected against tampering via direct database changes ensuring the integrity of the Ledger.

The motivation for this package can be found in detail on my blog post here

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. Usage
  4. Getting involved
  5. Contributing
  6. Roadmap
  7. License
  8. References


Use composer to Install the package into your laravel or lumen application. Laravel IFRS requires PHP version 7.2 and Laravel or Lumen version 5.0 and above.

For production

composer require "ekmungai/eloquent-ifrs" composer install --no-dev

Then run migrations to create the database tables.

For development

Clone this repo, and then run Composer in local repo root to pull in dependencies.

git clone git@github.com/ekmungai/eloquent-ifrs eloquent-ifrs cd eloquent-ifrs composer update

To run the tests:

cd eloquent-ifrs vendor/bin/phpunit


The package installs with the default settings as regards the names of Accounts/Transactions Types, Report Titles and Section names as well as Accounts Codes. To adjust these settings use the Laravel artisan publish command to install the ifrs configuration to your application’s config folder where you can edit it.

php artisan vendor:publish


Full documentation for this package can be found here.

This simple example covers the four scenarios to demonstrate the use of the package. First, a description of a Cash Sale to a customer, then a Credit Sale (Invoice) to a client, then a Cash Purchase for an operations expense and finally a Credit Purchase (Bill) from a Supplier for a non operations purpose (Asset Purchase).

First we’ll setup the Company (Reporting Entity) and required Accounts to record the Transactions. (Assuming that a registered User already exists):

use IFRS\Models\Entity; use IFRS\Models\Currency;  //Entities require a reporting currency $currency = new Currency([  "name" => "Euro",  "currency_code" => "EUR" )->save();  $entity = new Entity([  "name" => "Example Company",  "currency_id" => $currency ])->save(); 

We also need the VAT Rates that apply to the Entity:

use IFRS\Models\Vat;  $outputVat = new Vat([  'name' => "Standard Output Vat",  'code' => "O",  'rate' => 20, ])->save();  $outputVat = new Vat([  'name' => "Standard Input Vat",  'code' => "I",  'rate' => 10, ])->save();  $outputVat = new Vat([  'name' => "Zero Vat",  'code' => "Z",  'rate' => 0, ])->save();

Now we’ll set up some Accounts:

use IFRS\Models\Account;  $bankAccount = new Account([  'name' => "Sales Account",  'account_type' => Account::BANK, ])->save();  $revenueAccount = new Account([  'name' => "Bank Account",  'account_type' => Account::OPERATING_REVENUE, ])->save();  $clientAccount = new Account([  'name' => "Example Client Account",  'account_type' => Account::RECEIVABLE, ])->save();  $supplierAccount = new Account([  'name' => "Example Supplier Account",  'account_type' => Account::PAYABLE, ])->save();  $opexAccount = new Account([  'name' => "Operations Expense Account",  'account_type' => Account::OPERATING_EXPENSE, ])->save();  $assetAccount = new Account([  'name' => "Office Equipment Account",  'account_type' => Account::NON_CURRENT_ASSET, ])->save();  $salesVatAccount = new Account([  'name' => "Sales VAT Account",  'account_type' => Account::CONTROL_ACCOUNT, ])->save();  $purchasesVatAccount = new Account([  'name' => "Input VAT Account",  'account_type' => Account::CONTROL_ACCOUNT, ])->save();

Now that all Accounts are prepared, we can create the first Transaction, a Cash Sale:

use IFRS\Transactions\CashSale;  $cashSale = new CashSale([  'account_id' => $bankAccount->id,  'date' => Carbon::now(),  'narration' => "Example Cash Sale", ])->save(); // Intermediate save does not record the transaction in the Ledger

So far the Transaction has only one side of the double entry, so we create a Line Item for the other side:

use IFRS\models\LineItem;  $cashSaleLineItem = new LineItem([  'vat_id' => $outputVat->id,  'account_id' => $revenueAccount->id,  'vat_account_id' => $salesVatAccount->id,  'description' => "Example Cash Sale Line Item",  'quantity' => 1,  'amount' => 100, ])->save();  $cashSale->addLineItem($cashSaleLineItem); $cashSale->post(); // This posts the Transaction to the Ledger 

The rest of the transactions:

use IFRS\Transactions\ClientInvoice;  $clientInvoice = new ClientInvoice([  'account_id' => $clientAccount->id,  'date' => Carbon::now(),  'narration' => "Example Credit Sale", ])->save();  $clientInvoiceLineItem = new LineItem([  'vat_id' => $outputVat->id,  'account_id' => $revenueAccount->id,  'vat_account_id' => $salesVatAccount->id,  'description' => "Example Credit Sale Line Item",  'quantity' => 2,  'amount' => 50, ])->save();  $clientInvoice->addLineItem($clientInvoiceLineItem);  //Transaction save may be skipped as post() saves the Transaction automatically $clientInvoice->post();  use IFRS\Transactions\CashPurchase;  $cashPurchase = new CashPurchase([  'account_id' => $clientAccount->id,  'date' => Carbon::now(),  'narration' => "Example Cash Purchase", ])->save();  $cashPurchaseLineItem = new LineItem([  'vat_id' => $inputVat->id,  'account_id' => $opexAccount->id,  'vat_account_id' => $purchaseVatAccount->id,  'description' => "Example Cash Purchase Line Item",  'quantity' => 4,  'amount' => 25, ])->save();  $cashPurchase->addLineItem($cashPurchaseLineItem)->post();  use IFRS\Transactions\SupplierBill;  $supplierBill = new SupplierBill([  'account_id' => $supplierAccount->id,  'date' => Carbon::now(),  'narration' => "Example Credit Purchase", ])->save();  $supplierBillLineItem = new LineItem([  'vat_id' => $inputVat->id,  'account_id' => $assetAccount->id,  'vat_account_id' => $purchaseVatAccount->id,  'description' => "Example Credit Purchase Line Item",  'quantity' => 4,  'amount' => 25, ])->save();  $supplierBill->addLineItem($supplierBillLineItem)->post();  use IFRS\Transactions\ClientReceipt;  $clientReceipt = new ClientReceipt([  'account_id' => $clientAccount->id,  'date' => Carbon::now(),  'narration' => "Example Client Payment", ])->save();  $clientReceiptLineItem = new LineItem([  'vat_id' => $zeroVat->id,  'account_id' => $bankAccount->id,  'vat_account_id' => $purchaseVatAccount->id,  'description' => "Part payment for Client Invoice",  'quantity' => 1,  'amount' => 50, ])->save();  $clientReceipt->addLineItem($clientReceiptLineItem)->post();

