Sequel Ace MySQL Client for MacOS

Sequel Ace MySQL Client for MacOS

Sequel Ace is the sequel to longtime MacOS tool Sequel Pro, a popular go-to application for many developers to manage MySQL and MariaDB databases.

Sequel Ace takes the torch as a fork of the popular Sequel Pro app, (which was itself a fork of CocoaMySQL). If you’re not aware, recently, Sequel Pro has become somewhat unstable, frequently crashing for many, and developers are generally flocking for other apps.

In light of the state of Sequel Pro, collaborator Jakub Kašpar opened an an issue on the sequelpro repo with the following description:

Hey everybody!

After months of complete inactivity on this project, and months/years without any release, the time has come and community took over and forked Sequel Pro.

For months there was also no activity from Core team on Slack, so I think this was and is the right move. With almost 1100 open issues, it’s currently not likely to make this project alive again.

I updated Readme today to let everyone know what’s happening and I’ll pin this issue.

New project is called Sequel Ace and is available also on Mac AppStore.

Please refer to the new project and give it a try –

If you find any issues or you have some feature request, open an issue there, not here in this repo.

Thanks for your patience over last couple of months and I hope we will be able to keep this project alive under different name.

Thanks, Jakub

You can install Sequel Ace from the App Store or through the MAS CLI:

brew install mas-cli/tap/mas
mas install 1518036000

To learn more about Sequel Ace, you can get installation instructions and view the source code on GitHub at Sequel-Ace/Sequel-Ace. We will have an eager eye out to see how Sequel Ace progresses, and hope for the project’s continued growth!

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via Laravel News

July 8, 2020 at 09:22AM