We can assign the receipt to partially clear the Invoice above:

use IFRS\Models\Assignment;  echo $clientInvoice->clearedAmount(); //0: Currently the Invoice has not been cleared at all echo $clientReceipt->balance(); //50: The Receipt has not been assigned to clear any transaction  $assignment = new Assignment([  'transaction_id' => $clientReceipt->id,  'cleared_id' => $clientInvoice->id,  'cleared_type'=> $clientInvoice->getClearedType(),  'amount' => 50, ])->save();  echo $clientInvoice->clearedAmount(); //50 echo $clientReceipt->balance(); //0: The Receipt has been assigned fully to the Invoice 

We have now some Transactions in the Ledger, so lets generate some reports. First though, Reports require a reporting period:

use IFRS\Models\ReportingPeriod;  $period = new ReportingPeriod([  'period_count' => 1,  'year' => 2020, ])->save(); 

The Income Statement (Profit and Loss):

use IFRS\Reports\IncomeStatement;  $incomeStatement = new IncomeStatement(  "2020-01-01", // Report start date  "2020-12-31", // Report end date )->getSections();// Fetch balances from the ledger and store them internally  /** * this function is only for demonstration and * debugging use and should never be called in production */ dd($incomeStatement->toString());  Example Company Income Statement For the Period: Jan 01 2020 to Dec 31 2020  Operating Revenues  Operating Revenue 200 (100 cash sales + 100 credit sales)  Operating Expenses  Operating Expense 100 (cash purchase)  --------------- Operations Gross Profit 100  Non Operating Revenues  Non Operating Revenue 0  --------------- Total Revenue 100  Non Operating Expenses  Direct Expense 0  Overhead Expense 0  Other Expense 0  --------------- Total Expenses 0  --------------- Net Profit 100  =============== 

The Balance Sheet:

use IFRS\Reports\BalanceSheet;  $balanceSheet = new BalanceSheet(  "2020-12-31" // Report end date )->getSections();  /** * again to emphasize, this function is only for demonstration and * debugging use and should never be called in production */ dd($balanceSheet->toString());  Example Company Balance Sheet As at: Dec 31 2020  Assets  Non Current Asset 120 (asset purchase)  Receivables 70 (100 credit sale + 20 VAT - 50 client receipt)  Bank 50 (120 cash sale - 120 cash purchase + 50 client receipt)  --------------- Total Assets 240  Liabilities  Control Account 20 (VAT: 20 cash sale + 20 credit sale - 10 cash purchase - 10 credit purchase)  Payable 120 (100 credit purchase + 20 VAT)  --------------- Total Liabilities 140   --------------- Net Assets 100  ===============  Equity  Income Statement 100  --------------- Total Equity 100  =============== 

While the Income Statement and Balance Sheet are the ultimate goal for end year (IFRS) reporting, the package also provides intermediate period reports including Account Statement, which shows a chronological listing of all Transactions posted to an account ending with the current balance for the account; and Account Schedule, which is similar to an Account Statement with the difference that rather than list all Transactions that constitute the ending balance the report only shows the outstanding (Uncleared) Transactions.

In the above example:

use IFRS\Reports\AccountStatement; use IFRS\Reports\AccountSchedule;  $statement = new AccountStatement($clientAccount)->getTransactions();  dd($statement->transactions);  array:2[  ["transaction" => ClientInvoice, "debit" => 120, "credit" => 0, "balance" => 120],  ["transaction" => ClientReceipt, "debit" => 0, "credit" => 50, "balance" => 70] ]  $schedule = new AccountSchedule($clientAccount, $currency)->getTransactions();  dd($schedule->transactions);  array:1[  ["transaction" => ClientInvoice, "amount" => 120, "cleared" => 50, "balance" => 70], ] 

Getting Involved

I am acutely aware that as a professionally trained Accountant I may have used some conventions, definitions and styles that while seemingly obvious to me, might not be so clear to another developer. I would therefore welcome and greatly appreciate any feedback on the ease of use of the package so I can make it more useful to as many people as possible.


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/ekmungai/eloquent-ifrs/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Write tests for the feature
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  6. Create a new Pull Request


  • Complete Documentation
  • Add Multicurrency support
  • Add Receivables(Debtors)/Payables(Creditors) Aging Balances analysis Report
  • Add Cashflow Statement
  • Add Changes in Equity Statement


This software is distributed for free under the MIT License


This package is heavily influenced by chippyash/simple-accounts-3 and scottlaurent/accounting.


via Laravel News Links https://ift.tt/2dvygAJ

May 12, 2020 at 09:45PM